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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 1

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e si-l Studet fed uwth wrorl By hMark:Reesor .Mcre'.than 400 ,students walked- out of Father ýLea. J.- Austin Secondary* School in. Whitby Tuesday morning to pro- test their teachers' work-to-rule camnpaign. .The students picketed - the schoal befare heading off through the rain ta join students fromn Paul Dw'er igR'h School. for the march te board headquarters in Oshawa. .At leaàt 310 Whitby students made the soggy trek. , Student a rganizer Karen Achong says stuidents are fed up because "they're taking away ail aur freedomî. * «We have *no after 1-schoal acti- vities, no dances, no non-uniform 'as -- ail our trips that have been planned for -over a. year have been canceled -- we're sick of it. We want it te end naw."* Achongt says the baard bas ta realize that students are suifer- in g «and. we doin't want any more.» Feflowý student Carlo Raponi says students have been teld the teachers' campaign could last until June. Raponi says the wr-erl really hurts becàuse it came over exam time -- "nane of us cauld get, any help for exams.7 "When 3 p.m. cornes, the tea- chers ýare outta' bere,» adds Achong. inm walking home, and the teachers- are- goin g out faster than we are.» Separate- school board chair- persan Tom Qîdmnan said a spe- cial board'meetng was to have been held today (Wednesday) ta deal with.concerns over the tea- chers' action. Qîdman says situdents don't blame the board for the situa- tion. ."The students are in aà very difflicuit situation -- the teachers, are marking their exams... what are tbey really going to say té the tahers?.,,. '«They're certainly not 'as con- cerned as ta what the. boards, gain gta do ta them as. they waud be their own teachers.» Qîdman says f Ne studen ts met with the -board's director'of edu- catian after the march «(and) when we clarified exactly what the positions are, the students quite clearly saw that the board bas given a very generaus offer.» 01dm an stays th e director wil, T present the students concerns at today's special fmeeting.: mI-aiire'-the students,e he adds. «"I think they're s howing incredible gumption , Finm quite poud o the- fact that, in",a prafessional way, they're puùtting forward their cancerns. "«I think it's a credit te6 the students, that- .they -stand -upfor what.they. se. te be right.» Teachers' union, leader' Blair: Marris w as. unavailable, for 'comn- FATUMREO J. AUSTIN istudnts pofltffthdr toediha wxI*-tôru1e oernpign. Students say they'Ire Seught in fthe middle, and am deanding tbat seingbe dôme PbrkItw & m I2yMaro Boucher Mare tan 100 residents filled the meeting hall at the Whitby municipal.buildinlg Monday even- inàg. te 'protest a ýprqoased tewn- bouse'teveIpment an McQuay Blvd. near the Canadian, Pacific Railway- (CPR) and soutb of RasslaÏd Rd. The proposal calis for 23 block tewnhauses sautb of Beecroft Ct. an McQuay Blvd., 31 block tewn- bouses north of Broakdale Cres. on McQuay Blvd. andl 33 block townhouses oppositeJacob St. on McQuay Blvd.- The meeting'lasted over three hours, with -angry--residents. clearly opposing townhouse deve-. lopment in the area. One resident said' they wauld not welcome the new residents if the housing. project goes ahead asscheduled. e, e ton t «Itake great ecpti nt that, s'aidcouincillor Rossa Bat-.- Ail residents said the develoj ment is tao cram~med wit bouses, and the look of the build- ing wasgly and an 'eyesare.» Drharaàm Malik; the arcbitect for the project, said he tried ta make -the buildings as pleasant 'okngas passible but everybody has diférnttastes. «We tried very hard te bar-* monize the new development with the bouses in the areai» he sald Chairpersan af the. planning and development committee,- Joe Drumrn, said the zonng is in, placeý and, the Town asked the province for low, denity for that area but was refused. He said 'if the Tw turns, daw.n the develpment com- pletely, there cold, be, legal action againsât.theTowin. "T'heý provinc said 'noc, it's no, Drunm said 'the -staff got the best, possible ,site plan'undeèr 1theý circumstances. Many of the residents said they would like ta approach the Ontario, Municipal Board (0MB) te try te change the density.- "I, always beieved -that the quality of life would be deter- mined by its.citizens,»ý said resi- dent Peter Bherer. He'said the Town usàhould have the guts te -stand 'up >ta the province» te elp h ae4th en;vîronnmýnt, unlie someo:f'the river areati in Tarante.-' -Residents were concerned about becoming wbat they describedi as, another Scar- borough-tyrpe area, with the, co-ap housing-projeet.' «I won' live with that gar- bage, said resident Dave MXur- ray. - Council r Dennis Fax said he neer ba3Ihd acoiplaint abouit oophoisig »*a nd t 'he ' people v1fr . hosé'p*ets are as 44,wd 'n'a éfiy 01 , «Let'q send him < the developer) on bis wiay,» said Murray. 'Iis , is. government far. the, pol,,said-resident Frank Tur!- ner in9icating. the. big audience in tke hall. Turner, said this is a chance. "or tbe elected bady te listen". because- "thé- people here can't* accept that-it can't be changed. «W e voted, you in so .wbywon't yauq do what we wantp~asked resident Jaty Murray. Fax said, the, develop er bas as much right te be, there' as the residents. «We as a council have ta follow. the law t be said. Resiclet Dave Wall said resi- dents fýel. betrayed by council and sbould find any loaphale possible.' .Other co ncerns, for the resi-, dents include the increase in" traffic and what, they -feel, are teo - i b* 0 e.i 0 > 0 0-o 41 614t 4ý à,&!& AI& MNqà,,N»» ot'.6'dk jk M-4wmý ý- ï , di 'à ýý

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