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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 24

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PAGE> 24, WH1TBY PM PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1992 AP~~T~S' ARTILES. ROOM FOR RENT Non-smoker. Use of facilities. $350/ month. First & last. 666-8388. ROOM FOR RENT. Use of kitchen, bathmoom, laundry. $90/week. New house. ThicksonlManning area. 666-0200. BROOKUN LARGE ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Available now. Cal Dave, 416-985-0856. WHITBY - FURNISHED room for rent. F/room, TV, kitchen & laundry privileges. Quiet, working maie preferred. $85 weekly. 666-1618. LOOKING- FOR MALE to share Oshawa apt. Park & Adelaide ares. $85 weekly. First & last required. 430-1983. FURNISHED- ROOM for rent. Share bath & ktchen. Close to al amenities. Oeil ,alter 6 p.m. 666-3776. HOUS, APARTMENT FOR RENT? Il you lied advortlued here, 11,0009 Meoyo wouid b. roading tu now. MATURE» NON-SMOKING individuals needed to share accommodations. Asking' $420. Heat, hydre, cable included. Phone 436-099 or 427-1990. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative .rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 amto 5 p.m. KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 iÀFAI, Est. 35 Yrs. WE DELIVER'FLYERS The Whltby Free Press 2 BEDROOM APT., Dufferin St., Whitby, near 401 &, GO train. Availabie now. $679, al iInclusive. 263-4104. APARTMENT FOR RENT. 668-7775. Ask for Brian. VERY LARGE 2 BEDROOM - new building, broadloom throuph- out. Dishwasher,ý covered parking., One availablo now, one March 1. $870 per month. Firat month $500. 668-4643. ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Lar ge kftchen, living room, bath mom, Private entrance, close to downtown Whitby N ets. Non-smoker preferred.-$5000, heat, hydro, parking Included. Cai 68-2233 WHITBY, CENTRAL -bright, clean,. large 2-bedroom basement apt. $725, Inclusive. 666-0264. 2' BEDROOM APARTMENT available Feb. V92, downtown Whitby. $660 per month includes & stove, water, hydro & heat :e9i pakin spceFor appoint- ment, pes ai46789'9 LARGE, IMMACULATE one- bedroom apt., ground floor. Available from January to A*pdl. Whitby. $590 peïr month, inclusive. 666-5056. ONE-BEDROOM APT. Dundas/ Thickson. Pool, tennis, laundry, 3 appliances, parking. Available Immediately.695/month, utilities included. Pone 579-7729. WHITBY - CLEAN one-bedroom apartments,- centrally located. Quiet resldential area. Quiet non-smoker referred. Available lmmedlately, from $495/month. Cali 666-3883 <message) or 668-,3011 <evenings). jCOMING EVENTS CaiI66"-111 RELIABLE RENovATIONs Rec Rooms - Additions *Remodelling - construction QUAUTY WORKMANSHIP 655-4234 The Mutuai Group HERB TRAN oeil for quotafion 7,25-6564 -nIF ANUTE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA (1963) -complt eIncluding alas a&, bookcase, $150. 416-668-1922, after 6. PIONEER SXO7008 RECEIVER $900. CLD1080 Laser player $750. BSR* EQ3000 Graphic éualizerl audio analyzer $17.Cerwin Vepa SW12B superbase system$20 Goldstar CMT2642 remote 28* montor TV $700. JVC HFJD860 VHS Hufi VCR $600.- Realistic PRO2010 scannerl receiver $190. Ail mint condition, o.b..666-,0200/ 434-7893. BLUE FOX COAT, size 7, reg. $3,000. Sacrifice,$300. Worn one winter. 571-1670, eVening only., 3-YEAR-OLD, white Westing- house apt.-sized* fridge and 30" stove. Asking $500 for both. 404-ÏI36 aftor 4:30 p.m. STOP Don't throw it out. Someon may want it. Try the Classiflods. CalliThe Whitby Free Press WEDDING CANCELLED Wedding dress, sie 7-8, wth headpiece and veil. Must b. seen. $250. Cal 571-0426. REDWOOD PATIO chaise lounge, chair & mail table, $50. 416-668-1922, affer 6. WASHER & DPIYER, $30Ã". Two P195/14R75 snow tires, like new, $50. Four P185114R tires, $75. 15 eu. ft., Kenmore freezer, 4 years old, $200. Phone 430-7450. CHESTERFIELD - off-white. Single mattress, box spring& frame. Dresser - grey with6 drawers & one cupboard. Al excellent condition. $75 each. Black coffee table, $20.. Phone 725-5071L * RECYCLING I CONSERVES NATURAL jRESOURCES., HELPS 1 IMPRO VE THE IENVIRONMENT AND jCREA TES NEW JOBS. TOWNHOUSE for sale, freehold. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, linished basemnt. Centrai air, upgraded carpets, garage. No, reators please. 434-2662. OTTER CREEK HOME - brick& aluminum. 3 large bedrooms. family room with fireplace, W/O to deck, fenced backyard, double drivewý,ay with si9le garagýe. mýci,3 $19900. 668-087evenings. CHESTERFIELD -SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haif prc.Large S'election'. McKeen Funiture, 524 Simcoe 'St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. SEASONED'FIREWOOD. Hanf, face cordaUsh cords. Dr hardwood. Pîckup or delivered. Pruning trees andM evergreens, scrubs. Garden/basment, dean- ups. Gall 649-3183. MATTRESSES and box Springs at hall 'price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone. 725-5181. " Upright Kenmore freezer *Stewart drum set *Single bed - Bird cage " Makita disk grinder & sander 430-6668 SOFA& LOVE SEAT, beige/ brown, like new. $300. Teak buffet with wine compartments & leather top with hutch, unusual -design, $300. Beige love seat, $75. 668-0906. MICRO WAVE OVEN used 'a Couple oftimes. -Panlasonic, 600 watts, $175. 571-1670, evenings only. Seydng Machine 7eais Ail Mkes: Complote Tunle-up $3e.95, rRecondined Sowing Machines tirom $5900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 4 0M571-1385. 400 KIng St W. Oshawa LETS GET SKATING Used only once - men's"size 12* Bauer, black - $55. 281-9379. FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEY wthý supreme quality maple, beach, oak, very dry.Honest measurements. Free deler. (416) 753-2246. BRAND, NEW COUCH& love seat. 1989 complete set encyclopedia. Vartous sotin' house.hold Items. Phone 579-636. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. * VACATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenio Trent- Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; privale staie-raams, meals, free broctfwre; write Caplain.Marc, Box 6, Orillia, L3 6H9,. (?05) 327-5767. MORTGAGES FEELING THE PINCH 0F XMAS SHOPPING? Are your credit cards'ai Iheir limils???, 'and averduelll If yaure a homeowner, we have morigage. money Ia pay off bis and credit cards. $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 with no paymenls tii May, 1992. No qualifying hassles. Cal Inransicon Financial Group (416) 650-9455 or loll-free 1-800-268- 1429. ALOT *FOR SALE ALOTFREE SOFTWARE for IBM-PC and compatibles. Thousands af Tilles. Send. Phone or Fax for FREE Catalogue ta GD Software, 1330 Home Ave., Thunder Bay, Ont. P7E 3B7 Phonje (807)475-9466, Fax (807)4Z5-8274 24 Hours17Days. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. -Crown Land availability. For information on bolh vwrile: Propeflies, Dept. CN, Box 5380. Sîn F. Ottawa, K2C MJ. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS.- If a side-by-side comparison is what tl lakes ta pick oui the best and Iowest ... were aIl for il! Now for a limiedi lime only - ROCK BOTTOM BUILDING PRICES direct from'faciory. Ex. 25x30 Value $3,128. NOW $2,374. You save $754. Cali taday PION EER/EC ONOSPAN 1 -80Ã"-668-5422. (24 hours). BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slrailwal TyPe -nat cquanset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22.972 - ather sizes available - year end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Lets discussit Iniraducing exîended programs and Credil Courses. Cati William at 1-800-265-7173. Markeî Training Syslems. LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the South- westemn School of Auclioneering. Next cîass: Match 14 - 20. Information. contact: Saulhwesîern Ontarià School ai Auc- iioneering, R.R. f#5, Waodsiock, Ontario, N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN A SECOND INCOME. Incarne Tax or Baokkeeping courses by correspandence. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services, 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 266,1-800-665-5144. S 'ALES HELP WANTED, Since 1976 We've been' Canadas 01 Wholesaler. We seek 2 reps ta service eslablished retait slares in your area. Earn $900 - $1 000 weekly. (416)756-2156 or (416)756-3174. FUNO RAISING CAN MAKE YOU RICH. Marketing- breakthrough in $18 billion book publishing business is-creating new.wealth. Earn huge profits. Protected territories 1 -8Q0- 465-5400. Readers Club. ULTIMATE MONEY MAKING MACINE: *Bç pari ai Canadas*fasîest grawing independeni disiribuior'ai music. Full, lime/pari lime. Pratected territaries available. Cali 1-800- 263-1900. Federal Music. SALES SUPPLY AGENCY. 150 cansumnable praducîs. Establish regular manthîy accounts selling la restaurants, hatels, industrial, commercial. $50,0OôGprofit f irsi year. Wark fram home. Cal (204) 253-7187. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME. Grow baitworms in your basemnent or garage. Odorless operalian. La w invesîmenl. Market guaranleed. Free information. Early Bird Ecalogy, R.R. fil, Smiltiiîe, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. NOTICE - PRODUCT IN HUGE DEMAND. Gone crazy in the U.S. Yau cannai afford la mriss ihis. Distribuiors requirecf. Open Jan. 2, 1992 in Canada. 1-800-729-3259. REAL ESTATE PRIME COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL. 'relail, invesîmneni properlies. One hour east ai Toronto. Cal collecl (416) 372-3355 or (4.16) 885-2416. Garry Liboiron or Brock Hilîs. Cenlury 21 Al-Pro ReaIty Lid..> -PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with ,unallached Chistian people across Canada: ail denominalians, ail nationalitles, for campanionship or- marriage? ASHGROVE, PO. Box 205B, Chase. B.C., VOE 1iMO. Your ad could appear ln community nowspapers in Ontario. or righi across Canada, BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE", To reach a wder market, adveitise tirrougirout rire reMgional membersirip of the, 1-Ontario and Canadian Community NewspaperAssociations Cnrlnlro 55 newspapors - $160 for 25 words - Att Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 word C ýý Ail Canada 572 newspapera - $974 for 25 words For further information please clil the Whitby Free Press Classifleds - 668-0594 ... ... .. ... ............................... ..... .... ...... . ........... .041 On

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