PAGE 4. WM FMBy RE P JSDA AT~~ ,19 The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whîtby residents!. Published every Wednesday by677209 Ontario Imc. at 1l31 Brook St. N., Whtby, Ontario IL N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher 1Maurioe Pither -- Editor Alexandram Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 'IrresponsibIe'. spendling To the Editor: In a recent Free Press letter te the editer ln which Durhanm Centre MPP Drummend White tries te Uclarify seme of the misconceptions about costs of non-profit housing,w he states that the average first-yeai subsldy ln the Metre area is $1.095 per month par unit. That mey very well be the case, but that in no way reduces the cest cf the Scarborough heusing preject with an, annuel operating subsidy ef $31,965.51, or a mind-boggling $2,663.79 a menth fer each geared-to-income unit. - If anything, that just illustrates the irresponsible way in which the geverniment is spending texpayers' maney. Ne ane with any business sens. weuld put upaapten building that is OmOpletely untrentable at these hlgh rents., Further ln his latter, Mr. White makes a rather optimistic assertion by stating thet "a significant ameunt ef the subsidy Is paid back ever the emortizetion of the mertgage. lncreasing rents, together1 with fixed mert9aga payments resut in dclnn subsidy after Xhe first year .2. Wrong. A recent press report about a co-op apartrnent building located ln Oshawaý on Albert St. would indicate that prjectiens or wishful thinking, don't refleot raality. This apaitment building, first eccupied ln 1989, consists of 88 units, 44 of which pay market rents and 44 are geaied-to- Incane, units. Twenty-five cf the 44 maikat-priced units are vacant. As cf Dec. 1, the rents that had ranged from $732 a month for a ane-bedreemn apartment te $932 a menth fer a three- bedroom epaitment, have been reduced te rents rninq from $666 te $877, a menth. This building, was te operate with an annuel subsi1dy of $500.000. Last year the ce-op ra n a debt cf $90.000 and this year it could be as hîgh as $168,000 because of empty apartmonts, resulting in a vary substantial increase of the subsidy from $500.000 te $668.000 in just twe years. That. completely contradicts Mr. White's projections. Mr. White ase writes that "understanding the concept (ef non-profit housing) is cemplicated." Wrang. At thé levai of subsidies that the .gevernment needs ta break even on semaet the projects including the heusing deyelopment at: Dunlop and Hickory Sts. in Whltby), the understanding of the concept of non-profit housinq Is not just complicated. but simply impessible to the people who are fundingit -- the taxpayers Frem Mr. White's aigumnent, about what motivates private building owners to rent their new apaitments for $800 te $900 a month, Rk becomes obviaus that the govemment le net able ta compote weith the private sector and R never wIL T 1hat has been Î.en In 1many counitries (eg. am.EurâLýMIif , W ehk and hî s oclalist colleagues think that they are golng te, be diff aient.. 1 dais ta say ewrong aan." Projeots -,that don't ,make economnic sanse should b. re-avaluated.* For Mr. White to state that the average subskly in the Metro area i8 $1095 per menth, and ln the sae breath try ta define a project that, eccording ta the Minlstry cf Housing figures, costs $2,633 per month for each subsidized unit, is to say the least, absurd. That is not ta say thet the government should abandon the less fortunate members of the society. On the contraiy; that is one cf the main reasons for which we eleot the gevemment -- ta help eut thase who, have beceme disadvanteged thraugh ne feuit cf their own. Hewever, while deng this the government must net las. sight of the alreedy overburdaned taxpayer. Robert IRomboaz OmIawa MPP: More real choice To the Edltor: 1In response ta The Free Prass article 'Private day-car. operatars fear closlngs' (Dec. 4, 199%1)I would like te add a few points for claification. .First. private day-cars centres rocaive gavernment subsidies ta the tune of eppîeximately $12 million per-year, aven though they are net publily accounitable. Nen-prefit day-ceres are publicly acceunitabla, have a public board of directors and aur govarniment will net b. subsidizing their profit. Second, the government dees net lntend the eliminetion of private day cara. W. new have a publicly-funded, non-profit educe- tion systemn that is scaountable te community-based boards ef educatien. At the sae tima., privatde schools continue te exist. For-profit child-care centres are net being egislated eut ef business, bu our tax dollars wilI net b. subsldizîng their existence -- if thay meet the standards thay wil b licensed -- and it will bup te the parants wha use them te make sure they are getting their monay's warth. Third, aur government has put forweid substantiel monies te help thé fer-profit, child-care centres to cenvert ta cammunity, non-profit centres. Parents and private centres naw have more roal choice than hes ever bean availabla. The go.vernment has sought the input of private day-care operaters and other major stakeholderstinterest graups. The consultation praceéssIs cantinuing and a formai document will b. raleased in Fabruary. The pul*hie wIll have Input threugh written submissions and-open meetings. We want te make sure that .&Ë ËÂëGEà To the-a g - -.. Excellent support for fund-raisers To the Edîtor: On behaf cof the Whitby. Gênerai Hospia Auxliliary, I would like ta tae this opportunity ta thank you for the coverage and support given fer oui l1sttwo f und-raislng avents. The designer sweater sala raised $450 and the bazaar andi bake sale raised $1800. ftis through your hlp the velunteers and the publicka large, that thes. avents are such a success and enable us te rais. f unds te help our local hospital. During a time cf cutbecks in health-care funding, your suppr ln helping us ta help threughthe auxiliary 18 greatly appreclated. Joan Harvey per Cory Foumler Public RelatIons Whltby Genmel Hospital Auxillary 1: WH1TY BRUINS M[DGET HOCKEY TRAM IN FRONT 0F ROYAL HOTEI4 1938 Back row: Bob Wiflis, Donald Stauffer, Aime Rousseau (manager), David Wtts Ben Lynde, Alex Brown. Front row: Eugene McLean, Ralph MacCarl, Everett Quantrili,- Isadore Parker > With cup: Joe Willis. Whltby AreMvm ht 10 YZARB AGO from the Wedne!a, December 30, 1981 edition of the wurrsi REEPRESS " May'.r Bob Attersley says Whitby grew by suc per cent in 1981. " Ten members of the Ladies' Auiliery of Royal Canadien Legion Brench 112 received 35-year pins.9 " Dorothy Ormiston bas received a life membership in the Ladiesd Auiliary of Royal Canadian Legion Brench 112. " Sixty new patients from Toronto fecilities will be admitted to the Whitby Psychiatric HoSpital. 35 YEABS AGO from the Thurad Janajy 3 1957 edition of the " Whitby Dunlops are in first place in the Eastern Ontario Senior <A' hockey league. " Bey. George Nicholson, a former Arctic mirgionary, is the new rector of St. Jolm's Anglican Church. " George iddleton clebrates Ise9Oth birthday on January 6. C ~or Harry Jermnyn- hosted a banquet for the Town council, Public Utilities Commission andte Industriel Commission lest weekend. 100 YEARS AGO from the fVaJ 189 edition of the geU, NICLE " It took 60,000 ft. of planka te repair Whitby's; wooden sidewalks lest yeer. " Mis Jennie McGiflivray of Inverlynn married Dr. J.T. Fotheringbam at ber home on December 30, 1891. 0 Ross Brothers, tailors, will make you a good tweed suit for $16. " S.W. Lowell will pay 60 cents parrIbarrer for apples et the Whitby Evaporating Works. j- !ý