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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 27

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WHMTY FR-EE PRIESS, WEDNEsDAY, JANUARY 15,19n2 PAGE 27 WJDOWS AND WIDOWERS A soial célub for wi*dows and widowers will hold, its next meeting On Sundlay, Jan. 19, 7:30 p.m., in the 420 Wing, Oshawa Airpor*. here will be dancing, shuffeboard, darts and carda. For, more -information, cail 683-2045,1 430-0130 or 683-3855.- 3RD THURSDAY- 3rd Thursday Breakfast is a 1women's network that meeta monthly at the Old Munich Cafe, Oshawa. Members and guesta are welcome. The next meetisi <on Jan. 17, 7:30 a.m. Cail 723- 1143 for information and reser-, vations. CELIAC A Celiacdisease support group meeting will bo hekifonTrhurs- dayJa. 16, 7:30 to 9:3 .m., at h awa Genieral Hoita, room 1002 (first 1fl0r). fe. group meets to give sup>port and share ideas. For more information cali Iànda Stewart at 666-1993. LADIES AUJXJLIAR The Ladies Auiliaiy to Legion Branch 112 Whitby wiil hfold their montlily euchre on Thursa, Jan. 16 at 117 Byron st. SC., Whitbr (upatairs hall) at 8 p.m. sap ost is $2 per persan, and lunch wiil be. served. A handicap lift is available at the south door. SLIGKRDEEXPRES The Central Lake Ontario' Conservation Anthority (CLOCA) will operate hos@e-drawn sleigh rides at Rober Down Conservation Area on Sunday, Jan. 19 and Feb. 9 fom 1to4 p-m. Tickets are $1.75 per ride. ste wl tart from the day-use area at Hober Downi, not from the winer arkngarea. To ttee frmthe intersection cf Hwy. 1 and Taunton Rd, go west on Taunton te Country Lane Rd., north on Country Lane te the park entrance and continue noth truhthe park te the day-use prngarea. If the weather doms flot co-oprato, wagon rides wil b. uubttuted or -rides -will, ha canicelled. Frmr normation, contact the CLOCA office at 416-79-0411. PjEwM CLUB The Wbitby Photo Club wil meet on Monay,Jan. 20, 7to 9 p.M., at the FaMily Tfrust build- in "(downstair),Hickory and Dudas streets. 'There will ha, experments with macro, flash and hallows. Members wl rn a omal aject te photograp,2n leave their equipment at home. AI Waldeck and AI Stachel will provide instruction. Theme of the month ('Warm') entries are te hae handed in. New members are webcome. NON-SMOKNlG WEEK The week of Jan. 119-25 has been proclairnod as 'National Non-Smokuing Week' in Whitby. Whitby residents are encouraged te support the communlty- work of members of the Canadian Cancer Society. wha FRIENDS 0F. SCHIZOPHENICS Durhanm Region Frienda of Schizophrenics wlll meet on Wednesday, Jan. 15 (changed fromn Thursdays), 7 p.m. atcSt' Mark's church house, Molorne and Byron streets, Whitby. Guest speaker will be Jan Engi- ish of the- Victerian- Ordor of Nurses. For more information caîl 666-2598. BODY LANGUAGE The next seminar on 'Readin the Body ta Determineth Thrusts of the Mind, t develop positive relationehipa with othera, will ho held Jan. 19, 1 te 5 p.m., at the Holiday Inn,' Oshawa. The fee is $30, including teit. For information or registration, calI 668-5036. EAItTY-EATING Durham' Save-a-Heart and Wbitby General Hospital will sponsor an information evening on 'healthy eating for your hoart' on Thursday, Jan. 16, 7:30 p.m., at McLaughlin Public IÀbrazy auditorium, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa. Admission, is free and tickets are available at the library. Activities wiIl include 'nutrition roulette,#'Ïaste tests, <frate yourplate' and 'what's in it? Information will ha available on nutrition,' heart disease, fast foods, cholesterol and weight coeitrol. MIDWIFERY The Durham chapter of the Midwifery Task Force will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7:30 _p.m. For more information and directions, caîl 723-0542. 1.WE'VE BOXED THE SAVINGS r NE FREE INSIDE EACH TAKE HOME BOX CHOOSI 6 Buster Bars 12 DiIIy Bars 8 or 12 Sandwiches E FROM: - VANILLA DAM?,' QUEEN. COLO crEAMY FUDGE & SPANISH NUIS WRAPPED INA' SMOOTH CHOCOLATE COATING. - VANILLA DARY OÙUEEN DIPPED IN SMOOTH CHOCOLATE COAT1NG - VANILIA DAI?? QUEEN LAVERED BEIWEEN CHOCOLAJE COOKIE WAFFEPS WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN ~ 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 Noniprofit communÎty roupa whlch are bas~ In Whtyor have a ausatiai Whitby membershlp may place their or activit es on ths page at no cost. %ri 500011. or.ro<hi 1-' DI .k fafinI EART TOHEAIRT The neit eight-week session of 'Heart te, Heart'will bogin Jan. 22. Specialista from various fields can provide information on ail aspects of heart disease. The, next session will aceommodate 10 couples. For more information or te register caîl 571-1582. The Support Group for Alzhei- mer Familhes will meet on Wed- nesday, Jan. 22 7:30 p.mn, at the Semior Ciiens Actimty Centre, 910 -Liverpool ]Rd., Plckerling. There will ha a video prosen- tation and discussion. For more information caîl 576-2567. WOLF HOWL AND IGERT Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority -(CLOCA) will hold a 'walk on the wild aide' on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 7 p.m., at Ennisu*kfllon Conservation Area, This event will> appeal te those who are curious about what animals lurk around at night, or what it would ha like te talk te wolves. -To get tep Ennisidiln: from the intersection of Taunton Rd. and Reg. Rd. 57, take Re. Rd. 57 'north' te the.7th Concessioni, go west on the 7th te, Hoît Rd., go north on Hoît Rd& te the park entrânce, turn .left at the entrance, folbow výthe road te, the back parkcing lot. Meet at the South picnMic shelter. Admission is free. For further information, oeil 579-0411. PC LEADER -Ontario ,Progressive ConServa- tive leader. Mike Harris wfil host a communit breakfast on Tues- day~ Jan. '21 7:30 aàm.,'at -Jack- son s Touch of Cas,- 1610 McEwen Dr., unit &.Harris will discusbis party's proposais for oconomierenewal. By Const. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Soper ad uham Roonal Polie ned the publc's help in solving an temted roberypthateoccrred in At about 1:15 a.m.,ý the victimi was leaving the Red Barn at 172 Wayne Ave. after a.night of bi'o When the vlctim got te bisvehictle saw the suspect runi towards hlm. The suspect was holding a dark-barrelled object that was pointed at the victim, and cash was demnanded. The victimi started to get hie wallet but the suspect wanted the bingo money. The victim told the robber that ho didn't have the bingo money and that the person who had it was in the back lot getting into bis cRS. The rabber thon ran towards. the back lot and yelled te a co-accused, who was standing in -the' shadows, te keep an oye on hlmn. When the flrst car started to beave the lot, the second suspect got nervous and ranawa.» Suspect #1 is describod as male, white, 6-ft chunybild, wearing a nylon atocing mask, dark-green,oâe-peinr jacket and armed with the woapon., 1 Suspect #2 le descrflbed as maie whlt 6-ft. 5-i, slim build, wearing a greon-grey work prcndhé a ppeared voery. nervous. Crime Stoppera will pay up te $1,000» in cash' for information beading te the arrest of the two robbers. Have you an!y idea who they are, or have you heard who committed thie crime or aLny other serions criminal offenoe? If so, -calI Crime StePesSila cash rewards will ha paid for information leadfing te an arreat inay serlous crime. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppera hotline i. 436-8477 (that's 436-TE,), and is open 24 hour-s r,,day, seven daya week. The ph' e number can ha diaied from most areas of the rion, free of charge.If this number is long distance, you can cacolect or-caflrthrough your local Durham Reglonal Police number and ask for Crime, Stoppera Calls will *neyer be traced, or recorded. You wiil not ha required te identify yourself or have te go tg court.-1 . Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham RegionaI Crime Stoppera and writes this article te help combat A citizens' board adrninisters the Crime Stoppers program of which there are now over 850 in North America. The reward rnoney is raised thrOLIgh tax dedLICtible donations which may be sent to DLirhatii Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario Ll H 7K8. 1 1 Hîghest deductible Mid on wîndshield claims.

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