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Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 27

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CORNEILS AUCTION BARN* FRIDAYs FEB. 7 AT 6S P. Washstand, qty. wooden kit- chen chairs & tables, modem wood lathe, qty.,new brasslampa, oak -& pins lumbe, qty. china, ,,gass& husehold items. Mor ètSils net weekc..IU wlshingto consign to this sale or upcoming sales, contact: DON'OR GREG CORNEIL SAUCTIONEERS - RR #l, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 To listen té these pé e their w oc, cMl 1-416-Ã"76-1991,I enter code ý3 when promüpted, enter 1 for personal ads and then the box number in the ad. .-..or you can browsethrough ail of them. You will be billed'on your phone bill for 99$ per minute toa' maximum of 3 minutesI SINGLE GUY, 341, i15 ooking for a. single, young, lady for, Faàting, relaianship. Enjoys mofitorcycles, 'ak out &,long walks.Reply ta .Bx ot HANDSOME- MALE, 32, seeks; establishe>d,ý aider ladies. Very- discreet.,Reply ta. Box 1008. ATTRACTIVE, SLIM LADYý looking for nice, single gentleman, 60+, who enjoys dancing & sports. No ýhead g ames. Repry ta Box' 6000, ýc/o WhitbyFree Press, Boxý 206, Whitby, Ont. LIV 5S1 ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports,', theatre, -moves & good- conversation would like ta meet' Intelligent, ,wItty, sincers and attractive lady. Reýply ta, Box 1005. MALE-24 liesl, oves, caunt ywaflks, uietevins seekahonoet nelitfemalejor réeaionship., Not into mmnd games. Box 1002. MARRUED, MALE, '34, looking for' single or" married female- between 20 & 35 for, frienidship.ý Must be very discreet. Box -1003. ESTA BLISHED'G ENT would like ta meet ani attractive lady Who is- fit, romantic,, Into' movies, dinlng out, etc. Box 1000.- SOMEWHERE OUTr THERE has to, .bean employed, fun-loving man, "ge30 -ta 40; 'for a professionai pretty, full-figured momof wo.Box 2002.1 LATIE 309, Christian man, good laoking, stable & casual dresser enos àspsrts & sIghtseeîng,. seeks looWing, .lit,"& sincere hnistîan fml, 30 ta 40, for -casual dating. Reply ta Box 1006. B3USINESS ý LADY sek consîderate', reflned, '"stable, professionaf gentleman, 501ta 55: wyith good, sense ai 'humour for sincere relationshlp., Box 200L HI, I 'LOVE. MUSICI dancng& sprts1 have blonide hair, 22ypars o. Seeklng a tlU, romantde man.- Box .2000. - HARDWORKING,0 25, workinig, good1 tlU, seekin9 goad lac -waman. Enjays sportc -Box 1007. ý- - Ro of D*uni u honeet guy, laoking, 6'2* okIng, honest s and movies. Rose of Durham Young Parent recently -'recoived a Trillium Support, SeMvies of Oshawa grant of $18 000. ____________________ The funda wil be -used ta CWL oldsment for the uew facëilty. stud ent puÙblic Rose of Durham provides * p- speàking ,conteet port services for young inl ___________________Iothors Serviclude midividual and The Catholic -Women's ru onellinglfeklspo (CWL) of Whitby will hol4 a grans, prenatal classesnuti public spragu contest- on Sun-t ion and mes] preparation, co- day Feb2 2 p.M.,atHoly thîng exchange foir moarnsd Fan'ily Pansuh Hall, babies, a grandmotheri' group,» Thie' contest will include grade sud cou e counselling. 7 sud 8 studenta from St. Mat- -Thee of Durban grant was thew, St. Paul, St. Berna-rd sud'part of $641,00 isrluted biy St. Theresa elementary atholic teTiiu Foun dation ta 36 schools of Whitby. voluntary social'service organi- Friendsansd relatives of parti- zations i outheastern Ontaria. cipsuts are invited ta attend. the The Trillinin Foundation contest. -Refresbniiente will be operates idependenl of the served. goverumeut but with tesuppr For more information oeil 430- cf the Ministry cof Tra sd, 3457. Recréation. -1UC..TI..ON ..S ..I AUCTION SALE -KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS", Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Located on Brook Rd., Pickering,3. milesnorth of Hwy. 401,(ôexit #399). Featuring every Wed. anexcellent selection of antiques, fine furniture,, glass, china, collectibles, primitives' and the unusuals. -Sa join -us every Wed. and paýrticipaàte *in one of Ontario's 'true' auÃŽctio'n's wit h no buy-backs or'reservýes. "Consign- ment and estate 'selling our, speciahy." Caîl us tadày. Previews f rom 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683--0041 On Saturday, Feb. 19; volunteers from the York/Durham Region of the Ontario March of Dimes will continue ta, rais. public awareness about. the March of Dimes 199 fuudraising campaigu The vol*unteera wiil hold a Une of Dimes gt the Whitby MaU i-cmr 9:30 a.m. util 6 pm A long lime cf dubesided tape is stetched acrosa t»o eight-foot tables. People are encouragedta, place ý their dimes, quartera and loonies on" the line i support c f adulte with physical disabilities. - The WhitW~ Une of Dines is the second 'limer ta take-place i' Durham Region. .On Thuîsday,,Jan. 23, a lino of dimes" was held at the Oshawa Centre where. volunteers participated in a provnce wide campain ettled Dimes 'Acros Onai. Oshawa volunteer raised over $300 in nic'kels, dimes, quartera and looniesthatý day- The last 'line c f diraes, i Durham Region wl]] take place on Saturdoy,, .Feb. 5 « h Pîckern-n Town Centre fron 9:30 WfITBYFRE PRES, WEDNESDAr JAXUA1UY 29, 1992, PAGE 27, 2(..L.flI...... Rmespite services honours Vôlun teers By MzyU Wilso The Durham 'Association for Fanu esit euesrecently held thei MI >alvolunteer recognition nigit 'and annual general'meeting ~at the:Mchael' Starr bwlding ini Oshawa. with D"rIam Ceéntre MF Drummond White, presented awards ta honour the agencyse volunteers.. Those - receving five-year recognition awardà were:, Judy Rynbeckoe Wbitbry, Who bas a great deal 'of experience working with exc*ptional children, delights in sharing her ,love of %ports"and recreation CatherineTGifer. of Oshawa, who works fultime andsil ýfinds tUrne to proide constant' support to several ifamilles3, often two or threeý weekends per, month; .Frances and Keith Cooper of Oshawa, Who, provide respite to teens and aduits while < their owntwo, amail childe' who also, make their, homneý available for enmergency, situationsa; Elaine and- Scott> Spiece.'of Oshawa, *Who, with, their three children, share their home and love with a younÉ teen from .a ,epaet famil; and Breda hd Ken Stowell-Smith of Scugog Island, who while raising' a family of their own, have continued. a long-term ýrelationship with a fon i ro'Oshawa., * A heiuriylife membership was prosented to.Ted and Mintze Klumper i recognition cf thilr cncm pport ta, the assocatià foranuberof years. *The, volùnteer- board of directors was also recognized by those present., Re-elected were Larry ,Leolnard and Frank Murphy. Continuing in their termsi were Mary Labelle, -June Sàbanaki, Ln Jones, Lynn Whiteley and Pl" McLeod. Elizabeth Peacock bas been apponted representative for the Os,6hawia and District Association 'for Community Living, and Ebba Norteh ,'as'.rep',for .the- Ajaxà-Whlitby-PickeringAssoci- ation for .Community Living. .<Anne, haumsof; retiring vice-preaident, was honoured"for ber yeérs cf service on the board lw M, m NEW.ENROLMENTS NOW, Leam toDance, for ýthe Parties By Conut. Grant Arnold Duirham Regional Police Crime. Stoppera sud Durham Regional Police need the ùlic's help in solving. a robbery that occurred iu Whitby on At about 8 a.m.,- a female emla ee wa a workring at the Olco ~station at 1M19 Dunas t. E. < tr DMpng a bank 'thle victim left the business suan kethr eil parked in the south end of thé lot. The victim unlocked ber car sud opened the' driverfs door.- The v-ictirn was then rbed ou the right shoulder sud ]pulled violently around asn e a al ta the ground aganst a fence. Due ta the force of the attack, the victin, dropîped ýtho«' dpstbag thatt was picked up by the suspect. The suspectwas 1 t en running in a southest direction tawards the Toys R UsËzoeU5 etis described as male white, a.ed 16 ta 20,54f. 6mdirty-blonde, straighte houlâer-e. t _aj, werga black balaclava, black waist-length 1.ca dýr ari gea pants sud dirty white'running s3hoos., Are-euactmeut of the rebbery will be shown ou C ITY-TV (chanuel 57 cable 7) oTurayJan. 3 urng hw sd1 p.m. uews. ilaso be shown, on CHM-TV in-i'erborough sud CKVR in Barrie'on Friday, Jan. 31, gain during the uews., Crime Stoppera will pay ,up ta$ 1,000 in cash for information leading to the arrest of the robber. Police feel, that seveÈal witnesses travelling ou Glen HI Dr. at the Urne of the mbbeý might. have seen -the susnect. D you hve, suy .ps regarmng auy other crirninal orences? If so, oel~ e Stoppra Similar cash rewards will be paid for information>, leadg ra anarreatim any seriaus crime. The Durham Regionalý Crime Stoppýera lhotline is 436-8477 (that'a 436-TIPS), sud isopen 24 houi r dgy,' ve daya week. The phone numbereau be dialed frlmMost areas cf the region, free, of chare If- this numbei.l long distance, ýyo"u au call collect or calMtrugh your l>ocalDuirhanReéi' Police number sud ask for Crimùe Stoppera. Céls wiil nover be traed, or recorded. You will not be required ta idontifr yourself or havéetogo tocourt. Il I k DUNDAS CENTRE, GUARDIAN DRUGS 220 DundiasSt. W.' Whitby Open 7 oays a Week Including Holidays FREE DELIVERY, AIl Drug Plans Accepted, 430.-21999 I k URGENT CARE 'WALK IN, Medical Clinuic 220 Dundas St. W. Whitby'- NVo'Appîntment Neoessary 668-7899 - w ~ A citizens' board adininisters the Crinie Stoppers prograin of which there are now over 850 in North Arnerica. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which iliay be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario Ll H 7K8, 1 1 1 am gets $18

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