PAGE 28, WB1TY FREE PIW8S% WEAY DEÇEMBER 1 ROOM FOR RENT - South Ajax. 1503 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA - NEW, LUXURY 1,600 sq. fi. Female -prof erred. Clean, quiet Duplex apart ment, bottom floor. 2 Sallwinds condo for ront or lease. 2 home. Cati and teave. message, bedroom, fridge, stove, living bodroom-s, 2 baths, whirlpool, 686-1570. roomr., kitchen. front and baCK Iaundry, solarium. Underground _______________________entrance, yard. $580, plus utilit les. parking & storage. Spectacular 655-3588. view. Available immodiately. Cati 416-987-5400. BROOKUN - Bedroom/living room combo wth bathroom. Shared. kitchen .& laundry. lmmédiately avallable. $80 per week 655-4640, 655-4951. FURNISHED ROON, bathroom, flroom, TV, kitchen privileges. Quiet, working maIe preferred. $BSIweek4r. 666-1618. 3 BEDRqOOM HOUSE in Whitby ta share with a third persan. $350 per month (utilities included). Use of ail f acilit les. Available Jan. 1. Cal 430-7633, leave message. WHITBY, NEW 1-BEDROOM tuxurlous condo. Fivo appliances, air, blinds, roc facilities. Under- ground parking, locker. Carpeted. Non-smoker.. $795/month, inclu- sive. 1-416-663-3006. WHITBY - LARGE, Immaculate 1 bedroom apartmont, grounjd floor, $595lmonth. 666-5056. Avallable January. BROOKUN- 2 BEDROOM apartment avallable Feb. 1, $595. Includes heat, hydro. Close to ail amenities. CatI Dae., 985-0856.. BACHELOR APT. - ground floor -patio walkout - for ront Fobruary 1. 1992. $590/month« includes heat, hydro& a rking. Quiet, woll maintained building in downtown Whitby. First & last and references roquirodl. Cali 430-1983 and leave message. FOR RENT IN 6-PLEX - One bedroomn apt. Fridqe. stovo, 4-pc bath. Parking, utilities extra. $46. First & last. Brockç St. N., Whitby. 623-4782 or 668-3038. BROOKUN - BEAUTIFUL, clean, large 1-bedroom apartment. Frldge, stove, iarin. Clos to ail amenities. Hydro extra. Available now. $625. 655-4544 days or 655-8989 evenings9. WHITBV - CLEAN 1-bedroomn apartments. Centrally located, quiet, residential area. Quiet, non-smokers preferred. Available from $495/month. Cal 668-3011 (message), or 666-3883 evenings. WHITBY- LARGE, 1 bedroomn apartment available Feb. V92. Utiities & parking included. $506/month. Furst &Iast. Cal Complte oycelylonê pack- agMatchdisk ,grindor . & sander,'heavy-duty weldi tables, heavy-duty boom--w winch, transformer ,60V-450V, wiger heater (12 gai'.) 430-6668. VCR - ZENITH, MODEL 1820, $210. Phono 668-2818 affer Sp.m. CORNING WARE' - electrlc -killet and casserole. Perfect condition. $15. 668-8273. SHEERS - 2 panels, each 95X150, white, like new, $100 o.b.o. Suede coat, grey with fox collar, ladies size- 11, like new, $100, o.b.o. Grey» dress boots, size 8, like new, $25. Grey leather g loves,. $20.. el 655-8414. WHITBY - 2 BEDROOM mobile home,* $600/month. 1 bedraom $500/month. Info at Unit #23, 1010 Dundas St. E. SPACE TO LEASE 50 x 70. Could b. usod for storago or car repair. CatI 668-8803. J.V.S. SIDUNG *Aluminumfinyl Siding *Soffit, Fascia, Eavestrough - Windows, Doors, Renovations - Free Estimates Cal John Van Sîageren 666-8418 .Amer 5 p.m. 668-8134 DALE G. RUSSELL a deywalfinshlng .bm wfibreglass L-iulation *textur eiling designs = =(r milings 1-416-649-1256 J KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 ___________Est. 35 Vis. ____________________ 655-3406 aller 6 p.m. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE ..... ....* 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. AN EMPTY STORE doesn't do me much good. Can ronting it to you do some good?' Dave, HAN RERTRONG - mrcail for - s ant Wingom Door - hreDougartncn Renfroaiona * 725-47W4 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because .of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. I......T....ES.I PRIVATE MORFTGAGES the place to go when your bank says "NO." Seving~ Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANU BIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGES AND LOANS for anyurpose from as low as 8.50%/ Qikapprovals. Ail applications consldered. Ravcan Fnancial Ltd. 571-2880. ATTENTION - WE BUY rosi estate & mortgages. Real ostate bought creatively. Cash paid for mortgages. Cati us. Worldwin Enterprisos, 430-7974. HANK'S APPLANCES is now carrying the full line (fridges, stoves, washers and dryers) of CROSLEY new appliances which carry one of the most inclusive limited warranties availabte in the applianco industry (10 yoars). Also 2-door fridgos $460 & up, new bar f ridgos $18 &up. 10w pricos on now freezers, stoves, dishwashers, rangottes and range hoods. BBQ burners, rebuilt timers and applianco pars. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6. Oshawa, Ont. 728-4043. CROSS CANADA M ARKETPLACE' rra FA9T - ire BAS3YI ONE GALL, ONEUBILL DOIS IT AU.. STHINK BIG - cALTHIIS NEWSPAPER- FOR DETAILS. MOBILE HOMES intructor FPA,CPR end exporibrtCS. MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTOR- $13Jhour.trav@VicOOmm0daliOYL Rosumus by HOMES. lnvontory Liqu.idaton Sale, 40 milts-Dec. 17191 toe: Roand Goiseelin.,, fax New and used. Ali lszes and maktes. Ali (403)9206487. Yellwknlfo, N.W.T. Prcselashed. Cal 1-800-263-7955. North SAE HEPW TD DIOC AV Por Pery, nt.MAKE A FORTUNE- maklng othors happy. FOR SALE The ultimate fundralslfl1 f001 la creatlng VOUR DOG WILL STAY HOMEI wlth Our hundreda of new opportun les wth lncredibly a Il dng Ele cltroc Fonce. Sa fol Am azlng i HIGH IN cO M ES. Urgently n ed sales Humanel Il worics. Iraà outaslght. PAO, RAMI peope.1-800-283-1900. Bancroft. Ontario, KOL iCO. Fax (613) 332- RR POTNT O 1375. 1800-NO-LEASH. RARE OPPOA TUaIs o.tatlvFONe envROnrSOnAL fri efldly, chlor e.dlplONew BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hook & Ey s, Super Tough and Pint le from $7.919/ft. Complse Clesners aiso. Shpanywhe&ê. Husky Farn Ectulpment. Aima. *ntado. (519) 8460329. EXCLUSIVE SHEEPSKIN PRODUOTS. Car ceat covers igs, sapport, babysà lambain, etc. Mail on;er anywhére. 30 Day ne4'ýbad< guarantue, grec catalogue. Caîl: Shear Confort toU4frgsl 6OO-6750. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL. BUILDINGS - ALL MODELS - Pound of cottcesIf we canltboat your best deai. Take dellveryln snring,. avold lnctOi555, 25x30 $2.374.7 Othor sizes available. Ponhsr/corIOpafl1.800-66815422. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU'LL EVER NEED. Future, Stesl Buildrings la the rgzed leader ln attordable, top quilly, ArhStyle Steel Building. Why psy more? Cau 1 6 0-606-8653. BF-ST BUILDING PRICES - Stsel Sirsitwail Typea- niuonset -32xC48 $5920: 40x84 $8556; 50x96 $17.,490; 60x120 $24,096 - other slzes avallabe - ysarend cl.aranC*- Paragon - 24 Houes 1-600-263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS- Now you can gît steel tramedi buldings ai wood fraen prices, OSA & OWB cortltîed. For tres bocturss, cal today 1-600-561-2200. CAREERTRAINING I$ TRUOKINO FOR VOU. Let'a diseu~seIL. Introduclrig sxtendsd programs end Crédit Courses. Gllmil WlIsm at1-800-265-7173. Mailcel Training Syst. LEAAN AUCTIONEERINO ai the SoWjhwestom Sohool of Auctîoneeltng. Next clama: March 14-20. Information contact: Southwetern Ontario Sohool et Auctiôrisedng. R.R. 05. Woodstocic, Ontmulo. N4 7VS. (51f9) 537-2115. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNMES N.W.T. POOLWATERFRONT STAFF: Dual ceiomalsfor iendulSl grilal;an domestlo affiltOn. 4uli- million dollar potentli. (M850-1400. WHOLESALE FIRIM iaas 1970 now sose 2 repressntaivêa in your area. Displmy and service merohandî ostabllshoci retall accounts. Minimum, weekly *arnIng s poential $800+. commls>lon. CmII (418) 758- l174,<(416) 756-2156.1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baltworms ln yrur basement or garage. Ode res. oporation. Low Investinont. Maricel guaranteedl Fr.. Informaation. Early Bird Ecology, RA.l.l SmIthville. Ontarto,-LOR 2AD. (418) 643- 4252. GROUND FLOOR opporlnltyv. Olstrlbutors wanted - ECONO-FLUSH. Most ellective water conservation device. Exclusive patents. Evéry follet needs oe. ns. lwetn secured by lntioftOy. Ounedco (403) 455-. 7500 Fax (403) 454.1599. OUT 0F TOWN PROPER11ES PROPERTIES TO BE S0LO for unpmld taxes. Orown Land avaliablity. For Intormation on bolth write: Propsrtes, Oept. CN, Box 5380, Sin F. Ottaw, K203J1. WANTED TO BUY PLASTIC RADIOS WANTED up te $250. for an y 2 colour Addison plastie radios. Cali cooi(416) 641-1420 anytine. FREE LIST 0F 50 money meklng home businesses th51 you 0511 atart for urider $500. Write Canadian Instituts of Home Busineiss, Box 334. Sorrento. B-O. VOE 2W0. WOULO YOU LIKIE to correspond wlIh unaitacllid Chrifalan pople acroosCanada: &il denomiatlons, ail natlonltils, for corr'psnlonshlp or rmrdage? ASHOROVE. PO. Box 2050. Chase. B.C., VOE1IMO. IYour ad could Nappar ln communlty tuwspopîrnlIn Ontario, or igm "s nCanona,I or uny Individuà i ProvIncel. Spam e l UrntêdI saetli Thîs N#ws»peV bdoyl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLAE" ro reach a wid.r market, adveili oe hroughoulÉ h. regionalmembership of 1he, Ontario and Canadvan communily Newspapar Assodiofls Cn ral ilro 55 newspapers - $160 for,25 words - AtliCOntario 171 nOWSpa.5-$5 e2 o Alt Canada 572 ne a r - $974 for 25 Word$ For further information pleasýe cal thie Whltby Free Press Ciasslfleds - 668-0594ý