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Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 27

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WWM BFREEý PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J&4UARy 22,19lu% PAGE 27 ROOM --FOR RENT. U"' -oai WHITBY -CLEAN one-bediroom SINGER SEWING MACHINE for» TRISHA ROMANCE vintag et, SEASONED FIREWOOD for kitchen, bathmoom, Iaundry. apartments, centmally located. Quiet sale, $350. 1-V2 years old. Oeil Lumbers- Gretzky and Mowe, sale. Face cords and, bush cords. $90/week. New house. resldentlal area. Quietnon-smýoker, 666-9751. Btemfan Artlc Cliff and Bob Cat, Pick u or'dlve. ThMckon&Manning area. 666-0200. preferred. Avallable immediately, plus, others. 668-1223.64- _______________________ m $495/month. Oeil 666-3883 _____________ (message) or 668-3011 evenlngs). ,* FURNISHED ROOM for -rent. Share bath & kitchen. Close »to ail amenties. Oeil ater 6 p.m. 666-3776. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close to ail. amontios. Available now. Oeil Dave, 416-985-0856. . . ....j LOOKING FOR MALE ta, share Osh'aa'pt.Park &Adelalde area. $85 weekly. First &last reqtired. 430-19813. MATURE, NON-SMOKING individuels needed ta share' accommodations. Asking $420. Heat, hydro, cable lncluded. Phono 436-0909 or 47-1990. 3 BEDROOM, plus study. Walk ta GO. Caîl Parks* Property LMagement, 430-6267. WHITBY - SPOTLESS and niceiy decorated, main floor of quiet 3-bedroom brick bungalow. Includes fridge, stove, carpet, binds. Parking, large yard, establishod notghbourhood. $895 monthly. Mrs.Evans, 668-5802, 668-4815. TOWNHOUSE FOR RIENT, Harmony Rd., close ta 401. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished basemont. Centrai air, upgiaded carpets, neutral decor. References. First & last. $900, plus utilities. 434-2662. I y~uri~i#r - - .4 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4j3 668-5162 _______Est. 35 Yrs. APARTMVE NT FOR RENT. 668-7775. Asic for Brian. 2 BEDROOM APT.; Dufferin st., Whtb, near 401 & GO train. Avallae now. $679, al Inclusive. 263-4104. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartmont. Waik to GO. Oelil Parks Property Management, 430-6267. WHITBY - SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom apartment. Private entranco. AvaIlable Feb. i. 668-5464. VERY LARGE, 2 BEDROOMS, central Whitby 5-pex. Quiet spiit ieveî, fresh decor. Clean 6-year-old building. Covered parking. Last month free with 1 year béase. $870 per month. One availabie now, one availabie March 1. 668-4m4. SMALL, 2-13EDROOM apart- mont. Walk ta GO tran. Garage, 2-car parking heat included. First & last. 75/onth. Oeil 725-4012 or 668-2195 aftor 5 p.m. OTTER CREEK HOME - brick & aluminum.' 3 large bedrooms. family room with firoplace, W/0 ta dock, fenced backyard, double drivoway wih single garage. Incl. 3 appliances .& window covorings. $159,900. 668-0877 evenings. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentaI arrangements. 668-ý1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. OualtyconsbcUan f« omaenmd Budu *Balhmom8 * Ktchens *Cuato r um *Decicu- Gazbos *Addilons. etc. ZetsCouia on-655.4418 p jThe Mutual Group HEFRB TRAN caIlforquotaton 725-6564 ARIFs - ~ANUTE 1..'D& -UVtbEA, 2 YGa&5 010. Oeil Davo, 430-7036. Asklng $60. PIONEER SXO7009 RECEIVER $900. CLD1080 Laser player $750. BSR EQ3000 Graphic quaJz« audio analyzer $17.Cerwin Vega SW12B suerbase system $250. Goldstar CMT2642 romote 280 monitor TV $700.'JVC HFtD86O' VHS HMf VCR $600. Realistic PRO2010 scanner/ receivor $190. Ail mint condition, ob.o. 666-0200! 434-7893. Sewing Machine Repars Ail Makes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines from $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 KIng St. W. Oshawa, FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEY wth supremo quality maple, beach,- oak, very dry Honest measurements. Free delvery. (416) 753-2246. NEWLY USED FRIDGE & chest freezer, almond, $500. Washer & dryer, Inglis, almond, $800. 2 office desks. L-shaped motal & wood, standard ail wood and 1 display cabinet, $500. 668-7750. KENMORE ELECTRONIO- stove, white, like new, $350. Washer & dryer,. $100/pair. Caîl Gerry, 666-4085. DARK PINE DîNETTE with 4 mfates chairs, $300. Solid pin entertainmont unit, like new, $30. 579-1757. JVC TUNER $50. Car CD playor $350. Digital AMIFM cassette e layor $200. 160 watt booster 125.120 watt E.Q. 100 (ail above Realistic). 23 way 150 watt Pioneer speakers, 60 x 6" round $75. 668-9982. A NEW BABY? In this world, there's'always room for one more I RETAIL'VALUE $225, askingý $100. Brand no*w bean bag chair,' blue wtlh matcfiing headrest and foot stool. Oeil evenlng%. 668-0923.1 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than >half price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. MATTRESSES and box springs at hall price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simoos St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. TABLES - 2 112 FT. X 5 FT., $70. Great for office or crafts. Chairs $25. Phone 655-3688. VACATION/TRAVEL' CANAL CRUISES. fiva days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-rooms, meals, frea brochure; Write Captain Marc, Box 6, Onilia, L3V 6H9; <705) 327-5767. 1COMIS EVENTS CfiUISE CANADAS CALM-WATER RI VERS *onboad ele9ant overnight replica steamboats. Romant ic cies. 1000 Islands, International seaway/Iocks, whale-walching & fjords. $629. . Dila-brochure 1-800-267-7868. MORTGAGES FEELING THE PINCH 0F XMAS SHOPPING? Are yaur credit cards aI thair limits???, and overduell If you're a homeowner, we have moriage money to pay off bis ancL credit cards. $5 -000. $10. 000. $15.000 wiih no paymants tii May, 1992. No qualifying hassies. Cati Inransicon Financial Group <416) 650-9455 or toII-free 1-800- FOR SALE' BARGAIN HUNIERS, OVER 240 Ontario facory outiels for greal ssvings. For free brochures about out book. send S. A.S.E.tIo Oliver, Dept. 0W92,. Box 2173. Cambridge, N3C 2V8, REAL ESTATE PRIME COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL. relait, invesiment properties. One hour east of Toronto. Cati coîtect (416) 372-3355 or (416) 885-2416. Garry Liboiron or Brock.HuIs. Ceqtury 21 Al-Pro Realiy Lid. <OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaiiability. For information on both write: Properties, DepI. CN, Box 5380. Sîn F. Ottawa; K2C 3J1 - STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS - Il a side-by-side comparison is what it takes to pick outthe best and Iowest ... we're att for il! Now for a limited lime onty - ROCK BOTTOM BUILDING PRICES directf rom factory. Ex. 25x30 Valua $3.128. NOW $2.374. Vou sàV'e $754. CatI today PIONEERJECONOSPAN 1-800- 668-5422. (24 hours). BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaîl Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes avaitable - year end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS. 1992» Farm Equ:pment Show. Speciat on ail modela and sizes from 20' to 100,wide, large selectlon. Cai Future 1-800-668- 8653., SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS. 'Now you. can et stlel framed buildings at wood rame prices. 'SA & CWB certified. For tire brochures, cali today 1-800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDtNGS INC. New types. steeV/wood. quonset, cladding.- For truc value. action & answers - WatIy <416> 626-1794 aller 6pm. weekends. Free brochure. Cip-save. KING-SIZED WATERBED mattress apd heater, electrlc 30-n.' range. 666-4758 alter-5.p.M. CAREER TRAINING S TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discusa It. lnlroducing exlended programs and Credit Courses. Cali William at 1-ý800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at.Ihe Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next clasa: March 14, - 20. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RAR.#5, Woodstoc(c, Ontariq, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN A SE COND INCOME. Incoma Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondance. Free brochures. No obligation. U N Tax Services, 1345 Pernbina Highway. Winnipeg, Manitoba R13T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. HELP WANTED PARENTS/TEACHERS - Join the iteracy crusade. Help children enjoy the wonders of Iearning. Earn excellent income demonsîrating producta Lo concerned -parents. Eight week promotion. <519) 657-1891.ý BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTTEST HOME BUSINESS. Proven succesa without prior experience. FulVpari-time. Potential S50./hour. Produce spectacutar gotd-printed business carda. napkins, greeling carda, ribbons. - playing carda,.teather, vinyl, etc. Systen inctudes equipment, materials. instructions, samptes, marketing support, stant-up inventoiy. Investment $5.000.4$10,000. Cali Foil King Print Systemas Ltd. (403) 449-1600, fax 403) 449-0655. HAVE VOUR OWti- BUSINESS. Ladies dance/exercisewear. Excellent profils. Your own hours. Fitness contacts an assai. Request' information package:, Finelines, 294 Wilson, Downsview, Ontario. M3H 158. CET RiCH ... SLOWLY BUT SUREILY. Watkins wil ear'n you thousands. working for yoursetf. C uaranîeedp roducts. Watkins. a sure-thing. FREE DETAI LS. (204)-237-9282. Indapendant distributor, Ron. PARALEGAL CAREERS$ TRAINING PROVIDED. Profassional home occupations $. Privata investigation secrets. Stan t mmadiataly. Profitable aacurîty alarm division lncludad. (705)778-3863. Send S.A.S.E, Box 270. Campbetlford. Ontario KOL 1 LO. ATTENTION RETAILERS: Looking for dealers to distribute quality bird mixes & leaders, racing pigeon mixes & supplies. Contact Summerville Fads, 222 William St., Delhi. Ontario N48 1M8 (519) 582-3779. DO YOU NEED SOME EXTRA MONET? Eam up ta $1.200. par month. CatI (416)-969-3306, 24 hours, for frac information. 10 VEAR CANADIAN MANUFACTURER 1lst time offered distribuiorship. Accounts availabte. Unlirited potential wih minimal Inves8ment . Service accounts and collect cash. 1-800-755- 7375 for interview.' BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MAIRKETPLACE": ro reacir a wid.r market, adve:f rue Ihroughoudthlie regioal memb.irshp CV h 1Ont"ar and Cana0<an Communfy NewspaperAssociafxns Central.... .na.o5...p.e..$10fo.5.....MO tal 11nwsaer 35 or2 AttCanda 72 e r -$74 or 5 wrd LET'S GET SKATING* Used evonts, sports rosuits or only once - men's size 12. Bauer, entertainment. black - $55. 281-9379. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAS- iTS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL 00ES IT AIL. THINK BIG - CALI 1H15 NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. Ur ad could appear ln community newspape rs in Ontario, or right mous Canada, or any individuel province. Space. lu Limitod, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl -4 8-

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