PAGE,32,WMUBY FM RERS%, WEDNE8AY, NOVgMM-R 27, 1 Work expverience 8helPs -studn8coo8e.acareerý ppeniticeshi pirogrami' adsmon sues bokepg rsceara uc By Marlo Boucher Pcthtret tmeinCanad'an, hisetorýy---ithe- Durhamni Board -of, Education will have the- first regsteedapprentice e uent gradi-O'te from an- intograted- apprentieà ahip ---programn next Sarkis' Kay, work education consultant~ wîth the Durhami Board of Education, says the prograni gives grade 12 and .13 students an -oppeortunity te spend one day at ýsch ool and.,one. at work for a fulli echool year,, or split the two . semesters between school and work. He , says some grade, il stu- dents participate, in the'dual systeni by working for hait a day aind attending sehool for the rest of the day. uT'his provides tme te increase the student'a portolio in' career awareness-in a practical sense te, make the proper decision for a career » ho says. UnliAe the co-op education pro- gramn, atudentsget paid te parti- cipate ini the apprenticeabip pro- grani, ayts. hpwsito Te apprentiehpwsito duced Iatyear in Durham Region te gve tudents the chance tebeComo .reqistered apprentice. while attending high school. The apprentioeuhip program, in superviseïd by a reprenptative from the Minxstry of 90119 Deve- lopment and by the Durhm board. The supervisora meet with the employer te determine the out- corne and te discusa the atudent'u attitude in the. progruni. May saya the progrum helpa studonts with cureer-oriented trau»n*ng. «Tii whole idéea of, the ý'pro- graminifor banda-on experi'ence, SEaya Terry Souch, general mana-. ger of M r*oI incoin.Mercury Sales Ltd.of Whitby. H. saye apprentice',Jeremy Bur a .X 12 student at RS.Lauglin CM in Oshawa, currently WorkS tbree days a week. Souch hopes te get another studont te work the other tbree days, including Saturdays. «We're very pleased with the syatem »heêaays. Souciisays theprovamdosanh achool. "The prummary reason ho is bore is te assist and observe and te work along with a licenied tech- STUENTMECHANIC Russel Jackson works on a car am part of bis practical training at l. Philips Auto photo by pete« Tomblia, Whitby Fr.. Pieu nician.» lý>ouchma it épves tho stu- donts a ch anc. to, a.. and- oxoioc a trado in order te makethobout possile career choice. The. company pays Burgoss? wagea based *on tho provincial «s a metOf young people te, work i Thoe community,ho Baya. Burgess saya ho Prefersthia systeni over staying m 'achool al week. ý, "It will mako ,it quicker to getý niymechanic'slicenso." 'Burgess gays ho -started au a co-op student laut year befor. switching .to the apprentico pro- grani n Sptember. Trough the co-ope-rativ edu- cation poeam toDurham Board of Education i. aloo work- ing with local businessos te help high aschool 'students gain oxperience outuide clasaoma. Co-operative education in- tegrates- clasooni theory with oxpo3riencea in a -working environnment. aiIget te* learn and do, not just watc,» saya ]Russell Jackson, a grade, 12 student at Eaatdalo ý'Collegiate iOshawa. Jackson'says ho spends bet- Por tbis terni, Libby says the company hmu two atudents froni Anderson CVI, Bryan Kissoon i the, morning and Chris Kramer i the afternoon. Doing filing, matching cheques with accounts payable, vou0cfiers and cleaing choques returned froni the banks- "pïrovides theni with enough experience te help during the summer (in jobs),»"self awyer Robert Snell says it is important for atudents te make the right career. decision before mnveatng many years of studios. '«Theyget a broad view of what go.. on ini a law office,» ho ays Current co-op stuadent, Br- bara Kupniéki ss th e experience heus soItar «shwna m thegood and the bad aide.» <Tve learned *whatges on a day-to-day basis,» says the grade 13 student of Anderson CVI. Perforrnu wcomputer work, (Y Home 0'f The "18" LARG1%E" PIZZA Where a large really is a large. Over 26% more..izza than a 16" large. . ........... îOP 1 ..00.OFF1$..O.OFF ....... sIi.. I 1 5 113 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY Umit 1 coupon per order please. Noexpiry. No cashvau . .*À4~$ .~'4~4~' » Q... -.~ «. SCôUègfeà Vfr .~>.xJ» -.--~-- .*.*.*.*.*...*.*.* * .»~ *~~** ~.****:~x'~ These services are aise offered Durhami College, is now offering a one-year 'Empboyment Options' prograin frèe te indvidalsaffected by plant closures and ir.definite layoffs. The service, Ministry 'et Universities, is funded by the Colleges and geared toward pepeinterested un 'upgrading, retainn or developing a new' Counsellors are available te prvide information and to assist with vocational assessment,' personality profiles, job finding and resume writing workshops. Support groupa will also b. formped. te, other members of the community for a nominal fee. After the initial assessment, an individual may purchase one et the available packages. 1<For. more informiation. about employment options cali Student Services at Durbain 'College, 576-0210 ext. 453.1 Henry bows out in semi-final FROM PAGE-28 A questionable pass inter- férence caldecided tho gaine. Witb the 'bal -on the' Henry 12-yard line, with -a shado .over three minutes left. and juat one yard te go, Richview gamibled on a fourib-down pas& It Y)s incomplete, but the interferènco caî gave the Saints first down and ]Richviewc Martin dove passed for a ti make it 22-19. Henry Stree next passs nover looked Hawks witb final thre mir Hawks coac the calI' prot the wind eut oc the econd cha "What can gne ofootbé bnceL'n An einotior disappointed1 bis team. "These guys ashame4 of...n quiarterback Paul 'Tm juat proud as anything te i for the TD and be asuocated with this teani wo-poit convert te they are fantastic ... the greatest ~t uible o thirbunèhbof kids 'vo evr coachod fumbld on heirin my lifo.7 lon,k and Richviw Tii. teani had a modest -record back, stunning the of five wins and two losue dur- 22 poits i the ing- ýth eua wnbfr nuteaur8 rM ,n9 juat about everyono h Pat Pucknell said Fitha o r the Pîckoring ty much knocked Tro an to theb LOSSA titIe. if us and gave theni Éhdat. lIe Hawk toa win Ec... ovor Mrkam -te -tae the you do? Thatfs the DYSSA crown and- a victory 1l, the way the. bal inttelvil oira ithe nal Pucnell was Tho Hawks wero heavy under- but ~ ~ g veynrod tm -thoir Etobicoke 3 bave nothing to'e oloeamanage to get insido the ro on. thoughît wod Suinta' 35.Yird -lip . il ueon - ween six tan. ehours a gweek working as a à n : ýassistant mechariic at RJ. Phillips Auto Repairs as part of the co-pera-ý tiv prograni. "I do more work--by msi than anywhere else rve béen," he says. Jackson says he was introdu- ced to, the prograin at sehool and started workingf at R.J. Phillips Auto Repair in September. Heoà saysho will get educational credits toward his >high ýschool diploma while learning about bis career. «That's more, the, reason I did it, te make 'was for me,» ho says. I addition te bhis co-op hours, Jackson gets RJ. Phil- lips Auto Repairs b6, work part- tume for up te six hours a weèk. The company's manager, Sherry Philhips, says they eva- luate Jackson as part of the process for bis credits. ait give bn a chance te learn outsideschool classes,»" she said. According te, Susan Libby, accounting supervisor with San- doz-Ancalab in Whitby, students in the prgram earni more detail abut a certain employ- mient. >Uft is te, give theni a broader scope of what accounting is al about " ah. says. At à andoz, the student learne what a clerk dos, such as accounts payable duty and accounts -receivable duty, she says. tions are amongher 1duties at the Rob.rt Snell.Ladw Ofice, he.says. Workcing a few hours every dçay for atern leads te a summer job for one of the students, -ho says.; "They have been g'pleaiu*re to, workîth,» he says. S1Snell says studeints earn e dits:"H whl 1aing of career> interests* and getting some,,con- tacts in ýthe ,business world.",:- Ho'.says if any,.former student ever aplied for a-ýjob in the future, tey'd get top coriside- ration.»,, Lorna Coulouras, owner of Photo Artistry By Lojrna,"says she is impressed, with the maurtsh ow y tesu ets. says. Coulouras says she has two students' who corne in at . te sanie time for up te eight hours a week. «They do retouching on photo- graphs, removing cracks and take out the white spots off the photos," èhe says. 1Coulouras says the students see the background of the photo- grap m*dusrywhile earning '«Tey're excellent and rn very happymwith theni » she says. .The.two ace12 Eastdale studentaiwr¶in at the studio have developed different outlooksi froni their e ~rences. Casey Oe plans to study phoo'ornaismina umiversity «I like it even miore,» says O'Neil. Jennifer Wagner says she has learned about- things she wouldn't have at school.. "It really shows how thinigs work » she says. Tmnot sure about, i Kay saysthe progr 1am serves its purpose if it helps the stu- dents to make the proper career décision. feThe experience ini theconi-. munity is to eau. their decision- makinig,'he gaya. He, aays employeru, govern- ment agencies and touchers work hard together te provide local studenta with more murketable skills before graduating, froni h'a chool. ýÇerf in the çommunitT beneîteineuetwo progrm, ho isays.« this far. i goal.