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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 13

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iLLiBdV1.UI~~.B1v1I4vAv FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1992 PAGE 13 Waycleredtoremove PET fromhabu ByMarlo boho Thi ne Edward Island boat remaine in Whltby harbour i 1991 despite repeated, attempta to move it out.> In early Janua~ the derellct éhlp oaprnt ygoing to b. sdby Art Robinson te ýMar Ellen Doninell and her hsbd of Bowmanvmle who would turn it mnto a floating museumi and restaurant, complets.,with, a dance floor. tThe. pe.tion 'of" transferring thePCB chemicals froni the. derelict boat te a suitable -site was flot resolved until late' in 1991. In early Februaryi- a wrecking automobile yard in, north Why was -deemed uace1Mbb Durham Centre MNJPP Dumn White andcouncillor DennsFOX ga a ossible location bécauge of tecoseditace te a tire dump. Theoriginal deadline- to 'eov MIeLCB was flrst exten- ded te Jan. 31 and then Feb. 15. Councilwa concerned about the three transformera. that con- tained-500 gallons of PCB-con- taminated oùt on thie siiip. The. chemicals are said te have caused cancer and other health problems ilaboratery animaIs durmgfltests. 1 After council vqted 6-1 againfat the removal of the PCBs *at the wrecking yard -site, Environnient Canada decided in laste. February not to proceed witb orders ýfor RoW n.oncremov the chenu- Environnient Canada. spokes- mlnRa doph Simons said fedofidl. :ofals bwerb convinced tiircwuldflo b. -Y more, spill~e f oUi o ihip. Bcihhe f.dealnd provincial goenente wei4'ýàt alossor what te do with the derelict boat. Ontario riding MP. Bon. Sce- tens blamed'Whitby council and the provicial¶oerment fo r lejet lu tii te place tii. ~ ~ , CBathewckzgyard. Durham Centr P Drum- mond White said, the NDP government had,:ne solution te the problen either.« 1Robinson 'was then ordered te appear in, court on -April 8 for a tres-passing charge ivolvin g tii. ship.Whitbyg ot' thi.juiction of tLe.waterFontafteher- bour was reclassifi.d as a amaIl craft harbour. *Many solutions were discussed includfingone te -remove the tiiree transformers from the boat but. keep it in à large- container on tiie dock until a suitable storsfe site for the. chemicals is Fox was anur and blam.d the federal and provincial gvern-1 mente for passing the.bucr te the municipallevel. Donnelly said ah. and her hue- band still intended te purchase the boat but would not keep it in Whitby anymore. The. federal gov'ernment, offered te destroy tiie PCBe'if the provincial government agrees te stere the ciiemicals at -Whitby Hlydro's Taunton Rd. sterage facilty. Test. wer. don. in April on tii. water from the. ship and high levels of PCB'ls were found. ,Enyironmentý Canada reas- sured, resi derqts, tha t non. of the. contamfinated7water had slipped inte Lake Ontario. Subsequent test. found tii. level lower than tii. acceptable government s<andaùrds. In early': Ma, -Nancy Wilson and sistêr ýoâa Borland presen- ted a petition to ail levels of governinent demanding im- mediate action b.' talion te rémovie the boat from Whitby harbour fearing potenitial danger, for the residents. By' mid-May, the provincial government agreed te take full responsibiliîty ýte remove théý PCBs tthe'Hydro's torbage siteý on Taunton ]Rd. But Mayor Bob- Attersjley' saiîd there would be no deal until Whitby Hydre officiais sign the agreement. An agemnt te, remove'the POB9 frm the boat dragged on through the spring and sumnier. A tentative agreement was reached in late July- wh.n law-yersfo Robinson andth Mfinistry of Enviromnent came te termeafor the transfer -of the POBa te Wbitby Hydrols soirage site on Taunton Rd. It was then up Ite Robinson te formally apply te the ministry for prision te remove the chemu- On Sept. 9 he was finied $250 by the Town #or trespassninq. A provincial court judge îssued a court irtjunction -a month later for the, removal of the PCBs »by 'Nov. 15, and of the. boat itself by Dec. 31, or by May 31, 1992 if dismantled. Robinson hired a firm from Aax te, remove and store the. chemicals. Whiùtby Hydro Electrie Com- mission signed an agement on Nov. 8 te store the 500 gallons of PCBs from the boat. The. chemicals were finally removed Nov. 15 and sent in a container te a temporary sterage site at Wbitby Hyidrols Taunton Rdyard. Te storage'is, expected te b. t.mporary because the. federal government hopes te destroy al PCBs atored in Canada by. 1997. The. list of prospective buy.rs for the. ship if*as. down te two by December according te Robin- By MarieBoucher Whitby's 'new recreation centre on Rossland Rd. west of tiie municipgl office opened in,1991ý but at a higiir cst* than oni- ginally expected. In early March councillor Jo. Bugelli confirme , tii. complex was on sciiedule te open in Sep- tember and waswitiiin its on- ginal $10.5 million budget. There was net expected te b. any extra cost te taxpayers at the. time. Funding of-th., project was, expected te b. païd througii a $5-.7-million debentur?1 $3.8 mil- lion from the Town s reserve funds and a $886,245 g*rant from tiie Ontanie government. Altiieugi tiie complex could, have been ready for June, the. Town decided te make sure al tii. appreriate work was' con- pletbeor. opening tiie doors tte residents. Councillor Tom Edwards war- ned the f.. structure for swim'- ning and otiier activities was tee hii and would force people te 1oo for cheaper venues. Tii. public swimming fees would b.e more, expensive than tiie indoor pool at iroquois -Park or any other nunicipalities nearby. The costa were set"'at'ý'4,f6i' son's ,lawyer,, Benie, O'Brien. One of tii. possible destinations ,was rumoured te b. in the Carib- ,bean. By the. end -of 1991, tii.PEI was still in Whitby iarour. adulte $2 for youtiis or seniors and $ý0 for a, family. In compari- son, on. :1complex in -Ajax was' charig $1 foradultii, 50 cents for clden and $5 for a family., On Sept. 23, -the centre opened witiiaa variety "of merobica and swimmingprograrns for aIl ages, as well as w.igiit training equip- ment, a 25-metre pool a 25- metre water suld, wkirîpeoî, sauna, a lounge, a cafeteria, an outdoor patio, a' lifestyle and fitniess library, and a -meeting facility. The. final cost of the centre was not expected te b. known, until early 1992 but tiiere was an indication it may cost more than originallyplanned. Miner work was still being don, at tii. end of December te improve son. deficiencies'in the Sgoxage1 of construction material and labour disputes were among other reasons for tiie increase in the coat of the centre. At tii. end of 1991, there wasï stili ne date set for tii. second Phase of.the. centre that wiill mnclude th4 squash and racquet- bail courts, he mnasium, as well as, a library ad a 20sa banqu.t hall. have. been callng Volkswagen names. "lJetta: Best Economy Car' -Ted Latumus C-hosi, DriversSeat GBC-TV Passat: Best FamIIy Sedan" -Ted Laturnus Co-host, Driver's Seat 060-TV 'Psa:BestPemiomi Cholce" -Tony Whitney Co-host, Drivers Seat CBC-TV '91 PASSATS ON SALE ei $1 75900 or $249/month* On OAC. Ak us f« o du Now these are names we can take. Especially coming from such respected automobile experts as Tdand Tony. But don't take our take a Jetta or Passat for a test Whitby's n ewrecratin centre openedSep1ti 23' Vffli( to 1 value UP to > 5ý

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