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Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1991, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITY'PRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20j, 1991 I.Flint residents are angry6:" .over unannounced-pýond ýwork WORKERS construet a retention pond poses a threat to children's safety and in a ravine north of Flint Cr. Area the envfronment, and are angry they residents are concerned the pond weren't first consulted. Photo by Mark Reosor, Whitby Free Press By Mark Reesor REidetsof Flint Cr. are upin arme over the construction of a storm water rMention pond in a ravine just north of their homes., They, firat discovered a pond may be built i the area -about 18 montha ago when surveyors began puttminitakes.' Residents John and Vera Hugel went to the Town to find out- mnore, <and --after .-some research - uno one seemed to know anything about it" -.saY they were told the project wouid b. similar ta, on. at Aniderson St. and Rossiand Rd., -a pond about two metres deep,. .The Hugeis say residents were also assured they wouid b. con- suited before construction began. "Tii. next w. heard of the pond was, the sound' of chain saws and bulldozers on Novem- ber 13, 1991,» says Vera. Sh. says the pond is designed ta hoId 37,000 cubic metres, and when fuli wiii b. 16 feet dep As well, a weir 15 feet above grade is te b. buiit. John Hugel says the tep of the. weir is thei same elevation as a side door of their hanse, and worries about flooding if the pond fuls. Tlhe ravine attracts neighbour. hood children and those piaying at two nearýby parka. Town officiais say the pond, which is designed ta . prevent flooding and erosion, lias been in the works sinc* 1984. Tie. iroject lias beeng abzwvd byWVhitby council, -the Onar0 Mimistry of- Natural Resoure and thé Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. . Construction on the south aide of the ravine lias been- stopped, after officiais decided no further. work was needed. . Rsidntéinssttheir protest ient just another case of the NIMBY,<not in my backyard) syndrome. They say they don't oppose the idea of apond in the area, but feel the project's Éimpact on the environment, threat 9! childrýen's safety and smaller alternatives 'hsiven't been considered. Residents are scheduied ta, meet with Town officiais tenight ta oic thir on e Owners lose jobs, leave pets at veterinary clinie were recentiy surprised te, find a dog and cat on the doorstep CORPORATION 0F THE NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING Durtghie winter months, the municipality cleans thie snow from al siewaks in the Town of Whithy. Please be advised that the Town wiII NOl b. esponsible for any damages caused by municipal sidewalk snow cearng equipment ta objeçs such as wood, concrete or brick driveway edgings, he)dges or shrubs, fences and fiower beds placed by residents on the public road allowance near or adjacent ta the sidewaik. Repairs ta damnaged sod wiIi b. undertaken by the Town, as deemed neoessary. Shouid yourequire additional information, please cati us. Vour contiýued co-operation is appreciated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS CENTRE 66844M CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY I NOTIE ON-STREET PARKING& WIINTER SNOW CLEARING To assist the Town of Whitby in keeping the streets clear of snow, the pbi srequested ta co-operate byl parking in a manner that wiii wnterer w n runicipal snow cleanng operations. The Town of Whrtby has a Trafflo By-law, By-law 1862-85. that Mates, in -part, the folowing: No pemon shall on any highway park any vecl for more than thv.. (3) hurs. No pesorn sah1 on any highway stop any vehicle in such a manner as ta intee r ith the movement 0f lrafflc or mhecdearing of snow from - the highways. AProvincial Ofnses Officer appointed for the carryinq out afthie Provisions of this by-law, upon ciscovevy of any vehicle parked, stopped or standing i contravention of tmis by-law may cause it ta b. moved or taken ta and placed or stared in a- suitable p lace and al costs and charges for removing, car. and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle which mray b enforced in thm manner provided by The Repair and Starage Liens i Act 1989 (Bill 152), as may b. amended ftom lime ta lime. Should you require additional1 information, please clil us. Vour continued co-operation is apprecated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTWMT ~ EPE when they arrived at wQrk. A note ieft with the pets explained that the owners a lost their jobs and were cancer- ned they couid no longer ade- quately care for the pnimÏais. The note went on te describe both animais in some detail, expressing remorse that things had corne ta this and the hope the ciinic could find good homes for the pets. The story has a happy ending. Walt Ingwersen, a vet at the Whitby clinie, says good homes were found for bath the dog and cat. Ingwersen sees the incident as a sign of the times, noting it's the frst time anybody has ever ieft a pet at the clinic's door. "Wé've had people who've brought animasis for one rea- son or anather... and tried ta find homes for them but it's neyer came down ta '1 can't afford ta keep this animai, you take it.' » Dctor Ingwersen says the recession is only now starting ta Looking for Retail Space? How about a location where your success is a partnership of your landiord and yourself and your rent is geared to that success? -approx. 1500 sq. ft. - Cail 668-1468 bit the animal heaith care field. Initiaiiy we didn't seem ta b. ail that affected because I think peaple relied on their savings ta get tem through., «But when savings start te dwindie, then they start toecu back." H. eýsays people are stili bring- mng m ie c animais, but are cutting back on preventative health car. WALT INGWERSEN, veterinarian at MacKay Animal Clinie, with a dog that was ieft at the clinic door. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby PFer. reeu ByMark Reesor Staff at MacKay Animal Clinic

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