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Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1991, p. 14

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PAGE 14,-WHflYFREE PRESUWMDNESDAY. 1NOVEMgîR 27, I99ï WIBY PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Famidly Trust building (downstairs), corner of Dundas' and Hickory Sts., on Monday, Dec. 2, 7 to 9:30 p.m., for lide cinic #2 tobepresented by Janice Teichroe. New j members aie welcome., PAREINSON The. Parkinson support proup Durhamn Region chapter wil holdaàgeneral meetigon bec 2 7:30 p.m., at St. Mairk's UniteJ Church, corner of Coiborne and Centre streets. ýFor more infor- motion call 666-8576, or 668- J 65809 j fUEUL MF0 LOBE The Duhm Folklre Society will meet on Thursday, Nov. 28mi *the. Michael Starr building,' Centre St., Oshawa. Tlhe society offerstraining idevelcong ekille istorytelling to >adults 'and children, and promotes interest ti folklore as a cultural tradition. New members are welcome. For * information cafl 579-7149 or 571-3148. >RECITAL A trumpet and organ recita will ho held Sunday, Dec. 1, 4 p.m., at Al Saints' Anglican * Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Whitby. There will ho advent and general miusic, with Marlowe Bork on 'trumpet and Elaine Broughton as organist. Admis- sion ie free. Refreshments wil follow the show. Parking at the medical centre off Centre St. N. For more information caîl 668- 5101. MACHIINE KNMTERS The Oshawa Machine Knitters Guild will meet on Tuesdlay, Dec. 3, 7. p.m.1 at Dr. S.J. Phillips school, corner of, Sficoe and Rossland, Oshawa. Use of a gar- ter bar will ho demonstrated. New members are welcome, * either hand-knitters or machine- knitters. For more information cail Peggy at 576-9810. DOWN SYNDROME Durham Down Syndrome * Association will hold their annual Christmas party on Sun- day, Dec. 1, 2 to 5 p.m., at the Masonic Hall, Whitby. For more information caîl 668-9510. The MulipflieSeleross Sôcetyi annual Chnistmas party for those with MS, will b. eid on Fnday, Dec. 6, sa nga~ 6:30 p..at theLegionhml,Slm12ce St~,Oshawa. For ticketi,, $15 each, call Bernice Webb at1 728- 1315. OSH[AWA FLYINGCplt~ The Oshawa Fly'ing Club Ill hold a grand» re-opening, and open houa. (after a move . f0 ýa new hnga)at Oshawa irjort. Stevenson d.jut north Of Rossland Rd., on., Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 10Oa.m. to 6 p.M.There will ho free coffe. and donuts, a tour of the façilities,ý and air- plane rides are available. TREE DECORATING PARTY 'fie Whitby Senioràd Acfivity Centre will hold a party f0, decorate their Chritmias tre. on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 1:30 p.m. Members are invited f0 bring on. ornement f0 bang on the tre.. There wil ho refreshnients and a sing-song afterward. GENERAL MEETING Thoe Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association for Community Living will ho]d a general meeting on Monday, Dec. 2, 8 p.m., at the Emperor Street Centre, 36 Emperor St., Ajax. The topic will b. 'Cutting Pro- grains - a Rea]ity; How cari we avoid doing this?' Refreshments will b. served. YLEARNING DISABILITIE S ASSOCIATION The Learning Disabilities Association, Oshawa Chapter, will hold a monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 28 at the Whitby Public Library. There will be a video' on the. identification, placement and review comntte., as well as time for parent sharing. Ail are welcome f0. attend. Admission is free. For more information, calI 623-4934. 3RD ANNUAL> Cr UIVITMASCRANT SHOW A Christmas *crea show wifl ho held at'the Metro East T~rade Contre, Brock Rd. N, Pickering (between Hwy. 401;2nd Hwy. 2),'* on Fniday, Nov. 29 (3 f0 9 p.m., Saturday, N4ov. 30 (9:30 a.m. f0,9 pam.) and Sunday, Dec. 1i-»(930 a.m. f0 6 p an.). The show will feture crafte and gUis pfflSeteed tfi pr,ýne.Polka Dot De Liv. with Poikaro and frinde' wiil ho ive on stageron Nov. 29 ut 3:30 p .:30. pan.'and 7:30 p.m. Phantasma magic show will' ho held on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 ut 2 p.m. A Cullen Gardons Christmas dispnla'r is being planned. herewi lso ho edaily door pnizes. Admision: $3 for adulte, .children ,under .12, accompanied by an adult, fr-e.. For more, information, calI 668-8838 or 666-8050. EITRNATIONAL TRAINé IN COMMUNICATION. The Firet Oshawa Club ITC will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 3,-6 p.m. at Hong Kong House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa.. Cost of dinner je $14. The. theme will ho ' Broaden Your Horizon.' For more* information, calI Pat at 725-9375 or Joyce at-668-5504. Non- prot I oommunhty groupe whlch arébaed ln Whllby or have a subetantial Whitby .membershlpmy , ,ýplace their or acivides on ths page et no coat. quel,' ki~o l m Frlaay et 5 .. OLDE IYM 1, 17 TF MMS HOUSE TOUR From cont emporanry to trdti"Pna l, vspecially eelected homies 1wif'l ho decorated h seasonal finéry, by. some of WihitbW,'s most ' well-knowni establihmenté such as ,Hariso Hos~Lmonard'Desigo Systems, Roussau Hritage Hu.adY Olde FashionýCbristàmasStore.ý 'The tour. wifl take place on Saturda, Nov. 30, il a.m. to 4 p.m.MTies are $10 <ages 16 and older) and are- avàilable at the above-mentioned etbibet or fro6m the gallery. Proceedo'from this fwidraising evient' will go to Tlhe St'atIon Gallery. For "more information, cail the g1aery at' 668-4185. DiNTO NIGBOT Ihe Whitby. Junior Chamber of Commerc/J!aycees will, hold a wine and c heese niht wil h held on* Wednesday, Nov. 27,9at the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, office, 129, Brock St. S., beginning at 7 p.m. The évent is open to ail young mien and women between ages 18 and 39 who wish to learn more about the, ogization. To confirna attendace caîl Jeif Zavitski at 430-7635. HIAZEL DAVIDSON (right) isn't talking anY chances ini this year's Knights of Columîbus car draw - she bought, ber ticket early, and from the same unan, Vincent Myette.(standi9ng, at right) who sold her a winning ticket last year. Car' draw chairman Martin Turpin (standi0ng, bift) and ticket seller Denis Delaney look on. Fourteen cars are up for grabs in this yearls draw - tickets are $1 each. photo byMa"k RaM, WhltbyFr". Pre SHPPING LIGERTS ANI) Space is stifl available for the Pennslvania on Nov. 29,30ad Dec. 1, hosted l 1 heWhtb Seniorsi Activity Centre., Priends and rpembers may eaM the centre at :668-1424 fr more C_1 TATREE 8ALES lot Whitby',scouts .11 beai 'the parking lot cf H.rlrs Drug Warehouse and Frankbn's Fro- _zen Foods, 311' Brock St.1 N., Spruc, and pine trees, will ho sold for $15 each. REFORMPARTY John* Warren,> author of 'A CapitalScandaI,' will ho guest epeaker at a meeting held by the Reform Partyjof Canada, Ontario riding, on, Thur@day, ov.28, 7:30 p;m, at Har-wood Hieh welcome THE STAR CHL) Oscar Wilde ,«'me Star Child', f.aturing .. Karen .Fleies, storytiler/performer, will ho held at lb.eRohort McLaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Oshawa, on Sunday, Deé. 1 at- 2:30 p.m. Children agd 10 and' over are welcome. Admssion is free. SANTA 800K > The Life Underwriters Asâociai- tion of Durham Region will have a 'Sanita- Sock' at Five Points MaIl, in front of Zellers Nov. 28 f0 30 and Dec. 5 f0 î Raffle tickets <$1 each or six for $5) can ho purchased for threzes cf $250 gift'certificates. The asso- ciation will donate funde ýraieed f0 the Durhamn chapter cf the Cystic Fibrosie Association. For more information caîl Mark at 571-5853. ALZHEINMER Thiesupprtgoup for Alzhei- mer -famihtes Wllmeet on Wed- nesday, Dec. 4, 1 p.m., at j;he YWCA (Sun, Room)i 199 Cenitre St. S., Oshawa. AUl CoSepvers are welcome. For more inorma- tion cal the Alzheimer Society cf Durham Region at 576-2567. CRAFT BAKE SALE A craft anA bake sale will ho held at Emmianuel Reformed Church, 401 Roseland-Rd. W., on Saturdayý, Nov. 30, 10 a.m. f0 2 p.m. Lunch is available. GLANT SALE A t odi cfd crafta, coilZeftibLantiques and -more wiil ho prooented by United Way cf Oshawa-Whitbhr-Newcaste. Saturday, Nov. 30, 9 a-M,. f05 p.m. ut Camp Smc north. entrance. Fr".adisinand parking.,' For more information caà 436-73774 ONE PARENT FAMILY MEETING Oshawa Chapter. On. Parent Fanuily Assoiation wil meet on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Settlement -Houe, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for its general meeting. New members- and gese welcome. For more iormation, cal 986-5707- or 728-1011. x~.* ~ MM4-BAZAAR Whitby General Hospital Awdiliary wiUl hold a mini-bazaar on Thursday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. f0 4 p.m., in the hospital lobby. There wil ho crafts, knitting and baked goods. For funther information, eall Cory at 668-0411. ickets for the raffle draw will ho available ut the. bazaar or from auxciliary members. Ail prizes are donated locally, and proceeds wiil go f0 th. auxiliary. BAZAAR A bazaar will ho held by the United Way at Cam Samac, north Oshawa, on tuda, Nov. 30, 9 a.m. f0 5 * * m. The Canadien National Institut, for the, Blind, Durham branch will hO o f the celthaà Win ANNUAL AZAAR Fairview Lodge'SI3annual bazaar will hoheld. -on Wednesday., Dec. .4,fro&i 1to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.=. 'fie.wIl be, handmade- crarcs, toy% d.0 scarves and much more. Twelve przswil ho raffied off and tcesmay ho purchased. at the door. Samples, of sweets from Pastry Chef will ho available t0 visitors for $2. Ail are welcoene. FIDDLE CLUB BZA The Oshawa-Wbitby Old Time Fiddle Club wii feature a bazaar and white elephant sale ut their regular'meein on Wednesday, Dec. . 4 6:30 p.mù., at Heyden- shore i>avllon. The bazaar wil ho followed, by an evenn of ifiddlinii, round-ohd square danc- 1 and A sins o inforat cali. 43&-9019 or65-0. Qof a hI Jhdion Proceeds to financially assist Chidren ln YMCA Day Camps. Featuring works of Artist Linda Sanderson and«70 others. 145 pièces with bidding starting at 60% of Galley prices. Carl Clark, cartoonist, wil I do your caricature. ....... ... .................. 9 h w o f C u THE y C For tickets and i UR M CA IONinformation DURAMREGON call 668-6868 unutedIWayi -

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