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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 3

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I I~~I - Itemns from, Whitby Co uncil agenda(s), Monday #auuary 18,1992 Recommenda- tions from pLnnilng .and deve1opýnent CoMmittee- That part of the reserve at the rear of 65 ThIckson Rd. b. lifted to permit pedestriants to walk from Langmaid Ct. to 65 ThicksonfRd.; .that police continue to monftor the driveway access to 63 an d 65 Thickson Rd. rom Langmaid Ct., cônerning the number and type of vehicies parked on those two properties. Cairle That council place the property at the corner of Springwood and Nichol Ave. in a "holding" category until many items are resolved cancerning a rezoning application, ta estabilsh the Tawn's position shouid the Ontario Municipal Board amend the application submtted by Whitby Estates Ltd. for the Llck Pond area; that Town staff be authorized ta attend the 0MB hearlng, f requlred, to represent the Town' best interest In the matter. Carried Recommenda- tions firom operations committee That a bylaw be Introduced ta authotize temporary borrowing of up to $2 million for 1992 (such a bylaw is made annually to caver costs until tax revenue camnes In). The estlmnated cast of barrawing the amaunt for 30 days la $13.200. CwArred That reports fram the Whftby Seniors' Activty Oentre's 1991 annual fmting be received as inforrman. 1990/1991 tmeasurer's report shows a surplus of $3,158. As of' Nov. 27, 1991,the centre's building fund, ta contrIbute toward the castoa equipment for a new building, was at* about $1à0,000, exceeding the original goal of $1 00,000. Menberhip at the centre increasod by about 100 for a total af over 1.350. Men*ors ai the 1992 board are Homer Boake, Ji1I' Fair, Wifred Frank, Joan Ro aslwademànJonos. FROM PAGE 1 think that's realistic.' an Bowie says EDS is p art of an industry, that àis omwhat reces- sion-proot, because Mour producta andsevcs. can help, custo- mers be m ore competitive.» He sees the gêneral econoniy picking up in the summer, and lei upbeat about the future. "I'.think we -have to pet our- selves in a positiveI frame if mid. You get yourself down and yo g dwn fuirthp~ «Canada and ôhe people *in CÇanada are go&Weî have to make sure we keep'telling each other we are. I will, match my EDS employees with anybody,, anywhere in the world ...wve ,just don't tell enough people that." Malita Canada àisôsoupbeat. The cmanr employs ýabout 100 people localy.,and marketing manager -AI Webster says «We're quite positive about. 1992 -- we see relatively strong growth.» Webster says Makita is p1an ning an, exansion, to its buiiýdingi thi yarbecause of increasing, sales-to industry and do-it-your- selfers (DIY). Webster says sales are increas- ing because Makita has in- creased its market share and because do-it-yourself sales are Up. '1'he DIY market tends te pick Up when things pet tough because people don t want te move. they'd rather improve.» Webster expects the economy te pick up in late '92, especially- in retail. Croven Crystals is down te 125 employees in the ares, after a layo ff of 120 people. 'Secretary treasurer Ken Catherwood sava the company has eut back "pro- babîy as far as we cantgo,» and isn't optimistic aboutth e near future. «It doesn't look good ... were just not getting any orders.» Catherwood doesn't see things picking up «until at least sumn- mertime -- who kniows?»- ITT Camion Canada has close te, 200 emnployeès locally. General manager Fred Musinka sees 1992 as being -«another ýteugh year ... similarto 1991.» .He thinke *talk of a recovery in late -summer «l wlhful tlunk- ing. A lot of people a' year a were isaying 1991 was going t a good year - waït until the first q uarter, or >second *quarter, 'or third quarter - it just, goes on and on.» .Atlantic- Packaginghas about- 150- employees I in Whitby. Genîeral. managr-.Bob Nelson ije A lone maie got away with more than $1,1 a0 er robbilg the Canada Trust' branch .a t Thiclcs- Plaza -Saturday after- noon. Police say the suspect handed the toiler a note demanding' monoy and indicating he had a gun although no gun was seen. ALput $1,150 was handed over, and the robber fled frein the bank, at 80 Thickson Rd. S. Police say .he wasý last seen agenda Loc Pipe normally employs 120 people at its b typl ant, but hansbeen forced te c ut that back ter:mid:cnt Bon Cornier doesn't se. any Frowth until 1993, and figre'Tt will probably ýbe the tird ,quarter <Of '92)before thins start te movo, if, the-y do; that s MY guess, but .rve Ifln wrong before.» Loc Plpe's fortunes* are linked te new construction, an industiy that Cornýer fears' will declinie by 10 te 15 per cent over 1991. «There was -a dro in 1991 overalI ýîi - our industry of appo mtely 1percent oe 1990 Zd 1990 wasa diaster...r "I hope Fm wrong. I hope the. first-time (home) buyers -- the young people :- go out there and say we e getting a mortgage and were golng te try it; but it's pretty difficult* when people ... keep on seeing more and more closige and I!ayoffs."» Sandoz Canada has' 250 employees, i Whitby, 233 full-, tino. National director of public affairs Jean Pierre Trudol smmsa «roatively goodyear i1992... ",Were 00, ngat sn.me or producta, and if wo sccedit could.lead te more emp oent in 1992.» Trudel maya Sandozivestedi new equlpinent i 1991, and that improveinnt "nay continue" i 1992. iGeneral Motors employeos liv- inh Whitby are uneasy about their future. An ,O0shawa- car plant could be shut as part of the conpany's. plan-- to, eliminate more than 70,000 jobs by 1995. Production workers at' the coinp any's two Oshawa car Ilanb went back te work Mon- day, after being on temporary layoff since tho end of the Christ- mas holiday s. They will be off the job foâ another two weeks, trigJn 27.,strigJn GM! sold 5.4 per cent fewer cars in Canada over the. last- 12 months. CRNE R PIZZA the bet iza in Wrhitby sincel965 FREE Delivy in Whitby* Brookliu, AahburOshawa $2.O0 extra .0.00 OFF on Pick-up orders* 668-8807àst hoplng te keep his Wbitby "ope- ration.running at fuI) capacity i a uvery. very depressed» sales market.- "It» will run, but it's net a profitable' scenje at this point,7 saysNelson. "While you may have what everybody wants3 (recycled paper), thoy don't want te a apreïiunfor it* Nelson expects "a hard -grid i 1992 for ýthe. WhiMtby plant, mainly because of a world ever- suhi~a~~with depressed prie,«1 aig it very diffi- As well, "the demand for recy- cled' newsprlnt is not there. Theres been a lot of lip service given te tthe whoîe issue. A lot of people said yes, ýif there was lots around we'dibuy it.1,' "If that was -the' case, we wouldn't have te Iook te bo ship- pin g it toU.S. points.» Nelson doesn't ;ee any relief «until. at least the end of the eyear.»

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