IT WAs, JUST like the old days as Shawn 'Udail dips Amanda, Ander-, son's hafr l.niahk wel at a Pioneer Cbristnas Dayat E.A. fairman . pub- lic schooL The entire; grade 3 'class )By Maro"Bouclher Durham,.taxpayors mayhav to pay a-bout $-I27-mifllon for welfre cosabono i4992, and a susatil-ta nroaso May ho necssary te covor the éost.. According te the Region7s pre- minaryreport.appropimaiteIy $117 llo in fundngis éecpec- ted froém the provincial gover:n- mont for p- eraIweliare assis- tanie.(GeWA)iii 199.'- For 11991, the -total'welfare coot was abut$21 million for'the ReiSoq withý $75 millon assis- tance frcÙom ~oicho says. là l1990, 11lkon spont $11.2 million on wlfare with the province -providing about, $40 million. GryCubitt, commissioner of soilservices for Durham Beecoûtamys the $27 millon pro- ie IWMnwilikly hoamended in I.he new year, and -the total wlll were pioncer studeiîts,,for'thc da3 there - was squiare dancing, crafts, sÈeUing bce,. even a. turkey dimr prepared -by one' of the stpidem miothers i a woodstove., Mhoto by Mak Emr, WMhy »»r..P also include administrative coots. "Wre sinh the proceas of working on it," ho says. Cubitt says this will represent a 25 to30 Per cent increaso over 1991 for welfaro costs. 7he ro vince paysý about 80 per. cent of-the-ttai welfare osa wbile the Region pays 20 per cent. Social services are expected te cost about $200 million i 1992 with over $150 million in fund- ngfrom the provincial govern- m ent osays. In 1991, the proince supplied over $100 million for social soi- vices ho says. Cuitsays Durham Rgo wll probably pay over $0ml lion for al soial seies in 1992.- uWo probably wont get the fnammbers until April,'ho The Durham Rogioni budget inoxpected te be-1 mately $51.9 millioni 1 Tho soverity of the e situation -and the bs -of the, area-havo p lace bigd on tho social assistan grams. To fund all the increai paeawould have te >pi per cent icrease oni taxes alone. Regional council has a a..cut icosa4y reduct time, eliminatiiig travel of-provice con*ïentions, reacing staff aec Marcel rnoToesam will h high eno u;to difficuit te maitamntb of services. Ho said taxpayers ca oxpected te bear much taxi hireases. ByMarlo Boucher. Tereater Toronto -Home Builders'. Association .(GTHBA) has a 61serious çoncern7- about the Durham Board -of -Educion's p Ian to charoe education. lot leves on new homes., The Ontario .Home Builders' Assocation hsa». dyfle court challençe of the validity of charge p ed> y Y6k4',éeé 1 schooi boards. Similarly, the Durham Home Buildoes,Asociation (DHBA) is, preparmito_ challenge 'the Dur- < ham board whon it'follows the losd of the.York'boards. <'Ihave a.very serlous concern about' what -thé, Durham -board wanits to.:do with, this,' said David Keenan,. presidjet of the GTHBA. HeHesaid the lot lovywil e a umr ée qierngýthe Sltof; ia providing déassroom 1space. for ier new students. ie. Noting that there will b. no it'5 education ley on a resale.home only on new homes, Keenansaid "Thats what sounfair about it. » Instead, ho said .homeovners muet ho encouraged to build new houses and help lead thé econo- miecrecovery. Keenan assistant branch L manager Lor central, Ontario for ~I Coscan Developmer4ts4 said when lebuild. new homes,- they ûyphouhoditems. suÈh as, beda, lving 1room furniture, Bchairs, daes-purchases which >help the entire economy move up agamn. The extra mono_ that has te ho paid for the lot levy may make -the difference for somo yýoung, coup les on 'whether or not'te 31 Police buifd a home, ho said. approxi. The York boards' lot levy may 99. be $3,600 a unit should the wconomic boardi? bylaw b. approved -in the« f jobs i courts, ho said. demands An jnterim court date -has been ice pro- set for Jan. 7, 1992 m 'Ontario Divisional Court on the OHIBA Be, rate- challenge of tho validit of tho ay a 28 education. development chreon regfional* new homes. «The OHBA wants te show the iskod for unfairniea and- legality of an Lng over- education 1ey n new homo 1 ýto out- buyers, he said and not "They 'D lai board) have te say. justif hei l ,ho said.. muncillor Keenan sadBdho boardsà projec- »92 cogs< tion of 13,000 new students over ia à ittheo neit fivo years iDurham <1 .jectnsland on.the eonomic innot ho growth of the latoeighties. SEEPAGE3> ùnfair,-ay home builders association Hig wifre, costs cou] pose argetax -incre.asq INSIDE rid fth yt'! 1.1 aa1 " elGý mnertainmont - Business ______8 Brooklin 12 Sports -14 Wha's On_____16 School news .16 Recycler's Report 19 more m