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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 7

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IWI- t-gmflA r PAGE SVE First faceless voie.: What about the woring mani? Pilkey: If w. cari get 12 times the. profit anid economie spin-off by opening on Sunday, we cari get another 16 er cent with an eigbt-day week. A mine-day week adds nte 12 per cent. By goIig to a 12-day week, we cari almoet double ail the économie indicators. Why, we cari rub thus rocession into the. ground in no urne. 1 Bob: Sounda great. I wonder what Bian would think of it. Volceless faces: Wbat about the working maxi? Pilloey. More jobs. More pay. More unions. Thbis is a win-wli-win deai. TMmes 12 if we open 12 months a year. I think w. got ibis whole riddfle solved, folke. Bob: Why didn't I pu t ibis guy ini charge of the. Sky Dom. settliment? 1 think we on te something. 1 tblnk we'd botter gather round, girls and boys and do some braintormi1ng. W. even niay b. able te lick the. crossborder thing wiuhtiis. Hock, w. ýthrow a 12-day week ai the Americans, they'l nover know wbat bit'era. Is loaded wiih promise. Peter YKormos. Dose iis mnean the insurance plan is bek on tue table? Brainst ormling Trhe o fooing is a trmnscript cf a meeting of the. Ontario cabinet. Premiier Bob.- ine. Weil cli the meeting to order now. Hma axibody got anythlng theyd like to talk abut? Peter Koirmom It's the. auto insurancethnBbirstl notý quit. sure why w. couidrtdo what w. said wd do. Metr ail, a promiseB is a promise ie a promoise. Bbb: Who lot that- guy li hero? We Iced hlm outta cabinèt a long urne mgo. W. -can't afford radical policies becausi radical Joicies scare' tii becheeses outta business people. Now get t Sunshine Boy outta here. Firet facelese voice: Bob, l'nasking for a Utile help on ths one. Even though ir education minister, I cant remember my own name. Not Sùy that, I can't remember why w. were agaixist national standads testing in achools just aset fail. Now, I read that we've apprioved it.. Since it's my departmerit, I déserve an answer. 'Bab: We al do., h bas to do with fashion. It bas notbing to dû with party politics. No no. First facoles voce: We wii make suâre our testing dose not disadvantage anybody who might not do weil on it I Bob: And a promise lin a promise le a prto mise. Peter Kormos: Dose that iîean you'1l look aitihe auto insuranco thlng agan? It's going.. Bob: I sMid et this gixy outta bore. Now. Seodfacleme voece: I forpet wbat Nlm iister cf. But I neod to know why we didn't Jump at the. chance uat Eaion guy gav u. You know. The. on. with the. Piper .irpiane things.vTha would croatelots of jobs bore, but ho pope off and laye w. didxit treat hlm right. Heu gong some place else. Bob: Crus Eaton. Anouher facelees voice: What's h. want? Hoe going te build more dopartment stores or ýoraething? Bob: Wrong Eaton. I think. Anyway, w. didrit say no te 'him. W. juat. said we'd have te think about it. He's just trfing te put on*,littlo beat. Faceless voi*e.: Pressuruý tacties. Bob: Yup. But w. just cleaned upithat Sky Doms mess. W. dent want te rush into a demI witb more business people. Hock, five, seven yomrs down the. rod wbo knows wbat pieces thore would be te pick Up. Veiceleas face: But in the meantime, ited croate a few thousand jobs? Why net go for it? FIve, seven years down the. romd w. won't be in power. Somebody èIeocxi pick up the. maess. Memxwihle, we have a few jobs te pass around. Bob: Good thouht. Allin PîlkeyT. hrd like to do lai got ful credit for my policy te flght the rocossion. Maybe get a shopping plaza named after me or sometbing. 'm talking about tii. December plan te keop stores open on Sunday. Bob: Were ixterested in a report. Pilky: Merchaxits love it. Theyre al se bappy. Shoppers floek te the stores. Profits will ho up. Profits mean jobs. I think were on te, a good tbing bore. Bob: Can you expmnd on that? Pilkey: First of ail, if opening thing up in December bas ibis offet, thon we'd get 12 urnes as much shopping if we let stores open on Sumday ail yomr long. Tink of it. Twelvo times. 1 11 m menu a mF-ý M- ý ., . - F, WIITBY COMMUNITY ADENA, ONTARIO AND GREEN STREETS, 1954 The Whitby Community Arena was built in 1953/54 and demolished in 1972. The liquor store and offices are on the site now. This was the home of the. Whitby Dunlops who won the World Hockey Championship in 1958. Whitby Archivs photo 10 YEARS AGO from the Wednesday, December 9, 1981 edition of the WHITBY FREE PRESS " Water rates in Whitby are to increase by 15 per cent and hydro by nine per cent. " The Ontario Municipal Board will make the- final decision of whether Brooklin is developed. " Recreation director Wayne De Veau is one of two Whitby residents bitten by a rabid cat. " The Town of Whitby is eonducting a housing survey. " Lyla Allen is the new president of the Brooklin Horticultural Society. 25 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, Decexnber 8, 1966 edition of the WITRY WEEKL.Y NEWS " Preparations are being made for Whitby's 1967 Cuntennial celebrations. " The Whiftby Chamber of Commerce is planning the Town's second annual County Town Carnival for next summer. " Eight houses were built in Whitby in October. " One thousand cars an hour are recorded on Dundas St. through Whitby. 75 YEARS AGO0 from the Thursday, December 7, 1916 edition of the WHJTBY GAZETTIE AND CEIRONICLE " The bylaw to establish a tracior manufacturing company in Whitby was defeated by ths ratepayers by 102 votes. " The Victoriaxi Order of Nurses is holding a waste paper drive. " An escaped female patient from the Hospital for the Insane was found in Belleville. " A civic reception greeted Brooklin's first returned wounded soldier, Delos McNeely, on Dee'kuber 4. a

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