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Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 5

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FROM PAGE 1 said the board can't afford the union'. demands and that stu- dents would be missing out. on extracurricular activities. Morri's says the ublishingo the ad on the firat fay of media- tion ishowed that there was "littie- intention on the part of the board te negotiate." But Ol' dman says the ad was place& "strictly te inform 'ýthe ratepayers as te, the facta as: regards te the work-to-rule that was taldng lae. He Baysfthle board spent'a bout fIve*- hours with the 'union that day--and "«we 'reachedý a tentative agreement, with the French secondâry school teachers: that very sam're night." Morris says the teachers have been «betrayed1 by the board and the, issue pf ay was dealt with "moèst'ina~pronately anc msiicorreëctly. '<Tebard spendsmore money On public relations than -on qua- -Uty e dûcation right. now, lie %ireaccused the - Oar f àngthe current economic siitua- iroônasiý everage in-thengta t',,says, there are stili nrune ù "aeB to-be reýsolVed, moàt -of tIl*n tnho extra cos t ;or "inimal* éosêât tethé board. Morris says- the union wants salaries comparable W ' that of th scondary teachersin the puýblic school sys;tem.- iThe union is lookinÉg for 'a 4.5 per cent increase effective Sept. 1991 and an additional 3.25 pr cent increase effective Feb. 1, .The board's offer also calîs for a 4.5 per cent increase from Sept. 1, 1991ibut with 'a raise of 1.0 per cent as of Feb. 1 1992. This would raise l~e salaries of 60 per cent of ' the teachers by eight per cent, including inlcre- mente for increased experience during the past year, says Old- mnan. The average salay would move up to $54,1 53, from $51,330-and the maximum sal- ary te $62,634, from $59,344, hie says. Oldman says the sanie offer was accepted and ratified by the 910 elementary teachers and the 19 French secondary teachers. Hie says the board has and wili continue te treat ail of its employees fairly. B:ýFut there i. no parity te be made between the separate and- public school boards, just' as there is no parity in pay 'rae and the amount of money'avail- able to, the two boards, he says. Oldmnan s ays if the ý separte board is forced te pas.on a i àlarge tai ,increase, ratepaypes may switch te the otherb-owd., ,"TMe fact is that we are in a recession,,the fact is that jobs are lost every day,»Ie says.' Despite whA he union says, the boýard lia taken <'a very open-minded approach te these hegotitios-,hesays. neOldainsaysshe ratej>ayers have bgun te make it clear te tste that they find the board's oÃ"ffer quite generous dur- ing this recession. 'We're'not receivlng close te parityer pupil with the other bard',»esas The bard han a obligation te ratepayers and studonts that a fair agreement is reached and ratified, he says. «Any -seParate school board that hietrred toget parity in the paît has en ded up withi a deficit,» nie saya. "respet the teachers but the reality'i. that we are not finan- cially capable of- giving parity,» «WIevery concerned about the qualitY of edu cation and'we have no doubt we're getting qua- Iity education froni our teacliers,» he says. «Wè still want te meet with the mediater and the other party as soon as possible," he says. Settlement for French teachers By Mario Boucher Nineteen French secondary teachers accepted and* ratified an a areement with the Durham separate school board Monday rph è agreeme nt calls.for a 4.5 .Per cent' incr ease effective Se pL.'1,'1991 and. an additional 1.0 per cent increase effective Fe. 1- 1992. Whitby trustee Tom Oldman chairperson of the board, says it is the sanie offer ratified by tfIe 910 elementary teachers. "It was a fair settiement considering these economic times," he says. The two sides reached agreement last week afler il months of negotiations. The French teachers were looking for an 8.42 per cent raise, 6.0 per cent effective Sept. 1 and 3.0 per cent effective Feb. 1, in trying to reach parity with French teachers at the public school board. Ail 19 French teachers are employed at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Charles Garnier in Whitby. A 20-year-old man was acci- dentally shot ini the buttock at a party Saturday niglit on Lupin Police say the man and a friend wereplaLymngwith thegun, whichi went oéff and ricochetedl off~ the floor before hitting him. He was taken to Whitby General Hospital: Police say the wound wasn't serious. Police have ch argd the friend, a 19-year.old Whi Dy man, with careleas use of a firearm and possession of weapons danger- Oua. WBrrBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22,1992 PAGES5 m - Coupon- Buns , Mas r® (PS N1E FASTE fIAI"EvERySgODY'SARi 1380 Hokidns StreetI I. Whiby(>66-1177' 7 INCH SUHE LLS 99ý A Dozen * Reg.12.89' aper customer ruesday, Janui -s L Limit 2 dozen Offer expires'1 Coupon À! I I1 wlth this ad. ary 28, 1992 I t, t 1) e' t) Q 0 t>' j t j. 't Work-to-rule continues Factory A uthori*zed Solid Cherry, Harden Dining Room * peciai $32000O TABLE, 2 ARM CHAIRS AND 4 SIDE CHAIRS. China cabinet available at the special low price of $3795.00. SHERFTAGE HOUSE Iimited 216 Mary St. E., Wbitby 668-3483 Store Hours:- Monday - Closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 - 6:00, Friday 10:00- 9:00, Saturday 9:30 - 5:30. NO0GST,,NO PST- on everything in thestr

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