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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHITBYFPM PRESS. WNESAY, JAMJAIRY 1&, 1M0 m M AmCMTSj ~IL8R~P NEW YEAR'S SALE at Home Sweet Home Countr Gifts & Crafts (formerly Basetworks Pls.7692 Ashburn Rd, Brooklin, 6537t Saturday Jan. 18, 10-4. Sunday. Jan. 19, 1-4, 50% off ail Christmas item&. 25% off porcelairi dois, 10% off ail other merchandise IOIN co:NVEN Cali 66"111. BIDGESFOR SALE -al colours-.chp cheq>. Cal ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps w. can help. Phone 666-2090. Wihyour support, cancer. beaten .W mf P1easeomw M a: CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTfMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEE TING Monday, Feruary 3, 1992 @ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Mncpal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting w!ll'b. held by the Planng and Development Commitie of Council of the Corporation aifthe Town of Whitby 10 consider an application to amend the Whity Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law No. 25W, as submitted by Mr. Michael Zygocici. The subietpopry is located on the west side of Garden Street south ofthCP R., as identified on the sketch below. NMJUTM KT : :- LW2 9U9 TI U J..I" T r.j,,I JiWS ' T RT AST The purpose of h. application is to amend the Whitby Officiai Plan to include a High. Denssty Desîgnation and amend Zonîng By-law No. 258510 permit a 7-storey apariment building containing 141ldweing unie. The purposo of 1h. meeting la bo provide adequate information bod public and 1n permit interested persons thé oppoutunity to mako representationl ospe t h. rezoning application. If you are unable tb atlend th. meeting, your representation can be filld in wntinL by mail or porsonal delivory to rmach th. Planning Dpartinent flot laer dhm régular woddng hours on February 10, 1992 1I.nte ersons may inspect acicitional informati' oi al the cati1n hé Planning Dpaient, 7, 575 Road Emat, Whitby, Ontario, LI N 2M8,'dun eua oklghus Moprnday 1 6)ia o m contact he,?~Dpr~h>Js londephong- (416>668-5803. ni by ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING M ThO. Whtby LicoosaClub bgna busy wint.sasa with aewra vents deign.d té male CIsfzn a mm asant exparionâce for a variety Jpeaî. A Chrismas ýpaty fer Roosdents wer re=tOd'to a'ii hmoe Santa who came bearlng Cristas tzat& , Résidents ais. e*jyod -Christmas music and r.fresh- ment4ý and W.r ive ndividual flowrn hrsms cactus Througii a varoty of fund-raising ovonta tiie club, was abli, to -mak. subotantial monearydonattions to the. Salvîation Army Food Bank, the. Whitby Pèychtric Hospital Tre. of HpeandSleping Children Arund ii.WorMd. Hlanda-:n prooctaincluded m ing fvusfrChristmas Moals on WheeIs trays,-and donatingl gifts to the. Whtb)y Pffatric HOftal. busy for thi. club as membors, commit themseivos to help with tii. March of Thmes community fudrimcmeg and the. ]RedCroublood doorclinic. ..I.... . .il.. .. FOR EXPERT REPAIRS on refrlgeralors, freezers, washers, dryers, dlshwashersetc.,i reasonable rates, 'cail Easton., 430-8779. SPECIAL SALE - New 13 cu. fi., 2-door frldges, $450. New gas stoves, 10w. 10w prices.Robuit frldge & stove sets, $375. Hank' lkr1aces,191 Bloor St.E., Unit0., àeaw Ont,728-4043. MORTOAGES AND LOANS, for any purpose, from as 10w as 8.25%. Qulck approvai., Ail applications -considered. Raycan financlal Ltd. 571-2880. PRIVATE MORTGAGES t he place to go- when your bank says 'O.- Serving Whitby sino. 1973. 668-7200..ANUBIS INVIESTMVENTS. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING 1DEPARTMIENT NOTIE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, February -391992 @ 7:45 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Onitario A Publie Meeting will be hold by thie Planning and Development Commutte. of Council of the Croainof1h Town of Whetb1 consider a Town of Whitby Offi -ai lanaede adZnn Bylaw amendment aplcations as submitted b Group2 Devloment Llmited. The subject propert is located ory the south-east corner of Taunton Road and Garden Set~ Pari Lot 24, Concession 3. Town of Whitby, as shown on the sketch below. TAMNON ,tOAD SUB 1 CT -0 Th uroe o h a,,Iiad la 10 amend die Wai Plan Io desénaionfro Rei nialtoa Commercial deslgn& M 1 permit 1h. proposed uses. The rezoning application la also required 10 amend 1h. exlsting 'D', Development Zone 10 permit uses suhasa gas bar/car wash/serice station and a commerical buildng containmng proflonal offices. convenience store, eating establishment, financial establish- ment and a home supply store. The. pwpose of the meeting la Io provide adequate mniormation Io the public and 10 permit interested persons the opportunity 10 malce representation la respect of the. mzoning application, If you are unable 10 attend 1 . .ig, your represenlation can b.led liin by miail or personal delive.y I10mach h. Planning Departrm nt i alr than regular working hours on February 10, 1992. abovo ap =wdo'on 1he lanig nnt Level 7, 57 lsid Road East, Whftby, Ontario, UlN 2Bduringrngular worcing Ioum,- Monay10Friday, orffmay contai:t'the Planning Department b ieehnng (416)66-83 ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING u 1 Whitby neoded at loast a tie or a win in their next game against Agincourt to advance. Once again ail 15 payers chipped ini for another e-2.win. M"I iionours went to Justin Terry. Tus put the. team in the semi-finals against. host Newmarket ,who liad gn undefeated in their prelimnary round games. ý Oncewiti excellent work by i an end-to-end, exciting gane, Whitby came out on top 2-1 to ïadvanoe to the. finals, with goaltender Chuck Cols comng up with outstanding saves ta preserve the victoey.- Tii. stage was now sut for the. champonship game aant Cabiga viy str=Èl fast AA Club that19soentenedti.gae. undeetd after defeating Markham 4-0 in the"the semi-4naL Paul Heinrich cored in the. flrst period giving Whitby the. lead tliat iield up untiL ti, third period when Cambidg .ored a power play oaltatie the wsore. ButWiitbynover let up, and, within on. minute, -grabbed the. lead once again when Terry scor.d to give Whitby a 2-1 lead with just over four minutes te, play. Witii oustanding goaltending fio= Greonen, tii. tea iut down Cambridge the reet -cf the. "ay te capture champiosiiip honours. Greenen was named MVI> in the. championsbip game. *Overafi for the. tournament the. gltending -tandem of Greonen and Coles, witli thé» outstanding defense of Saume Sciieepers Ryan NMtiur, Mike Orvis and Oh moa held the. opposition teonly t even- shrengti voals initi. ive gamos. The was excellent' backchecking, bw altire forward line.. Te.m scoring for the. tournment: Shan. Neil, fivo goals, four assiste; Tonry, five goals, tbre asass; heinricii, ti., goals, five assiste; Derek Ackford and'Brant Flahierty, two gols, four, -asaïsts, IFan mcriur ie ssist tc Mathew Smith and Mike Or*u8 . goal, <me assit; JosiHuto and Noil MoecDonl4 men.go4L Me asi Sciieepers and, l' j 4th titie for atoms 1 FMM PAdE 18 4th title

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