N PAGE 18, WH1TY UBSS WEDNEBDAY, DECEMR 1 991 NEW YXAMPS EVEDANOE The Knlghte of Columbus will hold its annual New Yuer' Eve dance. ickets are $35 par couple which includes food,-.-fun' ,and rfeshni.ntg. To avcld dis%~ pontment, pt yeurtickets ear bycontacfing Martln Turpin at 430-2924. BONSAI SOCITY The' Matsûyam a; Bonsai. Society will :meet on Monday, Jan6 tarting',at 7,'.p.m.,. at Faitkh 'ace, 44 William St., W., oeil683-2568 or.25-2045. NATITrY The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will stap re"enactment of- the' nativity scene Dec..23 snd-24, 7:30 pan.- at-, 119 Church St"ickerinngý VillagAai. - i w;eciiome.re hot c %oo à late .will be, sarved. FOr miore-information oeil 831-63741 or 427-6631. 81W DTHUBSDÀAY. 3rd Thursay 'Breakfast is .a women's netlwork'. that meets monthly ýat the Old;Munich -Cafe King St. E.OshÃawa. Ten meetnin sat 7:30 a à .m.M er and guests are welcome. For more informa1tion *and reserva- 'tions cal 723-11431. NonsrnN» a .mu mqbyl The Ontario March of Dîmes will hold its commuity fundrais- mg cam[paign iii Durham Regon from Jan-2 to ,Feb. 28. Volun- teer& are needed for door-to-dooir ad telepho'ne cýanvasing, a:nd, distribution of caainp osters Cil 434-5280,.,or'attn a meet- ing on Sunday, Jan' 5 2).mu., at the Oshawa CivcudiSntorur where the March ofDîmes office. ii Iocated., at the club rooms 227 Brock St. ',9,Whitby. Social functions *Will followthe meiùeting that -wi-be thelasImt olportunity for).draw tickets and oýod sare programs9. For more information cail 728- 0194 or 430-0957. CLUB CENTRAL Club Conenrl a program of tle Canadian Mental Health ýAsso- ciation for those who have.- or .haveè had a psychiatric histor, Will hold a turkey lifin rfl*n Christmas'Day 5, pfm. ThoS interested M*"'-at6ndin can drop by the club at110 Ash St. N., Wlnitby, ,or oeil 430-71484 bfr - sDWY A E Don. rik Dive 24HOUR SERVICE eE taura urants