WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1991, PAGE 21 I Obituaries JEAN SLEIGUTHOLM Jane (Jean) Sleightholm of Whitby died on Thursday Octo- ber 24, 1991 at Whitby deneraI Hospital. She was 83. S he- was born on Sep tomber 25, 1908 in Belfast, I1reland, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Martin) Cathcart. She married Clarence Watson Siei¶htholm in August, 1926 in Sho was a momber of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby_. She'îs survived by daughters Lois (Mrs. James Watson), Sheila (Mrs. Stanley Atiinson), Jean (Mns. Charlos Gallogley), 'Maureen (Mrs. Alec McDoniald), ail of Whitby, and Kathleen (Mns. John Shrephard) of Orono, 10 grandchildren 23 great- uandchildren anJ sister Mrs. MIrvine of'Belfast. She was predeceased by her hueband and by sisters Annie Campbell and Sarah Gallagher. The funeral service was held at St. John's Anglican Church on Saturday, October 26, Bey. Li conducting. Interment at St. John's Anglican Church cerne- 3"onations to the church's organ fund. JOHN ZOLOTUCHLA John Zolotucha of Whitby <ied on Sunday, Otober 27, 1991 at Witby 1Geéneral Hospital. Ho was 66. Ho was born ini the Ukraine on Septomber 8, 1925. Before retir- ing Mr. Zlotucha was employed ini l~e pharmacoutical industry. Ho is survived b r daughters Deborah (Mrs. Rick Whitmee) and Yvonne and son Michael, grandchildren Kristin and Katey. Thé funeral service was hoid from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, October 28, 1991, ev. Rod Barlow conduct- ing. Interment at Groveside cemetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Oemetery Lettering " Saridblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladfly arranged WITH PEDESTAL AND VLDieDOOR - ~~ WnoDSO Qualiy at the rfght prlce!