BtALPH BLANE BOB BR IETON Ae33, resident for eight years Ontario Hydro gist of Whitby tecbnolo- 1. Do poâdu faitaOnhl rHydreconta ar et. ontrai? Win et lai pou do about fi? Ontario Hydro'. coets are riaing not because of one factor btbecause of my. On. 0f the ms;or ones i. that it appears that the provincial govenment wishes te une it as a vehicle te expedite their social and envuronmental prgrama (Globe & Mail, Oct. 6). lb. costs woùld thon b. roll.d into theelectrical rate increases adeveyoe would then blame Onai ydro, which does not have the best reputation anyway. fies. outoide facters, which include ,nvironmental groupe pressuring the Ontario govern- ment te increase coits i order te prmtélectrical conservation, are deciEiond that I can help influence. It must b. realized that no one controls the. decision maldng procesa, but can influence SEE PAGE A20 BILL LAWLER Age 74, liftîme resident of Whitby Retired (former assistant cbief engineer at Oshawa General Hospital) IL Do pou fra ia Ontario Hydre mata are oui olcocatrai? hai woud pou doabot it? No, I do not think that the coat 0f Ontario Hydro is out of control but rather it is the need of more and more electricity te feed our lifestyles. Part B - Preach conservation. 2. Are thore sevinga tint coulai b. rellad ai ths locallova wi ch couli roducolhinIcasea antfcipatd fhmanOntarloHydr? ' Yes, there are savings te b. realized in the long run if we ail work together te, reduce the energy we use. &. la eoeuf conslervation un lamas? Wint con lihe WhtbyHpdro Eletre Commiadmon do about Wi Yes, it is an issqe. fie Commission sho;uüld encourage tii. citizens te conserve electricity i their control. t. Dyqu tidnt lectrlc sevis in Whtby la as goMaiasufà aoulaibhoDo yS tbiunk tint poe Age 61, resident of Whitby for twù years Financial consultant i. Do pou ra tntOntario Hydre obmmals ra cotrai? Wbat would youdo aboutfI? I think thatý Ontario Hydro coats are reasnable when compared te the costs 0f othier jurisdietions and alternative fuel sources. Previous governments appear te have kept hydro prices below thooe which would have been charged by, a prudent person, poésibly te secure a political advantage. 2. Arm thera seinga liaicouli ho realhsaetaitlb lo lov1" wbf ch cula reducesthlin Inmas anlidipatad fnMOntario Hydrd? Savinga at the local level which could reduce the impact of the anticipatedincreases in hydro preicean only 1b. achieved by snd business management 0f the resources ahready available te Wbitby' Hydro coupled -with a slowing 0f the pae c development within the Town.O SE PAGE A20 GORDON W. MIFFLIN Age 65, resident of Wbitby for 44 years Retired (former Hydre employee) Whitby 1 . Do peu"frai ntOntarlo Hydre moa am ado cfcontrl Wint ueulai pouddo@bout fà ? Yes. As a commissoner, I would attempt te have the Commission a4d their customers lobby the. provincialgomment to eut back, eut down and eut out on Ontario Hydro9 hring& 2. Ame timeinga tint ulai ha mnhud ai the locallovaiwmfch coulai redhe i fcres antiepaml frmoaOntaro Hydre Yes. Any organization that does not have te show a profit, or account te shareholders, seeste become indifferent te, their costs so no doubt there ean b. some sava that could help te redue. ohod the Uine on charges. 8la o&a nabenm - ueWint m the WbflbpHydre HSfciz Cmujdmd aou Y... Whitby Hydro can educate its -ustomersbe mlln information on conservaton along GERRY COX Age 62, reuident of Whitby for 39 years Retired (former geneiral supervisor, ifinancial, Dr. GM) 1. Deb pou bd ithat Ont"rl Hyro code are *uiof controf? What woud pou do about It? Yes. The coet of the Darligo plant, estimated at $2.5 bHllion, blossomed to at least 3. billion. This is a large porti o0f Hydro's débt. What went wrong? As a ciisier, . rntakýÎng an active role in the Mncipa Electric Association. Cie MAis constantly proposing cost.cutting measures to Ontario Hydro through the Ontario Energy Board. 2. Ame thare svingathat could ho raaiMa a local l1v"iwhich eoud wauoetI lora. omticip&W tfrm Ontaro Hydro? Yes. During the years 1984! to 1991, Ontario Hydro ixicreaaed the cost 0f power to Whitby 50.1 per cent. Whitby Hydro's increase during that same period was 45.A per cent. I- think our suecesa in this area was the resuit of effective' management and a dedicated, knowledgeable team 0of employees. emuwycoMaevatlon am tamis? What amthe Whtby Hydro Elwel Commisson do about ît? Yes. Today in Ontario it costs about $3,000 to generate a kilowatt hour of electricity anxd about $300 to conserve a kilowatt hour. Energy conservation makes a lot of sense. The escalating coat of power will make ail of us conservers, if not today, certainly tomorrow. Whitby Hydro reoently established a customer service departinent to work with Ontario Hydro and our customers to promote energy conservation programas. 4. Do you feol uhai loctric aovioe in Whitby ilasa good as il aud9ho? Do you think liat powe interrptions ame Ico huont7 I think we have a very high level of electrical service in Whitby. Today we are so dependent on electricity that every interruption is exas- perating. WVhitby Hydro doas eveithig R le te prevent outages.Hkowever, no system is perfect and fr-equently the cause of the outage is beyond our control, e.g. a vehicle hitting a pole, a wind storm or lightning. &. Wbat pay Incrmas awould pou prqw oasfr hydre .MMIMioeno or liaDentbresyr Any increase should not exceed the inflation factr. In Jyeu ivw wlmat terd* et the Hpd Coumtimiad moe a5caHbry junrda*am a The roIe 0f a hydro comi.soner i.s te set policy review, modifr and approve budgets; set électricity rates and service charges; aemmuniot with custoeners do long-range plannng-,b. aware of legisiation, reguati 005 and other forces that aletteoperation of the utility. My râle sas a conrnissioeer is te 1reonfla riMnga ltw au noeibla- JOHIN M.HUGHES Age 48, residentof Whitby for 12 years Real estate agent i. Do ySou fra aOntro Hydre «Ma are oiet otrol? What would pou doeabout fi? fie management of Ontario Hydro for handling their ' debt bas not servedl the people 0f Ontario well. Through, the MEA as our spokeseron by way 0f OEB Hns we were able to, convince the Ontario government te amend Bull 118 of the Power Corporation Act as follows: 1. Section 29a() ofBill118 - which perniits the government to, issue binding policy directives of Ontario Hydro on any matter -- bech gdin order te restrict the scope of such policy directives; 2. SectionGof Bill118 -- which, slows the government to, change Ontario Hydrols mandate by decree -be dleted., :L Are thora mvunga tSculai h. rSbatii lin loca levaiwhlch codulai Udaln fr anilcipaisa fù=nOntaro Hydra, Being that 85 cents of each dollar collected. goes tewards the purchase of power (Ontario Hydro), there is nc* too, much scope, for savinga as the other 15 cents goes te cover administrative coots and capital expenditures occurring at the local utility level. 3. laBunv cervali on -lm sua Win can lin Whllby Hydre Klactrlc Commusaon do about fi? Energy conservation is a strong concern for moot people. Whitby Hydro is planning te, implement a bi-annual '<news- letter? outlining issuede .a) Blhing: payment 'through local banks, etc. (saves papr,, computer power time and M=-..ain coets). b) Safety messages: pro- moting new Ontario Electrical Safety Code (contains info on safety, wiring, inspection permits, etc.). c) Energy conservation ight, light timers, heater tune-up program, new energy efficient appliances. (fie above are some producta that reduce energy consumption.) 4. Do po ritn silMsrisl hlpf au at Suli .?Doumthi in o With the rapid, growth of the Town, Whithy Hydro is increasing the power sources te, meet the new demanda. lIn reference te power interruption, Whitby Hydro will b. using a *ingl ne supply frm Thornton T.S, (Ontario Hydro customner) to, LASCO Steel and make use of LASCO's own transformer te, step down te, 44KV as te o, fuly ebminate any future flickering from LASCO to, Whitby Hydro Electrie Commission customers. b. saw» ly for With"Hyror DON MAGMASTER Age 46,ý resident of Whitby for seven years Laà bour 'relations consul- tant to municipal utilities 1. Do 7M etu o ttail r * e m aeout ~ooutff WinI ouold ymu doab"oUT ? Ontario Hydro'. costas, as reflected by present rate nrases, are toas pries for yesterday's commitmenta. Over half of the recently announced rate increase is based on the bill coeing due for the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. As energy consumers, each of us bas te share in the responsibilityfor having created the, demandfor power that had te b. met by expensive generating facilities. When you consider that tôday in Ontario it costs approximately $3,000 te produce a ilowatt 0f electricity and only $300 td save the samne amount 0f energy, our future direction is clear. We must show the customners how te reduce.electrical consumption which immediately reduces their total bill and, in thle longer term, will lower per-unit energy costs. 2L Ara thoramvlngathat could h rollzod at ths local levai which could roducaths incrteaa anUîclpatod&=omOntario Hydro? Local rate increases can and must be lower than the'increases anticipated by Ontario Hydro. As partners, the eniployees and customers of WhitbyHydro can realize significant savings. Programs such as the hot water heater tune-up and the. energy efficient shower heads are good examples. More power saving programs can and should b. unplemented. More aggressive measures such as the control of hot water heaters during peak demand period should also be investigated te compare potential savings. with implementation coats. &. aIn wW conservation an iaau? What a ths Whitby Hydre Elactrlc Commission do about fi? Energy conservation is the issue because now it's also the most critical factor causing higher future rate increases. The wholesae purchase of electricity, by a large user such as a utility, is unique in that a pak demand, such as a very high one-day consumption of power resulta in a higher price for each unit of power used during the entire. biZng period. Savings are therefore possible through load demand management strategies. These methods have been successfuily, used elsewhere and, with the co-operation of both utility employees and customers, can work here. 4. .Do pou fl at "otrieSMSrvicani Wfftbpfa as £od as h amdbouai? Do pou tiiink that power intoruytim aa too fequn? There is always room for improvement, and the electrical service in Wihitby is no exception. As a customer I arn satisfied, but SflPG E AG 2 UAR2 1-nunicipai