Blood donor clinie on Jan. 14 WI~T~ FZ~PRE8~~"fEfl&Y, JANUAIW8, 299Z PAGE 5 1A- blood donor clinic , wlll b. held in Whitby on'Tuesiday, Jan. 14. -.The first clinie for 1992 will b. held at the Whitby Lion, Byron St. 8. .juat - south 4 of Dudas, St. W. in * downtown Whltby, bet- ween 1 and 8 p.m. Canizes say donors can ween,2,and 4p.m.. Donors will-also b. required to give proper identification as well as donor carde. The clinic. la sponsored by the Whitby Lioness Club who 'will also help serve refreshments.*, 199.1YEAR N R1I4EA. Thore was much discussion about theý proposed massive sub- division prorosed by Brin Mlse evlpm Corp. on 368 acres West -of Cochrane St., between Rôosland and Taunton roads. After many concernea'were sdover the original appli- cain a revised - Phication cal- led for a 1,474-umtÎ subdivision to bouse 5,000 people, two ele- mentary achoolsa wsndary achool and, a commercial block. .A- recommendation on the application bas yet to be made by planning departmnent.,, CONVENTONCENTRE In June, the Town approved an anxendment to the 'Town officiai plan to shlow a convention and banquet facility at the northeast corneir of Hwy 12 and Taunton The first phase of thel10000 sq. ft. centre will feature tLre halls of 1,200 seats, 300 seatfs and 150 seats as weII as *a restaurant and smaller meeting rooms._ There will be parking for Durham Region's 911, emer- gencysoystem, with enhanced fea- turas not available under any other sucb system, ln Ontario, began on May 1.' The systom cost 41.8milhion. 1DURBAMHEGT A 'rezoning' application was, approved i May that paves the way for Durham He'ghts'major, ~commercia-reslidéntialdevýelop- ment te be built over a 10- te 15-year period on 54. acres at the northwest corner of Rossland Rd. and Garden St. The development includes a large plaza and office developmient, as the firet phase of the project. 1<TM'XINCREASES The Town portion of the muni- cipal tai billm Whitby icreased 3.4 per- cent, the public.achool and separate school portions each iucreased 5.6 per cent and th eivon portion 4.1 pr cent, asstaff councils andboardé exercisecà svere cost-cuttig measures and, i some cases, hiring fr-eezes ýto hold down lu- Creases. OFFICIAL PLAN Durham. Rezgon aPproed its new .ofical -,pl an that specifles land-une policies for the next 30 years. The ,green 'belt separating Whitb ad Ajax was reduced by 1,600 acesin order to accommo- date fture housing and indus- trial needs. 1KAPUSCINKSI -In June, Town council voted to begin work immediately on a smallpark behind Kapuscinski Ct.,ifriating nearýby residents not expecting a parkette behind theirlhomes. SCouncil reýjected the 'advice of both operations committee and Town staff to build the park at the west end of Briargreen Ct. VAN SERVICE DIROPPED In a cot-cutting move, the Whitby Community Gare van was returned te the Whltby ià ons Club. The van had been used for four ,vears te serve seniors and bond- icapped persons requi rides for shopigo mdclpur- poses or Store Hous:> I5eII Thurs. & Fri. 10-9, iVCiRfEBiAGzE HOLJSE f1jjilje inacn Available 216 Mary Street East,W.bitby 668-3483, Toronto Line 686-0061 j- 'n 4- c1> Ç9POJALQ FIRE YOUR. LAN -L.OD When only pays your Mortgage. 4.5% interest rate, 3 years guaranteed. . ..... ............ P S. Ask about our Personal Services Menu le: Hot, healthy meats for $5) HOURS: Mom. Io Thurs. 2 - 7 pm Saturday &Sunday & hoids 12 - 6pm %IASTEJRBUILOERt flRATED EXCELLENT BUILDER 8V ONfARIO NEW 1IOIME WAIR.ANTY MÇOGRAM Tomorrow's Fashions Today SEMI-ANNUAIL STORE WIDE' SALEý eSuper Selection W-hitby * 668-»8686 (1 block south, of. 4 corners) FRENCH COUNTRY ARMO IRE " Scrubbed pine finish " Hand carving " Brass hardware " T.V. swivel " Ca ble ready " Power bar " Two large storage drawers in base " Two adjustable shelves in top' Suggested Retail: $2395.00 Now Only DOWNTOWN ."WHITBY 686-1 316 a 0