PAGE 4. WIUBFEEPrM PME~À AN~Rs,19 Even tough 1991 wss one of the warmest yesr on record, the number of e using Kinsmen Pool Offatul ropd The decrease in se rapidly increamg coots and'the cpenLng of the new.rec pool lias left Town oprt ocmmtte. members wonerngwhether it's worth kepigtiKinsmen pool open. The pool is -located offWalnut St,west of Brock St. N. Th¶e, pool ran- up a deficit of more than Mg 000Oin 1991, and onl 14 per cent of its oprating cotwas recovered from the 3,332 people'who swam there - a substantial drop from 1987, when 38 per cent of its budget was covered by users.. The Town's 1986 master plan indicated a lot ofpeople weren't Parlk imrvements considered By Mark Reesor Ihe Toiwn of Witby, incon- sidering a number ofimproe- menttoHedeslioreParkv,> recreation departmet has eut- lined plans that include:" * a nautical theme playground witl water play area; *new tree-pianting and pre- servation of existing trees; * a waterfront waikwa'y from SoUth' Blair St. (H7ydenshore Pavilion) te Gordon St. (Whitby Pà ychiatric.Hopital). u PTO,0 fo Aise included would b. park- ing forHeydensihore Pavilfin and the playground, new lighting, and ares. for picnickingsheters an abce.The Kiwanjs Club lias e=presed intereat linlielping the Tondevelbp the playground and the 1992 draft capitaibudget ha. allowèd for an allocation of. $100,000 for the playground, subject to further discussion. Operations committe. on Mon- ~yevd the report for OFF- Secretly Yours Hvvy 12- B e.»i Business: 655-8965 Residence: 686-2062 Open Thurs., Fri., & Sat.,1O am - 4 prn satisfled with the «qaiy fte pool-- lmos $5000in in- provements 'have been made since then. A consultsnt's report in1990 recommended the ÇTown slpend $100,000oimore to repair thé pol equipment building change houa., pool tank 'anddck, and ,poeparkingsnd drainage. Tonstaff now estimate that work will cost $1501,000. At Monda/s opérations com- mitte. meetingwest ward coun- ciller Judi Longfld suggested it may b. time te let the cern- munity know the pool could b. ciosed and se. «what kind of outcry and support te can give it and ifthey can'trlly around it, 50 be it.» 'No stoppen'zn recommended By Mark Reesor The Town of Whitby1 is con- sidering asking police for tighter enforcement o f a «no stopping" zone near Bellwood public sdo. Town operations comiitte. also recommiends that a "no stop ping» sign b. erected on te north side of Bellwood Dr. There' already one on the south side of the street, but it's widely ignored. Cars stopping along the road present a hazad teehidren crosswing Bellwood Dr. to get to Beloo ublic echool. Children can't se .i there's trafrIc comin. and drivers can't see them unti they step out from between the cars. A girl was struck crossing Bell-. wood last year, and a seven- person delegation of area resi- dens tid comniittee there have been many other close cails. They suggest a school crossing for the area, but Town staf opposea crossing unless there's a crossing guard. For the area to get an adult crossing guard, children would have te be delayed in crossing 83 per cent of the time, according to criteria used to warrant a guard. A staff survey found children have to wait for cars to pass before crossing only about 5per cent of the time. ANNOUNCEMENT SDr. David Epstein' is pleased to announce thaï - Dr. Blake Bowler will be establishing his practice at 220 Dundas St. W., Suite 203, Whitby >on January 8,,1992 668-4571 Dr. Epstein will be retiring January 17 WHITBY SALESPE RSON 1987rT1991 (ALL OFFICES> JON NTN JOHN , AN PhD.oM.Va.eboe PLEAE AK ABUT OMMSSONcATESb WHITBY RESIDENT WHITBY COMPANY TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD TORHNTO REAL ESTATE BOARD FREE EVALUATIONS REMAX SUMMIT REALTY (1991 )LTD. ~ OW RES: 430-8403 BUS: 668-3800 *MLS LISTNGÉe&OCD. BASED ON ýOSHÎAWA & DISTRICTRiEAL* ESTATE BOARDS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE DATA Police, arrested two youn offenders after the OICO n station- at Dundas and GuarC was broken into earIy Monday mig.* Police responded to, an alarm at the station. at 12:30 a.m., which was activated by a con- cret. block thrown tlirough one of the windows; After a searcli of the ares, they Srrested two males, ages 15 and 17 bth from Whitby. ei¶ey were charged with break and enter with intent and pos- session of burglai-y tools. On.e of the> suspects was aise .charged with cryigaconcealed wea- pon after police found a knife stuck down-hi. pants. Polices bintlng wstaken. I ~ four, FamIIy 1 WFull MealDealsi JFEED ýI î~ FOUR.I for,> $12.991 SWhitby Location OnIyI 1003 Dundas- StE - - - - -Wt CLOSE OUT SALE, f- M9 1 TELMA AND OD BURTT celèbrated. thefr. O5th wedding anniversary Sunday. Stili Sweethearts after 65 years Thelma and, Harold Burtt oeiebrated their 65th wdig- anniversary Sunday at Faivew IMge. Wiy ayor Tom Edwards was amog the aznily sud7 fr-iends wlio gathered te congratulate the cople, and l i ater. preedthem witl a plaque. Tenaand Harold> were married on- Jan. 5, 1927 Mu WoodIstock, New Brunswick after elopig from Thelma's home in Hartland. They liad te elope because Thelma's father epposed the two being wed. Thekiy settied in Hartiand, where Harold worked in a bakmitli slop. They moved ta Toronto-in 1942, where Harold worked as a part-time streetcar driver and as a welder- at Massey Fegsn until retiring in 1969.> They moe-t Wi4s White Oaks apartments in 1981, and te Fairview Leodge about two years age. Thelina says the secret to theirlong marriage ies!smple. «W. just loved eacli other from the very begning and througli ail the ups aud downs of life... (and) we stili love each other; it's just as sinple as that ..» - .I «My4 husband lias been s0 gracieus and kind te meail thèe years ...W «She's stili my sweetheart,' ay Harold. Hie credits qood friendesuId a' strong faith forý' their successflmarnage. «(We) put the Lord at the head of the helm of our boat -- hes been there'always. FoIIow hie. leadiig; you will escap. many a snare of the devil.» ..Ami