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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 42

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PAGE AlO,WWM 1'YFREE PRESS, Municipal eptioni 91,OÇTOBER,ý TEWHITBY OHME F COMMNERCE and Junior building on Oct. 24, 25 and 29 for candidates in the Chamber held election forums at the Whitby municipal upconîing municipal élection. NoteadCuci' BRIAN "WICK:. North ward PROM PAGE A4 I feel the more laws you have, the harder it-is ta enforce them. I arn not currently aware of a problem with this. S. Do you fei that deuign contrela should b. !plemén, ntedlMme, Caa t ementhat nsw cosrcion thln uzlsting devMoped amia conforma te eidsting buildings or do you bel thet controls preently in placé under the oMfciaiplan snd Sonlng by-lawa an adéquate? The procedure currently in place gives everyone an opportunity ta comment on the deig of an impending development. Aquck oo00 h downtown seconday plan indicates some vr specific guidelines ta b. olowed whon planning future deeopment there. Architecturai design is constantly chanqing so you have to keepyour nund open ta, new ideas.The trick is ta, keep new developnxent compatible with existing designs in the saine nei hbourhood. Areas of contention will include building heights, exterior materials, open space and parking designs. 9. oou fui that the ambiance of thé old core ar.s oW limportant to, the communlty and If no wbat aeoflc stops would you adycca t t prerve it? I feel the arnbience of the old core of Whitby is very signifficant ta the preservation af our histary and heritage. It is important ta remember that construction taday will be an important part of aur histar in the future. How will the new development taday be viewed 100 years frarn nowî? Will it stand the test of time as our histairical buildings have, or will toda:ys newly constructed buildings be replaced with more modern buildings in 50-75 years? I arn more concerned about the threat of destruction of older buildings, than the effects of infllling and new construction. 10. Do you apée wth a trée control bj.law which vould Pretet tes on privae as e as public lan? If trees over a specified diarneter are ta be cut for 1development, a bond should be poed Iwith the Town ta cover the replaceipenitof those-trees, or some other suitable arrangement made ta plant one tree for every tres cut. I amn jroud of the fact that crprd ta rnost cities I have Whitby is built in a forest. I would like ta see this practice continued. il. What 15 your vision o! thé Whitby waterfrot? How important la public accèe? I would like ta see moat of Whitby'swaterfront preserved as park land; however the harbour Mnay continue ta Le developed into a peoplo Plac.After ail what is a harbour without boatsf Aithougli the lake front may bo preserved as open space, it need not necessarily b. developed inta landacaped pea land. 12. Ar ino l fvour of the plans for the CetennialBuilig How should It b. psld for? I feel the plans are good and should be p aid for out of the generai tax ae I&. Do you fWe we ame ovetaxed or that go'mmnt le too «xpensive? If either, what cans would you advocata? What asbout a tax r? In what &as do you fui that ignificant cga inl expenditurés could b. ma&? Do you se0 mmarmes where revenues mlght b. lncréaed? your position on market vlue I feel Whitby could do more ta reduce the propery tax burden on its residents, unfortunatelyi would probably mean Îess services. An example of this is the change ta twioe-rnonthly collections of the blue boxes starting in February 1992. Capital projecta could bo supparted thr-ough fun*raising or more co-operation with service groupa. I think market value assessment would bo disastrous and ver/ unfair ta the older cornrunity withinWitby. 14. In a broad perspective how do you vlew the Sa"bg criait and what specilc stops wold yau advocate to manage It? Arm thére anyupéclic leadership initiatives that Wbltby could tae? I think it would make more sense ta pick up recyclable materials Weekly and other garbage every two weeks, contrary ta the recent decision of council ta cut waste management cots.. People wýAoùd b Y or inclined ta frecyçle if the pick-up service is more convenient than general garbage disposal. TeNIMBY woldn't have a 200-acre, dump- in their backyards ta complain about if most of their garbage was recycled. 15. Should councilb. bluet? An.the warde too I think there is enougli representation on council, however the ward boundaries could bo m'oved ta allow a botter balance of. population for oach councillor. The needs of the north ward residents differ from those of the townh proper. North of Taunton Rd. les pnmarily agricultural land. The services available ta these residents are restricted due ta the sparse population. Do Wydo y.fou f Ithat the génral public la sn antl-oltlclan? What would you do asun mlt.d councflor w1dch mlght alluiate tht attitude? Generally peopleo are anti-politician because they fool they are paying too rnuch in taxes and noed ta blarne it on someoe. I think that keeping rny constituents up-to-date on matters that affect them will go a lon way tward aleviatighs feelig. Iwould propose that al the councillors uend out a quarterly newsletter ýas Ajax councillors do. 17. Are thèe. .y addltlonal Imues whlch ySu fnl . nasurvey I sent out in July, Nor.th Ward residents comrnented about the need for a public\ swirnnu*ng pool more convenient ta, the hundreds of children living here.* Other items on the wish list included: another ice pad, a bail diarnond, senior's VANDALS* recently smashed an election sign in front of the home cf regional councîlor candidate Jim Priet. housing, and aftirdable housing. The largest response wvas for an. expanded' Enn rormand botter protection'ofarm land. I&. What in partcular diffrentiates OU ftum pur opponuiti2. I arn highly active in community service work. I have chaired the Heart & Stroke Foundation fundraising carn- paign in Brooklin, for the last three years, increasing the number of volunteers Ïad total contributions annually. Ini 1987 1 was Charter residont of the Optimist Club. of Brooklin. My dedication and involvement in this service, club lias made it one! of the most visible oranzations in Brooklin, rgdedicated to provicling prograrnafor.the youth of the conirmunity. As a Boy Scout leader during the last il years I have lead the Cube, Venturers and the Group Comiittee. MY involvement in these ognzations lias helped -me to ses he needs of the community from the grass roots. I feel that serving on council is an important extension of the service work I arn comritted ta., Since I operate a sign business and a 'vidoo business. in downtown Brooklin, I arn in contant contact with the local residents. Through my. education -and working experience, I have developed excellent skills in business administration. These sIilsl will be a valuable asset to the council. Having run for north ward councillor three years ago, I have kept reasnably well up-to-date on the changes in town policy and direction. I arn an eager listener even if rny views are different frin yours and I arn a tearn plaYer when it comes ta, wordOwith others tawards specific gas RAPHBLANK Whitby Hydro- Ilectric Commissiopn Authornzed by th. OFO for RaM>h 8n, Ilor municij efecti

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