PAGE 24. WHITBY FREE P¶WSa WEDNESDAY. DBEKME 18, Ml9 Tweens face tough opposition *~1in rin gette tournaiments The Whitby Lioness tween A ringotte teain had a win and a tde in the Scarborough tournament Dec. 13i 14'and 15. ,Scarborough defoated Whitby 6-5 li the first gaine. Goals were scored by, Calle Cornoal, Kristine Soper, im Vanderlip, Anuanda Whieelans and Krlstine Joh nson. Assists wont to Soper, Angela Poland, Corneal and Variderlip. WIà tby, lost their second gane toP i ckoring by ascoreof 6-1. The ýorly goal was scored by. Poland, asslsted -by "Stadie Beethaiji Whitby fought back te corne out with a 4-4, tie against the Oshawa tween A teain in their third gaine. Vanderlip scored two, goals, 'Soper and Cheryl King scored one each.' Assists went te Vanderlip, Poland, Lara Hagel, Johnson and King.* Whitby was victerious in their fourth. gaine, dfati Canmbridge 5-2. Goals woreso by Corneal, .King, Poland, Johnson and Sp.Bothain contributod. three assists. Whoelans, Soper, Vanderlip, Poland and Km*g also asistod.ý Tamara Wiesiolek was strong in goal throughout the tournamont. 1Wbitby failed te get a win in the St.- Catharines teurnament Dec. 7 and 8. St., Catharines defeated Whitby 7-6 in the first gaine. Poland scored two goals, Prout two goals, Vanderlip and King singles. Corneal, Soper, Poland and Hodrsn<onrbted assista. Whitby played, a second close gaine, losing te, Oshawa 4-2. -Goals were scored by Johnson and Prout. Pickering defoated Whitby li thefr third gie In lbague play hy dofeated PortPerry 10-5 on Dec. 1. Prout scored four goals, Vanderjip thre goals, Poland two and Soper one. On Dec. 14 Oshawa defeated Whitby 5-4 in. a hard-fought gamne. Goals were s cored by Poland,... Beotham ,Soer a"d Whoelans. Poland har asiots, singles te, Corneal, Jolunson and Vanderlip. In exhibition play Whitby, dofeated Scarborough 10-7. Soper had three goals, Corneal ý two, Johnson two, with singles, te King, Vanderlip and Prout. Poland and Ring oach had two assiste, single, asssa te, Vandorlip, Hugel, Soper, Johnson and Prout. DeC. 7 DOM% Auto Paris Nichdams.Verktuyl6 John Gillard Justin Befivesu *9peudr Auto Glas Siean esy R.obet aier Adaom Leblana Eflltt italmrons Roy% Enterprises Nichlas Headley 3 Mark Oué Ian Parker Alan Walao. 7 1.nnmDrum 6 Chnis Empom 8 Dogle] Blea Juatin Potier ZachM7 Galbralth 4 CedardalCarp. 1 LucasNaylos' 6 Whit.Plrofighlers0 MON n Der. 8 iMhMelvor 2 Stewart Sharp BmdbuyMwhwaL Shawn Hnatko Tlm FenneseY JaaPoster Stuart lallq 3 KnMnub u 7 Kevin Jeninga 2 ChraltRed Kelth Pearuc Scott Tmnpon .x.e a Shiter Paul matudea 5 WhltIv Optimiste 6 DarrenBurley S Uxawn Mcule PauliGraham Gutarman 2 su ur ge NicholasEay 2 îRanPeaeek 2 Stephan maci Chad Parlsh Waves Doig Chard a Chari. Black Graham Lm"e Stepen Race MAJOR NOVICE Nov.?7 Whltby Optomlst Matthew Rn 2 Blair Kely 3 Broklln Cogcrele 4 Kevin Taylor 2 Kyle Branch David Nobnian Sport Pi 3 Brooklin Cycle Wayne Wickens 2 Gregory Polanci Andrew Know Michael Case Siephan Hama Sandford Eagn Beckford Servce 7 Michel Huicheoon 2 Stephan Hurczak 2 Osant Howe 2 lan Archanbault Nov. 28 Whlt. Hardco Rua Steve Huresak 2 Jonathan Hyan Nicholas Michie Whit. Hardco Rua. Michael Aat]Os Andrew Alla. INicholasMichie Bowmanville Select@ S Jasa. Greenham Matt McGynn Jo. Black Suling Drillera Matthaw Wu Michael Schlelffer Andrew Fountain Camra. Munro Brookin Ninaen Michael Gubbels Scott MEasengr Bronze & Beoul. 7 Kyle Maybury 2 Nicholas Micie 2 Chritopher Moor Mark Leblanc Mike Kubjnovlchl Jason MuIrhili2 3 lttie NHL Cam il WhiL Hardo Ir- .1 Androw Alliso ATON I 6 Little Caesan 2 Greg Bonnetie Glen Mayer 6 -Blades Derek Power 8 Brian Nete a Colin Pattimon 2 Daral Aiiy Bruit Pinch MMJORPEKWEE FrankinaFr. Foods 5 Mark Burna 2 Clinton SMIviRl Jon Sheter Bruit Johnom Saturne Stee Jedlnak 2 Chad MCKenule John Dempate Nov. 24 Snap.osiTools Kelth Hast matt muir Hyland Van & St«.! David Ferguson Dun DOdgeVhays.l Gea&ey corey Jasa. Spencer Dec- 8 Mitchell Brou. Chad Joudrsy 2 AdazeM urre Durhaa Dcdge Matthew Nortio Robbie Dixon Ryan Swift Snap-oa Tool Neli KLer 2 Andermea Vet. 2 Garrett Richard Chad Kawauak Whltby Audio 8 BWMH Auu&li 1 Andrew Yanakavltah Grog Foewel Matthew Walton Paul Longo Provncial sgn Warren AI 4 Klwanls Dan Hutchings BASTAm 2 Mitchell Bras. Neil Yelinan 3 Blair Regular 2 Adam Murrea2 Mike lMolnd 2 LP. Coy UMrcOy 2 MlkeElckey 2 Carudian Tire David Michel 3 Candian Tfire Clay gacu 3 Hyland Van & Stor. 4 Cig Henderm Ityan Heeny Atiam Thocpsa. D. Canner i KP. Copy 2 Mikaelckey Km mMatthews Brio l& R»b SL I. Perr sSener lod sporte Corner Darren PartrWp 2 BJi. Prout Bradie Richards Mue éBoucher NOV. 2t OlleaplLaw, Brie Ivail Day. Wood Amn ll Je" Bardes Whltby Toyota Glen Ebauo 2 Gin Crlsp J- Glwyto NMDGT MatI Swift 4Roy%~ Enterprise 2 Vlck Jnsurancs, Richard Welnsr Alun Motomery 2 stephenCarty Curtls IC" 2 Ohins Klovan Wlt. Rtoy. Toyota 2 WhltbyKIgnainen 10 Jasa.Cisyton- Carey Broad Mon Crimp Blar Scott Clayto. Saucler, MMNR5QUI1RP De. a MasterBedroun 4 Zaku7 Greer 2 Abykhan Sundeaj2'2 PartE...ý TannerTwlning8 Bryan Mmokinnon 2 Justin sawyer Colin Harvey Home & Rburel 2 Duifs Towing John RBoas > KYIOle M uaaen 1 ane Sargent Ryan Pike 3 Jeffrey Hasea2 IWan Johnaton McTeagnee clrla 8Jerry'sDrug Ware Graham Lie David Arncld 6 Matliiew Là ffey James Simpson« Thomas Farqpharom.Kyle Branson 8 Matthew Fowler SQUIWPrTERIH Nov. 24 Wbil, y rphy Andrsw Pigm 8 PARt ~Eberl PeNul lambari Ontadio Data Sup. 6 Ryan Tutak Ryq a eman JasCamm no Adam DeSth Nathanlel Anrue 5 rr'!'Cannoei- 1 Mar* McDcvald 2 LennoDrnm Brian Chard Andraw Lamiot 1'!!!Canna. 9 Lemnc Druna Brndon Fouwler 6 David Pike Jerenay Brumblie 2 James Usae mark McDowlda. Darren Denyes J.P. McKey BraùhlKanen 8 Scott Ras 2 Paul Ranger MnEYJUVEN"E Dec. 8 Day. Wood 2 Camera. Poland 2 Ont. Data Supplies Ryan Tutak 8 Androw Hewom Adam Thibodeau MmaGleeon- Whlltby Trophy 2 Manigold Lincon 5 oy ntmm 3 Laiert Flierle Drew Dockrill m6 e m7 Etrrme Paul L éari eO S eedhoua Stophn Car Semn Kurt Ayottes dlaim 4 firsts at meet VU . TRUCK L~WORLD Renee and Jason Ayotte of Anderson CVI each had two firet- place finishes in the recent Oshawa Kicks romain undefea- ted in under-lO indoor sooeor after recent wins of 16-1 over Ajax and 11-1 over Whitby. Michael Klukowski scored three goals in each game for ACRESSORIES und INSTALLATION geCrI GA. ' R. V. PICK-UP.4XM e N John Gillingarn scored five ,~goal and JoelWto four in the win Over Aj,% Don Blake scored threain AntonyPlastina one. j# Glen Mayer scored three goals Sand Plastina and Witton two each izn the win over- Whitby. SBlake scored once. In exhibition play on Dec. 15, Kicks defeatedEastYork 10-5. Kicks are undefeated in eight Sgames in lee play. Whitby la *Running Bads w 505 in n Ver ¶k'k Cap Laoq Whitby McCullough Jewellers Sun Rofs l'tite A rinigette team- trounced %-J Trailer Hitches f IEiue irivais Pickering 3-1 on èPLUSMANYMOREï cus noe 'at VA1&TRCKgaine ,play e&eentire ta ACCESSORIES* te paosilythi Sarah Larocque netted two ~67Oimoe HORS:f1~ goals, with the single going to 1670j' SknCoe St. N, tNs'c HOR: Dani Bleau. Mlanie Davis - Oshâw Mon.-Thurs 9am-6pm coetrlbuted withtwo assiste with ~ 4 4 Friday 9aIm-9pm single helpers going te ins 5~7068 8-UOswRd Saturday I Oam-3pm Vanderlip and Bleau. Sh trellouhBmade any LOSSA West swim ineet. Renee was first in 100Om breastatroke and individual med- loy and fourth li 50m freestyle in her class. Jason was firet in 100m breaststroke and individual med- loy and third in 50m freestyle in his class. 'Bernadetto Masterson of Anderson was -first li lOOM backstroke and second li 50m. Danielle Johnson of Anderson was frt i 50m backstroke. Peggy Hefford of Henry Street HigfrSchoël was firstli 50m butterfly and third in 100m free- style. Wendy Prinieau of Anderson was second in 200rn freestyle Whitby Iroquois Meet Woeld éColpetitioei - *.Mmtreal Nov. 28 -ý Der. 1 Bon» 27.4 lS 0m &OIJ 60 buusstée 5 JmffrCer4 60 boeIwai îoIW isr 200 balobrés 0 baidué 3&7praob and fourth in 50m butterfly and 100m medley. Ryan Burns of Henry was second in 50mn backstroke. Andrew Lemierzewicz of Father Leo J. Austin was second in 50mn freestyle. NOVICE MEET Bon Davies and Shawn Ferron of Henry had flst-plaoe finishes at the high schoois? novice swim meet beld recently in Whitby. Davies won the 25m butterfly and 100m medléy leading Henry to a third-place finish overail in teain competition. . Ferron was firet in 5O0m free- Hnyalso won the 200m relay ovent. *1 Brooklin Whitby minor hockey IMNOUNOVICE Whitby Youth u 10 & UNIE Seral 1.. d i00 nus Tara Arnectt 2id 100 Dy &.I 60 brstzela&s 200 brmdstre& 12 & UNDER Llndy Crmder Ind MO bsck, 100boc Lin eluotr 41 10 back. 200 b"c Io & OVER A. Croder 2ad l00bsck.S00ba LmleDowsen md 4W00.8W.5à " AnmnBdtmbie 2d2D0bsek