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Whitby Free Press, 26 Dec 1991, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WfflBY M PRESS, TIURMAY, DECEME 26,1991 The only Whîtby Neéwspaper owned and operated by WhîtbY residents for Whîtby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Inc.. at 131 Brook St. N-, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668'61-11 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 Youth programs a success To the Edltou': We would like ta thank yau, for, the> terrlflc- coverage your newspaper bas, provided for aur Optimist youth programs during the pust year. 1 am sure the residents i n and around Brooklin are well condltioned ta reading the Brooklin Profile every week -ta fi d out what is new, and what has happenied over the past week.: The success ai aur Optimist youth programs aver the past year is, in part, due ta your ability ta get the message out ta the local residents. Our children's Christmas party last week, organized by Optimist Sabina. James and Optimist Laura Ftzslmmons,. showed a 100 per cent increase;,In participation. over last year. Kit e Day, dlrected by Optimist president Grnt Milîson un October, bat over 160 kMes, aimost three times as mhany as lW year. Our chiidren's art camp ln March underthe direction of W.B. (Bill) Fraser and InAugus; t under, the direction ai Optimist' Keth Wick, enjayedgrawth ai 50 Per cent in each session,- ta.64. participants. Our cammitment ta the youth in aur community WilI conin'ueian the new year with an essay and oratorical contest as e éfui iOur commitment ta aur club motta, 'Friend ai Youth.' The Optimist Club ai Brooklin is ýa voluntaîy rganization ai civic-minded adults banded tagether for progressive thought and constructive servicelta youth and community. > .We are always loàking for new members ta get involved and, help provide opportunities for è ven mare yauth. Meetings are held on the i first and third Wednesday ai esoh' month at various places, aro und Broaklln. Thank you, once again, ankl best wishes for the holiday season. Bran WlcIc PublIcity chairpersonr Optimist Club of Brooklin Breakthrough gives hope To the EdItor: Letter ta. members. and of the Canadian Association. This timé ai yearoffers us an occasion ta reflect on the events ai the past and ta dream for the future. The pust year bas seen the association survive a financiai crisis, mave ta less expensive quarters, and hire a new executive directar. We have become a leaner, more efficient and more seff-sufficient organizatian. As well, 1991 saw the discovery ai the gene defect that cause Marfan S yndrome. (Marfan is a disease t hal attacks the bady's connective tissues that hold together' the body's major systems, such as the skeletal and cardiovascular systems.) This breakthrou9h gives us ail hope that we wîil see better diagnosis and treatment in the coming years. My hope for 1992 is that we wil continue ta build and strengthen the 'association's structure and initiate same exciting new pragrams ta further aur vitally important work ai education, support and research. The holiday season with its gifts of light and hope prompts me ta aller somne gits' ai My own: a To those coping with difficult times -- the knowiedge that you arenot alone; in the association there are those wha care, thase wha will listen. 0 To those who have supported the ,association through their gifts ai time, effort and money -- aur deef est thanks. __thaÏsbwho' have ipleiJs and unquenchable spirit -- aur love. friends MAy wish for ail ai you is a Marfan happy and- Joyous holiday seasn, and good heafth in 1992. Aenieas Lane Preeldent Canadian Marfan Assoiation Explanation inadleq uate To ths Editor: More ta 'Misconceptions and' outrageous figres,' Whitby Free PreisDec. l11/91l. 1 f ind it curiaus how the cost ai non-prfit housing is improvîng, reoredal $31,965.1 per unit on No.13, down ta $20-25,000 an Nov. 20 and now $13, 140 according ta Durham Centre MOIS Drummond White Dec. 11. Mr. White seems ta miss two points: The first i9 thet $1.095 a month. plus tenant rent appears ecsiewhen compared ta the $600-$800 rates avalaâble f rom the private sector. His explanation ai the cause is whoi!y inadequate. The second is ýthat the letter, from Mr. Rembosz wa an expression ai the 'VoI!ng frustration the taxpayer h wt hg governimenit spending (at ail levels) and the increased intrusion ai gavernznent ln prvate sector areas. where they typically mismanage' and overspend. Mr. White wauld do weIl ta drap his hostile reaction ta criticism and try ta understand the root cause. Failure ta do so, may cost him his job. SOLDIERS MARCHING ON QUEEN SRE, BROOKLIN, C. -1916 Queen Street was once called Railroad Street because the Whitby and Port Perry Railway ran along the street. The tracks can be seen in the. centre ôf this picture, which is lookiqngý north from Wmchester Road. Notice the Red Cross ambulance at the end of the. parade. Tlhe',; soldiers of Ontario County often took long marches to make themn fit'for service o-verseas in the first World War. Wbifty AidilVphoàto, 10 YEARB AQO. from the Wednesday, December 23, 1981 edition o thé wHITy FREE PRESS " Councillor Tom Edwards reports that: there are PCBs in a hydro facility at, Fairview LMdge. " Crosatng gates will'be installed at Garden, Street and the CPR if the Town council can find money to pay for them. "*ILake O4tario Steel laid off 100 employees a week-before Christnmas. "*.Staff sýortages and government cutbacks are lowering staff morale at the Whitby Psychi4ic Hospital says the Ontario Public Service Union. 25 YEARS AGO fromn the ThursayDecember 22, 1966 edition of the WWYWEEKLY NEWS This issue is missing. 75 YEARS AGO from the Thursciay, December 21, 1916 édition of the WITB Y GAZE1TIE AND CHIRQNTCLE " Thie Toronto Globe is praising the Whitby High School -for establishing night industrial "*eaeptet at the Hospital for the Insane are beingsent ta O-rillia to make way for> wounded soldiers. *[Mntd Mola Pqweil of Whitby has published in the Gaiette and Clironicle. an essay on how public school children can contribute to the national *elfare. *Whitby citizens' have donated money for postage so that ail the Town's soldiers wiil get Christmas boxes from home.

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