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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 19

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WBITY FrE PRMS WEDNESDÂY, PEBUARY 5. 1992 PAGEC 19 Ambition Is when, a person ..... ... > c nsiders an alarm c ock their -.best friend and flot a nuisance. ~~ iIo bws tty rates by the PIIECISION SKATING 3 gold or Wlhiby eao Local teains 'picked- up three go Id medals and a bronîze over the .weekend at the Whitby in-' vitational precision skating coin- ,petition. The Whitby Ice Angels (novice) teani, defending Cghadian cham- pion, edged out Brampt9zn for top, honursintheîgodd final. Brampton hadbeen labelled as the tamu to-beat, having placed firet in Lavai a- nd Uniionville 'eanlier this'seas'on. The Ane1smade itto the gold final -in iojiville but failed to place, o winning gold just one week later was sweet revenge. The .Whitby Iýe Pye (senior) teani was pLeed fîrst in the senior finalby ail seve 1n Judges. Ice ýye,,alsoý won gold in Unionville, their' first -competi- tion of thiesieason.ý The W hitby Ice Elusions (adult) ,team. were,'strong, too, earniflg 'goldý in the adult, final an. impr ovement over their silver medalfinish, the weekend before. - The Whitby -Ice Pix <juvenile) teai'surprîsed ,every-one by earning a bronze medal in the' silver-finaàlsa t both the Whitby an dUnionville competitions. This was -a, majoraccomplish- ment for he teais Ince so many of its members moved up to the novice level this'year. ýA 'large percentage of the ska- tors now, in the Pli une are new. to p recision skating this year. I ce e and Ice .EMusions are coachedrby Cathy Dalton, Ice Angels by Jodi Jones and Ice Pix by Mona Gibney. The four teams travel to Ottawa on Feb. 22 to compete at the Eastern Ontario champion- ships, hosted by the, Mfinto Figure Skating Club., t ~Àtad........p..... Whitby,,,&M-,;Meats mAjor atom A teiiwon'their opening,, best-of-five hockey playoff series with three straight wins over Oshawa.. * The seres opened in Wbitby, with the 'teamn missing three forwards who were in -Quebec on a sehool trip. So with a late cal for help from. Mike Hamilton, Jainie Giles and 7im Fennessey, who ail chipped in with hard work,Whitby won a close, tight-checking contest 1-0, the lone goal coming off the stick of Derek Ackford, with excellent assists from, Paul Heinnich and Shane Neil. Chuck Coles, - with some outstanding goaltending, held Oshawa off the scoresheet to perserve the victory. 1Two nights later in Oshawa for gamne two, stili mnissing the three players, once again Hamilton, Giles and Fennessey realiy made their presence feit. Giles carne up with three goals and one assist, Hamilton a goalI and two assists and Fennessey a goal as Whitby skated away with a 9-3 decision. Mike Orviss had a goal and two assists, Mathew Smith a goal and two assiste, Shane Neil and Paul Heinrich a goal and an Novim 'vi iDomditSe The Wbitby novice selects, sponsored by Provincial Signe, recently won the Dorchester annual ingette tournament. Wihitby, dominated opposing tearnis and outscored themn 41-5. Whitby. beat Dorchester 15-3 and Exetér'by 13-12 and 13-0. Heidi Schlitt recorded her first shutout of the season. Jessica Brownridge. and Lindsay Freemnan'had 13 points each, Jennifer Leighton 12,- F'rannie 'Foy 10, Nicole Freeman and Melazue Laroque with nine points ea*ch, Kara, Byrnes seven, Cà rdwélg Vicki point assist each, Josh- Huether 'and StacY 'Bremnrïé twa assists-eéach, Derek Ackford, Paul Chornobay and Ryan'McArthur one assist The following night, with al the troops back, Whitby nailed down the series win with a 7-2 victory in Oshawa. Ackford scored two goals and an assist. With one goal and one assist each were Neil, Terry, Flaherty, Smith and Heinrich. Bremner and McArthur each had, two assists, and chippingin with one assist were MacDonald and 'Chorniobay. Whitby now takes on Peterborough Thursday in a best-of-five series. Young is lst> pickIJLyRmn Kirk Young of Six Nations was the first pic k by Brooklin Red- men in the- Ontario Lacrosse Association major draft on Feb. 2. Redmen had the fourth pick overaîl and selected Young, who had 41 .goale and 41 assista for Six Nations in junior A lacrosse last year. He was the league's gus Thistles, -was Ted Dowling of Mississauga, who. had. 64 goals and 23 assists in. only 15 gaines last season. Derek Grahamn of St. Cath- arines was picked second overal by Owen Sound North Stars. He finished with 26 goals and 41 assists. Damrs Kilgour of St. Cath- arines was sèected third overaîl by Bramnpton Excelsior. Kilgour- was leading scorer in junior A last year. Redinen, defending Ontario champions', also selected Kevin Heer of Kitchener-Waterloo in the second round Jeremy Stod- dard of OrangeviÏle in the third round, Larry Downer of Peter-, borough in the founth round and Jason Feddery of Brampton in the fifth round. Peterborough did not partici- pate in.the draft. Thed'maidir 'tean i i*l -'meet n-aienn febrary tp ralj«f a' -e btýv MEMBERS of the Ice - Image precision on- Saturday during competition. at skating teamn from Burlington perform Iroquois Park. Photo byMbark Reaor, Whltby Freo Preu Peeweo dOwn Osh'awa lyf The Whitby major peewee A hockey tearn, sponsored by Casey's Restaurants, defeated, Oshawa Red Wings three games to one to collect the six points needed to advance to the second round of hockey playoffs. In the first gaine on home ice, WhIitby had the gaine well in hand with a 3-0 lead until late in 'the third period when the Red Wings came stormrng back with two fast goals. Whitby nianaged to hold on to win the llrst game of the senies. Scoring for Whidtby were Rob Morris, Mark Reid and Craig Lanegger. In the second gaine at the Oshawa arena, Witby ýwas a little overconfident and felI 4-0 to the very aggressive and determined Red Wings, tying te series 1 Third gaine in the i3eries, also on Oshawa's home ice, Wihitby came- out flying and soundly -defeated the Red Wing 3-O to regain the lead in the series. Goal-scorers were Morris, Reid and - Jason Robinson. Al teain menibers helped contribute to goaltender Ryani Unwin's first shutout of the series. In 'the fourth gaine, in> the first peniod, strong goaltending by Kimberly Sinclair of Whitby was second overaîl in the pre- novioe category at the 'National Gymnnaýtics Met' in Mankhani Feb. 1. 1 Sincîpgir, of the Gemini Gym- nastics C, lub, was finst in'vault, second on bars and third on both beai and faoon. She posted her results in the pre-novice national categp ry. Alisha Conahan.OfC aen- th Matt Visconti kept the Red Wings off the scoreboard. Early in the ýsecond period, with a goal froin Justin St. Onge, assistedby Jason Linden, Whitby took the lead. The ýthird period was a seesaw battle with the Red Wings scorin at t1be halfway mark to tie the gaine and'keep their hopes alivýé in the series. With bass then -five minutes' Ieft, Whitby s St. Onge scored his Brooklin-Whitby - Dodd & Souter tween C ringette teain earned- a silver medal- at a ingette tournamient in Ottawa. The tournament started' with a bang, Friday- afternoon w'Ith a very 'exciting 5-4 win over West Carleton, with'Taniara Wiesiolek ' ong tha winner in the- last minute of play, Satunday, Whitby played Arnpzior 'ta a 7-7. tie, and then bast 6-'2 ta a very physical Cyrville This set up a key gaine Sunday morning with Alinonte, a teai that did not lose 'a single gaine in the tournanient. Knowing they had to win or tie ta advance to the final, Whitby traded goals in an exciting see-saw battle. Whitby went ahead- in. the second peniod, only to have Amante camfe back and take thýe lead. Whitby tied the gaine at 4-41 before Aimante went ahëad again. With only about oône minute te play, Angéla Dunn, scored te tie the gazne at 5-5 and' send Whlitby into1- the final againist the saine Almonte tearn., Atr ail of the high-sconixi ~~ tlie second goal of the game ta give IWhitby the lead for good. Teain members, are goaltenders Ryan Unwin, Matt Visconti; defencemen -Jason Linden, ,Paul <Webb, - Chris Stevens, Bryden «Denyes, Ryan McKin'non; *centres' Craig Lanegger, Rab. Morris, Stevre Austin;. right wingers. Mark Reid, Jusfin ,St. Onge, Chnis Hartwell; left wIngr.Shw gger, Jason Robinson and Chad Parker. struggle With, excellent' goal- tending on' both' sides.. Whitby again scoiàd in the last minute of - la!y but Almonte prevailed 2.1- ta win the gold medaL. Ths was-the only gaine Almonte sconed leas than five ,goals in the tourney. Forof Whitby's five1 gaines were ýdecided'-by' one goal or les. Th.7ree of the gaines were decided in. the last minute of play. Scoringi hetunament for Whtby:Lsa Corcoran, thre C a, six assists; Amne enderson five goals, four assiste; Luanne MacKenzie, Lthree goalsiý, fIve assists; Angela Dunn, tlreeý C als, one assiat; Ainsley Hunt, Four assista; Brea Blight, three assista, and Lindsay Millard, two assista. .Samantha Sheppard was outstandingî n galthroughout thé tournameënt- especially in the two gaine 1s.against Almonte. Canmpeau, Millard .and Blight did an excellent jDbý quarterbacking plays and controling the defence, thnoughout the tournamnent. Whitby also played a tween B gaine. on TuiesdaY, begting Mankhamn #1 4-1. Wiesiolek () -e"-

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