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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 33

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wgTBY FREE PR s, t Wip1electRion a CT u loB r 3,I9, AEA PulcPho or Ti e e.-Mao LYNDA BUFFeETT i. Wint lu a ponutclun vothW it pay Incroos lu" itjasaitvmcta r coonciloruMWo thennd tbreu M e oi ah ucruusabe vtaditnluclosaititur asaloniWoit jasm popr.oaafy rmoee jouruif fm mch a muid? W" ouldjorefus un lncumae vhch iboa votai at mach a»Mm Nay icreases shcld b. decded by those whù are electod se that tii. public cari scrutùnie terdocisiosend make each on.econtbe L. Vinat p~ubtim o de jadacoulr Unheoplationa whvslaDo jota foui thelu suefiCiont opprtunlty for publeic npat? Do yas fed 'ti.t active mteaayeW Segropa vofit be a bolp or> bliirnet. Unemunicipal germmt Wbitby council, unlike many otiior mumicipalities, holda more public meetingsoat the lann stage se that tiie publicelias the. opotnty ta continue ta provide input. I feel tbat community organizations and ratepayer groups? input la essential tahelp council deal with ailides of any issue. The~ area necossary part &. If ySuknsv tint Yso own ition on a .pocfic hué bore ounchl wuset sida wth the majorty or osostitontawhlch way W" ityoS vota? Councillors and the. mayer should voice the. concerns cf residonts to oütier members of council to reprent thoir needs. It is alsio imjitntto take a stand on major isues that wil provide answers that are in the. intorests cftiio Town as a whole. 4. Do 700 tblnk WhitWy gu voenmabau bern, too ucretive inths P"n? If wvint ciangss voold you mai? Do you fool tit matt4rs csnlng boore counil uhoohitbe iven more pubUlty te Une co.mmty as a vhoweWoohit jotaudvocate tUlt agenda, reporteanad backgroumt nfordmationbe modle avuilablu l to todt citism a a inimum o ao qblt nmeig at vhlch tlnY Ail matters of public intereot are weil publicized ini the newspaper Iirougii ada and witii letters to allbcted area residenta. Signe are aise, posted in eacii LYNDABUFFE¶1r ,Age 4o, resident of Whitby for 15 years Owner of The Benefits Group, an employee and pension consulting firm appication. gong beforo counil to allow other residents the. opportunity to speak to these matters. However, the matter of councl agendas being propared earlier for the public is a'matter I introduced after being elected. UnfortunaLtely, the present council feît difféently. Tbis matter will likely b. reintroduced with the newly elected council and a decision can la made thon. &. Are yo mtl.Ied wtthen pmaM tunittc devoopen lu Wltby? Are yasmtl.fiod t tin t weeitrolloff Wlut probma Ive ySe -or do yu foruse? The development of the pat 10 years las been at a record settingpacand has left the' industrialdevolopment behind ini proportion> to belancing oui overail tax base. As a rosuit it has placed tremendous posr on tieTown tokeep pace with the growing needs cf residents. vouid you de te peuontw avod Wt 1Tis ina a problom cf iisundestandiiig cf the planning rocem New homieownors who ave recnti Moved from tiie Tôronto area froen established and fully developed oemnto have noer experenced this procese before. On. solution is to provide printed, material to now rosdents that explains how municipal planning and tiie officiai plan will affect them and wiiy public meetings are an esoential part of the respoeisbilty w. have to gather therirnput on these applications being preSented to council. Our consultants in reviewing our new. official plan have informed us that' funding is available to our mumicipality to provide thisedaioa proce.I1 SEE PAGE A3 TOM EDWARDS 1. Wbt la a politcin voriaWht pay innuus mit SWyas advocate for councitor.rer Uhena nothtIarejen? souldach Incrousaho vo"i luncloait ioor .Inal? ndWoulit jas peruoally rmove jourmoif from mach a mos? Woulit you neftmaamlnoeoaae vhch hait boo voti et mach a asuuoa? The stipend should la sufficient ta, ensuro that ne person is denied the. opprtunity ta, run for office because tiiey do not have privato, means, or because tiiey do net have a salary which will continue in their absence froni their regular employmenit I amn highly suspicious of tiiose candidates who declare that tiiey will forgo ail or part cf their stipend if elected, unless tiiey acted i this fashion on somne earlier occasion when tiiey were in receipt cf a council stipend. On a number of occasions, I have introduced motions at botii Whitby and the. Region whicii would have tiie effect cf introducing a three-person salary advisory coinmittee: on. person representing business, on. representing labour and on. representing tii. community at large. This committee would la = vded with salary comparisons frmotiier towns and with jobs similar in responsibility ta counclilor. Sucii a committe. lias worked very efficiently in Toronto and elesewhere. It would remove some of the stigma of giving yourself a wage increase, and migiit reduce some cf the. mistrust witii whicii al politicians are viewed., 2. What reaponsibltiesedo 700 bol e counciDor hba tovarda Individul cosatituontsa ndt tovarla the pcpulation aeueavhalo? Do you bol there in sufficiont ccpprtumity for public input? Do jas f"u that active tepayers'groupa moult ho a holp or a hindrurca to tUn municipal govemment I value input from botii individuals and organizations. I strive constantly ta acquire sucii advice. I make a point of seelclng the views of a variety cf people in TOM EDWARDS Âge 65, resident of Whitby for 37 years Retired varlous occupations and ro'fiessons about issues hi our Tow. There is notiiing 1k. a strong, well-informed ratepayer group ta iielp a council apply a proper focus. &. If you knev that jour own postion en a speclfic isueu before council was at odita vith the majority of jour contitumeta hich vay vould josa vote? In the main, 1 tend te carry out niy major responsibilities which are te, make decisions, after due and preper consultation witii a variety of people. 4. Do josa think Whtby'. gcvormnmnt hma boa tooc mrtive in the pat? If so vint changea vouIt you make Do ycu foolt hat natteracocming befoe council uhoulu h gai mo mre publicity tlutUn ccmmunity as a vbcle? Would jou a socate that agenda., report aM tbackgrouandi nrmation ho muade avulable lu lntwaostd citisasa a minimum of a fev day. belot the meetings at vhich thoy von bing diecmssit I have voted consistently over the. yeara ta release the agenda at the earli.st possible moment. I find it no handicap at ail that a resident of tii. Town has read the agenda before I haveiand wants ta lobby me. In these cases, I listen ta the' position belng poeited, get the background information and thoen respond ta the enquiry. It is necessary ta hold some closed meetings, b ut they should only la on matters of legal significanco wiiere the. Town might la liable, matters involving negotiations and. of, of course, personnel matters where an employ.o's character might la affected witiiout that, person having the. right ta la present te, give hiafhor poition. Regrettably, even a saltawn like Whitby ruas into tiios.situations on occasions. I have found secret meetings ta, la a detrifnent, on occasions when I have taken a positon contrary ta the mgjority and because of the. confidential aspect SEE PAGE A2 GEL-RRY EPM 1. What lu a politcien voria? it paj lnneeas mt oul a oadvocte for counclhlou.«r thennad thmyjureShi d mumch incrm eaah Vo"i lu cloSei itor amasi ?W"ouitja porunalj renove joursoif froamachb a @"«0on Would jota nefuao an incnosao hich, hait born V"ti et umhae sommas hItaugh tes like these, rm prepared te suggest a hold la put on at least the. iayoe>s salary. Over the last three years, WhItby ceuncillera voted themaelves substantial increases wiiicii certainly didn't show leadership la keeping taxes in lin,. I would aloavocate that council askthie province ta, do away witii the tax-free allowance ail councilors receive on one-third of th.ir lacome whicii, in ligiit cf current salary levels, la ne longer needed. 2. Vint rospoalbhittea do jayoot a coundflr ba» towm matluviduatContftumnaunit tomnt the pop"lton se vinleDo jotalestthom l .uffico oppotumty for public inut? Do jas bdl Ut ativeaopm ru guou Wultbo a hdp «r a hindrxm et. te Unicwps gueamt Several cf the isses raised in your quetonnaire 1(opcifcaly, numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 16) could la addressed by more open municipal government. I feel agendas siiould la made available ta tii. public wel i advance of meetings, se that constituents know what's coming up and can la readY ta, give input if they wisii (and arrange te, attend!1). Public meetings should la iield frequentlY and early enougii in any procesa se -that reSidentaï input can la incerporated lafor irreversible decisions are made; closed meetings siiould la kept te a minimnum. Greater efforts siiould la made by ailsegmenta of municipal government ta infoem the. public cf the. reasoning lahind decisiens. BY being more open and aiiowing a wilingness te) listen ta, people and incoprt their iews and wisiies ita the. decison-making process, elected represlentatives can go a long -way, GERRY EMM Âge 52, resident burn-for 34 years Business owner of Ash- taward restoring people's faitii and trust in politicians. Greater epenneos would enable Whitby townspecple te se. wiiy decisions occasionally must la taken in the interest cf tiie Town as a whole, instead cf at the. preference cf on. neigiibouniiood. If sucii a decision can la siiown te la based on independent, unbiased investigation, one that fairly exarnined ail aspects of the, situation and teck ita account ail input, people will la more willing te go along with that deicison. If studies appear ta have been designed ta support a dLecision preaeteriiuea Dy councîlilos and staff, Whitby citizena 'have every right ta la cynical about the procesa and the wiiole systeni. I also feel thiat la disputes over new development la .stblihednoegbmheboods% , w., haven't even begun ta, explore the, be fta that prope buffering cocjd achieve, la it with landscaped larms, screena of trees or open space.- 3. If jota knev tint jour ovu position on e .pacli& hmîoboire councilwmuaut o"da ithatUn msjoeyitymouncoaitueua bi" vaj vomit jasa vote? As #2. 4. Do jota tiank Whtby% gv« m h»tbau o toc creive inUthepad2?If S vint changS.voult jasa main? Do jo ouitint mattors comung brion counchl ahouit ho giena monpublicity tlutUn casnmunity us a vhoe? Would jaudvocate t aendan. rermtsaMitbahgrund inftmatiosa ho made evullabis lu Inlatweicitison a aminimum cf a 1ev daja boir e nmsetlug at vhlich they mon bdngdicussel As #2. &. Are jasa setialet ithtUn po e unit tc derehopuoent lunWhltby? Are yosa mtiUdtint It i. vont costreoit? Vintprobmna baveYODe mn-«r do jon Ifore The. paceofc evelopment bas slowed over the. past few years due te econonic conditions rather municipal efectîon supplement Whitby Free Press

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