- u »yy-Mark Béoher DurhamLl' ýCatholi eoendairy teachers coul'd gpo oà n a fBsrk orbegin a viotk-to-rulé as of tioday. WE Additional2 Meg Only $120.00 with 'Sixty-two pr1 cent of the tea- chers .voted last week in favour of a strike. Board trustees hoppe to avoid a witidrawal of service by teachers because of. the effecta on '*the students, ays Tom Oldmnan, chairpersonof theboard., unheboard continues to bhv the OECTI' Durhanx« Sècondary Unie'demandfor:'increases in salaries -and .s tafiing, -which would total 17.9 per cent by the end of a one-year agreement.. is seen b theboar to-be excessive and iancially unrealistie,» he said. «We want to get back to the barginig tbleas soon, as pos- Ne»sakys OMaman. TIefact thatonly 62 per cent of the meýëmbers of the unit voted hfavour of sanctions sgests to the, board that mnyteachers have reservations about OECTA's rejection of the board's3 offer,' ie ays. Oldman says the board's last offer* was for a 4.5 per cent increase effective Sept. 1, 1991 and an -additional 1.0- per cent increase effective Feb. 1, 1992. MThi offer has already been a cpted, and ratified, b the 010 elemientary teachers ofOECJTA Durham Unitl'AEFPO Elemen- taire» h. said OIdman aid the, board's offer would rais. *the.average second- ayteaciier salarto $54153 from * 519330, maximums goinL up to $2,34from As!elt, 69 per cent cof the' teachers receiv.d individual i- crements for increased* eperience during ti. pastýyear, whichauginented their salaries' by an average of $-1,900, h. said.' Th1is rais e ticreaseI salaries bg e .gait per cent, alto- getiier, sid Oman. Z&i board believes its offer ta, b. a,,fair on. under the present. e cono mic conditions, and while* it* ins the. board'. itention ta -avoid unnecessary disruption c f ser- vice,th tiiboard ,remains solidly committed ta being fiscally res-, ponible,» h. says.' "W. want ta make every effort tiiat we can ta resolve thie pro- blem," he says. Union leader Blair Morris could not b. reached for com- ment. >01 WINDOWSý HORIZON 3861SX * *6MHz eO0W/S 803861,SX CPU *2MB3 RAM'rmemory - 200W power supply 1 ~Parallel, 2 Serlal ports Enhanced Keyboard *1.2 Mb Floppy Disk a 40 MB IDE (28 ms) Hard Disk e le VGA Monitor * MS DOS 5.0 systm $'139 0~ HORIZON- COMPUTERS FORJAIJ.YuW ( 128ý DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY RENOM__ 430-2112 (FAX-430-6113) NOVËLL. Irj~ga iteir hours w. 1k. - Mon.-FrI. lOam-9pm Saturday until Opm 0 serve you botter Wilsh Fairy WITH A LIF frorn patient advocate E d Herring- ton, Emily Fountain, Whitby Psychiatrie, Hospi- talle 1991 Wish Fairy,. waves her. wand and -the lihscorne, on - the lighté on the, hoespia volunteer wish tree. Anyone ea u %ake a wish" on the trSe b donating money to buy a bulb , with proceedu to- help build an outdoor patio, for patients at the hospital. < photo byxM*i o.r htyF. r PanelE Renovate, or relocate, .Whitby Jail Whitby Jail siiould eitiier b. renovated or relocated, says -a public institutions inspection panel. 1 1. The mont.recent panel, made up cf seven Durham Region resi- dents Whio *sp:t varions public builidings the regon, said tii. jail .ne é leaning ,and -im- mediate renovatlions. The' report, prepared for the* Ministry- of the Attorney General, made reocmmendationis similar ,té tiiose 'of ,previous. panels that inspected tiie jail.* Th. mont recent panel 'found that certain areas required maijor lenff, and tiat there was a lack of- spaoe ithe .administ- ration area. Some panel members felt the facilitysiiould b. relocated. Whifle the, report on the. jail was harsii, tiie panel was even stronger i condemning the state cf Haydon Youth Services (Grove Classroom) in Ajax. Tlhe panel, found conditions there ,"deplorable and disgast- ng"and etd that tii. ýIMiistry cf 'HLe ath vstthe. pre- Mises. The panel.found broken Iigiits, apa broken window -a rt; aaromand ao~e that "was. not working,» uptur- n.d urntur, hles in Wafla and Cdîeuset the.houa. "siionld not livi.tiiese conditions," said Te panel said Iroquois Park recreation complex and Henry Street H',-Shool, also inspec- ted, were 'well' maintained" over- all. tConditions at one,cottag. (cot- ge ) and tiie kitchen ares at WhtyPsyciiiatric Hospital were «found acceptable,» con- sidering tii. "climate. cf ideci- sion" surrounding thieprpoe redevelopment cf the en faci- lity witim tii. next five years. [Teachers in strike 'positio