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Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 38

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PAGE 38, WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCirOBER 23, 1991 n a rw no luanforsst eh.s Wbitby. Maksteel Steelers minor peewee AAA hockey team continued its unbeaten ways with a 4-1 victoe!y over Markham on Oct.19, at Iroqùais Arena. .Vauou.im o up a hard-workixg Brent LazarY for the winning goal. Tom Lawson perforMed well in goal wbile aided by -Matt Caàpsn, who.-in bis defensive rôle, n ÈO ec.20iPeebruh Oinhtctor20sinaPrb roedho ega fatolsin drmwhoe te SLe ale qtdran . deathey Steolr.e wmtdon- o em.by SUNDAY AUCTION THIS -SUNDAY OCT. 27 1 P.M. - PREVIÈW NOON AT THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB, 133 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY - PARTIAL LST ONLY Save moneyl Buy ait auctk>nt Antiques, reproductions, traditionat househotd effects, etc. for the estate of Bessie Raglan & others * including formai 9 pc. mahogany dinin g room ste.,3 pc. antique hch-wk bedroom set, pine ward- robe, jelty cupboard, washstand w/harp, open washstand, superb oak sideboard, gramaphone, varlous partour & occasional tables, 3 pc. f lopper sofa set (1920s, mint), 6 harvest table & 6 hoop-back chairs, several toveseats, assorted crocks, belis, prints & pictures, Oriental carpets, f lat-back pine cupboard, oak & pie bookcases, trunka, dressera, chests, oul lamps, parlour chairs, bow glass china cabinet, round table & chair set, pine boxes, dressera w/mirrors, vanties, duck decoys, iron toys, bonnet cheat, jam cupboard, extension oak table & chairs, gtass, china, brasa, copper, crystal & other amatI wares, pess-back & other rockers & hairs, cheval mirrors, curio shelves & stands, plus, plus. Terma: cash, cheque (Visa, MC 3%). Snack bar. Delivery available. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2082 519-345-2426 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY OCT. 25 - 6 P.M. 3 Ml. EAS1' 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 9 po. watnut dining room ste., 4 pc. modemn bedroom ste., watnut hait table, chesterfield & chair, watnut partour table, Queen styte coffee & end tables, refinished round oak pedestat dininp table w/2 leaves, wooden rocking chairs, Hitachi apt.-size wasner & dryer, occasional chairs, modem dressers & chesta of drawers, wooden f iing cabinet, çonsote cotour TV, bar f i ,qty. wooden & metat office d mamtai f itîng cabinets, 303 rifle, 22 Mossberg rifle, Cooey 12-gauge singte shot gun, table saw, 4 wood tathe, 1978 Ford 12-ton truck, box trailer, qty. cobalt blue glass & oldmris Ptease note these articles that were advertised tast week are here this week. 4x8 slate-bottomn poot table, Winchester 303 model 100 rifte w/scope, Sears 10" radiai armsaw, potter kiln, honey extractor, 1HP ohnson outboard motore & 121 atuminum boat, plus a qty. of picture f rames, china,- glass &cottectibte items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For hetp, cai the Denise Flouse for Women and Chitdren. Toit free- 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerty Auberge.) CINDYS ALTERATIONS -- Update your fait wardrobe, back to sohoot otothes, ait kinds of atterations and customn taitoring. 101-1/2 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes, 430-6550. Tues-Sat. COMPLETE PARALEGAL ser- vice - uncontested divorce kits, simpte wilts, immigration matters, etc. 668-1689, 24 hours. THANKS TO THE BLESSED Virgin t-ly Spirit, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, St. Gerald and Marguerite D'Youvitle for favours received. MHR BIRTH CONTROIL and famity ptanning counselling. Free and confidentiat, aVl/aiabFe Monda y to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4-,10 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. For further information, cai 420-8781 or 433-8901. ST. JUDES NOVENA - O Holy St. Jude, apoatte and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of ail who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you 1 have recourse from the depth of my heart andJ humbly beg to whom God has given such greatd power to corne to my assistance. Help me In my present urgent petition. In return, 1 promise to make your name known and cause rou to be invoked. Saythree Our Fathers, three Hait Mrs and Glorias. Publication m uat be promised. St. Jude pray or us and atl 'who invoke your ai. Amen. This Novena must be said for nine consecutive days. RF. IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, that's your business. If yoù want to stop, that's Ours. Calil ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020. St. John Ambulance The-need never changes. Î,-I[l,"Y ~1 PR1E~T: FR OM PAGE 25 M8 Do y70 W tes] aamotuzed -ort Iat govormont laIo epenuivd? If ithet, vhat clmngos vauld you adiocaté? Wbat about a tai frSez? hI hat amesasdo you tee)that.idgnlfcant cutsin luxpendtures moud b. ma&? Do youame auj arm,. here vmme. mght b. lncreaed? What la jour podtien on uaktvalue amacuameut? Taxes are a. state of mimd. Al levels of govenment have overextended their powers te, impose taxes. As a country, we are overtaxed and overgoverned. The only way te employ a zero tax increase in Whitby would be te bring more industry. Nothing is free; the more we grow, the greater the demand for services. In order te control taxes, we must take a serious look at the budgets o! ail departments. There is no doubt m* my mid that considerable waste is prevaient. A co-operative review of capital expenditures, staffing, produc- tivity and debt muet be studied. I do not support market value assessment as unplemented in other jurisdictions. Newer areas are complete with ail the anienities; older areas are not. It is unfair to excessively tax the older areas, they have been taxed for the services they receive. To double or possibly triple their taxes without a firm commitment te upgrade the older areas te, the standard of the new areas, defies logic. To raise taxes in one ares, simply te, lower taxes in another ares, is bardly consistent with the thecry of fair and eqm*table taxation. Should there by any consideration of equalizing taxes, it should only be implementedon a gradual basis, and then, only with the equalization cf amenities and, services. 14. I a bread perapetivo boy do jeu view the. barbage criais md hat updfic utaps e Sdyou adyccts to manage it? Ar thon Mz~W C lead«derhp bIntivem "aWbitby could The garbae criais, in a word, is a "disaster.' Millions of dollars are being squandered te, site landfiffl in the GTA. I have long been an advocate of using abandoned mines te site landfill and making use of the very successful intermodal rail systemn te transfer waste which has been used ini the United States for quite some time. As a regional councillor, I would initiate a movement to try te influence Ms. Grier and ber mininstry te re-evaluate the enormnous benefita of 'The Nortbern Ontario Oton'l commonly» known as Kirkand Lake Area. They are ready and willing te accept our waste. This option of course would bave té be in corgjunction with a compre-7 bensive recycing prograrn and waste reduction. 1 M gmL Souwconclb. bluet? Amre i.arda tS bWOnly the east ward should be considered as possibly being reduced isize. some mecharnismp ut in place that would permit the removal o! corrupt politicians before the end o! their term should investi- gations of acts of mistrust prove guilt. 17. Are thoro any acddltional loues which you tee] are important? Yes, there are some ... (a) senior citizens -- they are a very important segment o! the community and their needs require more attention and sensitivity by- politicians; (b) we require more ice surfaces to enable our youngsters to take prt in figure skating and hockey. Iamn told more than 150 were turned away from the se activities due to lack of ice-time; (c) railroad crossings -- we should start now to 'eliminate al crossings witbin our boundaries. Obtaining necessary funding from various levels o! government and the railways for grade separations or bridges is a very slow process. The sooner we start, the sooner the reality. 18. What ln particular dlfferentiates you fror youl. opponente? -My sincerity to serve the people of Whitby and the Region o! Durham with no business endeavours or other self-interest.. Omnipotence bas no place i local poiticis as politicians are not elected to rue, tey are merely custodians o! public property and should competently handle the finances o! the municiç1alitY. I subscribe to that philosophy. Crime Stoppers and Durhamn Regional Police are askring for the public's help i solving a sexual assault that occurred in. VWtby. on Sunday, Sept. 22. During the earlymorng hours, a 165-year-old girl was attacked while wal nrtbud on Thickson Rd. N.. just south of Pinehfili d.Te attack took place on the east allée of Thickson Rd. oný a grassy boulevard next to a wooden fence. The suspect is described as male, white, 5'8"-5'10" " medium build with dark hair and a possible ful beard. The sasectis believed to bave been wearing an orange coloured bai cap, darkésiurt, light b2lue and white running shoes. Crm topr wU a up t $1,000 in cash for information lead g t pe arst-ofthe mae rsosbefor this sexUl Similar rewards wMl be paid for information leading to. an arreet in an y serlous crime. The Durhamn Regional Crime Stoppera, hotline is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours per day, sevienidays per week. The phone number can be'dialed from most areas o! the ~j»,free of charge.. If this number is long distance, you cari eal'oilect or call th1rough your local Durham Regional Poli-ce number and ask for Crime Stoppera. . CaIls will neyer be traced or recorded. You will flot be required to identifSr yourself or bave to go to court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Regfional Crime Stoppers and writes this article to help combat crime. IL 1 16. Why do you rosi tii.t the. pueraipublic la w al.ipoliticiun? What vould 7041 do as an edcted October is councillet vhlch mlght aUeviate that attitude? U-NICE MonthCynicism is rampant among the electorate; unfortunately some politicians have perpetuated this attitude and have fortified these feelings by their actions. Politicians at aIl levels must take TeSonsbilty for the anti- politician syndrome that prevails. Nïepotiom, .influence-peddling, confict o! interest, breach o! trust, etc. are sonie o! the reasons for such nijatrat. I arn not capable 0f these gen rou ly!deeds-; I have strong, convictions Give e e o sy regarding these waknesses-d tfil7è IV 4 .4.74 DUNDAS.,CENTRE GUARDIAN DRUGS 220.,Dundas.St. W. .Whitby Open 7 Days a Wýek including Hofidays FREE DELIVER-Y Ait Drug Ptans'Accopted WH ITBY URGENT, CARE WALK IN Medical Clinic 220 Dundas St. W. Whitby No Appoîntf rent Necessary 668-7899- 1

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