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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 21

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WHITYFRE PRE WEDESDY,:JANUAYS 92PAE1 ROON FOOR RENT.. Share NEWLY. RENOVATED, lrge ANTIQUE CHINA CABINET, GQRGEOUSrODEbat avr FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEYý kithe, bthoom lunry,2-edrombasmet pt. Frlde nice ý condition, $475., Antique coat ih matchi hat $800. Four wlth ýsuWreme -quallty,ý maple.ý parking. ,rckSt. N. $350 parý steve. $650 par, month is2 Hoseu Oard, $450. Wall unit cane bar stools w ?h rose cushions. beech,- oak, very dry. Honest month. GCll430-6952. utilities. ,Main floor, - 3 biedroom. wth bar, * n w 'atercooder,'$7very. <416r 43-029 Frldge,> steve. $850 par, month plus floor model, $100. 430-1422. $75o53-2o2r.4609.masrme. Fe 1/2 utilties. Cail 668-4995, bdave __________________________ ~IIDM@UI~ni~~m ~~ message. wynnancu uum torFmt. Sharebath &ktchen. Close te ail ameitis. d ater6 pm 666-3776. ROOM FOR RENT. Use of kitchen.-, bathroom, laundry. $9olwel.. New house., Thkson/Manng area.' 666-0200.ý AWAY PROM THE CITY crowd, right on hlghway - nice motel near Brooklln. $150 par week. $450 par monlth. OGal655-5308'. LOGFOR MALE! te share ep.Park & Adelde area. First & Isat reqLired.. WHITBY- FURNISHED room for rent. -F/room -TV, kitchen & laundry ,privilees. Quiet, worklng 666-1161B>.-wek, BACHELOR APARTMENT, partly'furnished. Bedsitting room, kitchen & bathroom, clse te downtown .Whtby. No pets. Non-srnoker preferred. $375. Heat, hyldre- & parking included. Gal 66-2233. HANK BROUWERS ROOFINO *Re-Roofs - New Roof *Emergency Repas *GuaMnleworkman.àpamaleMai - Fast efficient Sem= c *Chartered bankflnancing 571-2436or 668"418 The Mutual Group >HERB TRAN 725-6564. KITCHENS LTD. .605 Brook St. N. Whtbyp -Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5 162. ________i'-ýEst. 35 Vis. 2 BEDROOM APT. ln Whitby, near 401. Availlble now. $679, aIl lncluded. 263.-4104. VERY LARGE 2 bedroom - new building,ý broadloom throughout. Dlshwasher, covered parin. One avallable nom, OneMrc $870 par month, First fmonth $500. 666-4643. 2 BEDROON APT., downtown Whitby, available Feb. 1. $660 par month., heat& hydre include,_pus water & lone aringpo.For kilo. please c 1.728-967. WHUIBY, CENTRAL 7 brlght, clean, large 2-bedroom, basement apt. $725, inclusive. 666-0264. BRIGHT, 1 BEDROOM - main street Sunderland. Completely new kitchen& bathroom. New stove, fridge & aundry room. $525. utilities& heat included. (416) 640-1275. WHITBY CLEAN 1bedroom apartînents. centrally located, quiet residential area. Quiet, non-smokers .preferred. -Available immediately from $495/month. Cal 666-3883 (leave message), or 668-3011 eveninga. PAINTERS PLUS - Service and quallty' are- not an accident. For 10% off and no, GST, cal Bil or Geri, 404-1224., DESIGN& ARTWORK service: logos, business cards, corporate image brochures,.1f lyers, type- settlng, resumes, reports, posters, sin, menus, cassette çcovers. etc. Whatever your needs. cail Boot Graphicsaet 666-9894. KLEEN KW' UPHOLSTERY- re-upholstery of antiques. Ail kinds cf recovering. Your fabrL- or mine. Free estimates. Over, 40 years. experience. 430-7568. Whlti. ..7-70 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA- (1963) - complete:,set, lncludlrýe atlas & beokcase, $15. 416-668-1922, affer 6. REDWOOD PATiO chaise lounge, chair & amail table, $50. 416-668-1922,aftge 6 1991-92 UPPER. DEC Hockey complete set , ncluding3 holograms, $75. 1985-6OPe Ches Lemieux rookie, 'complete set, 300. Cali Brian or LKim ait 436- 0975. Aise, buy or trade. ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Large kitchen, 'living room, bat room. Private entrence, close te downtown Whit .,,No pets. No-smoker preferr $00,et hydro, prking included. Geal LARGE, IMMACULATE one- bedroom ept., ground floor. Aveileible from Janueiy te April. Whitby. $590 par mont h Inclusive. 666-5056. RO OMS FOR RIENT in large larmhouse. 'Country proerty near Cwy.7/Lakerldge Rd. Quiet, heelthy Iffestyle. Non-smoker. $350 par month. 655-5385. RETAIL SPACE FORý LEASE.. Creative -rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9-a.m. to 5 p.m. WHITBY - -CLEAN -aMW nhcely decorateci 3 bedreom- main foor cf Frldge, sa'.e monh., 668-5 OTTER CREEK HOME - brick& aluminum.- 3 large- bedrooms.- lamhly room with lireplace, W/O te deck, lenced backyard, . double drlveway with asinle, garage. Inci. 3, appliences & Wow ceverings. $159,900.,668-0877 eveninga. CHESTERFIELD-SUITES, love-ý seats, , sectionals, ,less-than hait ~r ce. Large selection. McKeen um4tur. 524 Simfcoe St.S, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. PORTABLE DISHWASHER $275. Kitchen table wlth, 4 chairs $250. Electrolux vacuum '&- rug, shampooer $495. Oel432-3176. SEASONED FRWO.Hall, faceý cords/bush coqrde. 4Dr hardweod,. Plckup, or' dellvered. Prunlng-- trees end, evergreens. ocrubs:. Gerdenlbesment cdean-- ups. Gell 649-3183.. SINGER SEWING machine (stylst 513)no manuai, $75. 416-68-122,ater 6. MATTRESSES and box springs eat hall price. MVcKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. LETr'S GET SKATING *Used only once - mensize 12 * Bauer, black * $55. 281-9379. FIREPLACE FACADE -SOUCd brick wih eek mantle piece, lncludln*g aide pleces and matai Ilner. $575 . 281-9379. STOVE, KENMORE, almond coIlourlf-ea e,$300.ý- Dreheavydguty,,$125. Yarnaha; snowebile.643- electrlc-start, caver & helmet, $d50.430-7450. DARK PINE BUFFETT.& hutch, dining table & 4 chairs, $375 each. Medium pine -entertainment unit, $400. Excellent condition. 579-1757., STEEL DOOR - -Brand new.vinyl- coated .premlium .ýStanley brWand. Includes nîne-pane dle-pan tharmfai lass"'with internai grld., $245. 281-9379. PIONEER 19X97008, RECIElVER $900. CLOlOO Laser playe $750.' BSR E03000, Gr'a'phlc"equailzer/l audio analyzer $175. rwl nVege' SW12B superbese a3fstem$20 Geldstar CMT2642 remote, 28w monitor TV $700. JVC HRD860 VHS HMII VCR' $600., Reallstic PRO2010 'scanner/ recever $190. AIl mint cehditlon, e.b.666-0200/ 434-7893. Sewing Machine Repairs AYlMakes Complete Tune-up $39.9 5 Reconditioned Sewing Machines from $59.001 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE .ý571i-1385 'ar 400 Klng St W. O0shawa CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST-I TS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL.' - THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONnTRAVEL: CANAL CRUISES.; tîve days eboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenlc Tren-Sevem Waîeeway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, moats. Ime brochure; wnite Captain Marc, Box 6 Oilia, 3V 6H9; (705)327-5767. MUSKOKA WINTER GETAWAY - Cozy 2 bedroorn housekeeping cottages with ireptace including gourmes dinner (rani S 1 l/person. Horsemen RestaurantiWetkr Lake. (705> 635-2473. MOBILE HOMES MOTORIHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. tnvenlo.y LUquidation Sale. 40 units. New and usat. Att ies and moas. Att priceastashed. Cali 1-800-263- 7955. North Brock RV, Port Perny Ont MORTGAGES FEELING THE PINCH 0F XMAS SHOPPING? Are your cretit cardsaie their lmits???, and oveoduei! il you're a homeownor. we have mortgaqe money ta pay'ail bitta and credil carde. $5.000, $10.000., 15.000,wlh no payments til May. 1992. No quatityng hassies. Cati Intrensicosi Financiat Group (416) 650-9455 or toI-frac .1-800-268-1429. FOR SALE VOUR 000 WILL STAV HOME! withour ' Hidden' Etectronic Fonce. Saie! Amazing! Humanet I watts. tI s outasighl. PAC. FRil Bancroft. Ontario. KOL 1CO. Fax (613> 332-1375. t800.NO-LEASH. BARN CLEANER'CHAtN t-oit & Ey.. Super Tough and Pîntite ram $7.991[t. Complote Cieuners aiao. Ship anywhere. Husky Faim Equipmeni, Abn&a Ontaria. (5 19) 846-5329. OUT 0F TOW N PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crawn Land avallability. For information on bathwite: Propertles. Depi. CN. Box 5380. Stn F., Ottawa. K2C - STEEL BUILDINGS BULDNGS *iIfa.ld"-y-side compaison le whai il fates ta pick ou u Ue bot and iowou..-.We te aittfor Ild Now tor a Imited lime only - ROCK BOTTOM BUIDING, PRICES direclt ram lactory. Ex. 2Sx30 Value $3.128. NOW .$2.374. Yau -save $754.» Caliti aey PIONEERVECONOSPAN 1.8-668.5422,(24 hourî>. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS -Naw yau .con gel sieed framed buildings ai wood trame pnceu. CSA& CWB cerltiet. For Irae brochures, caitoday 1-800-561 - A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS 1I1NC. New 'types. steet/wood. quonsel. ctadding. For truc value, action anserrWaty <16>6261794 aller, 6pm. weekends. Fre" brochure. Cttpsave. BEST BUILDING PRtCES -,Steel Streitwatt Type, -flot quonset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 515.882., 60xl26 $22.972ý other sizes aviabte - year ent clearance.- Pagon,24Hourê I -800-263-8409. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-stuty correspontence Dlploma courses. Accouniing. Arconditionin g. Baokkeopîng, Businesus. Cosmetlogy,.Elecironica. Legal/Meticat Secrelary. Psychology, Travel. Granton. <5A.263 Atelelde West. Toronto. 1-800-950-197à. EARN A SECOND tNCOME. Income Tex or Bookkoep:ng courses by correspondance' Froc brochures. No obligation. UV& R Tex Services. 1345 Pombina Highwey. Winnipeg, Manioba. R3T 286. 1- 800-665-5144. IS TRIUCKING FOR,'YOU. Lots dacuss iL lftroducing oxientet programs ant Cretit Courses. Cati William et 1-800-265-7173. Martret Training Systems. LEARN AUCTIONEERING nt the Souttrweslam' Scirdot of Auctoneenng. NexI doâsa: Match là -20. Informean. contact. Southwestem Ontario School of Auclaoneonng. RFI 05, Woodslocc. Ontario..N4 7V9. (59> 537-2115. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU LIICE tla raval? ,Belween 18.-30'y Have experience in larming7. Canlaci h. International, Agricultural Exchange Associ/thon.,1501-17 Ave. 5.W.. Calgay4AB. T2T 0E2. .":SALES HELP.WANTED,ý FUNO RAISING CAN MAKE YOU-RICN. Mrketing, breakltough in $ 18.'b9llon book pubkalung bu.w< 1ess s - craling new weaith. Earn huge praf'its. Piâoleclod UI.MATE éMONEY MAIINGMACHINE. Be Part ai Canedas fasîcal g rowîrrg intepentent doîslnbuîar ai, music. Pul tlerepart tie &Pîriteclte tsirtnes awagable. Cal 1 -800-263.1900, Fedegal Music.- Y our ad coufd appearIn communltY nowspaprs ln Ontario, or right across Cmaada, i Jorany ndivdual provin"e. Space is.Lmited, so'Cai Tis NcwÀs'paper Týd4yI- BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE-" Ta -cch a .wer mar*cî, advcrise lhrougýou*t he regionalmcmnehp aof the. Onlado and Canaa,, Commun/t>' Ncwspap..-Assrxi.tlon eContral Ontario 55 newsmappr $160 for 25 words - AU Oniarit. 17 newspaperu - $M50for 25mi I - - AitCanedaSl2n ru- 9l4tor2Smords For further information please cal! the Whitby Free Presa diassilieda * 668.0594 I

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