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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 21

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WII1TY FREE PRE88% WEDNESDAY, DEEM BE1 11, 1991, PAGE 21 Whiltby swimmers, qualiyfo senior, youthnaionals Kathryn McBurney of Whitb~ had one flrst- and thre sco= C lace finises la conslation abs at an international, meet heldrecentlylin Montreal. McBurney, 16, achieved per- sonal best Urnes la five open events at the World Cup tat featured top swimmers from Ger- mi~'ae ,Italy, France, England Rer Urnes enabled her to qa lify for the senior nationals l Wipeg la February. 'l was very pleased, esipecially for this Urne of yeaS,' said McBurney of her resultsnoting that she han yet to ;iÉ e form. McBurney was fixrst la, the consolation final la the 100m freestyle event with a time of 58.3 seconds. She was second in 50M le (27.4 seconds), 50M byu ~(29.4) and 100m butterfly (one minute, 4.3 seconds). Rer teammates from the WbitbylIroquois Swirn Club, Jen- nifer Codr and Renee Ayotte, also posted personal best times, each in three events. Crowder and Ayotte are close toqulfnfo senior nationale. At te YuthCup ila Etobicoke recently, sleg Coder, 13, also qualified for senior nationale 00mOzx and 200m backstroke. Amanda Brimble, 14, and Les- lie Dowson, 13, quialifled for youth nationals. Brimble quali- fied ia 200m backstroke and Dowson in 400m and 800m free- style. Whitby's major atem A"A teams spwnsred by Hlanet Plasice, complated-two succesaful back-to.back weekends -cf tournament action, beginning with the Buffalo Ragals Tournament Nov. 29 te Dec. 1. Whitby tok the championship with a convincing 7-4 thrashing of the hst Rgi. Along the way Whitby, pnewith a2M tie to the hast tea, followed with an 8-2 drmbbing of Pittsburgh and an easy 7-2 win over the Bud Bakewell Brulas- Jef Hamra and Evan . Kitamura split the. golt.niding asaignmants and kept thinga weil in hand. Ail teain members contributed to, the victory and the point talies were as follos Mike Feret 12 poInta ýA.J. Shannon with 10, BMy Duncan seven, Evan Cardwell and Mike Long six eachi-Bobby Schlitt five, Randy Davidson. Ryan HicIngbottem and Tannier W.stfail four. Rounding out the point-scorixig were Matt Foran, Kyle Imrie, Adam La~ and Wes Suddons, each w- two points. Brett MacRury la hie firet games bock since an iryjury, contributed lots of hustle and enthuiasm in addition tehiessingle point. . This past weekend Dec. 7.8, saw Whitby traval te Bramalea te take part in the Chinguacousy Clasmic Tournamant and without a doubt play soma of their best and moet exciting hockey to date. In the flrst game Whitby played hast Cbinguacousy and althoiugh down early, fought bock la a spirited effort that saw Whitby score. the r-4 winning goal on the final buzzer. The second gaine brought a confontation with unefiete St. Catharines, knowing that a boss would kil any hope of a spot la -the final. In an awesome display of grit and determination, backstopped by the shutout gaaltending of Evan Kitamur, *htby put it al together te, hand St. Catharines a 3-0 defeat. -Playing with conifidence, Whitby eliminated Kingeto. 6-1 behind Jef Harris's solid work between the Pipes te move on te the chain onship gaine and a date with Quinte Devils, a regular season rival. However, Whitby went down te defeat 2-1 in a gaine that they Wl ed weil enough te in seig nIrie, Suddons and Westfall due te illness, Whitby played laspired hockey and deserved a much better fate. Kitamura played well te, keep it close. Offensive stats!were: Shannon eight points, Feret and MacRury six, Schlitt five, Longo three, Cardweil, Davidson, Duncan and Lay with two points, and singles te Foeran, IHickingbottom and imie.-- NLL to start again in '93 B y Madeo Boucher TI%. National Lacrosse League vows te ratura te action next yOar. «Wer. optimistic about neit year because well have at least Iwo financial strong and stable teame » saiaI Bob Duignan, en1Q manager of the. Oshawa Stee Hawks, after a recent announcement that tii. leagua would not operate this yea fe last yaarsinaugural season. Tii. Pat.rborough! and Buffalo teama dropad out this prar. The Ã"shawa and Brampton franchises wiil ratura te action next ya aong with two or thre. nwt.1mshesidd. m'1¶iy ara financially indepen- dent wiith waalthy individuals,» h. said of the. potential newý teais which ha would not iden- %%nansid the. 1992-93 scedufle is already beiag dovelo- pdand. enough playars are xp.cted to, fil out the. restera cf h teain neit yar. 'I W <Oe3W0 pIa a'Ura subinitted gpplications epiay tuis y.ar,» ,sa Bid. Tii. league decided te g on a on-we hatus this Yeu ar s the Bu frianchise puiled out .r. -.ï<, of the league before the season, he said. A new louaosse league la tii. United States lacludes a Buffalo tea", and it became «difficult te rejuvenate the Buffalo franchise la tiiose conditions at the time,» ha said. Duignan said it simnply was impossible te get another franch- ise ready la time for the NLL' season. The problems were compoun- ded when the Peterborough franchise also decided te pull out of the league at the last minute. "'About three Weeks ago, the Peterborough group indicated they were not going te b. able te rais. the moneyte complete the season," he saÏd.- Duignan said the Peter- boWougfanchise blamed the economid situation and the. fact there were only tbre. teains la the leagu. this year. The Oshawa and Brampte franchises discussed the posaibi- lity of playing exhlbitions but felt itwas not inthe best interest of the league, he said. Duignan-. said the Steel Hawks were-siflfnancially and iiad clearance to use the. Civic Audi- toriumà ip Oshawa for six home gaines. The Brooklin-Whithy major novice, AAA hockey teain, sp 1oe by- Don Cherry's Grapvin Retaurntwonthe B Wo Regaks Takgvn weekend hockey tournament recently. Aantthe hast Buffalo Regals lath garne, Whitbhy care out flying and handily beat their hasts 5«1. Matt McKay, Blala. Down, Jeif Frazer, Jason Peyman and David Morasse provided the scoring. Assist went to Jay'Harrison Robert . Lalonde, Steven Farquharson, Babby McBride, Michael Morneson, ,Mark Cipparone, Jeremy Fiéher, Frazer and Peyman. In the second gameaganst league rival Ajax, Whitbysae to a 3-1 win. Sean Walsh, from Morasse and Peyrnan, and two from Sean MacRury, assited by McBride, Lalonde . and McKay, provided the scormin1. Againat- Brandord, Whith~ really found their soing to= by trouncing their opponents 7-0. Goal-ecoswere Cipparoe and MacRury with two, Down, Frazer and Peyman.. Farquharson, David Beckford, Morasse (3), Fisher, Down (3), Peéyman <2), and McKay contributed assists. Ian Watson earned the shutout. In the final -against Markharn, Watson gained his second shutout la a row as Whithy skated to a Mýacury had .two'goals with singesgang to, Cipparo ne and Down. Asssting were McBride (2),' McKay (2), Peyman, Morasse and Paruhrsn. MacRury was named gaine MVP. Atom As *win 3rd tournamenýt DOUG WRITE saink three of six shots tac win a pair of Reebok Pumps in a tbre-polnt shootout at Anderson CVI organizeci by Sam Cooper as a venture project for his grade 12 entrepreneurlal studios clasm Cooper ralued $85 for the Christmas food drive after maore than 70 students competed. Photoby kUoeý, whfby Fr"eP~ A late, third1pbr Craig ILanegarwaa t¶'CU.- ference astii Whitby major peewee A hockey, team -won a ournan n a teuffville over' the. weekand. It was the second tournament wmn tga season b~y the. Whitby teain, sponsored by Case/s Rs- tauranta. la the final gaine, Rob-Morris. gave Wifftby a firt-p.niod lead agarnt the hoast tearn1 but S uffvle tied the. gae m the' secod peniod. 1Morris and Mark Reid set up Lanegger for the winning goaL« Whitby goaltendar- Ryan Unwin was natmad mast valuabla pÈaer in the final gaine; Rid scored thre g"alsand Justin St. Onge scor.d once as Whitby won thair flrst gaina 4-1 over Port Hoe Steve Astnhad two assista while .MorrsJason ILinden, léanggeran Jason Robinson had on. apiece. Raid was named MVP for the g a in e . d S . 1O 1Raid, Austin andS.Og acorad la a 3-2 win over Panfe- tan1. Morris and Bryden Denyes Matt Visconti was steady la net for Whitby. Raid again .ar- ned MVP honours. The t.am's fund-raisig Pan- cake breakfast will b. héela at CaseysaRéstauranta, Dundas St. E., Whitbyon Dè; 218 te il1 amn. . - - --....... Whitby M&M Meats major atom A team are now three- for-three in hockey tournainent action this season. Over the. weekend, Whitby won a teurnament in Ennismore, their third teurnanient chain- pionship thus far. With Chuck .Coles lin net, Whitby blanked the. host team 5-0 la the final. Ryaný McArtiiur Mike Orviss Saxnmie Scheepers and Paul Chornobay were superb on defence, and combined-with fine goalteniding, allowad only three goals la the tournament. Whitby opened the teurnament with a 12-1 skate past St. Pauré. Whitby follow.d with- an 8-2 decision over Ennismore. Phillip Greenen got the shu- tout la a 2-0 victory over a teugh squad from Lakefield, last year's champions. That sent Whitby lato te final. In a shootout championship held during the teurnarnent, Orvisa wastop shooter and,ý Greenen was runner-up arnong goaltenders. Shane Neil had saven, goals and seven assiste la the. tourna- ment, Derek Ackford four _goals and five assista, Justin Terry three poals and five assista, Paul Heinrich two goals and four. ass-, iota. Josh Huether had four goals and an assiat Stc Bremner one goal and î6ourassista, Mat- thew Smith two goals and two assista, Orvisa on. goal and two assista, Neil MacDonald two goals, Chornobay on.egol and on. assist, Scheepers, McArthur one asst .ach.- In a league game platyed before the tournament Whitbvy dfa Ajax 4-1. With thr.e pIlyers out due to, flu, Why haïd brought, up three", parsand ail conitrlbuited as' Tlm Fennessey had two goals Jeiff Church' on. and Grog L.Blanc an assist. Huether had a goal and Brem- ner two assista. elw4. o'.o+ e,1 'or. ~ <. Novices allow only 2 goals on wayv to titie in Buffalo - - --- ---------- la lýý

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