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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 23

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___________________________________________________ wff L Jbg -7EE R 6WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 192PAGE 23 LydeSorsplan pposed topposition remains FR OMPFAG1il efo top!'otect the sensitive weln.They held démonst-, rations and waflng tours such asL the'ore Expérience the L~neMrh Day'on Aug. 11. In their continuing fight apNst .the* development, apei tie-n'with .2,000 sig naturesfrom résidents was colléctod during a demonsraton in Sep'toïbr. On Dec.5,a 4,558-name 'peéti- tion was givénteMinister o6f thé EnvironÛm nt' Ruth Grier from Durham Centre MPP Drummond' Milte at Quéens. Park, 8h. 'then 'requested, théestabl-*« ishment of aublic«,commlitteè,., hepprotectt èe-ýde Marsh.1'; friends of, L d e Mrsh',spok- 199 deison, raised fees- spsn Ede Gomille a d it would b. unlikely the area, would remlamn a clas iwétland if the open -s ace b etween theé resi- denW ý omes and, the marsh sitajréd at 25 mètres or lese. "But by the énÏd'of, Deoemlier the gr@oup Iearned from severaf sucsthat Grièr may had- made aà decision back in early Novemiier but no announcemont had beén made to the public or the. media. According f~o their sources thé group said Grier maynot.-Lave any. objections> on t< housing dévelopménlt. Goille Said Frendsof L de Marsoh would, continue te fight for the protection of the wétland. img, huis t.,préesident o ýWhitby ,Mens' ëlow.Pitch, wa. on. of the. moat vocal opponents. He teld -couneil -the Incréase .'~. '~. '«c *êj~~c. ___ *5j~~. :~ ~,u;m,*w*uq~ * __ «' *'~' 'c~-\ ~*j:' Wmnter re*srain for the. Wbitby Recrétional Synchro Progrm will b. held -on Batur- Novices 2nd at tournament day, Jan. il 10 a.m te noon, at roquoja Partc pool Prerequisite for the program in a Red Crossblue badge oréqLui- valent. For more information cail Judy. Fraser at 686-4370. would cause rogWstmation feés te ris. fr-om $90 te, $120 per player, and,:worried- they would- evén- tualy -go up no, much that, only thé weal thy could affbrd them. Councillor Poss Batten told Shulist council was just trying te cover thé escalating costs of the facilitiés while léssening the tax burden on the majôirity of people Who don't pla bIl. Level one fées are now $14.751 hour, up from $11.71 - levél two féeés incréase te *$9.74/hour frôm $7.73. - Most other recreational fées increased five per cent for 1992. FROM PAGE 16 New Yeer action against the Black Hawks resulted in a 3-1 decision with Farrow, Matthews and Andrew Greenon flnding the net, assisted by Mâtfthews, Michael Laffey's strong perform- B PE l ance ini net cotinues throughout sV the oeason The team bad a second-plc fiih at theéThSPowrcofeheatar Brother. ChristrnauClamcervae hog h Tornament, oua" tedfro rut championshi*p garné. Ingamr Whithy.,defeatéd IL1469691 OshawaB s6-1 with a onpair of-on pon aisfrornMatthews anId NE esa oe3 eon B d~sngles froenn2fo orsops Farrow adJlan Owen aited Whitlhy then won 9-2 ovér1M Orilha AA.'VcaEochscholtz fred1.Etrorblhattogtyrwnprna four goals,PBed had a bat trick- and ibeles fr-oe Farrow and.hrsoe Matthéw.2 neraIvdon' itdaea el syu w Geme three saw or n nayss otyurreltinsip 3-2 to the powér of' Clearwater3 esa oocp o w epe the winning goalcoig with4.Ahrsoefryubsnssavte. seconds reraining iiMti.third5.Aernahoscpfrasecadtente peod. VonEscbscholtz notched DMgoal. s aisted by Ricica and6.Absnshoscpfrtatmeig Johnston. 11 Coach BarryJobnston, andIteveodaionterad assstant Scott Matthews, Deug Turcotte and>. Peter VonEuchschotz are pleased with ALYUPYI thé' potential of* the team and99 PRMNT have 'high éxjectations as the(M tearn travels to Buffalotxiriii3mnes tournamént action on the u -dtoil]néca-e weekend. VI" Hi FiM !RACKF' 0I )À I.did Cotd Weather's on itfs way and Cracked Windshields run easil1y when your car heater is on. WHITBY AUTO GLASS uses an incredible new process to repair wi ndshield stone chips. And-ypjir insurance company wiII wav~ur déductible on stone repairs to keep insurance costs down. Hgest deduebe LVIHTBY AUTO GLASS Wr speciaiists ltd., r Auto G lass supplied by CAN-AM. 46i20 411 Dundlas St . E Whitb, Ontario Li N 2J2. I - -. - - .-..-....*-.- - .- .-. -. - .- -. -, - - - .. ,.--. -... - - - -.-. - -, .-.-. -..--.--.- -- ----- .- -.-- -. - -- - -.-~ - . -4 Crime Stoppera and Durham Régional Police are aan askng for thé publie's help i solving two séxual assaults tat occurréd in Wlntby. At about 9:40 panm. on Sept. 23 1990, a woman went te thé TMm Horton's Doniut Store at s01it>una St. W. After gétting a coffeé, thé victim walked diréctly acros Dundas and then northpon Kent St. As shé wa]ked&past thé rear pazlrin lot of 312 Dundas St, shé was grabbed frm béhind byi an unknown maie. 'Thé suspect wraped bis arms around thé victim's torso and grahbed thé victim s .léft bréast.'Thé suspect thén attempted te drag and push thé, victim to amore secluded area. Thé victim was off-blanoe, and feil te thé ground, and at this poiînt, -thé suspect attempted te gét on top of the victim. Thé victim thon ickéd théesuspect in thé groin ýarea and thé victim wau able te escapé. A ré-énactmént of this assault will bé shown* on'CITY-TV (channel 57, cablé 7) un ThursdayJan 9 during the6p.m. and 10 p.m. news. It will, ais. b shown on CI-IBX-TV in Péterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Fuiday, Jan. 10.,again during the néws. Anothér,.sinijiar incident occurred on. Aril 20t 1991 at about 1 am n Whitby.' A woman was waflnnig eastbound« on thé south aide of Manining Rd. whén shé beard a noise béhind hér. Thé victim started te turn but was grabbed by a maie pérson. Thé suspc started ,te scratch at- thé victim and thé victrm was p uneéd in thé face. During thé assault thé victim was able te knée the suspect hi the groin and thén run home. Both victims réoeivéd ilunes. -Police féél that thé ýsanie susect is respnsiblé for boh crimes, and is describéd as maie, white, s'7"-5'9" sknny build. Thé suspect bas long, unkempt, matted, dark Air, rough in appearanceýé- with a very strong .bodyý-odourpcblém. .Crime Stopper. will pay up te $13,000 in cash for information léading te thé arrest of the pésn involvéd in thése assaults. Havé you any idea who pro is?. If so, info rmieaIM> Simailar cash rewad will hé paid for infomatin 1 týan arrestin any serious crime., Thé Durhami Régional Crime Stopper. hotline is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS), and is open 24 houirs per day, sevén- days per welc. Thé phone numbér can hé dialed from most areas ofthe, régo fre of chbarge. If this nunihér is long distancé o a c llcect or call through your local Durbai Régional Police number and asic for Crime Stoppers. Calis will neyer hé tracéd or récorded. You will not hé réquiréd te, identify-yoursélf Or have te, go te court. Constable Grant Arnold is thé co-ordinator with the Durhain Régional Crimé Stopper. and writes tii article te, help combat I. .Wbitby bail players -Win b. boost 1992 'bil fleld fees 25 per cent last September, ,despýite, A citizens' board administers the Crime Stoppers prograrn of which there are now over 850 in North America. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to Durham Regional Crinne Stoppers, P.0, Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario Li H 7K8. i 1

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