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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 46

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~ÀGÈ Ài~ FRE~8S, MUDIoi~II ehictloix' 9iEas Ward CouRncilli6s DENNIS, FOX ' East. wardý FROMPAGRA13 The. net ward ile ii. aree and mnt populated area mi WMithy. W. ar e ii.coomic centre in tbis Town. W. bave more- buoineeses, more industry sud w. provide more tax dollars tda any other ameamhiWhitby -- sud yet the ' ambience' cf the. Hwy. 2 and Thicheon Rd. area je non-existent. 1 believe it je time for council, in co-operation with the. business community, te implement a 'formai' civic improvement prograin. Tii. beantification of my word je my prxoity. M0 Do poum gm villa a tise contrci bp-law uNhl vouldproatettrouaon pite @a WOU »ar public bu&i The protection of our trees je veiy important sud w. should try te, do everytbing to preserve them. 11. What la pair vidothelb.Wlby uatu«froet? HoW impotantla pubéi e ama Wbitby' waterfront must bhaa people placew*thifull aces. It muet b.d.veloped carefully, providing a van-etl of iousing styes paklud ndpublic amens t tii. waterfro)nt. 12. Are pou linfrour cf the planaor thei CuonllBuilding? Hou ahoMithbe paUlW I amn very much in favour of d.veloping .tiie Centennial Building inte a cultural centre. Hopefully, corporate donations, devlopment levies and public fundraising - can ha applied, without going tethe. taxpayer. M8 Do poudfuel oareovrtaxd «or t =oonmotle too ezpenavM? If tinr, vhat cino oul poeu advocte? Whet about a tax S'en.? lu vhat am» do ypu bdel llt egulficant cula in ependtures culd h. mad&? Do pou m aiW arma whoee rwousuugth looai Whtin laour poilu, on m Sainilam auamut? Yee, I feel we are ov.rtax.d. Prom bicorne tai te tth. GST, fromthe. provincial concentration tax t, ei tire tax - I pay al thes. taxes, too. I iionestly halieve tha tb tii sending haUie d both the. federal and provincial. governmente are cuit à( control enid 'poeM the, cont cf th.fr PZo management onto ti Over the. put thre years coundilbah rergaized every, d.partm.nt toe i point where erydepartinent in on. or two' pieoeshort. Our staff are hard M~ and bave responded positive y to tua situation and, St the. samne timo, proide an excellent level of service te tth. public. Council bas been able te, doalithis andestill bring in atax increase cf only 3.4 per cent - far below the. rate of infion. If we can do it, why cant the. other two levels of government? Ii. ony way to, implement a 'tax freeze is te fire staff and cut back on service. I really don't believe that the. public are ready te, accept that scenario and nor siiould they bave te. I cannot support market value auesentuntil'sin. provison is available te, thon people Wiio are on a flxed mecome. I will not ame anyone put out cf their borne because they can no longer afford the. taxes. 14. la a bmisipumpctie hom do ySuiew 1hu prbqp elles ad vint qmedfic daps vouui ySz advocte ta uaznp Il? Are linamaz aeefi c led Iitati.tit MWhtiy <oel tala? The. garbagecrisis wiil ha tth. number on. issue of thia decade. Every municipality will bave to, wrestle witii tus problein. As a coirunit, Wbtby leads the. wa i.area of recycling and comostng.As a coumil, we are attem t t cut cout and, St the. saine time, we are trying te get people te recycemore. W. bave aise provided the. region with a composting centre on Garrard Rd I.- iÎiraC," add tbat council negotiated this deal by insising that Wbitby gets tis service fre. This saves the. Wiitby taxpayer toufne0 dollars in tipping fems 1&~ o .ud OM h U 141 Am. theyardton, I dont halieve that we n.ed te) increas. e tii. set 0<couneil, howewr,ý the redistribution of ward boumdary lines is oeuetbing that councilwMilbave te on sider in the.near future. At present, the. population breakdown looke sometbing like tbIs -- nortii ward 4,000, weat ward 12,000, centre ward 12,000 and .ast ward 28,000. Now 1 want te, make mySelf perf.ctly clear - 1 do not like the. idea of relinqminfg any'part cf my ward. However, in oeder te, equalize reýFpreseton, I feel thaithtei.re-drawing of wards igiit.hast serv e i.public. However, before any decision is made public, input would certainly ha part of the process. 1&. Whp do pou&foui tnthe'.guan«i publie in .o alpltdaue Whet woud pou do «a n lecto cudlrwhlch miglt alBelate tint attitude Tii. general public bas every rigiit te, disliloe politicians. They bave elected people into positions' of trust,, and that trust bas been violated far toc often, particularly at the federal and provincial levels Of government. Unfortunately, tbis feeling cf disut often spills ever to council. I can trutbfully say that since being elected tbree years ago, Whitby council bas worked bard for the. people in this Town and bas tried te do tii. hast jo poswible. As a councillor, I try te represent tii. people te the. hast Of my ability, and I arn always accessible te, thein and I look forward te their input. I bop that this is wiiat people look for mn a representative. 17. Arm tin. &W pad«ltll iiu hicla po fEl ame imputant? I halieve that 1 have covered the. major issue, as well as my position concerning tiiem. Except for one - the format for the.«'al candidates' débat.' whicb is set tý y the. Chamber cf Commerce, m~i my opinon, improper. Asý an elected member of coinciI feeltat 1-and a cunil candidates ahould b. debating at thie same forum. ht should not bave been split over two nights, with the. ward. councillors debating witiithe. trustees. I feel that tuis format only confise ti issues. M8 Wo in pucul adffumat.sou kmo luopaw l'm not backed by any political partyî. My mots ini tuùs conmunity camie fr-om my involvement in iiomeowner/ratepay.r 'assoc- atione, service clubs and home and school groupe. Plv. represented the. concerna of east ward residents at council long before I was ever elected, and lve represented tiiem after being ,Iect.d. ]Pv. been involved in my conimunity and I know the issues and the. people -- my opponent doea flot bave this knowledge nor the exporience to do the. job. 1 have aý proven track record or rersetM thi ssus i an hneat -and fair way and thats emacty wbat 1 amn dcing now. Tihe only time my opponent geta involved withrhhis community is at élection time - any election, wh.tier it b. federal, provincial or for anothor try at municipal.,6 By bis own admission4, tii reason h. i. running is so no on. will b. acclaimed to office. Wells that offers tii peeof thi.e pat wÎÎ nothi g- o ircton, no vision, no l.adrsbp and no axlaation of bis platfoem. I bave the direction and proen eadrshp and most of aU., 1V xpaidMy pfltform.1 doWtCv'eto worry about satisfing a political part~y hefore I vote onan issue My job isto represent the.Fie of my ward -thats wbat ,as lected to do and wilI continue to do.. FROM PAGERA13 11 Ame pouilu four d th. plana for the CentennialBui~inHouaud"Il h. paid for? I amn in faveur of the plans for tue Centennial Building. I ugesttb thtei.caste fotthe cente sioulbhasplit among the. province 60 per cent, tue Town 30 per cent and private or corporat. donation 10 per cent. M .Do pou foui voare oortaedelor tn gwernment la tSeipuîdwe? f ither, vint chn y ol ou adocateWint about a tax freezeluvit arma do pou Sel tint .lgniliaut cula in ependiuroa couid h.mm.? De pou me uam auhu'. reenues MU lgthInereaed Wint la pour pouffion ou market value aaeament? Yea, I tbink w. are overtaxed due te, duplication of services, a bureaucracy that is tee large, sloppy accounting sud waste sud poor fiscal sud economic Hocie at tii. senior 1evels Of govermnent. I tiiink that municipalities tbrougiiout the. provinces are getting a poer deal from tii. senior levels of goverrnent. I particularly abject totei provincial governrnent mandating proE-grame sud standards but providng ne fimnding. I halieve tbat funding for education sbould be removed frorn property taxes. Revenues ce id h increased by requiring more favourable concessions from developers.I arni' faveur of -' market value assmn provided tiat it isfazed in ever a period of five years, and includes 5m.e protection for tuose boneownrs on fix.d incomnes. 14. lu a broad paractive how dopau i vew the piinage <rimansd vint apedfic "ip a ud y= adiocto te mamnbeIl? Are tiare@W -adoitl b.aihp iaitiativomtnatbp cuillJ- To iielp slve tue garbag crisis, w, sbould continueu increase ldm. a c¶te create les gabi4ge. %% could provide leadiersiip by developing a- more omnprehensive recycling similarte tbat i cr«u siiould ha d.veloped. I& ihould cundi h. blgmn? Arte i vadatS If WMhy continues te grow, councl will have toretbiU er.In terme cf numbers ofpeOpe te hab served by on. council"or I tbik a level of 20,000 people is about tue limit, if people want te b.e assured of good service -freiin their memb or of coundil who is worIng at the. job on a part-time basis. M6 Whp dou, u l tintthlingenuel public la am entl-pcliiin? What voul pou doeam an cetel councillar vhlch miglt aflovlate tintattitude? Watch the TV any night sud it is cear wiy pepe are o passes witbout sorne new scandai being revealed or some evidence of siioddy hahaviour coxmng te, ligiit. I would try te alleviate this attitude by hamng very open about my lifestyle, speakcing plainly sud clearly on issues, not indulging in grandstanding sud by haing consistent in rny stand on issues. 17. Are thmar . adddiimm 1 bich py= fbd ame important? I amrnont confortable with the. planning procesa in this Town. I would 11k. te me more oppoetunitiee for ut finm non-staff people draft plans are developed. M6 Win talupatcular diffumatm te pu frum My traiin igeograpby sud geology as a teacher, sudini real property law sud business law as a real estato, broker sud FR1, provides me with a soud basis for makin decisions related te, planning, t4q. a~wntsd contracte. ON NOV. 12TH ELECT FOR COUNCILLOR EAST WR WHITBY G EOFF RI 1SON TO WORK FOR A GOOD) QUALITY 0OFULIFETHROUGH rUM'. PLANNING FOR BALANCED DEVELOPMVENT *BUDGETING- Good value for youf tax dollars.1 *PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION- Regular and reliable servie. sRECREATION- More facilities.HM0 " ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION- Hugh standards; maintained and HM'r0a401 enforced; increased recycling programs; polluters pay- " CONSULTA11ON-COMMUNITY INPUT- No'more closed-door salary 3 increases for council. IF YOU WILL HELP THE GEOFF RISON CAMPAIGN OR LuKE OT WULL TAKE A SIGN IPLEASE CALL: GEOFF RISON 666-1135 or DON WARNE - 668-5372 ',,j~ S~ZAUTHORIZED BY THE COEORqMWIF RISON GEM'OFF RISON: East ward. WHo is THE ONLY MAYORAILTY CANDIDATE TO VOTE AGAINST USER FEES FOR THE USE 0F BASEBAL DIAMONDS AND SOCCER PITCHES BY THE YOUNG PEOPLE 0F OUR TOM EDWARDS. DECISIVE, INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP FOR THE 9O's, Authorizuiby the C.O. for Tom Edwmrts I i -~I V P0 i

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