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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WH1TY PFEPRESSgWEDNESAY. DECEUMBER11,1991ý Frank, Hugo & Bey, wishing you the best for a safe and happy, HolidaySeason By;,MoBoucher G,%,Herrema was re-eice as c a person of Durha m regional council ian uncontes- tedl vote of confidence by council bat week at the inaugural meet- Following a standing ovation, Ajax mnayor Jim Witty sald Her- rema was re-eected because he is~~oo aafeOSnd amnlookina forward to the next terni of office,' said Herrema. The Hiistene project in' Osh- awa, plans for which include a new regionai ýadmhinistrative building and a'private office to-wer, and the Durham officiai plan are amnong the top priorities of the new council. "Maybe we should- cail it a 'quality- of 1f.' blueprint,' Her- rema said ;of I the,.offiCIapin mneetings that were attndedb very -few >eople. .The.'plan will guide growth in the, region fiqr the next several years. Ho said ho hopes te get Dur- ham residents more interested in the officiai plan document. 1- Herroma said a botter working reiationship with other levels of governmont may eventuaily lead te, ways of saving taxpayers' money. "Thère can ho a -botter way, w. just have te explore'it," ho said.' Hesaid to former mayor Bob Attersley, seated in the audience, that ait.{ut isn't going to eheii saine wi out you. .Herremna rfed te Whitby's new mayor Tom Edwards as a mspn who.has «paid attentionte. ail the isséues, especa 1 i ien'i t, came te the peopre." Edwvards'was electodchairper- son iof ethe. health 'and social services, committee.. Whitbyý regional ýcouncilrM~e~ Br-uneile'in on workEs commnitto. Bss Batten' on finance anât administration committee and, Joe Drmm non pliann'ing commit-. tee- after elections last,,week... Herreina and Witty will head- the police services board, Os3h-' awa councillor John- Aker wil continue tobecehi prson ofthe works committee, rock. mayor Donald Hadden- 'remains *the. chairperson of the. fingnce.and- admiistration comimitté ,'and: Uxbridge mayor Gri-yn O'Connor is in chareof'..the- planning tommittee. - m wRESTRE This is lbe weekend to get your Christmas tree! 2 LOCATIONS 211 Birck SL N. (Jerry's. Drug Warehouse) Weeknîghts & Weekends AND ' Dundas & Thicson (Petrocan Station) Frîday & Saturday On/y WHITBY DISTRICT SCOUTS PDlease Recycle RESTAURANT & TAVERN Relax and enjoy o'ur traditional roast turkey dinner or a selection from our regular -menu Specializing ins: STEàAK <-SIEAFc>OI: oe RIS _900 HOPKINS ST. WHTIBY 668-0316 7, 7- CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOW $21 8,900.00 - Original Owners, AS M AOU Upciated, Fabulous! 8.501. Me - £E I know Whitbyl I1 live in Whitby and have specialized in Whtby Real Estate for maný years. Fo EPEDBL S stt avce hhI olgain Cal ROEMRY ROW. -.i elpyu IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND, I~OEMAX ~9WI4,SALES REfRESENTAJNV.F4O.lmTN BUS: 433-2121 RES 9668-354eQ Sehools are momitored Influenza outbreakleattýy, BýyMono Boucher There is an outbreak of in- fluenza in Whitby. «Werje trying te determine wiiat typeof inKluenza it is," says Marion Megesi, nursing super- visor for Durham Region Dopart- ment of Heaith Services. The outbreak started -about 10 days ago with reports froni schools about student absences du. te flu, iah. says. «We're monitoring very closely some of the. achools in the region te see *how many studenta are missing -classes irelated te the influenza," ah. says. Megesi says the symptoma in- clude coughing, high foyer, mus- cle aches, congestion and fatigue. She suggests pepl 1okfor tiie symptema and con*uit a piiy- sician if necessa ,rbcue"we are ail prono te it7. "Tii. whole area (Durham) has been affectod,7 she says.- Assault, theft A 37-year-old man was assaul- ted and his, wallet stelen early Monday morning after ho with- drew cash from an autematic teiler at the. IGA plaza in down- tewn Whitby. Police say the man had walked back te bis hous and was half- way up bis wa]kway stairs fromý tiie plaza te Bro St. S. when a woman punched-hlm in the head, knocking hlm down the stairway. One of the assailants - police say there were likely two-- stood on thevictim's hd-to hoid hlm down while hie wallet was taken. The victirn was takon te Whitby Generai Hoita *but released after no visile injuries were found. Police are contiuuing thoir in- vestigation. Cash taken Mn undisclosed amount of cash was recently stolen from a T.RS. Food, Service vehicle parked at tii. Dupont plant on Watson St. Police a re investigating. Break-I* at home SA VCR, man's ring and watch, witii a total valu.e of about $1,100, were stelen fromà a rosi- dence on Yorkshlre Cr. Saturday. Police say thé break-u tok place sometimelbtwen7:10 prints'and are êontinuifigtei investigation. There have been reports of type Ainfluenza being i the Iamilten area, she says. "I haven't heard axpr report of tyeA boingiihere yet,» she says. Megesmi notes that people wvho have had vaccinations, especially in nursing homes, have nt yet ByMaooBoucher Tii. coot of i Whitby Transit monthly as. for adulte and stu- dents wllincrease ithe. new The aduit monthly as wil coat $38.50, up froni$7 sdti studont monthiy pas goos up te $29.50 from $28.. There are no- ch nge uth. coot of a mnonthly ps o seniors or chldren. Only the. adult' cash fnewi incresse lu January te *$1.15,1up' five cents. Cash fanés wili remain at $1 for stuidents and 60 cents for seniors and'children. ADVERTIBING Trans Ad, tiie contracter nos- psible for sellinqadvertising on Whitby Transit buses, is interestod in clients wiio would Mie te advertise through tii. use of a palutod bus. Tii. advertiser wouid pay tii. contracter te paint the «ouper- bus' with ita logo and, at the end of the contract, pay for the. bus te be repaintod te tth. original Whitby Transit colours and Iog repainting of the "super- bus' is estimated te bring revenues estimatod at -*7,000 -a year up from $1,000 a year fr-on tbe standard adv.rtising. Town staff will'have te preseut the company's advertis.ment style te tthe operations committo. and counicil for approval. Ridorship was dowu for thé month of -November, 74,631 lun companison te October with 74817. ]F>assnger.revenue so far this y.sr la $20,2W0-more than projec- teL 1991 revenue, .ote. end of November was $531,4M. Thi. amount pro*jected for the il months was $511 665 -October andI4o-vembr r ïr dea ii ihst nridà'ip counta te aud fr-om the Oshawa Centre become ick. Chronic residents, and those. over ag 65 have the, highest risk ofgottmg influenza, ah. sa3is. Megesî saysi the reports on thus year's outbreak of -influenza ýwill h olp prepare.the vacin for next year. to date,.according to a, public works report'on the. transit, sys- tom. Tii.ý higher coimte are attribU- ted te the extension of the Osh- awa connection fr-om 3 te 7:30 p'm: that began Sept. 30. '1 Ridership han been good on'te new extension of Whitby Transit route 5 in the, Ravensàroft sub- division at thenorthéesat corner of Thickson Rd.. and Rossland Rd. Service there m* the'mrnn and afternoon peak hours of he' day, at noadditional coot, began Nov. 4. Ridership consiste ihoetly .of passengrstravelhigtoi and. from the G train station.' .Meanwhie, work continues, at the GO station for the installa- tion of three escalators and two elevators te improve accessibi- lity. Several charges FROM PAGE'li pened. The officer and.-a' tire. dlepartment' vehicie, 'wbQ- .hadý çone out looking for the'_suspect in reT nse--te the:. tet vitiini, They foliowed the écarno'rth on Thickson, 'where-it ^inade aý - turn and *headed back te Dundas, then north on Glen Hili Dri ve.; Police say the. driver ,couidn't make a sharp curve- on -Gleii Hill' and crashed into a ýhous, caus-' Oshwa ischagedwith.to countsof attempted kidiap'pmig, and a*saulta,, erdngru .-Iwvin& - impaijreddivin-g.rei Ar -a breathalysortetÂnd fuete stop. *Whitby Transit Increas.e li*nl.' ,monthy paSsi, foradut and students. mmmnm wmwwm

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