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Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 21

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WHTYFREE PRiESS, WEDNESDAYJANUARY 29, 1992, PAGE 21 RecyslersRp t b ari e R ISte THE NEWRCCLN TOILET SYSTEMd TIhrough natural biological decompositon, the waterlésa toilet converte human waste into a safe, usable product. Utilizing the technology of the Clivus-Multrum Corporation of Ladwrence,, Massachusetts, the system is totally 'environ- mentally friendly; it operates wthout water or chemicas produces no odour and uses practically no energy. 'l'h compostin process reduces the volume of solid humani waste -by as mu'h as 95 ~ cent. Based on 10,000 uses per seasonf, the facility at the IpringdaIe Park in Markhamn - the first site to tiy 'his system in southern Ontario -. should produce approxii4tely one bushel basket's.worth of a pèat mosuliesubsta eyearly. liUquid waste i convertd into. a produet euphemiistically called tea' and is suitable for grey-water treatmient systems such as -leachate beds.. 'The syste mo .iietly 'hibernates' in the nton-use1 cold weather penioda and eliminates the need for major wintenization measures. Easily adaptable te, the*<bard-to-service' location, the>system,,aiseo boasts of low installation and maintenance costs, that assiste in both capital financing and operating Costs. Net' only ifi this'product exceptionally fiendly te the environment, but its Iow installation and maintenance Costa make it cost-efiicient for taxpayers. The waterless toilets have- been tested extensively in the United- States and are currentlyi use inthe Thunder Bay area in Ontario. The Ministry of Trasportation is going te use the system iiî-its roadside rest- areas next year,ad Metro Toronite has shown interest as well for'its Toronto Island If you hate junk mail, now is 'your chance te save it up for <National Juink Mail Return Day'on March M3. The 'No Junk Mai' stickers are sonietimes honoured by distributôrs of flyers but letter carriers are unable te compixy for a, variety of reasons. Officiais at Canada Post feel that if theyireceive revenue te -deliver the unsolicited mail, they must 'do seO even if a mailbox*clear7ly indicates that this householder viewsý junk mail as an annoyance and a waste of natural resources. For ail those who wish te wage a protest aginstukmi now is your chance. March -13 bas been declared <National Junk Mai Return, Day' by an environniental magazine called Earthkeeper.' The Guelph-based magazine is encouragmng< 'Pepe te save their unwanted junk mail, put it ail inside an envelope and mail it (postage ,free) te Canada Poot. It is boped' that, the- sheer volume Canadaý Post. receives will makeé a poweXful,otaftemept,about waste reduction. Anyone wshing te participatex akd ereturt nuemi te: The Hon. Harvey'Andre, House of Commons,ý Ottawa, Ont. KiA 0A6. THE DIVERS of both these cars, St. E.,_ east of Kendalwood, Police were taken to Whitby General Hos- say no1 charges will be laid. Da Ma ge pital with ininor injuries alLer a was estimated at $6,000 to each two-car collision Jan. 21 on Burns vehlicle. Photo by Mark Roeur, Whitby Fr.. Pi-o PC-leader FROM PAGE 10 eus social programa. The Harris cure includes cut- tin welfare saending, on'those wocan wo . -1<ifyou stay home. and do nothingyugt nothing"; bringing in ga user fe for medical. services for those wbo can- afford it; putting a freeze on civil service salares, and overbauling ail departments te cut waste. Harmis says a North Bay taxi driver summed'up the current situation --,,«We've got te stop spending more and more money frmore and more people te do nothing.» COME IN FOR A PLEASANTLY SURPRISING DEAL! 1992 Plymouth Sundance & Acclalinx *0 GET 5.9% FINANCING OR .$1.,000 REBATE Oldest Established « Chrysler. Dealer In Durham Reëgion Obituaries. He was 66. ~ CABMAN FOSTER Hie was hem in Whitbyon Carman Bird Poster of Sunn'y- Jane12,925Son of t'or creat Retirement Villa died on Alexander an1Srah Jeasie- January 23, 1992 at -Whitby Maude (Secord) Campbell. Gener-alàospital. He was 91. Mr. -Campbell was an interior He was bord on February 8, designer. 1900 in MoiraHasin Couy He is survived by his wife Jean Ont., son of John wimsan (nee Marshall), brother Donald of Eleanor (Bird) Foster. Oshawa and sistèr Lois Polak of He. married Evelyn Myrtle Ajax. Salisbur io March 9 1919 in A faznily memorial service was West Hguntingdon. àhe pre- held at the W.C. Town Funeral deceased him in October, 1974. Cbapel iii Wbitby on Thursday, A Whiltby resident for 50O-years, January 23,1992, Rev. Baird of Mr. Foster was formerly a Bobcaygeon and Rev. Jim general contracter, C.B. Foster & Mcclure cf Whitby conducting.. Sons ýwhich-built many hmoe.i Crematien. Interment at Grove- the *hitby area. Malie a a mem- aide cemetery. ber of St. Mark's United Church. He is survived by daugbters FRANK«FORMOSA Dorothy (and ber hinband Jack Francis (Frank) Formosa Sr. of Mesher), Thelma (and ber bus- Oshawa died on January 19, band Jack Westlake) Babara 1992 at Oshawa General Hospi- (and ber busband don Coch- tal. He was 57.1 rane), Lois (and ber husband He was boni in Valletta, Malta Steve Nimigon), Jean (and ber on January 24, 1934, son of busband Lorne Penfoand) andÇ Carmelo and Carmelaý. (Judice) Judy Hunt; sons Russe,, (and bis Formosa. Wife Kay) and Jack; 24 grand- e A Wbitby resident fer 41 years, children, 48 great-grandcbildren. Mr. Formosa was formerlya He was am predeceased by public servant. one grandion, Jerry Penfound. He was a member cf the Dur- The fanerai service was beld< ham Avicultural Society and from the W-C. Town Funeral IN Maitese Falcons Social Club. Chapel hi Whitby on January.26, 1Y He issurvved b biswife 1992, Rev. Brian Ge. odutn Evelyn, daughters, Joanne, termeta ontLw ee Janet, Cindy and son Frank Jr., stepchildren Karen and , rý JO8EPHPPINSK brothers Tony, Paul Joe eoge Joseh (Joe) Paplinski of Faim- Charlie and sister Mvargan-VIOW LOde, Whitby. died on children.Jason, Michaelf, rystle Januarqy 19, .1992 at Oshawa and Amy. General HosptaL.He was 81. bs He was bn on Dcemer 0, He 'was pnredeceas3ed byhi 1910 in Madawaska, Ont., son of flrst wifË akele (nos Gor- John and Mary (Dupu4is) don). Pa~n ki. The fanerai service was beld -He maiTied Editb A. Welch on fr-om the W.C. Town Funerai May 26, 1942 in Parry Sound, Cha 1 * inhitbypnJanuary 2 19. ý 19 2 etsr aulyasuloUr .e . 3àw L"9 19n àn#-4rxe4t ùt BR ~ e - - -w( operatoir. He was retired after 2 5 y'ears of employment with Ontario Malleab e n. He was a member'of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. He is survived by daughters Marlon. Nagy, Dianne Agiusand Joanne Hottot and sen Daniel, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren,,. He was aise, predeceased by three brothers. The funerai was'held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chape and St. John the Evangelist Church on January 22, 1992 Father Bob OBrien conducting. !nterment at Resurrection cemetery. LORRAIN MOmU Lorrain Morin of Whitby died on January,18, 1992. Hie was 54. Hie was -bemi in Bonfield, Ont. >n April 8, 1937. He married Carol Morin on February 7, 1959 in Toronto. A Whitby resident for 19 years, Mvfr. Morin was a meat cutter for Osbawa Group for,21'year. He isà surviived by bis wife, sbns Larry, Bon and ',Steven, grandchildren Laura, Brianna, f ayley and Kassidy and, daught- îrs-in-law Jackie, itler and Kathy. The fanerai, service was held Fom the W.C. Town ýFuneral Chapel, Whitby,'Pastor Lowell Rusuy conducting. Interment at Mount Lawn crematorium. 6'Generationsof Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monumen*ts *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monujuents 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby After 1lours Yor 66 5p1 Home appoin Iaday a rWIE'VE BOXEËD THE SAVINGS ONE FREE'INSIDE EACH "TAKE HOME BOX CHOOSE.FROM:. 6 Buster Bar-s -VANUA DAIRWYJUEN. COLO CREAMYý FUOGE &SPANSH NUTq WIAPPEDIN A SMOOTH CHOCOATE COA11NG. 12 DiIIy Bars -VANL M UN MI 8 or 12 Sandwiches -AU A UN AEM&Wf 1 ~CHOCOLATE COOKIE WAFFERS LLOYD CAMPBELL >Lloyd FinlayCape, for- meirly a, longtime resident of Whitby, <ied at bis' home in Bocagenon January 19, 1992. c

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