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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 47

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wHrrBY~FRBEPRES& Municual election 'PI. QQPQBER 8Q. ~29I~ X~AÇ~ AISE J OB BUGELUI Age 44, lifetime resident of Wbitby Owner of Computer Com- position of Canada DO Do jas fouitheiqualily of education lu adequata la meutthu nobeUdaMtdy% vorkforc I do not believe that the quality of education ie that easily ,quantifiable. There are many aspects te education which, if iproperly implemented, cen be tailored te fit the neede of moot aspects of the work force. 2. Do ySu fouittthu qmHlty or eduction la imcàin. o wiln o aylng about l"n m? Wb hange. wul jSaadvocme 'Education,' being an all-encompassing word, consiste of so meny elements that it would b. impossible te define in the framework of the question. Arguments cen b. made te support whichever view one holàs as te being the over-riding issue i education. & Jpulng for the met dn u Pvnm% contraiW«eccurrculum, vi h nge. vOsaid os 1kUue o m In ht aur oholatoeh *One ýcannot ,ignore 1the- SEE PAGEA17 MARTIN TURPIN' Âge'50, resident of Whitby for l6years Private investigator i. Do jasafoui tin qualtj fducation la adequte lu meuttheinonm@daof= dawwvokforc No, because our students are having a difllcult time competing for a share in the shrining job market. Cempanies are having te compote in the. global economy and they are looking for'moe skilled employee. 1. DopySa feltintt lin=qat oiducatan la lmpcovlng, duclldn w or" a- & bout tlin mme What chan"guSkSai aaadvocte? I am concerned about récent 1rends that indicate over one-third of high echool students are dropping eut. What I would advocate in su expansion of the. co"opprograme wiiere etudonts cen combine education with real worid experiences. A procees could be "u lmented te identify at a =ystae «at rws students in order that they can b. previded wth the. help they require. Thie idea of enlisting youth workers in. addraing -z'x n.I'ArÀl FRA4NK CANNATARO Agè 42, resident of Whitby for three years Program information offi- cer, Ministry of Revenue 1. Do you fwu the quanlty et educatlon lu equato lu meut lhe noodeof toduyb vorkfacd? No.. 2. D)o yasouiathat lhe quulty or educaLlon lu improvlng, declnlng or .taying about the marne? What changes vauld jadvocate? Staying about the sanie. Would 'reform' the curriculum, be more selective in the education proces and be very selective- in the iring of teechers. &. Jgunong tht l"nmarn entl.prolvledu cntraiMveccurrculum, vint change. vuMd jas liho me u uin at as""c u fhalch Greater emphasis on the three Ra. Put m' place a better 'technoloWy system for the students toe endoy, e.g. computers, data bases,4 etc. 4. MmM Mthefe ha manre rPhaelu On 'beelce Uaauldthon be àutadarlit~.lr Yes .... especilly i the langug and writing dkill. Yes ... te see how students are rated acrosa the country, te judge SEE PAGEA7 JEANNErE WINDFELD Âge 58, resident of Whitby for l6years Secretary 1. Do pSi fiaithequalty af education le adoqualu la m" eutlned ats odavrhfcre? The quality of education is adequate, but I believe the school syteni muet ha prepared te keep, Pace with the rapid technobogical changes in the word of today sud, even mors importatly, the world of taorrow. W. muet prepare aur studenta fer their future responsibilities in the. workforce sud/or as parents, coenmunifty leaders and educaters. 2. Do 7m afel tint the qualty or educallon le lmptavlng. uhcling or taplag aâbout the. mme? Wnt changea vasad pou advacalu I feel that the quality cf education has kept pace with technology, but neede to b. firmly based on the three Bs. & ~ ~ ~ h Igalgfrlnmomet "inproolacea «mrau aeccuriuum, vint changewsmvsal as 11k.o lan laitOr minai.teach I would 1k. te s.more stress SWEPAGE i? VIC DI CARLO Age 8, resident of Whitby for eight years Mechanical/industrial engineer, GM 1. Do you foiteqaiya ducallan lu adequate lu muettho eode cfda avarkfcc? 1 feel the quality and type of education needs te change te meet the. neede 0f today's industries. We muet get back te basics, get students involved in work ternis.- promote and esteblish apprentioeship. pro- grams, etc. If we were doing an edequate job, there would not be frequent shortages of skiled tradesmen, given our historical higth unemployment rates. 2. Do you fuel that tie quality of education in Improving. decling or utaylng about lhe mme? What change. vauMd jasaadvacata? I believe our systen isj stagnant. I advocate baksice standards, bursaries for excellence, work terme and apprenticeship programe coun- selling. We aise need te monitor wbat other succeseful countries are doing. 3 Jnorng fac In marnent lin proiaemh contrai amec curriculum, vint chan"e.vauld jasa like luo lu in at aur schaala tuch? The curriculumn should stress the basice and teach our children te be tough, independent sud patriotie citizens. The neede 0f Our customers (iLe. future employers) need te b. covered. Free enterprise principies ,(L.e. etart and run emall businesses) need coverage as well. 4. Should ltha bemonempn az*ce Shauld thor a ouabrdledling I believe in basices ad etandardized testing. &. An re If hW ain hquytem? If uo, vint are tlny? Wint wauld jasa vant elmixted? The budget wiil have te b. cloeiy crunzed in these teugh economic times. &. Ar e ore vhchh yj asabeve cecelve taS muchlta litho ftanding (for ample. Agein, ail aras need te b.e ire-eveluated, priorities- set, pendis shar1ened, in line with out goals. I here should b. no sacred cows. 7. Do jay u eWtt duoelataxa. Ssam ttSc hlg? If uC. cm on jasapagget yulcontra thons? Taxes are too high; we muet analyze what has caused. the excessive increases over the past few yeare and take stepe ta retýuce cSse. S.D aafel thut uchal boa a hauld collect tI M minai taxe. rather in tb. I would not chang the tex collection procese unlese it'could ha proven that; doubling this service would save us money.I doUbt it. 9. Amre jasinu fuvor ing or .ame fo&itie. unI! mu vio b helnpublic &Mal upmte ucWd.at.aa in cruuttoavaadidplication axa coeucwe Servces sud facilities sho;-uld ha shared' hatween the echool JUODY MORRIS Âge 43, resident of Whitby for l4years 1. Do jaa ou é inhequultjor educatlon la adeqarate lu muet lin needa aet tday% vorkforau? I feel that the teechers are doing their jo well. I feel that overil'the qualit3y of education je adequate. H4owever, I wouid like te ose more emphasis piaced on co-operative education sud ensurence that offered courses reflect the neede cf the workpiece. 2. Do yS fiel tthlinqsnltj afeducation lu impcovlng. dodlning w or pnabout lin mme? What change. vaud jySaadvacte? Catholic education bas traditionally emnphasized the teaching cf morale and values. In aur ever-enlarguig worid with an empiiesis beirigpiaced on secuierieni, ouw teachers are indeed chall egdte continue'te focus- their teachite ensure our students will have a good self-image sud are able te make their- contribution te their community. 1 feel that the quality of education is improving. Over the yers the ratio of staff te, student ha ncreeeed, more emphesis bas been put on group work reinforcing the sens. 0of commumity and the institution of programe such as the Reinbow progran have ail enbanced the quality of education. 1 would like te, reduce and eventually elimiatej. portables as I feel that they tençl tenot only ghsiclI searae.the students ~u aesomotinly diminish the comrnunity aspect of echool. a. Ignong forthinmarnent lim n onc contrai avec curriculum, vint chnges vau pSa 11ke tauMe l in ht aur acheela tu"c? Overail the curriculum je satisfatory and the rstem works well but I would like thers te ha more leeway te interpret the curriculum with mors empbasis on Cathoic morale sud doctrine. I would like te see a closer liaison hatween the echool board end business te ensure aur children develop ekille thai wiil b. needed in the workplece. 4. Should thon b. mone epiaaaiaon biac? Shaukd thece b. .tanuzdaclat~uizg I arn defilnitely in agement with an incrsased emphasis on the 'baksic.' Overal I feel childrsn are relying tee much on technology sud not enough on deveioping their own abilities whether mathematical or written. That. is net te say that they should not b. fiamilier with calculators, computers, etc. but they ehould develou the gifts they have been given. I amn in agreement with .teniderdized twdtng. I realize in some instaoees that'testing may ha upetting but tliere bas te b. a way of gaugigfflwbat someone *knows and is abl. te expres andfoe& 1Ifeeltbatwe all -bave te earn how te pivpare ourselves for upcoeing teekesud the ékills that we cm d.eoIG, wbile preparng for tests useful throughout on.e. life. ToO ODP4A Age 36, resident of Whitby for 13 years. Water treatment consul- tant 1. Do yau feel the quality of oducatton luj Éaet.to meut theneoda cftoduirb vorbfoece? Acroes Canada 44 per cent of today'sý jobs require post- Secondary eduction. By the year 2000, 66 per cent of the workforce will need post-secondary training. At present we are doubling our scientific knowledge every 10 years, even though 30 per cent of Canadien students neyer niake it out of high sehool. What seems clear is that the world of the future will require a* weil-educated workforce. Undoubtedly, changes in.the system are almost certain. The Ministry of Education is constantly amending . the guidelines and we. must follow their curriculum. I feel that the quality of education is adequate to. meet the needs of todays workforce for- most of the secojidaiy school graduates of the DRRCSSB. Most recently the separate echool board spent a tremendous emount of money in al of its secondaxy -echool facilities in an effort to facilitate each location with state-of-the-art computer roonis, mechanical and woodworIng shope iorder tu prepare whose who would b. interested in. furthering their education in these fields. 1. Do jaa uel Uttthe nlity af oducatlonlu lmpcang, duhling or .ta$ng Mbasatheb. mm? What changus vauhi jeu advatd? -Tiers je no doubt the eilidren of today are obtaining as good as education- now as they ever did. However, poils suggest and Support the concept Of overhauling the, education rocees, both provincially andp fit --à hi Morder to eep abreast wihtoday'schanging world. & Jgnarlng fartheinmoment lbthe vl M contrai avec curriculum, vint changel skvouiljs 11k.eln v min at aur mbi lech? 'fiers je ebsoluteiy ne reason te, have a separate system sund a public system unlese we are what: we profese: "A eyetem with -a difference!" The provincial gavernment legielates a conimon curriculum guideline for both 1systems. Ini addition te this curriculum our system muet continue te change by bringing more religio-us support inte our echools. W. live in a day sud age where the average age cf a priest is in hisearly 60s sud wiiers only 60 per cent cf our families attend mass on'a regular basis. More sud morsempbasiR wil be placed on theechoorestem te pick up the slack in an effort te maintain. good solid Catiiolic sund Christien values. Remember that society is judged, by the values which our childrsn bave. From a curriculum point of view we muet constant], update scientific, mechanicai asd computer equipment te keep astride with cmr international. -ats. - SJ2Af R6_ Separate School Boar municipal efection 7n Yr #ýli% lý 'l #.#,j 4 -t* miným lAtÈIS duo

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