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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 20

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PÂGE 20,wHrrBYFIWE PREOS, WEDNESDAY, JAMJARY 8, ~ t - RECEPTIONIST/Admlnistrator.'If you are capable and energetic, with'excellent administration skils' and word p'rocessing aptitudle, and would enjoy a position with lots of variety. cail 655-8414 for an Interview. 54A Centreé St. -Noth, Oshawa ____ 576m91 75'-ý WVWIESUR 1r fr are su 54A Centre St. N., Oshawa.~ L -5 6 9175 WTRK)0 BUSINESS COLLEGE NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY SINCE 1930 (QLTD. HNE668-6653 -Our hostesy il rig gfts and greeting.,alang DAY ýCARE AVAILABLE. Safe, friendîy evlnen.Lots'of activRt es. Any gewelcome. Thickson/Duna area. 571-590t - DAY CARE- AVAILAIBLE in my home on Reynolds. St. Phone 666-2734. Ages 3 ta 5Syears. WEST LYNDE MOTHER of ane. would love ,ta babysit your child In myrnêm. Ful-/pat-time. Judy, DAY CARE PROVIDED in myý home. Lunch, snacks. Excellent environment. Waîking distance to Ormiston and St. Matthew schools. References, receipts. 666-9382., MOTHER 0F THREE wiII pvide hapy, laving environment fryour child. Her hoe, Falinbrook, close ta Gien Dhu scho. 1.yas eperience. Receipta references given. Please cail 666-8723. WANTED:, .REUABLE, mature sitter -for 3 children innyho me. RoslandVlBassett. 668-1642 DAY CARE AVAILABLE ln my home. Referencea. Safety.Age 2-5. AndersonlTaunton. 6687025. ECE MOM . wilI look after your 30-manth-plus child ln my home. -Lktde Bd. & Hwy. 2 ares. iKm, DAY CARE in my home, any age. Good references. CalI anytime. Vernonroahrane ares. 668-8659. Specializing làin Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mmnd.- Perry House- Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 6897 HOUSEKEEPER/nanny waned. 3:15 ta 6:15 p.m., Monday -ta Frlday, ta care.for two boys ages,7 &8 and ta perform Ilht bouse keig,* includiglaundy&dne PreJaration. Wage negaibe KUWAUT SAUDI WORKERS needed. J35 & u pepr hour. Tax free. Bath skilled & unskilîed.' For Info, il 615-779-5505, oet.K-384. STAY AT HOME - EARN $700/ week assembling aur produots. For mare info, senid, SASE,.ta,ý BK Enterprises, 120 Nonquon Rid., #81, Oshawa L1G 7E6. WANTED -EXPIERIENCIED hairdresser preferably with clentele. Ful- or part-time. Goad hourlyw¶qs, lus ý reat OUAUTY- DAY CARE available ln myhom.Flexible hours. Breakfast, lunch &,snacks served. Fenced- ard & -dal outlngs. Cal666-542 for mare lifo. SITTER NEEDED for twin boys grade- 1 after achool EA. Fairman.Two hourse, Mndayt Friday a lead ta uo tm summer. 0.11666-3590. LOVING DAY CARE ln my home. Mother of",one-year-old. Country91etti1gnon-amnoker., Ashburn ares. . 55-8802. QuALrrY HOMEDAY CtI TÉheWee Watch system providles supervîsed privalte dlay care for' children 6G weeks and aIder.fil rpar re Lnschoduled home visits ensure -.'Reliable, local back-up covers Provider W e iuatiy Icars for your chlld L ilnetis or holidays - fu1Iy trained Provlders receive Complote Insurance coverageU1 5* Eu Dngoing Agency support lâIcome tex receîpts 4 ______ For m nfcrmtion oeil:"686m3995 afesd.ec EXPERIENCED 'DEU/CASH, person wanted for part-ýtlme. Muet nav wn transportation & b. -able- to work Saturdays &, Sundays,, ïs welI as through iweek. 728-5207. .Agoly ta Romana'Fruit Market, Town Rd. W'., Oshawa. Engineering Tekelec, a rapldly, gmwlng, worldwlde, state-ofthe-art leader ln toîecommunlcatlons' dîagnositlç equýpment, has'. Immédiate oen g frthe followlng positions: APPLICATIONS ENGINEER, We are îeeMing an Indivduel. for aur Whltbyoffice who le bilingual (French/Eniglish) who cen wark closely wlth the Sales staff as the ,key ,technlcal resource for the operation from,- a hardware/software perspec- tive. The successful candidate wIII have a basic understandlng of electronics hardware and a thorough understanding cf software: '",UN iK Windws, OS, tc. In-dept knowlîe e Ileast ane pratocol. .reuired. Work ex- prlence with a communfica- tions user or manufacturer preferred. SALES ENGINEER We are seln nlndMvdual- for aur Whitby office.who wllI be responsible for establishînig close tdes wiith major Ottawa-based acut includlng' many féderal gov't.. depamente. Duties to nclude exIstng account service, new accounits developmneft, skils development and account management. 25% ,travel re- qulredT.> Réquirements: worklng knowledge of telecommunica- tdons <datan vlce etworkng) wlth, a spca mphasls on SS7. Preias experlrice working with the Ottawa-based. communications, manufacturera preferred. Bilingual, (Englishl French) çciaes preferred.,, lnterested ,c andidates should submit their resumes ta:,- TEKELEC 26580 1West Agoura Rd. CaIabaa'asjCA910 Equal Oppty. Employer MfF,> ARTHUR ý-MURRAY, DANCE Studio la:' now' off ering A BALLROOM DANCE'TEACHERS' - ROGRAM. -Enroîl-now. 0.11i Artblir iMurrayDane tuio< recognized eucational-Instiution). 430-0014. GUITAR -LESSONS. Bgln,"r and .advanced.AccouiE o electrimCat0.1- Lau 666-1979, EARN-MONEY readng bookal $30,OOO~~Iyer Icreptni Deétailaâ1 805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. GRANDMAS, CO M PA NY. Gr e' n cleans (no 'chemicals. Homes and offices. We affer Mthrna dlean' (reay or Inspectionl%. .Al employees are pollce-,security checked, baned *& î,nsured.g member cof Whkby Chamfber of. Comere.725-9177 <24. 'tioûr answerlng). PRE-PAID WO'RD ADS (Cash, VISA. cheque recelved before deadline> $6.00 for 20 wAosKIs; ($5.61+ 390 GST> 150 each ýaddltlonai word; BILLED)WORD ADS. $U.00 for 20 -words; PLUS GST1 150 each additlonai word;, PWS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNîCEMENTS 890 per aga9M lne <14agateîles per ncl» minimhum charge: .$6,0 prepaid,' $7.50 bilIed, DISPLAY AD S UNï CLASSIFIEDS <Mds wlth bo rdera,' pic tures or grahCs) Regular display raies apply - 90per agate line Minimum size, 1. column.inch'$1 3.16 CONTINLIU U DISPLAYADS AS 10W AS $10.99 PER GOLUMNIINCH. GST la exra an aIl ada unleèss otherwlse lndlcated y DEADUNE, Monclay rfon. priorto ,Wediesclgy. for «nrou on teii.frt day of pubction. The Whft Free Pmwe wilî nof beIWAbe for -MIwetg' lsiýh ai ad, or for typýgrpbi eryci in publication beyond tii out of the space occule by the. ariLI >a nmmaxhwuàoift he hieto. lb. wihb-yFroe Pmss ,reseivos th iù ngt o,.ba!ufy or rejetau awdeis, on * I .1 Mu" E::ýý 1 LE :-, -".. ày, 1

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