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Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WHFrBY ERREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCfOBER 80, 1991 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131. Broo.k St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Arnderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 .Unnecessary noise To the Edito: As ane with a nostalgmc affection far railraads, 1 wasn't particularly concernad that aur lacent move ta Whitby &i aced us clase ta the Garden levai crassing. But -- andIt s a big 'but'--l have na affectian for tha blast of the warning harn as the trains approach the crossing. One, twa or aven throe narmal burats of the horn . are understandable, but thora ls no excuse for Ioud and sustained biasts, even when ln many case the train is alraady into the crossing. And It h ns many timas, avery day anevaery night - seven days a week.' *To ths EdItor: SForty thousand chiidren ln the worid dis every day bocause 0f. wordlnary malnutrition and disoase.' f's easy ta ait around gnashing - aur teeth over the inability poltiçians ta eradicate the problerns t hat kI- so many children, but thara ara many more practical thinga wordinaiyw peaple can do. UNICEF (the, United Nations Children's Fund) has bean working on buhaif of the world's children aimae 1946, and we can easiiy help ta bacat their efforts. At Halloween we can donate change ta the trick or treatars who coma ta aur doors. At achools which do not takçe part ln the Halloween boxes program, we can heîp get ana going. We could develap tho habit of collecting change during Halloween week, not juat through UNICEF boxes, bt wherever we are. Offices, banks rastaurantsany Some wviIl say the trains were haro bofore the neighbourhaod. But so also was Pearson International Airpart where Rt is, long befare most af the surrounding communities were built; and yet airpart haurs of operation are limited to pratect against noise pollution. ft wouldn't make sense ta restrict CP Rail tram 'night operatians, nor shauid it b. necessiary ta campramise safety by eliminating the harn altagether. But we surelv have a riaht ta enjoy a gaod nigh undisturbed by ur Iconsiderate and intalei place could put out donations. Halloween dances could painlassly with pp's spare char Canadianscompiain standard of living is er many of us are stili wiîlii a fow loonies, quartera we know we are helpii lives and maybe avei wchange the world.7: The only work invol effort it takes to put ou later ta rail the change few f riends, over ta visiti this makes it a lot mare UNICEF works miracleE amali amounts of mane efforts can heîp sor UNICEF Ontario s Eglinton Ave., in Toroi ý487-4153) wiii, 'm sur, too happy ta accept our Jan United Way appeïl To the Edtor: A latter ta the citizans af Durham Raglan: Each year as a membur of the board, i arn involved in the.Unitad Way of Oshawa-Whitby- who are lass fortunate in our community. That timo has corne again and frankly, I need yaur heîp. More importantly, thousanda 0f mon, wamen and aven chiidren within aur community, naed our help and thay naed Rnow. For many 0f thase Oten desperate people, the United Way and its agencies are thair only hope, thoir ony hope for a proper meal, their oniy hope for simple, human conitact. Did you know that the Durham Regian- Distresa Centr averages la weil? Thase are oniy hundreds of services United Way and its provide right here communlty. In tact, tully 91 cei evary dollar contribute United Way ot Osham Newcastle goas ta the who do the wonderfu heîping the needy community. These are not thi times, but that in itself Situation more seriouc raquests for help grow can maka a diffarance put a smiîe on the face c who has not had mucl about Iately. This apa ata ai Oshawa, 7Whitby and from the Durham Regi Council. Please makea and give ta the United V you neyer hava butor.. By Gr.lg Derry t's- ep aaa A flaurishing and rincessary,prosperous country of untoid rable noise. b"auY and. diversity. A 'country whuch has traditionaily welcomed Ted Pery with open arme, immigrants tram Whftb ever corner of the world. A country af lakes, mounitains, prairie,- and maritime charm. A- country whlch prides itself ln civil liberties and human rights, a country ln whlch its people ara free ajar for ta express their sentiments about paries or iRs destiny -. and a country ln rse funda turmoil. Inge too - Canadians continue toalalow inge to.,, pliticians ta jeopardize the future Sig hat asslirting deadlines with regard rong, sar o unity and strength as a nation. og taris9 The time rapidly approaches when org diame à amore paced and constructive eng ta he/S attitude shouid bu taken ta, creata n tahelp an atmosphere which nurtures aur spirit and encourages us ail as ived is the Canadiana ta show a mutual it a jar and Interest in ou fate. 1(nitn Canada is unique amnong while doing nations, with distinct cultures, ,e pleasant). which emphasiza the degrea of ts s with very uniqueneas. French Canada leaa ey, and- aur large contributor ta, the charm and much. The charactar of aur nation. staff (333 Ail Canadians, aour chiien have into, phone the good fortune of having accesa re, bu anly ta two iaflglages, and many Ir donations. cultures, aliowing for greater communicative abiiity, iet Banting understanding, and hance, Greanbank goodwll on the worid stage. This accassibiiity ta language is universalin Canada, whether in St. IJohns, Newfoundiand, or Victoria, B.C. . The cost of buing Canadian can only increase in the evant that aur two of the unity la jeapardized. Shouid thatd the Quabec separat o pobe uthe agencies eventuaiity, ,aaIans in the in aur 'hava-not' ragions wili bu martyred further by virtue of aur impatience ilts ouit of and inality ta avoid artificial ed ta the daadiines craated by aur Aa-Whitby- politicians. Our country as it would e. agencies remain, would bu further isoiatad in JIl wark Of the east and the west, by tha in aur addition of a country, or separata republic batwaen Ontario and the ae best of Maritimes, creating immense com- makes aur munications, shipping and political s, as the barriers. As Canadians, with a hi gh rdaily. Yau coat of living now, we wouldbr 3. You can additionaily and unnacessariiy Of samneone burdenad, facin a higher cost of .h ta, smile living, taxes ac national prablemai Il -iiFaci unprecedented in aur histary. Newcastle ion Labour a difference PJay aven f 25-30 aospers cana peu a ia éedrlpersn, as wel s an -Durham IhgIcon ~kforr~ ls t1ie'heh.brsh" 'Lâbo*t"OGnll Politicians in !Quabac tell their constituants thîmt Canada doasn't want them, and politicians in ragions otsda of Quebec, are telling thair constituants that Quebec doesnt want tham - like oposlng iswyomin a cqyorce,, aqc (Can ' ,adins) are boinqi used te PÉWMW 'W è àch "ld, aid unsuspecting Canadians continua ta bu ud by the salf-sarving interasts of their paliticians ... many of whom do not cars about the wil of the people, as is demonstrated in the current popuiarity poils.ý English Canadians are misguidad by bath the media and paliticians, into beiieving that Quebec is the 'Fire-breathing Dragon,' and French Canadians are lad ta bulieva that English Canadians just dan't cars, and this is simply not the casa. Quebecers are in a desperate battis for the Ifebkood of their culture, and we shouid ail bu assisting themn in their qust within Canada, in order ta preserve our national pride and mutuai identity as Canadians. Quebec lias always buen an integrai part of Canada, and the tension which exista*ý between Engiish and French factions in Canada may ba rasaivad by permittlng each ta assert'thaur distinct feauras within a strong Canadian union. Such .entitlement shauld apply ta al Canadians, including aur First Nations. Thora ia na sustainable advantage for any Canadian in isoiating Quebec, whether English ar French. We arealal Canadians, and each -raglan of this fabulaus cauntry has its awn distinct and unique position withln. the unian.- The time rapidir approaches'when we shouid1aidemonstrate an appreciation far aur respective differences, in arder ta keep Canada strang, prosperous, and a greait place for future Canadians ta grow - togather. Quebec has, and always wiii be a distinct society. Political ward games cannot ahter aur past, but may hava dramatic consaquance with regard ta aur future. SALVAT[ON Army Capt. Rick Sheasby left) accepte a food donation front Bon Murdoch, pre- aident of Whitby Rotary Sunrise, and Dr. Nick BLaMker, l4o firom Sunrise. Rotarians, who donated $500 worth of -food, are encouraging other service t~c1uutodnain food. - ""You'II Iiaunt me no more!"v y mi vvS - B Appreciate the'differences Put out a jar r- y

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