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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 14

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PAE14 H1BFREPRES8%WENESAY, JANUARY 8,1992 JUEAU INJUIRY A pPOtrop meeting will b. .l btheH.ad JiuyAsOBO ciation of Durham, R1ion,,on. Wednesd4ay Jin I&5,.Op:m. at 469 BonI St. EC., oshawa. Fir, assistane with transportation, eall 723-2732. Ill amRégonAquarium Jan. 4, 8 pm., ini the cafeteria Of Res. McLaughli Collegiate 570 Stevenson Rd. .just aouth o#P Rossland Rd.), Oshawa. For more information eaH Wayne at 725- 7911. LEARN LPSAVING SILIS Durham Save-a-Heart wIl offer CPR courou during the. months of<Janusry and Februsry. Basic Rescuer - 12 hours.* riday. Jan. 109 6 ta 10 -P.m. and Saturday, Jan.. 11, 9 a.m. ta 5 P.M.; Tedyflhursday, Jan. 21, 23, 28e 309 7 ta 10 »P.m.; Mcaday/Wedneeday, Feb., 2, 17, 19, 7 ta 10 Pmn.; Friday, Feb. 7, Çto 10p.m. andSBaturday, Feb. 8, 9 a. to 5 pam. Bamic rescuor recer«iCatioei - 6 heurs Saturdayt Jan. 18, 9 s.m. ta 4 p.m.'Moeiday/Wednesdy, Jan. 13 15, 7 ta 10 p.m.; Saturday, FpL 1&,'9 sm. to 4 pan.; Tumesdyn1hursdyv Feb. 25, 27, 7 ta, 10 p.m. Coures - are alS .cheduled ithe -Ajax and Bowmanvile amess. For more information, plus dates of infant/chfld courseeil the. Durhsm Save-a-Heart office et (416) 666-099. EPILEPSY Epilepsy Durham Réeon, a noni-pro6fit, self-help group, will hold the monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 7:30 pan., at the Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coborne St. W., Oshawa. Learu the art of reflexology with guest speaker D. Thompeon. Al are welcome ta attend. For further information, oeil436- 3152, or visit the offie at 369 King St. W., Oshawa. LWNING WITCANCEkR The Living With Cancer Sup- tGopwill meet on Monday, .rrt' 7 p.m., at the Ajax .> Cricket <lub porner of Clementa, and Mon;arc Ajax. For more information cail 686-1516. wha SLENDER SLMS Slender Oshawa Slims, a local brsnch of Canadian Calorie Counters wiil hold an open houa. on Monday Jan. 13,' 7 p.m., at the Ritson koaid Alianhce Church, Oshawa. For more infor- mation call president Jean Senko at 728-6509. The nert regular meeting of the Durham Environmental Network (DEN) will take place at 7:30 pam. on Wednsd, Jan. 15 at St. Bernadette'. ureh 21 Bayly St. at Harwood, ýjax. A numiber of DEN'. current projects wiil be dtecussed at the meeting, which'is oanta the public. Anyone whoba a concern for the environment is welcome ta attend. For more information, cai (416) 286-9565 or (416) 435-0497. DURHAM ]PC USR CLUB The next meeting of the Durham PC User. Club wiil b. held on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Michael Staff building on King St. W. at Centre St., in Oshawa. Demose are often given. Ail are welcome. For further information, ce Bernie at 416-655-4156. PUBLIC FORM ,AjaxPickering, sud Whitby Association for Coînmunity Livingwill sosra «<Public Forum on School sud Work Issue for Individuals with Develop- mental Handicaps' on Jan. 14 at Emperor Street Centre, 36 Emperor St., Ajax, 7:30 p.m. For more information, cali 683-6732. AS'flMA - WHAT EKVER PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW Durham Region Lung Association wiil hold an information evening, forpaet of ssthmatics on TedaJan. 14, 6:30 p.m., at Kinsmen Hall 109 Coiborne, St., Oshawa. Dr. S. Mebra (local pediatrician) will disques <What every parent needa to know about asthma.' Toples3 wiil include when ta seek medical help during an asthmatic epiwode, why iateimportant ta use MmdcaiMi regulaly sud the. fcauses of ssthms'. A registration fse of $5 (faLmily or individus]) May bepaid at the door,sandlight refreshments wiil b. serve&. (Fée dom. not apply to asthma Airforce permregismtrat.) To reserve a space, or for more information, calthe Lung Association in Oshawa at 436-1046. Ontarlo Friends of o Schizophrenics <9 (OFOS) Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics (OFOS) is a self -help organization for families who have a relative with schizophrenia. OFOS, Durham Region Chapter will be hosting an information meeting on: lWeà!-dnesda 'nar 5 927p asChurch House 200 BYROYN STREET SOUTH (ttecorner of Byron and Coiborne Streets in Whitbi) Ms. Jan Engllsh from the Victorlan Order of Nurses will speak about their Mental Health Program.I Please corne to this meeting to find out more about this community mental health service.I For information cail the OFOS, Durham Region Chapter at: 666-2598J m SELF-BELPGROUP ii. Durhamn Region Manie Der essive and Depressive Self- HMGroup lu being reorganized, an:?ail members are urged ta give support . The group wil meet on Thursday, Jan. 9, 7 pan., at il Simcoe St. N., Osh- awa. For more information cal Derrick at 432-2660. ALME Tii. Support Group for Alzhei- mer Famîhies will meet on Wed- nesda,Jan. 15, 1p. at the YWCA (Sun Room), 1 Ïi&cGrigor St., Oshawa. For more inforiia- tion oeil 576-2567. WInTERBIRDS> Central Lake Ontarlo Conser- vation Authority (CLOCA) staff will conduct a tor of the, bird feeder trail iu the Lynde Shores Conservation Area, off Victoria St. W., Whitby, on Suuday, Jan. 12 starting at 2pm.Formr 2iorm;ation cal579-0.411.rme CRSAREANPREVENTION The Cesarean Prevention Sup- port and Education Group will meet on Monday, Jan. 13-a t 1112 St. Andrew's Couý Oshawa. 7he topic will be Medical Teste lu Pregnan y.' For more informa- tioneau 676-0562 or 430-2343. ADVENTURESIN BABYSITING Adventures in Babysitting, a four-week babysitt*lug course for ages il aud over, wlll b. held Saturdays, 10 a.mi t noon Feb. 1 to' 22 at the. Whitby Ni>ubc Iàbrary. Registration beMins Jan. il for the program wluch costs $24 (reference book included)'. EUCHIR Euchre is held every Frlday, 8 .m., at the Whitby' 100F Hal, Ï-1 roc St S.Cos is$1.50. Refreshments provided. Ail wel- corne. r-1Nonprfit communlty roup whlch are ba09sed n Whfyor have a = fetnlal Whltby membership may Splace their upcomln g meetings or actIvities on ths page at no cost. ffiufkng r.V ' FvIday aISp.m. -' j ST. JORNAMULANCE. St. John Ambulance, Whit! branch, in offering a frut aid sud CPR combied course. Regist- ration should b. made im- mediatély by calliin 668-9006. Also '*offered are înstructor's course (first aiîd and CPR), baby sitr'course (chbjîdren agel2ý sud up), child car., course for new sud expectant parents, flrst aid and CPR for child-care pro- videra and new parents, aud pre-schooler's course on emer- rncY m an g m n.Cail 668- FRIENUS 0F SCHKZOPRRENICS Durham Region Frends of Schizophrenicu will meet on Weduesday, Jan. 15 (changed from Thursdays), 7 p.m. at SIt. Mark'. church house, Colborne aud Byron. streets, Whitby. Gueàt speaker will b. Jan Engl- ish of the Victorian Order of Nurses. For more information oeil 666-2598. THEOS FOR TEE WIDOWED The. local THEOS chapter wl meet on Sunday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. in St. Audrew's drs~tran Church, Cochrane S. hty -THEOS in a su pport group for newiy widowedl people. Al widowed men sud women are, welcome ta attend. For more information, cail 668-2648. GE"T 0F LIFE'CLINIO A blood donor clinic, sponsored by the Whitiy Lionees Club% wil L b.held on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1 ta, 8 pan., at the. Whitby LWgon EHal on Byron St. S. Dnor wll b reuired ta give proper identification as well as their donor cards. To avoid smme of the. ineups, corne between 2 sud 4 pan., if possible. ORIENATION Big Sisters of Ne'wastle-Osh- awa-Whitby il hold their monhlyorintaionon Jan. 16, 7 ta 9 p.m., at the'Big Sistors' office, 179 King St.- E., Oshawa. For more information or tao con- flr attendance, at the^ orien- tation, oeil 436-0951. EN.JOY AHEL Y Another five-week idving Weil worksho>'"seriai.plsnned starting Thursdayi Jsn. 9 from 1:-30 'ta 3:30 pà..et 215 Regelncy Cres. 11» . workshops involve seniors showing seniorshow ,ta enjoya healthy 1ifestyle.,Toicngs include, nutrition, fitnes,- stress, msanagement and personal ealth habite. Workshops .are open t sny senior in Whitby and the $5 fee icludes a Living '<1.1 manuel snd refreshments esch week. For thoee interestedi enrofling lin ihe progrsm, oeil the' Whitby Seniors Activity Centre ýat 668-1424. PRA&M 100R YOUNG ASTHMATICS Te Lung Association's four-sesIon Airfore' rgrm for asthmaatic younsters (agS,5 t 12) and their parentbeis on Jan. .14, at ,Kinsmen .Hall, shaand concludes on Feb. 4. A $20 reistration fe. ils payable in advace The hands-on course gvsbasic information- about asha and provides personalized instruction in relaxation, breathing 'techniques- sud theé correct administration Of prescribed- . medications. A presentation given by a ediatric specialist highlights te first evening. Spaces are limited snd early regstration le advised. For more information on this3 Christmas Ses] service,, cail the Lung Association in Oshawa. at 436-1046. AUDMTONS CoemtY Town Singers wll hold auditions on Wednedy,, Jan., 8 snd 15j 7:30 p.mi, at St., Paul'. School, 200 Garrard- St.- N., Whitby. County Town .Singeérs iAs a non-denominational choral frmal walks of 1f. ~tios iclue soprao, alto, tenors and basss.,*For furthéir information, contactý Helen at 666-3637. Bi*gcrowd at Wheels.to Meals luncheon A record crowd attended the Wheels to Meals Christmnas lun- cheon Dec. 11. SThe -meal was prepared by members of Burns Church in Ashburn, M yrle United Church, Brooklin' United Church, St. Leo's Roman Catholic Church, Brooklil sud St. Thomas Angli- can churches. The Wheels to Meals programn serves Brooklin, Myrtle sud Ash- burn. Contributing co the 'Festive Programme' afterwards were Barbara Porter of Ashburn Bill sud Shirley Baten of Wlitby, Tom Edwards of Whitby, Jean, Stachow of Myrrle, Graoe Guth- rie of Brooklin, Catherine Humphrey of Ashburn,, Frank Newhook of Whitby sud Sid Bai-, ley sud Margaret Bohaker. Proceeds from 1991 luncheons, after expenses totalled $366, sud were diviâied b.tween the Salvation Amny and St. Vinoent's Kitchen, Oshawa. Food hamper items were dona- ted to the Salvation Army in Whitby. The 1992 session wilI begin on Feb. 12. All seniors in the ares are invilied.,to attenàd. Th. meal, which costs $3.50? will b. served at'noon. Trans por-, tation lu available by callingf6S5!- 4284. Linedancing classes to soon begËin. A 10-week session of liuedauc-. ing classes wlll b.gin at the Brooki community centre on Jan. 22. Drop.-in program held on Tuesdays The. Tuesday drop-In progrm 'has resumed TueAye from 1:30 ta 4 p.m.,- at teBrooklin Connunity Centre. Activitie's may include shufflbàard, carpet bowling, crafts sud refreshments. Bring a, friend sud join isu erjoyable afternoon. For further information, cail 668-1424. 1. NEW YEAR'S CELEBRAllON SALEÊ 251% OFF ai existing stock No yu enenoy50% OFF selected items Now yadding Victorien accents to your home or office ai meduced prices. pclai ordersnot lndluded. Weekends by appointmenî onlyt1 76 WINCHESTER ROAD BROOKLIN 655-3095 ACROSS FROM ARENA .There will b. instruction 'M' dances such as the slosh, alley cat and New York, NewYork. Men sud women are welcome, nopartuer is necessary. Classes wlI b. held on'Wed- nesdays, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Seniors interested may regis- ter on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1:30 ta 2:30 p.m., at the. Brooklin com- munit centre, Casuels Rd. PC meeting iii Columbus The Brooklin & District Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion will hold their annual meet- ing on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 8 p.m., at Colunibus United C prh Simcoe St. N., Col- umbus. Guest speakerr will b. Dr. Matthew Dlymond sud Durhami ridingM1P Rose Stevenson. F itness classes, for women Fituese ýclasses for womin, tae place on Mondays from 7 to 8:15, pan. at- Corinthian. Club Hall, Columbus. To register, or for more- informatin -calI Jenndfier àt 6f68740 BROOKLIN & DISTRICT P.C. ASSO CIATION Annual .Meeting 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15, 1992 COLUMBUS. UNITED CIIURCH Simcoe St. Columbus Guest Speakers: Dr. Matthew Dymond Ross Stevenson, M.P. EVRYONE WELCOME!

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