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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 10

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..... . . 4 h M i . , .. n. Whitby Courthouse Theatre is holding auditions 'for its,'third show of the soaeon, ooàmý Seric,'byJohn. Muray and In this celassic American farce, bmuaz reigne as, a determined b t-hrkeprd >erlaunche. on. wild achemo after another, in a dspeat.attmptto open a pho beoreho nd isentire cnst arevited.fr aBrodway Therére 1 a.ro.. and two ýf.maI. rgo. Ibis playIo, being directodbyJoan Roantr;e. Auditions wil b. held at the. theotre 'on ESunday, ol> 16at i p.m.andrMonday, Feb. 17 at 7:30' nTe thoatre i. Iocated at 416 Centre St. S. in'Whitby. For more inomaincontact Roantree at 668-7938. '1 RON WINDLJNG (left),, Michael Roantree and Raz Michaels in a scene from the upcoming Whitby- Courthouse Theatre suspense drama 'Nuts.' The play will run Feb. 13-i5, -Feb. 20-22 and Feb. 27-29. Tickets are available ýat Lafontaine Trading Post in downtown Whitby or eall 428-3795. Photo by Mark Recoor, WhItby Freo Pro.. AGOl underfundinàgaffet"Station Gallery Future exbibitions at The Station Gallery will b. aifected if tbe Art Gallery cf Ontario (AGO) doesn't receive a $6-million in- crease in fiïnding from the pro-. vincial governmÉent. That's the !fear 'exrised by Station Gallery memb e if tbere is. a cutback in -funding te tbe Ontario gallery. Over tbe'past 25 y ears, the Art, Gallery cf &ntanc hasregularly circulated exbibitions te somne 40 galleries' and institutions in' Ontano, including The, Station Gallery. But a decade cf underflunding from the Ontario overnment. could p lace the. AGOsa outreach and educatien programs in seri- eu s eopardy. he AGO needs an «imnmediate THE TOP 10 CD'S 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1.Biyan Adams WAKING UP THE NEIGHBOURS - A&M 2. Enya SHEPHERD MOON - Wamer 3. Elton John TWO ROOMS - Polytql 4. Natatie Cole UNFORGETTABLE - Wamer 5. Nirvana NEVERIND - MCA 6. Supertramp VERY DEST OF - Polytel Z. Michael Jackson DANGEROUS - Sony 8. Crash Test Dummies THE GHOSTS THUT HAUNT ME-BMG 9. U2 ACHTUNG BABY - A&M 10. Eric Clapton RUSH (Soundbrsk) -Wamner DENON HD8 -90 MIN. TAPES >HIGH BIAS - BEST FOR CD BOX 0F 10 - OnIy $29.99 -5THCSORDN increase" of - $6 niîlliÃ"n te its operating base just te maintain programs at their current levels. Witbout the, increase, the. pro- grainsawill-b. tjerminaàted, includ- îngfutre xhbitonsatThe StationGallery. >«The. 16,000 works ,in the AGO's permanent collection are held- in truust for ail Ontarians," said AGO director Glenn LIowy. «Tii. people cf Whitby'bave a rght toese._ and.. enjoy these _wrks in -their oWn comniunity at The.Station Galleryr.»- Since 1968, ii. Station GaI- lery has.displayed some 41 circu- at MeKLjaughlin TrYopical Winds' will be presen- ted- at the Robert McLaugblin Gallery on Sunday, Feb. 9, 2:30 p.m. West African and Caribbean folk- tales will be told by skilled storyteller/perfornier George Blake. Those aged 12 and over are welcome. Admission is free.. l'ating exhibitions ýfrom 'tbe AGO,mh and bosted 31 AGO 'Art- ists with Their Work' progranis and two Speaàkers' Slervice pro- grams. The' Station Gaillery.is urging Whitby residents to write te local. MPPs in support 'of the AGO0 effort te obtain the. necessary funding. .-wf ...... The Whitby Courtbouse' Theatre is. presenting tbe following plays. for tii. 199»/3 season:, Ih. Wizard, cf Oz' (Nov. 5 te 21, 1992), 'Murder at the Howard Jobnsons' -(Feb. 18 te Marcb 6, 1993) and 'Catch Me If You Can' (April 22 te May 8, 1993). Those interested in directing one cf these plays sbould'cal Henry Scbregardus at 430-7446 by Marcb 16. 1 Wbiýtby resideut toehe'folk art By Mario Boucher Madeline Simpson has always loved folk painting. "My mcm was dcing folk art and I kept asking ber to do., some for niese she encouraged me to make my own. art stuif, sbe says. Simpson bas been painiting for tbe lasteight years, h first exhbibtion of her work took place last mnth at tbe Whitby Public Library. < She currently teacbes folk art lessons- in night school ý programs at Aniderson CVI and at Village Arts and Crafts in.' Pickering Village, wbere sbe also ïnstruct seminars on Saturdays. "You get e xposed- to a lot of ideas so9 I reallyenjoy teacbing at both places,» she says. ' Simpson says fcilký art is a lot like'knitting - e«ýiu û1olW apattern." Sbe says she-recently did -custom Work for a, couple in Oshawa.- «II did', bons for a front door cof a bouse. It wasý done on a custom piece wood, and tben I designed it," she'says. Simnpson saYs ýtbe boons now hang r the. front door and tbe piece goesitb tiédesign cf thé lcouse.. Itwas very interestiaig to do," sbe' says. The Whitby native. says sbe wasà -întroduced to folk art tbrough a gift certificat«' for leàsons and supplies. S$he is a member of the ICanadian GuifId of Folk' Painters Guildcrest'Chap)ter and ýthe National-Society cf -ToI.. ancf' DecorativePaintrnc «Tii.e Guildcrest Chapter is a locaibsdgid ewiha person who enjoys foUc paintin g would ýfind, membersbip both enioyabie and ëneficial, 'she sayo. «Simpson s'ayýs-the» membersbîp includes morithly meeî,ins witb demonstration's,an- annual ýsbow and'a bimofitbl newsletter. Six times ýa year members cf the National Society receive-a magazine with informýation on the Iatest products and ideas- for projects, sbe says. Simpson sayâ the club bas approximately 75,000 'members- in Canada and tbe United States and organizes «a ae annual 'convention tbat. offers a variety of éininars b publisbed painting instructors and the laàtest :in new ideas.» Her paintings and custom work'are 'available at Yours Truly' Cards and Gifts at 220 Dundas St. W. «It's somietbinq, I really like doing n I get a lot cf< isatisfaction from it,» abe says. %. le NV WHIII3Y ARTIST MADELTINE SIMPSON poses' with two of her'creations. Some of Simpson's art' was featured'recently in a display at the Whitby' Public Librairy. Phýoto byMîrk Roomor, Whitby Froc Prou. rit. II!!MIM! 7<Oý K< AVK£N $ 5. e9 5 (GSTInl'e) February l3th, l4th and l5th Fresh R~ed Snapper é Calamari Stitfado (in Filo Pagery) oCabbage Rolis (Avgolemono Sauce) Above includes Greek Pastry Our Regular Menu is Always Available (GSI included) RESERVE NOW!! STREET, SOU 'TIL WHITBY 90 608-0778 il 1)1()Lýk floi-111 t")l 4() 1) - -- 1 1 1 - Fresli Flowers en LA DI ES -L"Il, 1 1

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