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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 30

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THANKS TO ýST. JUDE and the MOST 'SACRED HEART 'of BAHA'IS8 BEUEVE: The essence Sacrod Heart -of Jesus for favours Jesus 1 piace my trust in thee. St. of tath le tewnossof wordsanid received. IMa y the Sacred Heart Of Judo, thank you for your-constant abundance of doods ho whose Jesus -be,> ado redg b rified, loved blesslngs.JW. words oxceed hisedoodaknow and preserved throughout 'the ______________ veriy hie doah le botter ilion hie world now and foreVer. Oh, Sace ite.tir Information and discussion, Heart of Jesus pray for us, St.Cl6886. Jude.,Wôrker of. miracles pray for SHORT FOR XMAS? Cash bans oi 6-65 us, St.. Jude, heiper of the 'areb avallable ram< $500. Ail hoples. ra fo u. a ythis aPPllcatlom .,quickly processed pra yer fine rti1mes a day.B the regardlessa cf pasti credt. 24 hours CMLT AAEA ei hthda, yur raer illb.answerlng service. 436-8104. service - uncontested divorce answered, regardless, of, how kis'iml Ils, immigration hopeless your situation seems. matters,lmaindord & tenant, etc. Publication must be promised. BC. CINDYS. ALTERATIONgS 668-1689., 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 1 IMm~~o' r faII iardrornka Iwk b _________________ CAROLYNNE - Custom dress-making and 'ateraions. Reasonable' rates. 18 years experience. 571-7428. schooI 7clothes, - al kinds *of atenations and custom taiiloring. 101-1V2 ',Mar St. W., Pearson Lanes, 430-6550. Tuesday through Saturday., TKANKS TO Heant ot Jesus recelved. BC. THE*SACRED tor many tavours Inge fres Need a date for I partnex? Som canjak dinner or futhefr? for a roi Up ù~ciOr lool»ig for f1~ golf or1 apaices For Do ensenior ta manaa Look panr or up~a fourth for bridge,.sec a ther tohe0Iota adCOgr iren d play or just for compan-ota oRsviec u Wldtby Fr.. Pmm IMRVP uyutc mWb "I b Inig Copute by Telephere Canada lm.. Toxoto. It's easy! It9'fan! It's confidential! cai 668-0594 (Pease cdi Wednesda. - Fr*dys 9-12 or 1-5) 'lb place a FREE 20 word ad in the Whithy Free Press eaU 668-0594. Wc don't even need your name or phone number. Your ad wll rnn Uicth newspaper cach week for a month whthe f rst ds=p ig n next week's December 111th issue. Wc'l evc~ a volcemail box number. 'flen you 1MI-416-976-1991, watt for It to, answer and press extension code 3 on your touch-tone phone. Foilow'a simnple es of messages whtch wli help yo place your volce ad ta complement the fiword ad ln thc Free Press. a Your prtvacy la guaranteed. a You leave your voice only - nu name, xno addrcss, no phane nuànler - your xespon- dents anzwer ta your maiDboo~ sYudecie who té n aoeil enngt vour m rnmessages * Youdcid when and how ofien to retriev .24hosdyfoe m ftheprlvacy oflyour home You pay for your oeil on your phonte bM - only 994 per minute Up toaa maxdium of $2.97 per py-there are no messagead each time you listen to your responSes. N.B. The Whltby Froe Pams revlews cach Initial ta ensure Is suttablity 1br aur g e -et deaera wchla offensive l oentent or number of the box hokier or ayhn else which mlgbt ldentlfy txa ou voice! cail 1-416-976-1991 Watt for it to answcr then when promp ted press extension code 3, on your touch-tone phone Strl~December 11 th, you RSVP ada la a speclal section of thc Whiiby Free Press. Each ad will carry a volcemail box number té help you find thc correspondlng violce message. Jot down tic maliboxnumûber from Uic ad you wlsh to respond ta. '-Men dial 1-416- 976-1991-3 and a simple> sertes of messgswlIi lead to tiçir message. Iyu like.,you can respand7.avlg y9 rname -and iplane nume.Yureply loxly accessible ta 1e pemon it Is lntended for. YOU pay only 99$ per minute, Up tai a maxi- - iMum of $2.97 1 MerreaU on your phane bill. iThere are no addltional 44$, s e 4*Q'e'f'~, .# -, t. ,.~t'* ST. JUDEOS NOVENA - O Holy St. Judo, apostle and martyr, great lvirtue and rlch ]n miracles, na Kînsman cf jésus Christ, Fafthful Intercessor of ail who invoko your special patronage in'turne ot need, t0 ou 1 have rcorse rom the depth of my heart, and humbly bog to whom Gobd has given such groat. orto corne ta my assistance. Hepme ln my présent urgent pétition. In rotum, I promise -to mako *your namo known and cause yo"U to b. nvokd. Say threOur Fathors, throo Hill Marys and Glornas. - Publication must b. promised. Si. Judo pray tor us. and ail who Invoke your ald. Amen. This Novona must b. said tor nino consecutirve days. M WUMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- shipef. For help, cali the Pen Ise I-buse for Women and Childne. Toli' fre,1-800-263-3725 0or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BIRTH CONTROIL and tamiiy planning counsellin . Free, and!- contidlential, avaitabe Mondyto Friday, 8:30 a.m. to,4:30 p.m.Cilinic every Thursday 3 to- 6 p.m. For turther information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. Whitby Mialusteel Steelers minor peewee AAA goalies% Josh Evans and Tom Lawson, oacI achieved a shutaut during th. past weelL Evans earned his on Dec. 4 i a close 2-0 victory 'over 1the homnetown*Markham teamn Darryl Lewis and Mark Hiaynes accounted for the goals witb Jason Hotcbiss setting up both and Don Campbell noeing an assiat. On Dec. 7, Lawson got. the Take B t itie FROM PAGE 24 Rus Parkes scored the. winner nine seconds into overtime in the. final. ISangwn had two goals and etharkes the other in regula- tion lime. Day. Burroughs of -Pillsbury won an MVP award during the tournament. Sangwin added three assistaei the taurnamnent while Mitchell had five.. McConnell lad two assiste George Hilliard and Steve gandfor4itlree e h. Engierng charges, FROM PAGE 5' possibility ofa child gott!ng sucked, agamnst a grate covering the ':culvet whichhad, been pro. výiôuely Planned'. *Veatation on the south s ide of the 'roect will b., left'untou- Ched. The town halted construction on the project, late last month afteër« an outcry from ,residents upsetthey hadn't been consulted and worried -their children could4 b. hurt playing in the drea. Residents met with^Town staff and forme& a mall committee ta, work with the Town ta resolve their concerns. Hua lis happy resident's con- cernseh ave been met' but ýsays "if this is what we. hae it o 9 throughte, address something as basic as isafety, obviously theres something wrong wfth.-the wholo systemY, .Hgl says ah. put the equive- lentof ineÎ fuli "days of work..inM, researching the proqject' and serv- ing on the commiittee. - «and that's only mysieif. There, are seven of un on the committee.. Y Toy, food ýdrive FROM PAGE 10 mon'. and* women's porsonal needs, costume jowehry, élippors, soek, nylons and tracSk suliita, and s9ething for the. sweet tot ould ho welcome. Doaons may ho left at the volunteér association' office In administration building 22, bet-, ween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at the. switchboard after hours. 'For more -information,. cail 668-5881 (ext. 6323). Donations of food1; n-Zrih- able'goa tey n money can also lemade directly' to the Salvation Army Thrift Store, 225 Brock St. N., IWhtby, ar at the. Salvation Army hall, 1L22 Kent St. . .. . <k~ . . ~ k' * .. ~ ~fr~- shutout in an il-O decision over AjaxPor ing Ajxaredoidna.N BjxFIryng CroAcaxdarzed it BVnr.,Cgoalshadazfour ssita heis colscad fuhasisad Less ietedaoe.Hottck asd hoaïte ont toeg ols adwo hsot wt wo Ss n w Brent Lazary'slase-like shot resulted ini goal and an ýasast while Steve ,Death and. Ryan,, O'Lary had one, goal each. Dave 1 Farquharon:,and Hlaynes each had ti..ass*sta., Dan Ricica two assiste, while Campbell and Justin Collins had one asst* apiece.. .Whitby salI the show on Dec. 8 at Iroquois Rink when Haynes, and Hotchlss had hat tricks in a 9-2 'victory over Richmond HI-Vaughan. Haynes also collected, an, ,assiat Colins controiled the boards 'anâzd coetributed twa oals, Lewis .also. bad a goal. The defence was, outstanding with Aaron Bryant collecb*tin to assita Matt Capson andRi cica one each. Other assiat-getters included Death with -three Crouch two, 'and Lazary anc1 O'lAy on.eoauh. Pites w-in 1 of 3 The Wh y MeCufough Jewellers peA ringette team won oncm lie games in the. St. Catharines tournamenl on Dmc.70 After dropping theirfirst two games b~y identicàl scores cd 7-2 to, bath Waterloo and Niagara Falla, Whilby came te life mxxi won an impresa ve shoot-out 1--with<the, team from Glouceter Iby a 7-& score. =LnGoals for the. tonament camne Chargea, from lthe sticks cf Mélainie. Davis (lIre.), Dani Bheau (tbr.e)p Efn Jolnmn(two). Tanie Chappeil (lwo), and Sarab Lmrocqw .(oe). Asista went ta Melisa MacDnald(tIre.),,Davis(Uiii.), 0 EA HE AL . ChaPPell (tIre.), lWU tw and . l= plye- d ber usual stog gPm igol stopping many excellet acoing' ;Fenife CadytJamceFoot, Calt ourne, Lias Vanderlip and Jessca ..Wilim8 ais> contributtd b )a goodt.m effort ii.regflaueasom plaW ity triumphed ov er baei Wrivais Oshaa ly a 3-2 scoreon Nv 27.8 Sceing -10àesw., Obno Larocque and Bleau. Asisaen ta Casudy (two),Vandenhp ami' ODn*Nov. 30, htydrpe 3-1 dcion toaiaohaTheb Ion.&" gawa.cedby Wlams

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