PAGE 2, WJI1TBFM EPREM ,WiDNm 4. EC MER41 New council masures. to be a '180-degree titrn' from previous decisions FR OM PAGE 1 north ward. councilbor Don Mit- chell la the parksahad recreation depariment caresn i. management committee will con" sof-Edwaxdl% Drum, Batten and Brunelle., Batten in also dgputy mayor for th. no4 1L2 montha., In dealing with the cFrn econornic situation liWily Edwards muiýd over 100 Jb iv been Icot to the. om n the. past ysr. uI wish I could say with convic- tion that is the ond 0of it," ho Two sources of incorne that the. Town relies on 'are at risk, he "Agood slioe of our income arises from interest on investý- monta, and revenues from build- ingrpermits," hp muid. Olt may weIIlbe that both items-willbe severely depleted in the-commng year.n On the. sub*ect ýof tai increases, Edwards a Dlubcko servces, thoroby crea tayoffso in the. proceas, is not the solution ta! the problem. "Tii best response in my view is to, iden. tbetax bineby acuigadditional o-po About 29 per cent of WhitbIy- residents work in Toron tnd another 42 per cent elsowhere< in Durham'Region, ha mud. Edwards mid that 26pe cent of residente work in WhitC, and that percentage il not enougii and muet b. canged. Ho muid the majority of resi- dents want ta liv. in a cleaner environment duringelections. "I will recommend to the coup- Cil theroforo, that wo introduce- bylaws ta deal with the surfeit of temporary.anid portable signa and examine smre moansoI limiting election signe ta, privato Edwrds mid negotiations with the. Sorbara Group for dove- loment in Brooklin. is 'at an «When cornploted, it Winl pro- vide for smre expansion , with sconsutions lby the deélpe t ofst thecost of sanitary sewer installations and road surfacing and drainage,» h. mid. Parking in the downtown cor., the. promnotion of eia «ld g, aoceslbility are'other issues ht need to IL --à res eh said. Edwards mid h. will b. "urg-. ing council ta adopt nmre mea- ures which r.prooefit a 180- dopes turn fi-oxià previous coun- cil decisions. 1Batten mid council bus «a very diffcult taïk ahead!* and invited residents "to get involved in the. PBrunelle mid the now. chal- lenges facfing the new council will b. met «4y working as a teamï.» "Whitby is part of a tbriving metropolitan areM, Durharn," h. mid. Drumm mid the (3ST isaa "regressivo tax and becauso of it, people have bast faith'in govern- ments." Ho mid it ila time ta "get our own bouse in ordor.' Fox muid domîocracy13i.19apro- cee we. too often tk for pran- ted.n He mid a "lot"of epledon't appreciate what wo haîveinthis country, and no matter what council d oos, "it'm nover good enough .On budget M >ts I want thia chamber room filled, lho mid.1 Fox mu-id counciland roidentoý muet try "ta buildtrs"b deveoping botter ýommunication. with each otheÊ. Dostra. mid Whitby must maintaiita heritage, ospecWiay in tii. dqwntawn cor.. "Heritage preservation li hgh on thi liât of prioritiee,",he muidl.- Lonigfiold mid she wfil b. a 'ntogadvocate", for m'ore 'police safety im Whitby. Mitchell mid there should b.e a «transit accesmta, nortii ward for mheinaugurl eeting, indu- ded, inocton, choral présen- tations. and tii.declaration of office and oath of allegiance' by the. mayor and members of coun- Cil. à %qp% a L a r& à srnôncis- &(V~F1DC~L MANDS Announces their one location only, PEARSON LANES. Hilary, Sharron & Laurie Welcome their clients to this salon as of Dec. 1. 1991 666-0550 I _________________________________________________________ -. WRI AKIE A LOCAL ETRO CALI If you are making long distance cails to Metro'Toronto ,& vicinity,, Markham, South Pickering 1 & ClaremoÀt L.1 CALL ,..PICK UP AMETR QPHONEANDýWATCGH' OR SAVINGS -GROW! Wcop1ft LT -728-7000 IF USYCALL,7ý2847 RESTURANT,,& TAVERN RESAI Relax and'eujoy our tradiioalroast turkey diriner or a selectio2x from 'oui ,regular mienu Specializing in: STEAK oe SEAFCX)D oe RIB~ ~ 4~ ~, -~~'IN M, ~- - 900 HOPKINS ST. WHTIBY 668-0316 Finished Basement, Think ASK M ABO±i.UT Summer - Kidney shaped pool._ 8.%MOTGGE I know Whitb! I1 live in Whitby and have specialized in Whitby Real Estate for many years. Ca l OSM-Y RON. w -.hep .u IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND, ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN YOUR TOWN. <BUS: 433-2121 R ES: 668-3504 ETO 1 L- m 1 E