*PAGE A16, WIIIY FRE PR-ESS Municipal election 1, COE 019 MA&RTIN TURPIN eparate Shôor PROM PAGE A15 problem situations could w.ll b. the. route.to explore. vemy hRingnn fr hMtthi 'o eli oi «emoa zr nIWcùIwwý ehachais voit je awte Mssina vat Mon*t.e«W <h . A etumn ,the'. basice with the. emphaness on science, Imat)' and language&. A ,,coMmon complaint ini tile business world today i. that young adulte commng out 0f our current sciiool syst.m Catnaot spel, read or write. As a trustee, I would elso empiiesize Catiiolic morals and values. 4. Simuldthue ho mon emphiencm'basbesi Shouldther eostandudmedt~liW I can se. meuït hiniaving a provincial metiiod 0f testing at al levels, not just at the. iigii ichool 1ev.). If w. are ta rais. the. standard of excellence ini our sciiools it must begin at the. .arly stages 0f education and continue tiirougii ta completion of Ihigi sciiool. thoy? What vould you want .Iinatud? I arn certain that tiiere are 'frilla' and I fe.) the. approacii tiiat siiould bu taken is ta, review the system presently ieistence and linunate tiiose items whicii do not add value ta tiie quality 0f education bing provided. 6. Are Uner. armas which jeu babievo recWve ton much/too lttle funding (forezampl.. transportation, PrOgrammj? The. question of funding is a very simple one. Sciiool truste.s and sciiool boards must learn it is unacceptable ta sp.nd more money than tiiey take in. Itii. area of capital expenditure, we should not mortgage the. future 0f out grandchildren. 7., De jedumteitint d milataas a tohO *%M 1 are too, iigh and emphasisonm producivity and value for evemy doUar spent must b. thiegoal for ev.myoes involved, inteeucation sysem. 8. DO eue&Wmitint O moiibndau coRs thair - n ced texce ratherthtion iUn /mimlcpalits SThe. last thing w. should consider is the. creation cf additioal bureaucracy ta col.ect achool taxes& I se. a need for mucii more emphasis to bu placed on communicating and illus- trating ta the. taxpaer the. return on money h.ing inv.sted. 9. Am eu lanfaveur etahhig et me es al"b amd ervices bmtvsanthe pule Md urte uchod syijut n slaodw toteavidi duplication a&M reducecomfi 0f paramount importance ta, me i. the. maintenance 0f Catiiolicity in the. separate school system. There may very weil bu aras wiere efflci.ncy and coat reductions could bu r.alized by sharing of resources. Peniiaps a co-ordinated approacii to transportation couid bu wortii exploring, as w,)) as sports facilities and 'siiop'areas. 10. Wbai do jeu thlofket b.yesr.reund ichool concept, to, begun on a emnlsose as a pilot project by the Durham BeoutfEducatim n IOM192 Wiiy do w, have the. system currently in place? I suggest tiiat, it is because of our farming heritage wiiem. childr.n were r=uedtaoasset- tiie frmers during ii.smmer montiis. W. are now faced witii the two-income family, working year round. The.move-ta y.ar-mound sciiooling could bu expensve; however I* would support n of this concept within our IL Wbai tho« r ruhMsdoe j e ln thel sdcum.1 ýqMew re veC IMM a j e. mai obe Modeaet the ugslos i bod bu ou mm . chool hooard system muet. b. ,openied-up ta e public at large. The. practice of .holding metng in the school board building, hld b. changed, ta meeting at different- locations within the. Région where it would b.eessier for concern'adpre t t participate. The pobem 0f teacher 'hurnm ot'cold b addressed by more cretive approaches ta personnel management. I would aLsolike ta se. much more effort put inta r.cycling at the. school level ta reduce the amount 0f waste produced. M2 What respmashbilitles do you foil a truste. bu towarda individlual constituants ad tovards the. population ae a whole? Do you feel there in sufficient, opportunity for public input? My mesponsibility as a truste. is ta provide leademship and input ta policies that affect the. running of our schools. I feel a trustee should b. approachable and should encourage participation and input from the. constituents. I fe.l theme could be more media fe.dback in the community s0 that the constituents know and understand what is, being don. by the. board on their behalf for their ciiildren. 13. If jeu bmew that you own position on a spxEc imm e as at odds =ithe i.majority of(your contitiiiis vhh vy vould you vote? hIail matters I hiave ta b. guided by my own conscience. 14. Wbat pay incruesool you propos for trà cm te anduuprerMY ep --eceas à business I arn- opposed to trustem.. Pers%,mY rcr of communi~ voting on their own mncr.ases.,An' involvement- the. supp'ort I -6190y independent cennittee of private from my family and*fiends a citizens ,workilng, withaccurate. prepamdd me to. seek eleto data on pay would b.in a much tbis important office. My, desir is better position ta determinea a eret.sprte cho fairer'and more equitable pay mzppjxtters t the best 0f'mny rate, ta recognize -the contribuition abihity and to help in the proces. mail. by the trustees. of imving the, education 15.H~ ~. : ~L system being offered *taour young oe~llm ~people.- VIC DiCAIRLO:o Separate'Sehool FROMPAGEA15 tire potential of saving us fumds. Il. What other problms do e jeam i nh educatienal synten? Are thir changesvich you féel can ho made aitlia local ach ordl ajvel? *At tii. local school board level, *. must provide a sound education at tii. lowest coot and give students valuable experience toa low tiiem ta make good career decisions. 12. Wbat reaponibllities do you fe a trustes ha. tovards individusl constituents a tovards Une population as a viii.? Do yoi fWithon tan muffiient opportunty for public input? Parents ne.d te bu encouraged te. participate i their meut importent job as parents, L.. make sure that their children get a veluable, relevant education. 1I& If jeu mv ni jt our ewa position on a a pacifie iais vas at cdds. cdlitUn mowlty tyour consdttatshich vay vould jeu veto? If éected I will vote basd on my principles, conscience and public input -for the. overal benefit of WbitbWy's cthuli residents. Our represntatives must be elected to make deciions not take poils on each issue. 14. Wbat puy nr.eu woul you pi-opcsp for tru«te.. ote i ut thr-y.sr perlod? Pay increamsmust bef for the next three years. must Iead by example. MD How ame yoiz difforstfrs * hm~ s Votera wil bave to. my stand on the is3sue,ý ;to differentiate betw.en .,the candidates. However, everyone should b. congratulated for Iiin-g involved in the process - graus rmots involvement is what keps our democracy strong. -. ----- -." TOM OLDMAN:e Separate Sehool Board FROMPAGEA15 4. Should thon b. mmnezpha"i on 'badic'> SiouldUn.hore tandardixd testing? Teaciiing ' basca' slows chililmen ta plan for tii. future by preparing tiiem for the. worlcferce. Statisticai Canada reported that 2.9 million Canadiens- cannet read w.)), enougii tee cope witii evemyday ife..The average ciiild is able ta, underatand 10,000 words bufore being able ta even ead. Furtiiermore, studies ' show that 75 par cent of wiiat a child learna is leamnei at home, net at echoël. I believe that empiiosis siiould bu placeil on prsonal development, social siils and standardized testing so as te ensure that tii. proceas is woring. I short, I bulieve-yeu aiiould teacli, present and evaluate. If what is taugiit is not leamned tuen you go bock sud do 6. .Ame li x ais hieh jeu blioe roceave te. Muchttoo lttia funding (fr e-uxpie, transporttinPrqMogrx? I f..) virtually ail areas 0f funding which we receive from tii. provincial -government are lower then actual expenditures. Otiierwise, tiiere would bu ne ne.d te increas. tue mi)) ate at tiie municipal level. This year our achool board heil te cut =ak on two ar-eas whicii have heen very beneficial ta our childmen: learn-to.siwim and family studies. 7. Do jeu f" Uni aducation tuns a»e be bush? If me eu e Ca SMiggMt aje te onttlmn? Education taxes3 are absolutely tee higii. W. as Canadiens pesently spend about $50 billion a y.ar te educate 5.6 million studenta. To put it inte perspective, in 1960 wiin I firat started sciieol, education spending in constant dollars was $7.8 billion for four million students. Spending perstudent in it ggain. 1real ternis nas quadxruple&. 5.Arathont' fr111' uin jte xd? e vint What bas happened in recent ama thw ?Wlnt veuld yjweh t leintai? yeris tiiefederal government The DRRCSSB spends leus per hs net increased transfer pupil than our couterpart, the payments ta tii. provincial Durham publiceachool board. W. govemument. Thei. provincial have ta sÎpend less beca use our govemument in tumu cannot ability ta, pay or offset increase tu, transfer payments ta, expenditure is les iLe. we the, vaiuasechool baords. receive amaimtely $T3rf.4 u arosscio milon 0f tw eiodés$483 ermutre, e axecs te tue million poled commercial sudborsmtiSewaxsoth induatrial asmeut. Tii. ratepayers if the. Home 1ev.) 0f Durha Boad ofEducation is education la te bu maintaineil. uam Boardhe blane _- For exemple, lu 1991, our approxinma±.ly $45 m on in (DRBCSSB) coits for utilities assesarnent. jumped by 30 par cent. This is The estimated 1990 operating due largely ta tiie alditen 0f new Costa par pupil in lementery achool addiions in tue system. I achools are 3,785 in tue separate must also adil tuat rates for syatem, compareil ta 4,401j in tue iydro jumpe.d by 8.8 par cent sud public aystem. hItue uecoeidary for water and sewer te the Regien 1ev.), the separate system's cost by 10 par cent. It is - ever s0 par pupil la $911 and the, public important te nota the. oly way in systam s cost is $1,191. Tiierefore which we can trin costa and we have v.xy few *'fle? The only contre)l the mill rate is by savinga in coite would bu tuoe.controlling the coste whicii w. savedin lu ntruction and capital have discretion¶uy powers over. #bnuecoots. The. vast majority 0of board expenditumes are non- discretionary expenditures wiiicii must; bu spent in order te implement tii. Mnistry 0f Education's curriculum. However, after! reviewing and buing very much involved six times witii a budget proceas, i amn convinced that tue largeat area of concemn is our 'capital expenditures snd capital debt expenditures. Interim financing and debenture payment couts have escalated considerably in 1991 -- from $3.5 million in 1990 te, an estimated $4.9 million in 1991. At present, we are on. 0f tue fastest growing sciiool boards in tii. province snd tiie only separate sciiool baord in tii. Greater Toronto Areas wiich lias net written a deficit budget. I the. next few years we will have te control all furtiier borrowing and capital expenditures if w. wisii ta contre) tiie mi)) -rate. S.Do yje u iUt sMMolbsrl&audeollac Unir ev"scioaitamesradwtler theU I arn oppoeed ta aschool. boards collecting their'own taxes unles a ceet effective metuiod" cen be implementeil. Othemwise,, tii. concept 0f the various municipalities coilecting their portion of revenue at on. time and tiie sciool board at enotiier would only duplicata expenditurea. 9. Are jeuini faveur of mang oet@me faciitaisumd, ervices heiven tUnpublc icad mepntaaceelytma er der te avld dulcton sud roducacSntd 1 Sn tetally in faveur of siiering some 0f the, facilities and services witu tii. public board, as we are presently doing. For a matter of intemest, the separate sud public boards presently work co-operatively in the area 0f siiaring buses in tiie nortii, film libreries, computer services sud 10. What do jeu tlink of tUn yesr.round achool concept, to begin on a axes])"seas as pilot prqj.ct by t"Durhamu Bord of Education ln 1992 The. Durhiam Board 0f Education will experiment witi a. piot preject analyzing tiie pros and cons 0f an ail-y.ar-round achooil concept. I amrn h faveur 0f any pilot projecet as, it - is i ke.ping with an open mind. Howevem, I think it will bu very difficuit te utilize on a full scale hasis. Summer iiolidays for méat people is a tirne for family, and the warm weatuer bringa a sense 0f relaxation. Botii are vemy important aft.r a busy schoel year. il. Wbat ether problns do jeu mea lunh aducationa sMtaW? Ar.thonchange. vibch jeu fedci ehomrda ai Unlocal moahobud tlavai I feel that a truste. is one of tue meut. important elected Pstosin municipal politics. Ph-gaytrutees des) with an enormous amount 0f .monetemy reponsibilities and account for the. aretPieceof tue pie when it cornes ta tho regional expenditures and .niffi rate increases. Th. 1990,tata) budget for tii. DRRCSSB was in-exces. 0f $128 dollars Secondly, what is more important ta, us thnOur chidrenls education and the. future 0f our community? -A concerted effort lias heen ma&l this lest term hy etal1hIga community sud communication e as ta butter receiv e input fr-or the. public. 18. If jeu mev tint jour emu po"01ton onL ap«MciBImsue as e a t itsi thleUnajisy otlejur coUnsuts vihay vould joliveo? In tuesix -y"ar that I have sei'ved as trustee, I have net dea1t with a single issue wrhich would bu at odds witii tue, m4crity 0.f tue local ratepayera. EHowevOe if it came to tuat situation I would always vote in a way which I felt hest bunefitted the. majoty 0f tue chidrn ad waslflorhl»I 1'ht- 4r 1V 1en')X8X 14. Whai puy InCroass"vuldjeuproosafr trustaiOs othUn nacithros.jssr pastl IfN a pay mncrease were proposedl then I would support an increase equal te, the. Great Toronto Area rate of inflation, i.e four ta, five per cent annually. cIdates? 7 dffe D 'u lhe difference between myseif and the otiier separate sciiool candidates is tuat I know whet ta, expect itue roI. 0f à truste. Being an effective, knowledgea4$e truste. cen b. more compbaé tuan any otiier .lected poitiQn. You iiould have a good womkin' knowl.dge 0f mules : reulations, of board policies,- the ducation. Act, proper parliamentary poodis biding constructionkold. provncia legisiation s. well as decipiier a complicated school 1udf t. Deila school truste. I work hard y. preparing for 'issues that are important te tue ciiildre. and the. cmmunity andl, as a result, I quite oft.n gain support of other hourd members. I have .mst on 17 différent; conmittees over tue past Sx y.ars and served -as -chairmannmny times. Presntly I arn chairman, of tue Englis)' language sctor of the. board. I do have morMiebcildren pressntly in tue syst.m than tue other candidates and I feI that works as a catalyst for me ta, go tue extra mile when ià comes ta my involvement. Ail in ail, I fee) thebies difference b.tween myseif and te other candidates is rniy expenience and proven dedication.-I would like ta let tue record stand thiat I bave rarely missed a meetng 0f any kind, wiietier it d eta illness, vacation or r~.If metumned ta office I 41fd' once gain like ta comnit mysei tati ta ¶P étiv 'q 9 -,I-9-,Nt9-d 4.t t" bit '91, OCTOBER 30, 1991 Separate School