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Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1991, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER- 13, 1991 I [~Wh ~hm'IlU f. DURHAM COLLEGE'students protest a new three per cent 'lGuarantee Tax' levied on govemeènt assistance loans. Student council president Mnne Marks reads front a- protest letter sent to the* president of the TreasuryBoard, Gifles Loiselle. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Fr.. Prem Pro"'test- over boan tax Bjy Mark Reesor Durhami College students ral- lied'7Thursday te protest a three percent tex on student boans. Spe aking.loudly te be heard ever cries cf «bey bey, ho ho, the OSAP: tax. has got te go,». and "axe the tax » the college's stu- dent ceuncil president, Anne Ma rk's,said the new rtax intre- duced tb1 yer,. is a r eal hard- -<'A kfot; cf tstudents; .can't afford te gote school the way it is.- They Irely on the assistance to be able te take their education.» Stude nts. *argue, the tax is reahly six per'cent,* since three per cent is taken off the boan money they're given, but they have te pay back the entire amounit. "Lt sounds like net a lot, but te a student it is a lot,» said Marks. "That could ha -a week's food xnoney -- that could be two weeks' food money in' some cases.» The governinent introduced the tax to make up for losses frein students not paying back their boans, accordingteM-arks. , SShe'd like te sea the govern- nient get teugh with those stu- dents who h avel eutstanding boans instead cf penalizing everyone. By Sonia Bebbington. Hello. Sonia Bebbington here. When compared te the rigours cf st week (it being the infamous DO' Spirit Week), 'thee past five days cf schocl have seemed parti icularly dry. No longer is there that feel cf brouhaha in the air, the student-made decorations and advertisements cesse 'te adorn Our hallways -- else they hang raggedly, limp and dejected after having served their purpose. The* student council no longer don their S.W.. hats, festooned with paper-mache likenesses c f international landxnarks, each dripping with the intangible essence that is Spirit Week. Could I salvage that headdress depicting an image cf the Hanging Gardens- cf Babylon, or thê'fully-functioning model cf Mt. St. Helens, I would,'and- cherish them- as I do my limited edition home repair manuals froin ShelI, but no. They must live, in my memory, fated either te, wither away like the scores cf internationally recognizable- chapeaux that I have known, or become ideal martyrs cf hats through the gauze-like eyes cf memory, blotting imperfections and leaving an unattainable benchmnark for aIl headgear. I find transitions frein week te week te be a near impossible task. On te real news. Recently, DO'C's super-duper hockeyteain competed in* a teurriament bound te go down in histery right alongside the . credits for Lambada-The Moie. The venue: breathtaking North York. The gaines: there were five (the last cf which was played against ' the biggest guys ever'). The victories: again five. Mr. P. Sheehan, coach cf the teain, was duly impressed by their performance, and moved that the teain naine be changed from 'Chargers' te 'Young Gazelles cf the Frozen Waters.' Lt did net go through, despite a heavy percentage cf opposition for teamn members.. One crazy anecdote: Mark Scholtes, proprieter cf jersey #11, drove te the teurnainent, and with xnany thanks te the navigational expertise cf Pino Agostino, managed tn get bis carload there a whopping ten 1 FTHR EOJ.ASTIN Austin has continued its tradition cf reducing,'reusing and recydling with the arr'ivaI cf blue boxes in. every classroom. Students are reminded te de their part by recycing scrap paper in order te, help Austin adhieve a cleaner envirament. In Wildcat sports, the junior girls' basketball teamn challenged Central on'Nov. 6. Even with the home crewd cheering on, the girls were defeated 25-14; however, the teamn is still bound for the playoffs.. -On Nov. 11, the midget and jum4iÃ"ôr.girls,participate- in a doùbeheaàder against Pereyma. 'Mesnwhile, the senior boys' volleyball teamn destroyed Garnier in the LOSSA quarter-finals, after placing seond in their pool cf five'. teamis. Then in the semi-finals,'the boys blemished Courticeïs undefeated home record by winiiing the first gaine, but Austin-was not able te, prevail as Courtio> i~rei~nti second and third gaines. Congratulations go eut te the senior beys for a great seeson. Teani memnhars are David DaSilva, Jon Sinden, James Lamnbert, Carl Webber, Mike David, Chris Stecki, Jeremy Sharrard and. Steve Pulchalski. minutes -before tee-off. This Thursday of last week saw the deviation from the schedule auditions- for the sehool comràedyî provoked a' great display, of 'Seea How They ., Run,' and emotion'frein the by'cecand- anticipation of reàiàts 'hangs ne4rly cost themn the option of heavy in the 'air like a cloud of teain naine change. Good show, _Hai Karate., I must epd now. I Pino. ca nnôt breaàthe. Until next time. ByMeranda Waters As mid-terms camne and passed last week, se did the aniety and stress that comes with thein. Less than eager students wrote four two-hour-long tests on both Friday and Monday. New that they're over, Henry* students are back te their old happy selves. L t seems that the tests did noe stop the Hawks from excelling the sports departument. Our newest sports editien is the hockey teain which* already hes two wins under its beit. They recently defeated Cartwright 7-3. Brandon Smith was the top scorer cf the gaine with a hat trick. Following close behind were Mike Michaud Steve Malanka, Jamie Olenick and ich Welner who scored one goal each. Great work, guys. The midget boys' vlleyball teain continues a superb season with a third-place finish in the LOSSA payoffs. They have now advanced even further ... te, DYSSA. The boys' LOSSA volleyball finals found HeWns senior teain as top competiters. Henry advanced by beating McLaughlin, Ajax, O'Neill, Anderson and Dunbarton. Recently ýhundreds- cf Hawks football supporters 'braved the frigid weather and steel seats at the Civil Fields te, cheer on their teain in the LOSSA final. With an enthusiastic crowd like that, the outeome cf the gaine was obvieus. George Carson, Matt Shearer,' Jeif Turnhain, James Goedrick ýand Jeif Petican ahl played an extreniely good gaine. Jason Vickers was announced MVP and the teain moved on te DYSSA, and again won, this time over Markham. New teains and clubs are popping up everywheré. Meetings for the nordic sld team, niidget beys' basketball and grade 9 and 10 badininton are already underway. In guidance news, the winner cf the October 'Newsletter Quiz' is Damon Regular. H.is naine was, net only read over the mornin announcements but ho aise received a fantastic prize. And 'lastly, thisý month', 'Student cf the Month' is Kathleen Rowland. Congratula- tions, Kathleen. TRFLA CASTLE SCHOOu ~.i [Le- By Leah Sultan-Kbtan Our annual student fellow- ship bazear was held recently te raise xnoney te aid the poor and underprivileged. An immense amount cf work7 and energy wes expended by students and staff te set up a widevariety cf booths and events. The highlight was the fashion shoôw, 'Wcmen cf. the 'Nineties.' The niodels, ail students cf Trafalgar, illustrated charm, wit and poise. Babysitting, face painting and clowns were available te keep children happy and occupied while their parents browsed around.- Snacks and drinks were available froni our bake table and international food booth. Crafts, bocks and ceramica were aise on sale. These were just a few cf the mnany attractions available at the bazaar. Sixteen winners cf the refle were chosen and announoed later in the evening. The first prize was a weekend trip for two at the beautiful, exotic Fenelon Falls. Other prizes included Christmnas trees and potted plants. The ny iC.armen rusetsuccess. 1Many senior students are doing Anderson bas been doing very last-minute research on well on the sports scene. The universities. Students have been junior girls' and senior beys' cross attending many seininars by country teains qualified for university representatives. The OFSAA competition at Horseshoe applications are due on Nov. 14. Valley. Because cf these teamns The prom plans are well Hepngte sol outstanding schievements they underway; the location hes been were nanied 'Students cf the chosen, and tickets were seld last mt o Week' for the week cf Nov. 4-8. week. A fund-reising event bas I h oispoetcutis Jeif Clayton should be been held te lower the ceets; this reifisol e.oay congratulated for his success in avent was a Teechers' Auction.bu dctoisprae. placing seventh overall in the On Nov. 5, teachars were omkadnti, province. The midget boys' chosen te do certain activitias for cal . Il1COE volleyball teamn bas aise bean vary students for a price. Activities aoi. successful. They made it te the included doing a student's ee- LOSSA. finals. honiework for a day, taking a Anderson had a music concert student eut for lunch, or escorting on Nov. 1. t was titled 'Autuin a student te and frein school. The Sf-ufcec hogiltrc bazaar was a great success.' Lest, but not least, the students were attired in their number one uniform which was the last piece cf an immense puzzle portraying a successful charity bazaar. Lest week'students frorn a few schools froin the Durhamn Board cf Education gathered at Trafalgar Castie te express their views on -the constitution cf Canada. It was a very informative session.- Our Remenibrance Day long weekend comnienced at noon on Thursday. Lt was a time cf refiection when one could honour the soldiers who gave up their lives. OSAID workshop expands to *become regional conference A regional conference cf schools with prograins against drunk driving will beheld Mon- day, Nov. 18 in Oshawa. The third annual. Ontario Stu- dents Against Impaired Driving (OSAID)-Durham workshop has been expanded te becom-e a regional conference for about 65 schools in Durham -Region and the surrounding ares. The conference will be held froin 9:30 a.m. te 3:30 p.m. at, the Oshawa city hall arts resouroe centre. * here are now OSALD chap- ters in more than lÇ5lf cf the high schools in Ontario. Tlhe conferenoe,,jg bein held at f.flnrhi d 1 DENIS 03CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 1 ANDERSON C.V.1. 1

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