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Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 25

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WIuluYFIWEPRESSWEDNESDAY, JANUAiRY22,1992, pA&GZ 25 DIS 'ONRHG CO By SniaBelMingto. Helio.Sonia Bebbington here. Semester 'finals started .,on Monday, and the entire DU'C student population is ini a bleaic, examination agony. Each morning, one hears- was of hunger and distress from the direction of the cafeteria. Students converge inervous clusters, threatenjing to stasge a violent coup on the, servery staff; should they continue to refus sale of the choclate milk and candy bars that have become common morning fare here. How dare the students b. denied their breakfasts! Don't people understand those candy bars are the most important meal -of the day? A work-to-rule campaign now piagues our institution, meaning that teachers adiiere oniy to their contract stipulations, and that they cease involvement' in any extra-curricular activities. If such a strike were flot rearing its ugy head, I would t«e thS By Kathy Rumsey Examù week is nearly over and soon students wil have a couple of days off before the next semes- ter begms'. Although everyone has been in exam mode this past week, Anderson sports activity has been contining On Jan. 9, Andesnpae fourth song eight teanis at the LOSSSouth swim meet. .Top swimmers from Anderson were Renee. Ayotte, Who had thre. first-place finishes and a third, and lýob Halpin who recei- yod a flrst, two seconda and a thidrd. Tii. teamp swam very well and most improved their personal best times. Well done, swimmers. Tii. downhill racing team also did very well at the KingCity invitational ski meet in Coln- wood. Although the boys' teamn skied weii, &iven tMhe. cold weather and icy siopes, they were unabie to achieve the times Thneegirls'tearnidid excep- tionaliy well, placing second' overal. Top racer was Kristen Miller, who scored an excellent Cie ongratulations 'ir1s. has been meeting evrweee since shcool started and has organized many weekend retreats and smail gatherings throughout tiie school year. They are now hosting, a on g with Henry Street Christian Feliow- ship, awinter retreat sponsored by Inter-school Christian Feliow- sLip in Whitby. It will b. held Jan. 31 ta Feb. 2 at Wesley Acres in Belleville. Tii. theme of the weekend retreat is 'Attacking Apathy,' and organizers have arranged some unusual activities such as 'bal- opportunity to update you ail on te progresa of rehearsals for our sring comedy production. u>nfortunately, the situation is such that rehearsal are not occurring, 50 a progress report would be dismal at best, or completely untrue if I feIt indlined to make one up I do not, se I shail gauge progress in one word -- nil. The show is entitled 'Se. How They Run, ' and, should it materialize, it shail open in late April. I hope you ail come out to see the-fun! (Quel plug!), Only just recently, I have begun to notice a teensy bit of tension between Quebec (A.K.A. la belle province), and the rest of Canada. To show my neutrality, I offer the, following phrases in French, 'and can only hope my gesture restores the unity and bond we once shared. il y a un pamplemousse dans la bibliotheque. Mange le fromage dans la region montagneuse. Aimes-tu la musique de jazz? With those pearîs of wisdom, I leave you for next week. Until thon .. loon job on Rory!!' (I have no idea what that is) and 'dressing back- wards for lunch' (!nac uoy fi sdrawkcabklat dna). For interested Anderson or Henry students, permission forma can be picked up at your school. I suppose I should also mention there is a cost of $70 per person, but it will deflnitely be worth the money. To ail thosé students, like myseif, who are not returning to Anderson for the second sernes- ter good luck in your future eni4eavours. To ail those returning to Anderson, only four and a haîf more months to go until summer. .talent *.ho A talent show wil be held by students at Anderson CVI to raise funds for the Children's Wish Foundation. 'Variety Show,' featuring musi- dians, singera, dancers and drama presentations, will b. on Feb. 6, starting at 7 p.m .in the old gym at Anderson. Organizer Daina Codlin says the school's abundance of musi- cal talent facilitated production of the show. Ickets - $5 for aduits, $3 for students - are available in advance at !.he school (main office), or at t Le door on the night of the shiuw. DR.E ROBERT Thornton public got hie name. Ncott Broomhead of school student Sama Crabb finds out 'Speaking of Wildlife' is shown hold- first-Ihand how Spike the hedgehog ing Spike. Photo byMNark Roeor, WhItby Fr. Pr.m A Iook at -the, exotic By Mark Reesor Students at Dr. Robert Thiornton public school got a chance ta, se. some exotic animais up close on Thursdaty iast week. 'Speaking of Wildiife mc.' showed students six exotic animais -- Chicari, a youngj African lion; Axnber, a 3-year-oid cougar;- Korak , a 4.5-metre-lIong 55-kilogrami Burmese python; Spike the heâgehoi, Chico, a rare Citron crested cockatoo and cey, a rare Florida kingsanake. A few iucky volunteers from- the highly attentive audience -- the. whole school turned out for the show -- got ta, touch the animais. And everyone who wanted ta was able ta, stroke Koràk the gint python. I%.aimale alhave one thingr in common -- for one reason or another, t ey can't b. reintroduced ta the. wild. ii. organization takes themn on the road ta, heip educate people about endangered spe- cies, and ta, raise money needed ta rehabili- tata other animaIs. The show visits, schoois from Hamilton ta, Ottawa, and also drops in on daycares, senior citizen homes, cub and scout groups and any other interested groupe. b'Speaking of Wiidlife' runs an animal relia- blitation centre south of Peterborough. Manager Dale Gienow says most of their animais were on ce exotic pets that got too big for their owners ta handle. They aiso nurse back ta health and then release such animais as birds of prey and racoons. Gienow says people don't realize how much care exotic pets require. «We had a woman not too long ago give us a. caîl and say 'I saw a little lion* cub on Johnny Carson, so I went out and bouglit myself a lion. wCan you please corne over and teach it ta roll over for me? "I mean, this is a grandmother who just bougiit herseif a lion that's going ta b. 450 pounds. He ended up i'Ur rehab centre." For more informationion Speaking of Wil- IL f Adam Foote aims for ful-time work on Nordiques' defence FROM PAGE 22 Foots virtually made the. tran- sition from tii. luniors ta the biLy bae a fr p aggn only a hand- ful of gamesm alifax. "Comning from juniors ta the. NHL, tii. uys are faster so it's more of doing your job and play- ingthe system,» he says. Aplayer has more chance te tri' different things in the. junior league, whereas the job descrip- tion is simple but much more difficuit ta carry out in the big lague, ho says. TYou need more concentration at tuis level (NHL) " ho says. H. was r.cailed in mid-Octa- ber ta play his first NHL gae in Quebec against the Detroit Red Wings and on. of his idols, Steve "I had played a few exhibition Rames b.forehand but I was still nervous,"he osays. «But afte five minutas and a few ahifts, I was okay and just piayed my garne," ho says. .as As t shaingthe.same iea some of the players he loved ta follow on television, Foots says it's funny how 'you grow up watchng these guys and then vou seL em on thie ice and you lustkindof just shake your He says he had an opportunity ta make it sooner in ii. NHL because the Nordiques are young and are not loadedl with estabV- ished superstars. ,«I got lucky and got into agood situation in Quebec " h. says. Foots says h. loves Queb.c City is happy ta play with the. Noràiques. 'Tm just tryngtdpay consis- tant and establish myseif as an FoossaYs h. hpes. h. wl1 be- a Nordique for a long time but you don'know in tus game because there are no untauch- ables," even Gretzky got traded." 0f the. young Nodicu club, Foots says the taam4"iiad a coule of bad years but they have a lot of younq talent adwe'il turn it around.» His advice ta young, aspiig hockey players: eer qptand keep working h»ard and youll maet,"ie says. 1 ANDERSON C.V.1.

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