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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 50

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PAGE>Ais, WMMTY FEEPRESS, Municipal '91, OC~~OBER 30 - ).991 P y. * GERRY E1VMMayor' FROMPAGEÂl than te planning decisions. Despite.th"a lower poce, not enough hlas been doue te protect Whitby's creek valleys from dgradaticaý due te siltation, .ncroacbmeut sud- destructive construction practices in thoe prjcuthat bave ,grnie ahead. Development muet bekept bock far ther &=omthe »edge «oY Valley landa,4 with strict enforcemeut and stiff penalties for those who, chos. te wilfuly degrade -these natural treasures. L. NIMBY@a (" netlmy bock yard)» bobcme a ceamui prebîmuIn mldwp.l politCo.What voudyedotpawoetItorovddlt? As #2. 7. Wh e doyeu frai th. balonce oheUli<e3dt betwae the privote ppa" r alotf i luvUal mid the. colletive rigli t a «ommumlty or ndghboutocad Do yen frai the municipal gonmuot .held devep mactunlun a t nor tigtejpnpty Mmdoid. As # 8. Do yen fraitht dasigucentrois .held b. lmplenanted tu suie <oaa.te emuuit uaw Contructlon vithin aiting Id.valepa aas conforma tozntlu.g bulldfgor de yen" frato contras. Prat lu inplace1uth a.cd lplan oa aoulng by4am maredqintsi? Greater efforts s hould b. mad& te maintain the character of eistng areas. Too many landmark buildings bave beeu razed without trying te work them into new designs. 9. Do yen frai tbut the. omblonce et the aid coce arm o(Whitby in Important to the. comurunity and If z ýas t apcifie @top . weld yen advocate to prmeve it? Whitby bas in ita grasp the means of solving two problems at once. Like any vital organization, Whitby goverument "regularlY outgrows its facilities and ueeds mor spce.At thý mme time, ourbeutiful dowtow core bas storefrout vacancies in locations that provide ideal public access. I suggest we move s9ome ,of the public functions of govemment bok te, the heart of the county tewu, where the elderly and people without cars can walk te them. Brmnging goverument back te Town would not only help revitalize the business core, Fin sur a number of Towuv employees would love te. work tberel! 10. Do yen ogre.wth a!kra centrai by-law which would proteci trmson! privat. ae weU o» Pue loland? Iun my experience the nuijority of landowners Zo live on their propertyr are very protective of its natural assets, trees included. Moot problems occur on property that le 'not owner-ocupid. We may need te adopt a tree- protection by-law that wll address these problems, but it mustu't be so repressive as te trample on the rights of ordinary citizens. Educating people about the benefits of treescapes and naturalization could go a long way toward solving the problein. Il. Wbat la your vision of the Whltby waterfrot? How impo"lnt i. public acces. Whimtby's assets should be available for all her citizens te share. They should not b. allowed te, b. bought and sold for financial gain, nor be kept for the erijoyment of the few. >Whitbys waterfront~ perbiapa Our gets natural asae h as so muchpôtiential as a real people-and-nature place. rmn eager to begin planning details of a lakefrot- walking trail stretching from Ajax to Oshawa, with spur branches up our creek valleys. SA mayor bas to bave a brSid overview, of course, and I already deteet some prcblemis. The Corbett Creek water pollution central plant is doublin in size -- and thereby doubli-ng its emnisions into Lake Ontario. Will the extension of the outiet pipe into the lake spread- sewage effluent farther afield? Have studies been doue to make sure our- beaches won't b. further degraded? 12. Ane you in &fveut of the. plans for the Centennal BuildngHow uhould It bo paldfor? The plan for the Centennial Building is a step in the right direction. Provincial (cultural and heritage) funding should be sought. 13.« Do you feW we are overtaxed or that geverniment la too expmenuv If elther, what change@ would you advocata? Wliat about a tax fr'eefe? In what armeS do eYel" ht dzrsgicant euta in eapenditura. could b.oa"?lD o e - any oreas wbere revenu. mlght b. lncreea.<ff What la yoor position on morket valu assomament? Yes, we are overtaxed and government is too expensive. Departments should be encouraged te save mouey and should b. rewarded for daing so, not penalized if they, don't spend to the limit of their current budgets by having their budgets cut the following yeatr. I feel 'market value a sment in its preseut foem will unfirly penalize seniors who bavée contributed te Whitby over a lifetime. patup e altnisd wipuiSo otApo voeU yen advocate te mamp WilAme thora apasud ladoiiutai.tintta Wldtby cold taW The blue bax progrom I helped initiate pointed us in the'right direcion. We now need te b. talldng about the four Ru of waste reduction: refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. We uhoulùd set a goal of zeroga=agby thieyear 2005, and as] every Whitby citizen, te contribute ideas te help achieve' that gal. M5 Shool4 counclib. Mm.t? Ar the. word. te. Inu my experieuce., a large council does not lead te botter government. Relocating ward boundaries niight aslow more equitable representatioft in the east ward, which currently bas a much large population than the others. le, Why do you frai tint thi e nau public la.. at-Poltciasha oudyn o-un elactad cPt'untlo=hlh lht abit tintattitude? As #2. 17. Are therea"an additioNl Imm. whlch 7Mn fmil are important? .I have speut soute time investigating the naturaliztion prograin thates been incorporated in Oshawa's parka policy for the past several years. Passive-use parklaud* and suitable sectiois of some active-use psrks are encouraged to reenerate naturally, while being enhanced by attractive plantings 'of native trees and ohrubs.- Tbia - reduces maintenance coes such as graus mowingand weed upraying,,whnle improving habitat for i' e and eurici*ng the livea of- parkuser. Such a programn would b. in* barmouy with the. chaat ,cf Whbitby. As mayor, I inteudto lake the. initiative to mak. it happen hor. 1I. What lnu pahtiuler dlffau*loaa jS io y moew .Why arn I the ideal candidate for the jo of Whitbys mayor? Pirst of ail, because Fm trained for it. During my 19 yeara of servce as a concllr, 1I learued the, insansd ottefhow te get thinga doue. lv. acquired the vaut expérieuce, neceary te do t». o rely well. But I bave another aet that mû... me unique as a cmdidatd, one that baspr rdme M a special way fo challenge of serving as mayor. %ice my las# term of office, ly. ha.d a chance te get back in touciiwitiithe people of Wbitby. Nve spent much ocf the peut thrym years talking ,ýt0 ordinary citizen%, studying-,their concerna, v. sat lu on council and - planning . committe. meetings, viewg them from, the pepective tof btii h2y , c:onethe small-business operatos', the. pensioner. 1The Icectivity Tv. gained wil give me a terriflc advantage over the other candidates. 1 returu with a freali perspective, a new understaudiug of the. needa of Wbitby's citizen., esger te take up the challenge. JUDY MORRIS:* Separate- Sehool FROMPAGEA15 &Am re i21r in' the symtm? If... vinat aa hm? What weld yen vont limtef I bolieve that there are some 'fille' lu the. system. At preeut I feel that our students can bave a solid ,grounding lu physical education ini secondary achools without the need for roller skates sud bows sud arrowa. As a trustee, I would look inte, the need for these extras. 6. Axatoe Um mo which yen ba reive mi.tS mucht'tooittk ia ang (WoR maxple. tronpertation. progmrom) At the present, I don't feel qualified ta, answer this question. 7. Do yen fai tint educatien taxa oret.hWgh If go, <au yen mugoai'myatent ai dtuam? Yes, I do fe.l that education taxes are tee high. With salaries takinga good 80per cent of the tetalbudgetit willb. difficuit te, reduce taxes. However, I feel that lu the. area of capital expendi- tures there could b. a way of reducing funda needed. I think w. should seriously look lute a developer building the achool, lu. turu leasing it te the achool board sud eventually turning it over te, the sald achool board. The school board lu an institution cf teacbig not experts in building I el that achoolssiold% functional, keeping lu mind the. mouetary resources available. Làets keep the. ichools affrdable. As keepers cf the public purs. I dont see a ueed for sucli things as live trees inside aacioulbuilèm &Do y=ebdfrai it mai dbaurdah"M coet thar -@ cu el wtaasratiior thonutin miailcpaitba. I do not fee] echool boards should collect their own school taxes as it will neestate a duplication cf servcea. *9. Are punla fhvmuret bcfacm e haUi andl mc.sbBtvumi tipàllc od «sapae mini qmmas luardo u aoid dnpllatenou rbS «M As long as the curriculum is notaffected,-I am n ifavour cf sharing nmenof ,-the uchool failities, i.. gmnasia sud uhop facilities. le. WM a@ yen huket tii. ya«r:aan ci.ci cui eqi, b *, -8lba & PUM aPf hy ütDuha B flu tin lemU As a pilot project, I can support year-round schooling. It will b. neoessary te, thoroughly assess the trial period taking inte account the effects on the teachers, parents sud echool board additional costs, quality of family 1f., just te neme a few considerations, sud -then proceed from there. Il. What other prolems do you aem in th. eductionalyv.em? Are thora changes which you fai can b. mado at tii local ochool board level? I feel that the environmient should become a tep prioritylin our school system. A daily emphas. on recycding should ensure the. inculcation of the concept. The elimination of plastic cutlery sud dishes lu the cafeteria will bave a major impact ou the. quantity of weekly refuse disposa]. 12. Wbat re.ponsibiflic do yen feel a truse lia towards ludiviuol constituent aM on kad the. population as a viiole? Do you féee thora is oufficimt opportunity for public iput? It la incuxnbent upon the truste. te, represent each sud every constituent te the best of bis/lier ability keeping in uiind that the cominon good supercedes the. needs of the individus], but that i. not te, sy that individual concerna will not b. addressed aud acted upon. I believe that everyone should feel welcome lu expressing their opinion sud would encourage attendance at board meetings sud local sehool meetingEsud ae keep in close contact with individual schools. 1&. Ir yen kuew tint owov posiio on a upecfc Issu.v»a o diii th th ioi jty oryenr Censttuzts wilch vay wend yeoteO I believe that wheu someone is voted fite office, the respomnsblity lu not taken lightly sud a strong commitmeut ls made te represent the consitueuts. If a situation arose where I was not lu agreement with the majority cf My constituents, I would thorougbly assesa the situation sud then vote with my conscience. 14.MI W ucresm enld yenpropms.fo frutm«the naztlin ueheym rpUOOid Ove lh4l ) 4ii twê years I feel that a CLÉ af mlt~~ilcres.. la fair sud for the third year I would 1k. te see au independent committee of constituents evaluate* and recommend the third year increase. I believe it is extremely difficuit te b. impartial about bis subjeet. 15. How are you dlifferet frone the other candiate. I do not tbink it le appropriate te judge the other candidates. The qualities I feel I possess are that I arn honest, approachable, dependable, knowledgeable, committed te the Catholic faith as a regular church goer, and active lu my churcli community sud the. cornmunity at large. ELECT Don Macmaste r Whitby Hydro, Electric Commission * 24 years utility experience * Consultant for the Municipal Electric Association serving over 300 utilities r aM "'Your Support for Don wîll be greatly apprecîated" RAW (Bob) Cawker Retirinig Whitby Hydro Commissioner ROBERT (Bob) BREWERTON .#striing foqVue& WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION Authorized by the CFO for Robert Brewerton Sae a e v fo nube V on thebalo Au~>pb~,1hCFO fr Don McèMaste QlWU O ,W > ý 1 r Separate School Board 1 municipal efection 71

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