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Whitby Free Press, 26 Dec 1991, p. 2

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PAGE 2. WH1TY MUEEPREBE, TRURSDAY, D M26(, 1991 - -'MIVIIDULU'~ SEAFOP and STEAKHOUSE 1180 Sim ca. St. N.-Oshawa 436-9333 e 436-9065 - '*Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A) *New York Steak and Shrimps Broiled Seafood Plate n 7da.awe Banquet Filtes Available - By Mauri. Boucher thé board not corne up witb Durham's Catholic high school .new contract offer. téachers May undértake a work- «We have > ut a réq uet to-rule, srturting Jan. 13 should meét with ethrthé hourdom *ATHE OSHAWA CE NTRE op You'll find the best buys in town, right here at Oshawa Centre. Spý> don't waste a moment! Hurry on over for ail those things that Santa may have forgotten! Clothes and accessories for yourself and your family, everything for your home. Can you think of a better time to p ick up a real bargain. Don 't wait, buys like these won't last long! Sale starts Fri*day, December 27th Mon. -Fri. 9:3Oam to 9:3Opm. Sat. - 9:30 to 6:OOpm tÊEIiÉ ý 44 ' ,, ,i ng St. W. and. Stqvensqn Rd. ý..Phoàe 68,6-2393, * Buses, Stop ait.East. & West Entranî i a mediator ag',usid union., dbr Blair Méri to. Hes là.aid;the boar~dwil1haveto r a imprOove its offer, sinçe -thé tea-' chers voted -87.3 a rcet t - r 1 r{the Or~ 1a er. uixy- wloj»rcent o- th. ýtea- chèesvoted im favour of a strike Morr*mlà'su the teahers wil continuûe .t o u eek a n¶ated séittlezxient of nineots dn ,isatsusthat includ'eldai». maima and working condition UdrWCrkt»rùe, teuchers would stili meet eëdùcation .requirements and- attend al their classe, he mid. However, some area. such as extricurrizlar act#vities, would suae s -a-consémeeOf 'a work-to-rulte, h. sai Tte, teacherswàuld b. <'doini the.minimum ýrequired. by law, nit- (work-to-riile) takés away from thé ýchildren'al thé 'ideas and concepts,enýjoyable to them"» mid ;Whitby truste. Tom, OlA- -,,man, chapemoof théboard. "'ii. tudntsare the onées who are going te suifer thé moot, in sports, in arts and other acti- vities," hé mid. Qidman, muid' h.hopés the hourd wilI -méét with thé tea- chers as moon as psible for the one-yeur agréement. 'Wé're Willing te listén but w. have to be. fiscally. responsiblé," he said. Oldmun muid the- bourd has madé "a générous offer" consider- ing thé economic difficultiés. Thé boards. lat offér wus for a 4.5 per cent increusé effective Sept. 1, 1991 and un additionuàl 1.0Oper cent increumé. effective *e , 1992, hé mid. Tàsoffér ha uréady béén accepted, andrtified bythê910 elemnnyteachérso7fOECTA Durhamn nitI1 AEFO Elemén- taire »hé ud Olmn mid 60 per cent of thé teachers, have un -offer that- will raisé théir'salaries bv e& t.per cent, includrng m idividual -mcnre- mente for increased expérien ce during thé pustyeur. iTéteachers' emuand, for i creuses in salaries and staffing' would total 17.9 per cent by thé end of thé oné-yeur ugreement, ,hé mid. SOldmùan muid this is "seen by thé 'board4.to e b.excessive and financiallyunréahstic.» IT board also questions thé unione' announcement of their décision for work-to-rule while neg otiations are still going on, hé "Oldman muid thé hourdhuIa over 2i000 employées and "treats thmail ithé smre manne? referring te thé elementury tea- chers' agreement, whieh is very similar ta thé offer te thé second ury teachers. - The Future is

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