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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 9

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WRIBrrY FPPRSSWEDNESIDAY, JANUAIRY 16, 199Z PAGE 9' Work-to-rule underway,, RICARDMATTBEWS, 40, a Whitby Iwer, ini November i Toronto was recognized for the 200 donations of blood ho lias made in both Whitby and Toronto. Matthews :nade hie 202nd donation at the blood donor clinie i Whitby on Ja2n. 14. Ho and his Wil'e fîret becamne particularly aware of the nleedCI for epecial blood donations when thefr eldeet dugter 1 mderwent two operatione for a_ brain tumour that later resulted in her death. By Monio Boucherý Awork-to-rule campaignb? the, Durhami separate board s secondary' teachers began - on Monday. <'They will b. 'doingi the mi*n-> munire ied by Iaw,"says Blair Mori, nonleader. Ho says education wilL con- tinue aïs teachers will attend- ahl classes. 1 lfteachers are«required and will follow the policy te be pro- sent on school grounds 15 minutes before the first class and 15 minutes after the last one,,ho says. Morri sasys ayafter-hours extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, band and drama as wiell, as committees' staffed by teachers will likely be'somo oif the casualties durmng the work-, to-rule. nt will take some adjusting for a week or two » ho says. Ken LevÏcf is the mediator who willtrt etalks going agi tartmg9today, ho Baya. But the media'torhas no auth- ority te make a decision,» ho Saya. 'Wo'm anxiously.waiting tes..e what .now. insight the. meciator can bring'te this,», says Whiùtby, trustee' Tom Oldmran, chairper- son of the board. Ho says last week's meeting between the union'an'd the board, didn't amount te anything., No-stopping zone approved for Bellwood sehool ~iwz ~a~i~4 oem~mdtt~ès By Marlo Boucher Measures approved -by. Town- council. on Monday te attempt te improve traffie safety at Bel- woo6d public school won't solve Boar ofMangemnt or hity Cuncllo Jon ~counicillor Dennis Fox. Boar ofMangemet fr Witby Coieffor Jhn oIsraCouncil approved a recommen- Central Business District (mýayoi'a designate) dation te form a "no ste-in» Improvement Area Lionel Gravelie, Ev. Heaver Sean Hogue, Maureen Jones zone on the seuth aide o-el Debbie Lathai, Geoif Mchie wood Dr. There is already a «ne Lama Taylor stpig oe on the north aide Cmit.Of Adjuitment Stephen Cosgrove o ÇllodDrnxtt h Robeit HeronKrish Krishnahi achool. Donald Ma= aster, Ni at Council aise asked police for Pence-viewers Michael Ewaayn, ti hter enforc ement of the zones. Michael Gilson, John Dewsbury'rcmenafo a Grovoside Cemetery board Councillor Don Mitchell made lrecomedationa us (mayesdesignate) md etwe fe eus orc vrtt Greg Malta by a dolegatien of area reaidents. Local Architectural Conservation Councillor Joe flrumm But Fox aaid other residents in Advlsory Conuittee (magne'sdesignate) the. area wonder where they are Cetherine Beckett te go te dopofadpik p Rick MDnel Brian Winter their chldren. Plumiber's board of examiners Gary Young '"This recommendation dees Property standards committee JohnL Visser ntase hi ocre"h WhutbyPublic Llbrary board Regional councillor Rosa Batten ntaae hi ocra»h (mayor'. designate) N" anyHleyv, Theresa Matthews Gln huconmntyscoo ~>~0 Marian Van Derkrabben ....... Tourist Association of Durham ]R.g*) Richard Foster .. Kimi Glover, chairperson Alex Willdnson, "c.edafrperson Dave Stanyon, sertr Cathy Shiers treasurer By Marlo Boucher Members ut large: Linda Bain, Debra Preacett, licki Wagner, There are currantiy ne plans te, hylSleean- hond Éarii upose permit fees on miner Lynda Taylor, superviser Tenaj da Costa, superviser sports teana using public. facili- PringlIe Creek conimunity centre achool board IJave Blacklock, chairperson Bill Péel, past chaïrperson, treasure ties in Whitby tlisasummer. In Janette*Giles, vice chairperuon Lorle Horwood, secretary January last year, Town council Members at large: Mark Flewwelhng, Coleen Flewwelling, voted te delay, for on. year, Dale Hircock, Bob Rutherford, Kathleen Warburton implementing a user-f.. policy. Carolyn Allan, Town eeotive B on Coward, .chool repietative In 1990, council had approved Karen Shepley, superviser Jason Renmický superviser the pliyarsngucops- Palmierston coemuinity school board oiy ruigMc poi Don Fiddes, chaesonWyeEDs iechipro tien fromn summer sports groupa3 Manieta Graharn sceti Donna Grahanz, treusurer which.have nover paid for using Members at large-: ýGlorayanlKeith Stevenson, Bob Ho ~ muniipal bail diamonds and soc- Rosemary herriauit, Heathr'Wod, Judy Begley, BobAiea cer fielcl. Bellwoodcomnityw1chooboard But a yeaýr has jpasséd, and Bill Rutledgecarpro Randylluebert, past-chairperuon there are no indications that the. Cathy RowelL vice cairperuon Marpery Bowman, secretary (rograminng(registration) nd-a Vo pi, treasurer (flnancial) Jenifer Chance (staff liaison) ~ o SnySkiir, Coleéen Leonard Jan Runcieman .DOWl o il Caly Alatowa iWrUatatV Jene Fr01 adiosi od epr.motative M *Kit BauldrY, superviser Eva Papolis, assistant superviser Big Brothers of Oshawa- Vidkil Paowiuty c te mbe Whitby ' Bowl for Millioni? will Spencercoemmiunity rvice chairentrrboardhold a celebrity ick-off day on Colleen Quinn, chairperson Tony Mata,viecarpso Saturda, Feb. 15, 2 te 6 p.m., at Donna Cuthbert ",uertarY Sharon Woiuiey, treasurer Mary Verrydt, puchsma nis Piehi rentai convener North n Bowl, Wilson and Menibers at large: Ken Worsley Maureen Jac;on, Jhm bet Taunton M., Oshawa. The Bob Piehl, Lorraine Evenshen, Ã"eorgina Stiner, Robert (unn public la sedte form tennis and Barbara Mata, Harrygar gi supr th oneayr Ashbum comzmunity recreation centre boardfagain supporttI. Uonce-ayea Jachie Andrews, chairperuon Anna-Marie Crexall, pstchairpeic idaiigeet Tohe LoisDaw, treasuzr1 Maureen Curry, secretary awards will b. given out, and a Stovien Usher, Town liaison weekend for two will b. the grand Members at large: Cathy Bennett, MOYra Dobuon, Jackie W"i9,pne - MkfIaBrian Irvine. ... m'e<ges wiil helv te serve said. Councillor Marcel Brunello said police need more t Ue -te monitor the area and examine «W. fehavenot stopped the pro- ceas, we have begun the procesa» he said. Fox said ho wants the issue te b. dealt with again at a futr meeting, and te increase moni- toring by police and teachers. According te the operati*onsî committee reort there is very littié traffie in ii. area except when parents drop off or pick up their children compriaing the majority of the traffic flow at the achool. In order te have a crossing guard, chldren would have te b. dâelaryied 83 per cent of the tne. A staff survey found only 56 per cent of the children had te wait te cross the street. .............. Town will go ahead with the controversial policy. «Whitby residents made it clear their feelings on this,'» says Mayor Tom Edwards. Residents argued at the. tue that user, fees would create a financial burden on parents whose children participate in aummer sports. Once the user f.. is accepted and passed,, it would increas. by 10 per cent annuaily, they said. A ptition of 2,000 signatures was formed a year ago by those epposed to user fees for youths. ions upcomingý approximateiy 100 boys between ages 6 and, 14., Big Brothersý will contact the public by telephone ln January for information and piedge aheets. For more information, call 579-2551. Aiyone interested în becoming a Big Brother, and able te devote three heurs a week te t'the pro- gram, cari contact the. Big Brother Association of Oshawa- Whitby. Thore are -currentvr 20 list. CallIPhyllis at 579-2551. 'There was, no give and take from either party,'be says.. «Nothing. appeared .te have been ccô lâhd',agreésMoé There was no -moôvêeonton Hesaysthe* an sWer was nega- tive on every issue and there was no rooni te moveý at aIl te, try an&~ settle'disagooents. > MorB ays many of t1he-ous- tanding items '"do not involve an-Y major coet te tthe board, incld ing. clas sizo and assurance of' mntainin ' on. librariani each schools. «W. want them just te put i the collective_ agreement, what they are alreadydoing,» ho says. Moôrris says the board should compensate with- money- or in lieu-tume any teachers asked te. corne in during the summer or theholida s. But Olaman notes that tea- chers are paid- by salary,. not by the hour, and their pay is avera- ged over the year. "The teachiers on our board are. an excellent group and.the salaryT increase reflects that» he eaya. Tiie position'of l~Ie work-te- rule has been taken' froni the union level and does not neceas- ary reflect the attitudes of the individual teacheis, lho says. Qidman says the. board' is expecting a two per cent increase in funding froni the provincial- government - if there is any mncrease at al- and: the tea- chers' package would rais. this budget-by 17 per cent. «W. are in desperate economic, tumes,» hho says. Qidmchan adds the board's tai base in three' times lower 'than, that, of ethe, Durham.. -BaX4d.,of Education. . We got seven per cent in 1991 fromn ,commercial -and industrial tax bas, he says. Ol1 a says most of the big tax. revenues ,such ',asàGeneraM Motors and Lasco go te the Dur- ham Board of Education.. "W. are not reoivig close te parity pr pupl," ho sayi. A fact-?indig. report by' Dr. John Valiquette for the associa- tion's French teachers' affiliate =tates that tIi. board would not only have te increase taxes te achieve parity but aise eut many of its prograins., The report recommenda. «that the. teachers drop their rîquest for parity- with the eDuham Board of Education secondary teachers.», It aIse statea that,-«using equalized assessment per pupil, figures supplied by the Ministry of Education,_ thé Durham Region Romnan Catholic Separate School Board is',among the ieast able te pay1i coni arionnot only te other area rLards but also in comparison te ail boards, in the Province.» It would be «ttal fiscal irres- ponsibility te ratify the. agree- ment they want,» ho, says. Oldxnan says the board has an obligation to the ratepayers and the students that a fair agree- ment is reached and ratified& The board's last offer te the secondary teachers was for a 4.5 per cent increase effective Sept. 1, 1991 and an additional 1.0 pèr cent increase effective Feb. 1. per cent yoz . for a1 More than 200 donations h U»l1'1

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