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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 39

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Cent~ re PBÉS:M1ICiPiètonc ill Ã"T'Ã"PÀrA KEITH ARRIS: Centre ward FROMPAGEA5 I do not know whether Whitby% igowvrment bas'been toc secretive in the pnst. What I ,ily is% flectedsecrecywl neyer D~y my way cf conducting business. I think communication with WhitbWy'sresdents on matters comIng befor. council ,cmn b. improved. W. can do more than what ia just requir.d by law. Our olgton is greater. ol advocate that agendas, reporta and background information b. mde avilable te interested citizens a minimum cf a few day. before the. meetings at which they were b.ing diucussed. 5.Are po @U d.d villatlb. ace snd type et devoomui luWblipAreo. tifmd Ibat it la viiic..a'.De mfit ubenave 700MMor I feel strcngly -about the pao. cf dovelopinent and the taWpeof development. Tih. pac. cf devlopinent has far outreached the. nfltatructure ne.ded te, spotitin a milareas, iLe., sewers, ronds chos, recreation etc. Development is gtood wh.n it .mcv.. in harmony with the. ne.ds of the coenmunity as a whole. Development is bad when it mcv.. in hamony with the desiesof th. few. Developinent can, for the mont part, b. positive when its pao. le sufficient for grcwth in areas cf the'economy which promot. jous, tai revenue, the envirement, "ocal con- science and architectural b.auty. Achieving thie mlx is the challenge cf government- I l'tbink the * Procm or devlopinent. i. welfcontrolled from--aà rlegalperspectiÏve. I think the. probem lies in the proceos cf not being open enough te public scrutiny. Ti ulcbsne control and, ehrefore, -feels heipleas te affect positive change in Idevelopment proposaIs bafore 1The. problema I fores.. are a continuation cf the proleins w. have now - a lack cf sufficient acoutmblity te th. constituenta, the. naturel consequence cf which is a lack cf responsble govrnmnt in IWbitby. D.velopment will only b. reéàponble when citaiens have direct input inte the planning procesa. This is. why I arn advocting a poicy cf direct paticipation or ' direct democracy'. a. NUMHYInM<uaInump bock psrd)ha bicomrMne a cmon pullem in municipal politicu. vint vould pair do te provînt il or avoid Il? In -a democra.cy, people have the right te, voice their opinions about NIMBYism, or any other 'isin'for that matter. There is nothing one can do 'about NMBYism, and I am nont sure whethnr, on. should even try. If you attack NIMBYin, ycu are attacking the. rightof every citizen te speak i. mind. You are attacking a fundamental right of fr-e. speech. 7. Wbcro do pou fnl liebalance ahoulci xia baent ua. b privaI. properlp rigita uofIndviduala bath 'architectural contraI and Si~é ~ân éonttôt>wltbifl At subdivision ar~eIî~t developers. l'hue, I feel there i. sufficient control at pressent. IL Do ypuafnl liaI the ambienc fe a tasad ee mtm d (Ubin tmpwotat te tihe cMmuniip sa" 0f a.n n" & pufl aep ould 700 dw ote te I do feel iabience cf the old cor areacf Whutby is imiportant .te preserve. I understand -an smtt"cf the provincial legisiature ýallows communities the opDportunity te preserve certain*-Uàins as historic sites. 1e. Do pua agies vlhha lx'.. ctrol by-law ubich vould proteci ire.. on private asu eli su public lUn& I b.lieve old trees should, whenever possible, b. preserved, especially on public lands. I feel old trees on private lande should b. preserved'through negotiatien net legislation. il. Wha t la 7mwviaicofathe Whitbp valettr? Hov Importn apublic acoad? The Whitby waterfront should always remain readily accessible te the public, thereby ensuring its enicyment fer generations te cerne. Whatever improvements are made wiIl have te incorporate a community vision. My personal vision includes preserving the. natur-al beauty, a dlean environment, architectural harmony, recreation for. ail and, accessibility. Ii n C ple, I am in favour cf the ie te refurbish the. Centennial. Building. I do, net think it should b. pald for by the. taxpayers. I feel it should b. paid for by contributions from private citizens through fund"ion activities. 18 Do pou tedwv e aotmd or lia sgevOmat u u. mpuve? If dthar, vin obage voldpo advocte? Wint abo" a t«i toal btaMas de OpofUni gullicmant ut updLturma muid b. m"d? De 7yS - WinaIm I. our podutm e measnst an aauat? I do feel w, are cv.rtaxed. Gov.rnment is only expensive because cof its inherent rilght te-- tax in order te meet prqdected .expenses. Instead, goenent should operate more lie a tpcal family household. Whitliy tewn council should set' a budget, and then live withln it. Municipal governinent should neyer project coes and then set revenues te meet those cas by simply adusting taxes up accordingly.> I advocate tai increases. in concert with the. rate of inflation. This would in effect constitute a budget. Exponses would then fal within this budget according te priority. Significant cuta can b. made by simply net initiating many new expensive prograis or pro.ct. Rvenes analways b. inc.aed b maingWhitbW,' business limate mor tratv te new comparies starting up or thinling cf relocating here. A concerted campaign te attract new business ia always helpful. I arn opposed te market value assessment. thtteneeds'cf residents'in woin locations- differs grestly frin those in othor locations within the. mare ward. 11. WIds& fulbd tbthsOMMI PUMU kchW snlltidu Int vouli jus do m anu ecte W" vbiguulbiaetbut ame T1%. general public is anti-politician because it perceives itSelf as shut out froni the decision-making procees - except on election day. Ibis is why I arn advocating direct participation cf WhtWs% citizens in. the. day-te.ayrunning et -venrnn 'Direct demooemcty in Whitby woeld enaur voter confidence- i * <its elected r pr.aiv becaume the. voter would knowh. or ah. could directly affect the. outcene cf deciis pr.ently being made without their input. 17. Amre liam epadàütimd à bMam bc ubda ameimpoRlant? Y..Ichallenge every other candidat in the munmicipal elect e adpt a simi ir.c isring tbi eadnsc bt a repnil n ccemtal 18& Win& tu putlcukr d ymtas film I am a a 'diret d.mooeacy candidate, therfefr, 1 oaa guarane. reponuble and, acomale gvrmn -- other, candidatSn éidy promise- JOHN SOUTHERN: Centre ward FROMPAGRA5 (a) A councillor primary duty la te repres-nt the wishes and views cf teir constitutents, plus te exercise-judgment on what would be in the best interest for the conununity on issues. (b) If I was elected, y.., there weuld be sufficient opportunity for public input, for I would b. abl. te b. contacted ail day long se constituents could voie their pointtof view more easily te me. (c) Any group can very eaifly become misled on issues, oo I have ne direct stand on this point. a8M lyS knew tbat yorown po.tim m a achcamms bdtor.council vaset .dd& wIth ithe mvory our contt"tuswbhbwa yS u (a) My piton cf vote would be for what would h.lp my constituents in the most lopical way. 4. 1Do You tblnk Wbutevw tbps bsm u ha ta. sacrtie l In at"? Ifs. wba cbanu. wmld pofa mak e ou fa. i tMmtUmi I mi a oomunitp au a wbohW ycu te Ut or a f.w dapa bdmtohe . ne aI ntw" h tq (b) rd explain tea constituent if contacted about an issue tbat confused them te tthe beat of my o, such an action coeld pou ce a'lot of confusion in Our c xnunity. (4)No, because that ac4tio, c 4uld stimulate a lot of ~ntment and confusion in lepeoples? nunds. .Au yS mtishd wthhthe paoead tmpet d.vmlmd inasWhuhby? Ah. yoS mtied thlai it la w.ýI otrcll.d? Wbat poblama have 7y S mmor dopa. fSwmf ()No. ()No. (c) The probleme that have e4ierged have put a lot of stress on somne existing- communities wbien developm.nt bas not been properly regulated. Two problems tliat are very apparent are achool eiiroment and trafic problems. M«Yi butfll (ntlu mp bock yj aro)ls boum. aca ODPMbMien lumisdw lpolitca.Wlat wS uai 7do te lu vot iworavdd it? NBYin is not, ini my eyes, a prblemif residents have a legtimteargument that they cam back with true facts. Residents' views should be listened to. 7. Wiiu'.de ySa fnlthebblne aoud<aat bMew Ue p*i te oepM yrigfi ndvduals sudtii cllalle gts et a co.maanlty or ugbbhoour? Do 7yS fnlthe. municpl a rnM u iiud d.velop mcccnimnutoeumforc (à> The balance should be at a p9int that allows the community the rights te function for the good cf the community without Infinging on the private property rikhts cf residents. (b) Only when sach an. action would benefit the community. bd Dopahaltt diaipacuatrob ab uM adb. impl= ntiluns Cam ate e.a.ar. t n n oeUmtinthin anluting d.vlmpd armas 1RALPH BA j Whitby Hyro conforma te l aelg buildimis or do peu bd ltint cont.Usaa.atb la inPlace uMWartue fcia" Plan uni swilng 4,aa am adeqate No comment, becaue 1 have not done any researcii inte tuis issue as yet. 9. Do yu bd liai tue ambkn et.the lbad oer ame a<Wblhbp ta Important tI.tUn ommmity axa if as vint qefl fic votaiYpu a vosate te pos.ewvoe? No, because if developinent cf this area cculd improve -and stiulae omalbtterment ln this aren, it could b. a benefit for the Town's residents. 10. Do p om gie. ila Ire. ml kWbphvwhtci v"ou& panucttrMsoprivaIs s va »aspublic la As long as it stated in the -bylaw that if there was legitimat. proof that a tre. wae causing problems in the communityr it could h. remov.d. IL. Wit a mvion alU Witbym valuo Hov Important in puuli Mmea (a) It, as other axreas in Whitby, needs en'vironmental improve- ment. (b) It le very important te k.eep people aware cf corrections that need to e miade. 12. Ame poutu faveuar etlin Plan frtue cantemlalfl i w"mHvaeiubopalifu? (a) Yen, because it wotild create a gd lac in the. comnmunity te =U=.the ariing cf residents. - (b) T1%. majority c f the coot should be. gath.red trug dontiosand the. provincial gvrnmentcould b. sked -te mû. Up the balance.* 18. Do pou felveamareovortais'or liaI govrant ta tua expenuv? If alait. vial change',vuali pou advocati? Wbat about a tua fr'. i? a vat areàs do pou feeutnt aguliat, culs la oapuadttur'.s c<ua a1de ? Do pou no w amas@vinrereverne mght b. Incriaseffl Wh inat a pur Poiton on marot .valu. aene (a) Yn te bathi points. (b) I feel pay eut. should .b. put on every Canadian politician'. wages- (c) It would not b. an ethical, solution. (d) By reduding politicians' wages, a significant eut in expenditures could b. made. (e) Revenue s hould b., increas.d inte, environmental and wildflife projects. (0) It is a good, estimate the value fair way te cf goodu for gaxhage rai. sd what opfcfle stepa would ySi (a)Tlhe, a e criais could be allowed to, b. disposed of in platic bogs, and other disposale CIec bets were fot allowed te, dimddin garbage dumpe. AIse, if garbage was left exposed& te the elements for a period of time, it would, then b. able te, decmpoee more than it dons now at landfill sites. Leaving abg expomed would make it aýaiIabIle te, scavenging animais who could remove, a considerable amount of it. Such simple tactics could, over time, become more efficient; than the present landfill site method, that is being used te dispose of garbage now. 1& Im uo oncilb. bigotA» e th t S~I (a) les. a possible consideration. (b) The present wards' divisions contain toc many different needa and concerns in them for coumcillors te demI with and solve properly. Dividing the Town into, wards that contained similar problems and needs wcld help, coemcillors gcvern them essier and better. M8 W1by doe jufueltl.t the. genot public lua. an==u=i=n Wa wod jySdo » am .lected. counillr wlcb lgb ae at iattitude (a) It is because the present politicians are toc secretive and closedfaed. (b) IfeélectedI woudtry and be more cpen te, constituents Who, wiehed te talk te, me. 17. Arem . am addicoe taIsawblch ySu bde ame Imputant? I will b. able te b. contacted a day long so, I could hear the views and commenta, cf coeistituents on issues or problems within Wihitby. M8 What in parulrrdlffoeemata um 7oe ponudd? I will not have the burdene cf another job or faxnily te ineer with my duties that 1 wiIl obtan if In elected a councilor. SHIRLEY SCOTT FOR CENTRE WARD COUNCILLOR NOVEMBER 12TH 1991 Combinig: Sound Business Experienoe and Extensive ColmunIlity "e *~~ 4Q a FOforSirtyct ToBeA FULL TIW municipal efection

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