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Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WI{IBY MRE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JNuARY 29, 1992 PAiNTrERS PLUS - Service and uafty are, not an accident. For or ff and nio, GST, cal DIII or Geri, 404-1224.' KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY- re-upholstery of antiques. Ail klnds ef recoverlng. Your fabric or mine. Fr.. estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whttb. FIX UT, REPLACE UT or renew it, I do- It ail. Qualty home renova- tions, decorating, painting al. very reasnable rates. Satisfaction ~auteed. Fre estimates. DESIGN& ARTWORK service: logos, business cards, corporate Image, 'brochures, flyers, type- settlng, resumes, reports, posters, sIgnsa, menus, cassette covers, etc. Whatever your needs, oeil Boot Graphics al 666-9894. 14 ft. oxwlo househo»l es raes 7hoe63-750. LARGENTWHOCUBEwVth garageboxWi ht.Oussid minen- rane.Pone Ne0ra7d45 . 2V baths. 723-6513. WHITBY- SPOTLESS and nlcely decorated, main floor etf quiet 3-bedroom brick bungalow. Includes fridge, steve, cerpet, blinda. Parking, large yard, *esteblished neîg hbourhood. $895 monthly. Mrs.Evans, 668-5802, 668-4815. QuWconsluctlon f« Hiom and Buoks, -~ sBathrooms - Additions, etc. - ntertoclcing atne Zents Co'tnwtion - 655544181 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N Whitby, Ont. Li N1 4J3 668-5162 Est. 35 Yrs. MOTEL ROON 'nom' Brocklln avallblie for rent: weokly. $125, monthly'$400. Cal 655-5308. ROOM FOR RENT. Use c kitchen, bathroom, laundry. $GOlweek New houa. ThlcksonMannlng area. 666&0200. FURNISHED ROOM for ýrent. Share bath & kitchen. Close to ail amenities. Caeilater. 6 p.m. 666-3776. 'BRO OKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close to al' amenties. Available now. Cal Day., 416-985-0856. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m.to105 p.m. NORTHEAST LUXURY COtIDO *Super deluxe - Presilîus ' -2 bedroonu * Don ., *Plus numerous upgrades Southeast exposure - $319,000 576-205 OTTER CREEK HOME - brick & aluminum. 3 large bedrooms, family room wth fireplace, W/O to dock.-Fenced backyard, double drivewaywith sinçle garage. Inci. 3 appliances & wîndow coverings. $14.90. 68-077evenings. Derek Dutka Planning smoG 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR ANAPPOINTMENT. The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cail for quotation I725-6564 RRIFs ~ AUTE WHITBY- CLEAN one-bedroom apartments, cenitrally located. Quiet resldentlal area. Quiet, non-amoker r fe rred. Ava;llable lmmedîately from $495/month. Cal 666-3883l (message) or 668-3011 (evenlngs). 2 BEDROOM APT., Dufferin St., <Whtby,' near 401 &, -GO train. Aval le o. $679, àailInclusive. 263-4104. BROOKUN -BEAUTIFUL, dlean, large 1-bedroom apt. Fridge. stoveplaring, 1close te al amenhies. Hydro extra. Avallable, now. $595 r month. 655-4544 days, 655-8 89 èvenings. APARTMVENT FOR RENT. 668-7775. Ask for Brian. 1-BEDROOM APT. in 6-plex. Appliances,' parking ail inclusive. Available Feb. 1. $450 per month. First & ast. 623-4782 or 668-3038. WHITBY - SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom epartment. Private entrance. Available Feb. t. 668-5464. BROOKUN - LARGE 3-bedroom apt. Yard,. trees,ý close to al amenities, for Maýrch 1. For info, Cali David, 416-985-0856. 1-BEDROOM APT, nom' wy.2 &Anderson, Whitby.Piv aie entrance, kitchen appl., laundry facilities, heat included. Available Feb. 1/92.668-5464. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20'words prepald Or $8.00O bllled.- Cal now ta place your ad. LETS GET SKATING* Used on oncer men's! size 12 *Bauer, blUack; 5. 281-9379. MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY LIQUIDATION SALE TUES.- JAN. 28- B AT FEEL 1 IOÏA>. TOS6PLi. Name brand, seorwds: Queen from $149/set; double & single f rom $175/set;'48W $199. Excellent sa- vings. Bed framos $35, toile paper $10lcese, paprtowes ý$15lCase. L.qity.upolteyfabilo$5 & $10/ - )pioce. Envelopes $10 for 500. Computer terminais $99; printers $99. Everything must be sold. McLEAN AUCTIONS& <LIQUIDATIONS 870 TAUNTON RD. E, WHITBY, 576-7550, 686-3291 rS:,SëWng Machine Repis AibMkes Complote Tuné-up $39.95 ReoerdUned Sewing Machines l o from $59.00 TOPUINE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Kling St W. Oshawa' NEWLY-USED FRIDGE'.& chest dryer, 1;nglis, almhond>, $800. 2 office' deé"; L-shaped metal 4& Wood, standard ail Woôod, and 1: display TRISHA ROMANCE 'vintagst, Lumbers Gretzky1 and iowge, Bateman Artlc Clifi and Bob Cat,", plus others. 668-,1223. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love-, seaàts, sectionals, less than haIt price., Large selection., MàKeen > Furniture, 524: Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MATTRESSES 'and box springs at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono, 725-5181. REPOSSESSED water softening sytmasliing $495 a&up. Dura Cub pue slt50 1,s. $60,8 a>b& $9.Utavoe purifiers& ubefr ail makos, 655-4544. BRilT ISH Cý'iGARETTE and tea cards. Varlos topica. Compète, 9«9 on. Fraing rvlb.vall-' SEASONED FIREWOOD, for, sal. acecodsand bush cords. Pickg or delivered. (416) TABLES --,2 112 FT.- X 5 FT., $70. ýGreat 'for o'ffiëe, or crafts. Chairs $25. Phono 655-3688. STOP, DonItlhrow it out. So"meoemywn Caeil TheWhttbyFr.. éPress, 6684111. SPORTS, CARDS -alilcurrent producta availabie etGrand Slem Eznteprm,. 1910 ,Dundas. . E. (corner ,Dundas & ýGarrard). W. wtll hot ý knowlngnly -bo ,,undorsold by« othor card ahPB CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE.ý r'S FAST - lT'S EASYI ONE.CALL, ONE BIIlWDOES ITAL. THINK BIG - OCALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. ' > 1 VACATIONfTRAVEL CANAL CRUISES;_ fîve day s aboard. KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Trent-Severn' Walerway or RideauCanal; privale state-rooms, meats, free brochure: write Captain Marc. Box 6, Orittia. L3V 6H9,- (705) 327-5767. FLORIDA TRAVELLERS. How does, S9.Sofperson/night saund? Across Fltda, in most. mnajorhotel chains. Send for information package: TRAVEL, 48 Baîhune. Kirkland. Ouebec H9H 4H6. SOUTH CAROLINA- MYRTLE BEACH R ESORT. Oceantront condos. housekeeping. provided: Indoor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages; winle ,r rentais from $400Vmanth. Free brochure: -1-.800-448-5653:. "PERSONALS ADOPTION? PREGNANT? Warm. toving young couple seeka newborn baby. Witt provide aý happy And, love fltIed environment. Working withi gavernmntllcensed agency. Colleci (416) 633. 3398. MORTGAGE!S FEELING THE PINCH 0F XMAS SHOPPING?. Are your credlitcards ,ai theirlimnits???, and overdue! lIf yaur a homeowner,.'we have marigage ma6ney la pay off buts anàd'credit cards., $5.000.- $10.000j.si15.000 with no ýpayrrinnt it May,. 1992.,No'qualifylng hassIes. CaiI Itre.nsicon Financilt'Group <416) 650-9455 or lolt-iree 1-800-268-1429. OUT, 0F TOWN PROPERTIÈS PROPERTIES TO:BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaitability. For information on bath write: Properlies. Depi. 'ON. Box 5380. Sîn FR Ottawa, K2C,3J 1 FOR SALE LINEN HOUSE INC.. down duvets. Regular fie twin $89.; double-$S114.. queen S 127.; new ran. Denmark Iwin $120.: double $145.; queen.S$158. Susan Abildgaard 1-(800) 661-3696. STEEL BUILD)INGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slraitwalt Type - not quanset - 32x54 $7344: 40x72 $ 10,276, 50x90 $15.882; 60x126 $22.972 -, ather sizes availabte - year, end 'clearance' Paragan - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499.. BUILDINGS - fi a sidé-by-side campaisa, n is whal il lakes la pick oui the besl and idwest.. Mare ait for it' Naw for a timited time only - ROCK.BOTTOMÀ BUILDING PRICES direct tram faclary. Ex. 25x30 Velue $3.128, 'T ta 100. wlde, lar'ge selection. CatI Future 1-800. AL 'L STEEL SEMI-ARCH BUILDINGS. 50 x 170, was $32.500 witt sacdrifrce flor $22.353; 50 x 112" was $24,500, llrst, $16,282 takes ,it..Blg doors., Canadian prices. <406) 454-0741. CAREER TRAININGý IS TRUICKING FOR YOU. Lqtsidiscuss Il.' Inlroducing ex'eýnded programs "and Cre'dill Courses. Cat Wililam'ai 1-8 00-265-7 173.' Markei Training Systemsi. 'LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern, Schaofo Auctioneering.,Nexi' class: March 14' 20. Information, contact: Southwesiern Onîli Sc'ho 'olai Auctioneering, R.R. 115, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7,V9. (519),,537-2115. EARIN A SECOND INCOME. Incame Tax or Bookkeeplng courses by. correspandence. Free brochuires.,Na obligation. U & R Tax Services. 1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg, -Manitoba 13T 2126,*1-000-665-5144. SALES I-ELP WANTED)- BE RICH AND FAMOUS. -New break h rough -iin $14, billion book pubîishlng .m'arketi'm1n peaple' wealthy. Fuît carporate 'training. Protected territories. Huge profits: (800) 465*. 5400, Readers Club. MUSIC DISTRIBUTORS get your sIhare of.the $9 billion muslc lndustry markelingmû1sic on otir twa for..ana prograin. Huge profits. Pralected territories., FaderaI Musia <800) 263-1 Po.,,.' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EAR.NUP TO $4.000. PER -MONTH patential rautonary ifraionpoesnguIes EXTRA IN COME!- Graw bait'worms 1i 'n- your basemfent or garage. Odorless aparatian. Low investment. -Market' guaranteedi Frea Information. Early. Bird Ecoîogy, R.R.#1. Smnithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. <4116) 643-,4252. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. Canadian heatlh campany naw marketing body magnetlcs ovartays, jewellary. wraps, etc. Now ln U.S.A. Pawarful dynamnic'plan for generating weatth. <403) 226-0071, (403) 272-2030. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES" OUTBOARDM 1TOR and stern drive machanic required. Minlmm. 3 years experience. Boat Mart (Red Der ILtd.. 8027 GaaIz Ave.. Redý 'Deer. A3, T4P'2V4.(403) 342-7015. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422. (24 .,AN.INTERNATIONAL COMPANY' has fuît timne haurs). - positions apen Id comission sales. Agriculture and industry sales experienca'an assaI.>An STEEL BUILDINGS. 1992 Farm Equipment excellent opporturilly for carear seekars. (416), Show. Special on al models and sizes tram 20, 423-3869.1 Vour ad could appear in'cammunity new spapars in Ontario, or rfght acroiiss Canada, or any Indîvidual provInce. Spaca Is Llmîted, so Cali This Newvspaper-Todayt BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA -MARKETPLACE"@ ro reach a widr markcet. iadvoifiseir hmughout the eogional membershp ci the Ontario and Canadian Communrry Newspapor.A.sociations Cnrlnario 55 nawspapars'- $160 for 25 words - AllOntario, 171 newspaper - $350 for 25 wore AIlCanada 572 nea ars-$e974for 25worfds For further InformatIon pIeas.e caîl the Whîtby.Free Press Ciassifileds - 658.594 A

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