PAGE 30, WMIIBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22,1992 Brooklin mnor * hockey BOUSE L4F4Gui Paul Kahlà r AalMst u>' TIm c(phSl Whfty PoTrya4 4 WNhyKnomn Clsytasi aueflà o4mlu lqUtCissns DmSpr tt rnerW . cames.. Poogana 4 WestHmI 2 Ajax ja" phit 8 Bleds. Jasa (ina Brion Nias. Pieinalsitu 1Gultam Pan) onwy NIch*lsEme L sai Dru. Ltd. 5 caris asn mm ean.Jud Canussurna 1 Waveo 4 Whi Optilua 8 Dauglamool David mos.llg Jan 12a BdflbbxIéIXVMam IL2 Moler nanas. Mihmdbrr nyMueflar2 Tia Fanesq M a.. Mier a Jan. 12 O AMsai Vit. 4 BWMHAwdIiaiy1 341k.Gubbde2 Baise Jas.' Tan Cuthbhirlan 2 Oà tie ae p EAI~PAM Je.. 2 Hyland van Dunnis Canne Jeffilndnic2 Chad Mdo Chad McKecc Sontev Jdn hJan 12T A-mmI %nieun 1 Canadian Tire 2 Dald Mtchel Wl4tby Audlo 7 Amr iyandsavteh 2 MatiWato 2 matt ICeausiuli2 Ryan 2BrocAil.10 enm Garrett Rchard RichardM s Matt W&a)tM Cralg Cssmeu MAJONêVICE ou 8a ý hamDkiodgo." 5 Jan&I an '.atm 2-_ nà r Mark Lob=nc2 By. Mao OtV.'.. Nichai. Michie Beckfard Service 8- 2otas I. S-0-ap * Janatlun Rya Math.Ra 2 Ud m Shau aana Ba ada B ss Bre.I M Pat Ifflck -4 ~Mario iïiizmg Broskln Cyce 2 BrocAh. Coie4 AndalWAà hbeo Blarir nadae 2 .Andrue All1ss2 MAJO P 7. "xl lrnch -mm oRi ovicit JenMqlite a, Jan.Il k CEints. SIvlittl LvrParker Dan>')I MOnan Bralin ae.Wates. aia 8 ProvlnclelSl,!a 8Mark Cri. Todd tlanbrdn Warren AHl Matihe, Andrea Whitby select hockey, MIxNCE PBEWEE qpua.ueI yab ,Fie. Ih1% Je.. 2 Chdtlcane Br"anNulas JaWiiam smMMas. Wbltby Cbad N MsZI ateve Coty Jan..a Whlthy wh .b Rye. Piacac Peu) on. RiveRs. Je.. 14 PeUr.o joi Jahnss. aeve Umc iBye. Mdaad Iy..Peacaci IMNOUNOVICE suby immDIAgarqpto Je.. il whitby Jen. 12 whltby a Part nedit 1 0 oeee 2 BoWaanvlls 5 malvei A tu. 6 Smrbaseugh C.tre 0 7OshaCe caaalà na 8 3 Ajax. Dom% Auto Parla 2Spa> Auto Glass2 Nichas .VirkWyl2 lirbat We)kr-, Efiott i Y.uiaasna Bannie Roherluan Slaa.Msmce dJan. S 4W W L C.dralears.xy8 2 1 Eaykfnt.pdss 8 2 1 MLannnfruaLd. 8 2 1 lpedAuto la 8 1I2 Ds 'AutoPgr a 8 1I 2 Tm NsYIZr, Cadardal Hylan,Cedaui"l Naccarato, Doms 3 FIN 2 2 2 FNS a a SquisP n 2 w 1 MnLars lii.. An« ru Jasa Cainal * asainl Justin ROc. 3 BanUjn Kinamen Paul Ranger 4 Lie Waddingtn Ruent Richards Jenay Bnlmble 2 Bmndan. Fader DutDam au MINOR OUmrP J... 12 Kyli Bransan3 R.ilbr Andrews DuS. Towlng Kyli Musalaan2 Jeffiy Han a ityanohnotsn 1<11e Pîrceydca - roMceaçaecrl C. Vansohacholta Rtichar de1 7A&Rry GmSaum ge. Spitfires at coliege Jan. 28 The Head Irijury Association of Durhaml Region will sponsor a Spitflres Clebrity basketball game on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5:30 p.m., at Durhamn College. This event will feature the world-faznous Spitfires wheel- chair basketball team playing a select team of ,celebrities -- playing in wvheelcbairs. Also mncludted in. the ticket prCe isadmission to the Durham orsvsé. MÃ"hiâwl College OCAA men's baketball game. 'nckets are $5 for aduits, $3 for atudents. and free fer* children under age 12, and are available at Durham' College athletic department aud from the Head Injury Association, 469 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Proceeda of the event will go to the assoiation. For more information, oeil the assocation at 723-2732 or the college athletic department at' 576-0210. rWE'VE BOXED .THE'SAVINGS--q O NE ,FREE IINSIDE EACH TAKE HOME BOX CHOOSE FROM: 12 DiIIy Bars -VAN1LD DAM IIQUEN. COLD CREAMY RJDGE &SPA NUrS WRAPPED IN A SMOOIH CH o TEolA M -VANILA DAM WQUEN DIPPED IN SMOOTII CHOOOLATE COATING Lu.WHITBYfDMRY QUEENJ 103Dundas St. E. 668-5342 ,Whitb#y soccer BoumE LIACME LJUI 18 liai Pomuano I Manchestu Vq~.. Mattlaew Osuole DlhmAtialiti 0 M Clans Wood 2 equEr, Ranm1 ua. Cela 1naten Lnite .a,1fporte ATM Maule , a4I Steve0 ]co IUarlio alq McrhBock ImAn t. UStelial ~ McWilliaaui Arm DavIdWeloh Yddu hUOr 2 Cachrane Spr. 1 Wynne Gunnese 2 Camea..Gain 2. 0 MacinnasHeriats 8 Scott Moulu David Mwpua Nichait Boverman Je.. 18 Tisa 4 ais UMue.2 lmdisChik DrM Hens. AU m ms rs Alq p4mn 2 8 DsnlSsUn LeuCons 2 /ndiwMaUWus2 &WB 8 1hia8 0 John AltiWco O mLi2 2 J.TMnAle6 O Jamm es Hiberian 2- Nagauker GastsMa Garde Rai 4 LA&qu gsSpartes Main Gran John Hart. 2 Tmsa CufluS.naI 4. TMia amnaumn.. snlaup 8 kphm paug BY Coast. Granmt Arnold DurbamRiegionl Police Crime Stoppera and Durham'Regioiia Police major crimes unit need the publices help ini solvingan armed rober that occurred in Ajax on Oct. 24. At about 7:45 p.m., a robbery occuÃro at Pete's Varaety Store at 25 Harwood Ave. The 62-year-old victima was alone in thé store w4ien the ssetentered, carrying *a darlc-coloured gym ýbag. H e aked for ea pac f cgrt n hnremoved a sawed-off shotgnfrom thegym s.He eaddmoead the victim put ai hanids into the air and started to scream. The suspect then fîred once and struck the victim in the arm. The suspect then fled the scene. Th&e suspect iga ;describedsamalp, Brazilian or Sou#)i Ainerican, dark complexion agd 35 to"40, 5-ft. 6-ins., medium" build, short clark. wavy hair above the ears, dlean shaven, wearing a dark-coloured, waiat-length cloth jacket and clark pants. Crime Stoppera willý pay up to $1,000 in1 cash, forl ifraion le ng to the arreat of the suspect. Hae o n- idea who he might be? Doyou, have aytipa regardingany' other crimi aloences? If 8o, caIl Crime Stoppera. Similar cah rewards will bo paMdfo nration leading to an -ainy serious crime. The Durhain Regional Crime Stoppera hotline is 436-.8477' (thatsa 436-IPS), nd la open24 hours per day, seven days, a week. The phone number pcrn be dialed f CSom moat areas of the reCon free of che. If this number is long distance, y ou can cal oect or cilthrough'your local Dra Regional Police, number and ask for Crimie stoppera. Colla will neyer ho traced or recorded. You will not bo required to identify yourself or have to go té court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Reýgional Crime Stoppera and writes this article to help combat Hligh hockey a w LT'A p 5wo 660'.O 2312 10 BD"". 6 4 2 .ý4723- 8 'Cr1rgt68a 21. 84857 OVcsi2- 68 2 .26 28 7 Dunharissa 483 I1 0a.199 le O'Ndl 68 2 0 1824 6 Au: 4 1 1 2 1918 4 Audarm n 5 1 3,1 2226 8 M'nra 4 1 8 0 17,19 2 Dan«qan 4 1 8 0 1818 2 Poter ' 4,1 8 0-: 1084 2 Pl krl 0 'I12 21. 1 A citizens' board administers the Crinie Stoppers prograin of which there are now over 850 in North Annerïca . The reward nioney is raised thrOLIgil taX dedUCtible donations which iliay be sent to Durhani Regiorial Crinie Stoppers., P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario LI H 7K8. 1 I.,